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Created August 7, 2012 15:02
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SQL Server Log HTML Mail
-- Table variable to hold intermediate data
[log_date] [datetime] NULL,
[processinfo] [varchar](255) NULL,
[processtext] [text] NULL
DECLARE @NumErrorLogs INT,
@CurrentLogNum INT
SET @CurrentLogNum = 0
-- Get total number of log files from registry
EXEC master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'NumErrorLogs',
@NumErrorLogs OUTPUT
SELECT @NumErrorLogs = ISNULL(@NumErrorLogs, 6)
-- NULL in registry entry for Error Log files mean default of 6 value
WHILE @CurrentLogNum < @NumErrorLogs
EXEC master..xp_readerrorlog @CurrentLogNum
PRINT @CurrentLogNum
SELECT @CurrentLogNum = @CurrentLogNum + 1
@TableHead VARCHAR(1000),
@TableTail VARCHAR(1000)
SET @TableTail = '</table></body></html>' ;
SET @TableHead = '<html><head>' + '<style>'
+ 'td {border: solid black 1px;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-top:1px;padding-bottom:1px;font-size:11pt;} '
+ '</style>' + '</head>'
+ '<body><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>'
+ '<tr><td align=center bgcolor=#E6E6FA><b>ROW ID</b></td>'
+ '<td align=center bgcolor=#E6E6FA><b>Log Date</b></td>'
+ '<td align=center bgcolor=#E6E6FA><b>Process Info</b></td>'
+ '<td align=center bgcolor=#E6E6FA><b>Process Text</b></td></tr>' ;
---Create HTML mail Body
SELECT @Body = ( SELECT td = row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY I.row_id ),
td = I.log_date,
td = ISNULL(I.processinfo, ''),
td = ISNULL(I.processtext, ''),
FROM #ReportSQLErrorLogs I ( NOLOCK )
--- Filter only necessary information
WHERE I.processtext NOT LIKE '%error log%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%Database backed up%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%Logging SQL Server messages in file %'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%Authentication mode%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%System Manufacturer%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%All rights reserved.%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%(c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation.%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1)%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%SQL Trace ID%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%full-text catalog%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%Server process ID is%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%starting up database%'
AND I.processtext NOT LIKE '%found 0 errors%'
-- To extract information for last 24 hours
AND DATEDIFF(HH,I.log_date,GETDATE()) <=24
XML RAW('tr'),
-- Replace the entity codes and row numbers
SET @Body = REPLACE(@Body, '_x0020_', SPACE(1))
SET @Body = REPLACE(@Body, '_x003D_', '=')
SET @Body = REPLACE(@Body, '<tr><TRRow>1</TRRow>', '<tr bgcolor=#C6CFFF>')
SET @Body = REPLACE(@Body, '<TRRow>0</TRRow>', '')
SELECT @Body = @TableHead + @Body + @TableTail
--- Send HTML mail
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = '', -- Mention email addresses separated by semicolon
@profile_name = 'DBA', -- Change profile name according to your own
@body = @Body,
@body_format = 'HTML' ; --Mail format should be HTML
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