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Virtual AIO using Vagrant

Date: 2015-06-30 22:00
tags:aio, vagrant

Create a Virtual All-in-One(AIO) using Vagrant. This blueprint covers how this will be achieved using the Vagrant Virtualbox or Vagrant Libvirt-KVM Providers.

Problem description

To hasten develop and testing of Openstack-Ansible, this blueprint proposes using Vagrant to setup a virtual AIO environment.

Proposed change

Provide Vagrant provisioning scripts that run through the install steps from the AIO Quickstart Guide

A Virtual image used by Vagrant, called a vagrant box is easily built using the following steps.

  • Download Packer. It has MacOS, Linux and Windows support
  • Git clone the chef/bento github repository.
  • Build an Ubuntu Vagrant Box with 120GB. Building a custom vagrant box ensures that the vagrant box has the latest operating system updates and proper disk file size is set. Virtualbox and Libvirt-KVM both make use of sparse file-systems like VDI and Qcow2. A Vagrant Box therefore is less than 2GB when built. The disk can then expand to the set file size. Building a new vagrant box using chef/bento is quick. It takes only 10-15 minutes with a 10MB/s internet connection. Below is an example of how to build the Ubuntu 14.04 Server Vagrant box using the chef/bento Packer templates.
  • vagrant-triggers is a Vagrant plugin that provides an easy way to checks the existence of the git release branch or git tag mentioned in the environment variables, before the VM is configured.

Building a Vagrant Box for Virtualbox

git clone
cd bento
packer build -var "disk_size=122880" -var "headless=true" -var "vm_name=aio" -var "box_basename=aio" -only virtualbox-iso ubuntu-14.04-amd64.json
vagrant box add builds/ --name "aio"
vagrant box list

   aio                (virtualbox, 0)

Building a Vagrant Box for Libvirt-KVM

git clone
cd bento
packer build -var "disk_size=122880" -var "headless=true" -var "vm_name=aio" -var "box_basename=aio" -only qemu ubuntu-14.04-amd64.json
vagrant box add builds/ --name "aio"
vagrant box list

     aio                (libvirt, 0)

Shell Environment Variables

After a Vagrant box is created, and added the vagrant box list, the following shell environmental variables are available to customize the Openstack-Ansible AIO install.

(* - Mandatory Options)

  • * AIO_OPENSTACK_RELEASE: The Openstack-Ansible Git release branch to use in the AIO build. By default this is an empty string. If it is not set the AIO_TAG is checked.
  • * AIO_TAG: Openstack-Ansible Git repo tag. Use either AIO_OPENSTACK_RELEASE or AIO_TAG. The Vagrantfile checks if a user has set both and stops to ask the user to unset one of the environment variables.
  • AIO_HYPERVISOR: Can be either "virtualbox" or "libvirt". Default is "virtualbox".
  • AIO_VAGRANT_BOX: Name of the Vagrant box to use. Default is "aio"
  • AIO_MEMORY: Amount of memory in MB. Default is 8192
  • AIO_CPUS: VCPUs consumed by the VM. Default is 4.
  • AIO_STOP_AFTER_BOOTSTRAP: If set to 1, the Vagrant provisioner will stop after bootstrapping AIO. It will not run any playbooks.
  • AIO_BOOTSTRAP_OPTS: Applies additional BOOTSTRAP_OPTS as described in the AIO Quickstart Guide.

Example 1: AIO Build using a release name

export AIO_OPENSTACK_RELEASE="stable/mitaka"
vagrant up

Example 2: AIO Build using a tag

export AIO_TAG="13.0.1"
vagrant up

Example 3: AIO Build, bootstrap AIO only

export AIO_TAG="13.0.1"
vagrant up

Example 3: AIO Build, on the libvirt-kvm hypervisor

export AIO_HYPERVISOR=libvirt
export AIO_TAG="13.0.1"
vagrant up

Example Workflow

This section describes the proposed process the user takes from start to finish on a Ubuntu-KVM hypervisor

dpkg -i vagrant_1.8.4_x86_64.deb
cp packer /usr/local/bin/
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/packer
git clone
cd bento
packer build -var "disk_size=122880" -var "headless=true" -var "vm_name=aio" -var "box_basename=aio" -only qemu ubuntu-14.04-amd64.json
vagrant box add builds/ --name "aio"
git clone
cd openstack-ansible/scripts
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
export AIO_HYPERVISOR=libvirt
export AIO_OPENSTACK_RELEASE=stable/mitaka
vagrant up

Behind the Scenes

  • The virtual machine is started, based on the default values in the VagrantFile and shell environment variables set.
  • After the virtual machine is started, the Vagrant provisioner runs scripts/
  • Then the provisioner runs scripts/
  • if AIO_STOP_AFTER_BOOTSTRAP is set, then the provisioner stops here. otherwise it runs scripts/

The vagrant-virtualbox provider, installed by default, is supported on Mac/Linux/Windows.

The vagrant-vibvirt Vagrant provider is supported only on Linux



Playbook/Role impact


Upgrade impact


Security impact


Performance impact

AIO will be slower using the Virtualbox hypervisor beycause Virtualbox does not support nested Virtualization.

Libvirt-KVM, does not have this limitation, therefore, performance is better.

End user impact

None. The virtual AIO is for testing and development

Deployer impact


Developer impact



Requires Vagrant 0.8+

Requires VirtualBox 4.x and higher or Libvirt 1.2.10 and higher



Primary assignee: skamithi

Work items

  • Create a VagrantFile that provides virtualbox and libvirt support.


Manual Testing. Not sure of a way to automate testing.

Documentation impact

Virtual AIO Setup Documentation can be part of the AIO documentation.


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