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Created March 12, 2013 04:38
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public class Solution {
Special cases:
* A.length == 0 && B.length == 0
* A.length != 0 && B.length == 0
* A.length == 1 && B.length == 1
[2], [1,3,4]
public double findMedianSortedArrays(int A[], int B[]) {
// Start typing your Java solution below
// DO NOT write main() function
if(A.length == 0 && B.length == 0) {
return 0;
} else if(A.length == 0) {
return findMedian(B);
} else if(B.length == 0) {
return findMedian(A);
} else if(A.length == 1 && B.length == 1) {
return (A[0] + B[0]) / 2.0;
} else {
double mA = findMedian(A), mB = findMedian(B);
// watch out for cases when both two arrays become empty in the next recursive call
// need to consider odd and even cases when eliminating non-medians
int deduction = A.length < B.length ? (A.length + 1) / 2 : (B.length + 1) / 2;
if(mA > mB) {
return findMedianSortedArrays(Arrays.copyOfRange(A, 0, A.length - deduction), Arrays.copyOfRange(B, deduction, B.length));
} else if(mA < mB) {
return findMedianSortedArrays(Arrays.copyOfRange(A, deduction, A.length), Arrays.copyOfRange(B, 0, B.length - deduction));
} else { // mA == mB
return mA;
// assume a.length > 0
Special cases:
a.length == 1
a.length == 2
public double findMedian(int a[]) {
if(a.length % 2 == 1) {
return a[a.length/2];
} else {
return (a[a.length/2 - 1] + a[a.length/2])/2.0;
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