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Forked from arikfr/
Created March 9, 2015 05:10
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab:autoindent:
import os
import sys
import requests
import filecmp
from fabric.context_managers import hide, settings, prefix
from fabric.api import sudo, task, run, cd, env
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
from fabric.colors import green
def get_latest_release():
response = requests.get('')
if response.status_code != 200:
exit("Failed getting releases (status code: %s)." % response.status_code)
sorted_releases = sorted(response.json(), key=lambda release: release['id'], reverse=True)
latest_release = sorted_releases[0]
asset_url = latest_release['assets'][0]['url']
filename = latest_release['assets'][0]['name']
return asset_url, filename
def link_to_current(version_name):
run('sudo ln -nfs /opt/redash/{0} /opt/redash/current'.format(version_name))
def restart_services():
# We're doing this instead of simple 'supervisorctl restart all' because
# otherwise it won't notice that /opt/redash/current pointing at a different
# directory.
run('sudo /etc/init.d/redash_supervisord restart')
def find_migrations(version_name):
new_version_path = '/opt/redash/{0}/migrations'.format(version_name)
current_version_path = '/opt/redash/current/migrations'
with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True):
compare_command = "diff <(cd {} && find . | sort) <(cd {} && find . | sort)".format(new_version_path, current_version_path)
result = run(compare_command)
new_migrations = []
for line in result.split("\n"):
if line.startswith("< "):
new_migrations.append(line.replace("< ./", "").strip())
if new_migrations:
print "New migrations to run: "
print ', '.join(new_migrations)
print "No new migrations in this version."
return new_migrations
def update_requirements(version_name):
new_requirements_file = '/opt/redash/{}/requirements.txt'.format(version_name)
with settings(hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True):
result = run('diff /opt/redash/current/requirements.txt {}'.format(new_requirements_file))
new_requirements = result.failed
if new_requirements:
run('sudo pip install -r {}'.format(new_requirements_file))
def apply_migrations(version_name):
new_migrations = find_migrations(version_name)
if new_migrations and confirm("Apply new migrations? (make sure you have backup)"):
for migration in new_migrations:
print "Applying {}...".format(migration)
with cd("/opt/redash/{0}".format(version_name)):
# Double sudo isn't a mistake here. It's needed on GCE/Debian based installs,
# that don't allow passwordless sudo -u.
run("sudo -u redash PYTHONPATH=. bin/run python migrations/{}".format(migration))
def deploy_latest_release(should_link=True, restart=True):
# Get file & extract
asset_url, filename = get_latest_release()
version_name = filename.replace('.tar.gz', '')
print "Deploying version: {}".format(version_name)
directory_name = '/opt/redash/{}'.format(version_name)
with cd('/opt/redash'):
with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
print green("Downloading latest version...")
run('sudo wget --header="Accept: application/octet-stream" -O {} {}'.format(filename, asset_url))
print green("Unpacking...")
run('sudo mkdir -p {}'.format(directory_name))
run('sudo tar -C {} -xvf {}'.format(directory_name, filename))
print green("Changing ownership to redash...")
run('sudo chown redash {}'.format(directory_name))
print green("Linking .env file...")
run('sudo ln -nfs /opt/redash/.env /opt/redash/{0}/.env'.format(directory_name))
if should_link:
if restart:
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