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Created November 18, 2019 15:05
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UFW or Uncomplicated Firewall
UFW or Uncomplicated Firewall is a program for managing a netfilter firewall designed to be easy to use. It uses a command-line interface consisting of a small number of simple commands, and uses iptables for configuration. Ubuntu 8.04 Comes with ufw - a program for managing the iptables firewall easily.
To check the status of UFW:
sudo ufw status
To turn UFW on with the default set of rules:
sudo ufw enable
{ note
If you’re using a cloud or virtual server, you need to allow incoming SSH connections so you can connect to and manage your server. To configure your server to allow incoming SSH connections, you can use this command:
sudo ufw allow ssh
An alternative syntax is to specify the port number of the SSH service:
sudo ufw allow 22
To disable ufw use:
sudo ufw disable
To Allow specific rules on ufw
sudo ufw allow <port>/<optional: protocol>
example: To allow incoming tcp and udp packet on port 53
sudo ufw allow 53
example: To allow incoming tcp packets on port 53
sudo ufw allow 53/tcp
example: To allow incoming udp packets on port 53
sudo ufw allow 53/udp
To Deny specific rules on ufw
sudo ufw deny <port>/<optional: protocol>
example: To deny tcp and udp packets on port 53
sudo ufw deny 53
example: To deny incoming tcp packets on port 53
sudo ufw deny 53/tcp
example: To deny incoming udp packets on port 53
sudo ufw deny 53/udp
To delete a Existing Rule
For example, if the original rule was:
ufw deny 80/tcp
Use this to delete it:
sudo ufw delete deny 80/tcp
You can also allow or deny by service name since ufw reads from /etc/services To see get a list of services:
less /etc/services
Allow by Service Name
sudo ufw allow <service name>
example: to allow ssh by name
sudo ufw allow ssh
Deny by Service Name
sudo ufw deny <service name>
example: to deny ssh by name
sudo ufw deny ssh
Allow by Specific IP
sudo ufw allow from <ip address>
example:To allow packets from
sudo ufw allow from
Allow by Subnet
You may use a net mask:
sudo ufw allow from
Allow by specific port and IP address
sudo ufw allow from <target> to <destination> port <port number>
example: allow IP address access to port 22 for all protocols
sudo ufw allow from to any port 22
Allow by specific port, IP address and protocol
sudo ufw allow from <target> to <destination> port <port number> proto <protocol name>
example: allow IP address access to port 22 using TCP
1. sudo ufw allow from to any port 22 proto tcp
Deny by specific IP
sudo ufw deny from <ip address>
example:To block packets from
1. sudo ufw deny from
Deny by specific port and IP address
sudo ufw deny from <ip address> to <protocol> port <port number>
example: deny ip address access to port 22 for all protocols
1. sudo ufw deny from to any port 22
You may use status numbered to show the order and id number of rules:
sudo ufw status numbered
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