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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Secrets from a creative writing project in 2007


  • My father touched my breasts and then went to touch my vagina, but I rolled over, so he couldn't.
  • I was curiously sexual with girls when I was young. Looking back now it's strange and makes me feel uncomfortable being in this I don't know it.
  • I think that the person I love most in the world is the person I hate most. And I mean LOVE and HATE.
  • I feel like I'm lying every time I say "I love you" to anyone besides my sister.
  • im scared that im too selfish to ever love anyone but myself.
  • I haven't cried in quite a while. I am now, after reading what everyone has written. I wish someone was here to hold me.
  • I wish I had the moral apathy enough to be anorexic and addicted to cigarettes and coffee.
  • I have hidden cameras in my washroom. Sad thing is I live alone.
  • I was raped by someone I went to school with. They didn't kick him out. Not even when he threatened have a gang break my face and kill me. The DA dropped the case because I had been drunk when it happened. My whole school, including my boyfriend, turned on me, calling me a whore and a liar.
  • I want to get into Iggy Pop's pants.
  • i got a tatoo from a completely loaded stranger in the back of an rv.
  • This site makes my balls itch.
  • In a night that went on forever I revealed all my secrets to a girl I never slept with while on a lot of mescaline and now I have no secrets.
  • I was in a really bad car accident at the age of 9. While I was unconscious I stood in a warm tunnel looking toward an orange spot of light that I now believe was the opportunity of death. I chose to stay on earth. I'm glad I did.
  • my roomate is an asshole
  • i brutally destroyed sam mowe at nbalive
  • I know your secret: some of these secrets were stolen off past postings of
  • I said NO before he slid his penis inside me without a condom. I felt pleasure when he was inside me.He came inside me and I came with him. Does it mean that I had actually wanted it? Does it legitmizes his action?I had two drinks; I am a lightweight. Was I raped by my ex-boyfriend?
  • I've never made a promise to myself that I've kept.
  • I'm in love with my professor
  • I have no resolve. After being hurt so bad that I cried for six hours straight, I still can't not pick up the phone, and I can't ignore IM's from him. I feel pathetic and alone.
  • I trusted my ex-boyfriend by having sex with him without a condom. I later found out he cheated on me with another guy.
  • I can't say no to anything that he wants from me.
  • I want to learn to trust and love again after a broken heart.
  • I thought that coming to California would bring me so many opportunities, and that I would be so much happier than at home. Turns out, I wasn't ready to move on from my family, love, friends, and home.
  • love in the time of cholera would be better than this shit.
  • I wish I could ask my girlfriend to lose weight. I'm scared of her meeting my family because I know my dad will criticize me for dating a fat girl.
  • I have a computer program that lets me trace every computer that posted on this website.
  • I dont trust therapists because my mom bacame one to deal with her own issues. it didnt work for her, so dont do it.
  • I really am beautiful in every single way, but Christina Aguilera is an ugly whore.
  • Sometimes I hate Occidental more than anything, and I can't imagine staying here. Then I realize I don't have anything better to go to back at home because I break every relationship I have by pushing them away.
  • I really have no interest in the person I am seeing, so whenever she is around (she's around quite often) I get drunk because it's the only way I can tolerate the relationship. The fantastic sex helps too.
  • wait... to whoever said "sometimes i think i should of joined theta and then i think about the coke problem and i'm glad i did not"....i had NO idea theta had a coke problem...
  • I wish I could ask my girlfriend to lose weight. I'm scared of her meeting my family because I know my dad will criticize me for dating a fat girl.
  • I just ate a vast amount of pasta and now I feel like i HAVE to go and puke.
  • I already know who I'm going to marry.
  • When I was a little boy I was molested by countless men in my neighborhood, sometimes I think its a punishment. I think that the only relationships I will ever have will be based on sex, because that was what I was conditioned to as a child.
  • This site produces and reproduces gender, race, and class inequalities.
  • sometimes i think of terrible ways to kill a person.not necessarily just that person but also his/her family.this is because the root of the problem is a part of the person. And this root comes not necessarily from him/her but from their greatest source of influence -- if there's an issue, is it not better off to kill the whole family? preferably that person last?isn't it great to find such joy in the suffering of others? or at least the thought of causing such suffering?
  • He said he liked me and he had a big crush on me. I had sex with him. He told me later that he was straight and it was a one time thing. I won't tell anyone who it is, but if I did, it would ruin his whole masculinity complex. Everyone thinks he's such a man. If they only knew.......
  • Everyday my heart throbs and throbs. I want to tell him I love him. Why doesn't he figure it out? I just want to be loved by him.
  • I've liked this oxy girl since soph, but I am pretty sure she has a bf from another school in LA. I really hope that something will happen next year, because she is too great of a girl to pass up.
  • I want to love so badly that I stalk guys that I like...Facebook always helps....
  • i hate how girls think of me as a friend when all i want to do is fuck the shit out of them. I need to get my fuckin nut on
  • I love being with guys, but sometimes I contemplate being with a girl because it would be easier.
  • Everytime I see a muscular man, I think about how ugly my body is, and how I want to commit suicide.
  • I had sex with a 14 yr old when i was 18....we're still in love....the last part was a lie, unfortunatley the first part wasn't. DONT JUDGE ME fingers crossed
  • I spilled soy sauce on my roommate's sheets. it was just a drop tho. i called her right after. i felt really bad. why did i have to eat the sushi on HER bed????? i feel so dumb sumtimes :(
  • i told a lot of people
  • Sometimes I hook up with girls and never tell anyone that I'm bi.
  • I think that men leave me because of my big nose and hairy body.
  • When I was 14, I met a 25-year-old seminary student online. We became good friends. A couple years later, we developed somewhat of a crush on each other. When I was 17, he bought a plane ticket for me to come visit him. We both knew it was a bad idea, but I went anyway. I never told my parents or even my friends where I went or what I did that weekend. I ended up having sex with him in his apartment about two blocks from his seminary. He could've gotten expelled if anyone had found out about him having sex with a 17-year-old boy. But no one ever found out, as far as we know.
  • My roommate and I used to be best friends, but she quit liking me when I quit drinking. I hope the girl she's rooming with next years makes her miserable.
  • My brother molested me and tryed to rape me. I escaped because I went to college, my mom still won't believe me. Nothing will ever happen to him because of this. I wish my brother would die so he can't hurt anyone else.
  • I usually don't use soap when I wash my hands.
  • It was years before I really stopped cutting myself.
  • I think Oxy is really fucked up when it comes to diversity issues. I am now paranoid that every person of color hates me just because I'm white. I don'''t think anyone should be judged based on skin color. I think it's really hypocritical to have the MLK room in a dorm that fosters so much race-based hatred.
  • I think that Dutch Ovens are funny.
  • I've gotten straight A's throughout high school, I've won numerous awards, a great scholarship to Oxy, but I can't bring myself to believe that I'm really even successful. The joys of perfectionism...
  • I told my best friend that I was in love with her. She said, \I'm sorry.\
  • Girls at Occidental think only about the present, not the future. The guys they are with, whether football players or pure losers are not the ones who they should be hooking up with. Guys like E, A, H, and T are.
  • I'm a white person, and I hate white people, too.
  • I'm annoyed by what's going on with the "campus climate" because I honestly dont want people talking for me. I'm a student of color and don't feel marginalized
  • Jake hates being told secrets.
  • None of my new friends here know that I am a cancer survivor. Everything they "know" about my life before I came to college is a complete fabrication. Sometimes I feel a little uncomfortable with the lies I am tellingI like to be the more attractive one in the relationship.
  • We need to move outside "campus climate." The climate is bad because it's saturated with ""dialogue." Everyone agrees that rape is badI am a person of color, and I HATE all white people.
  • I'm in it for the money. That's all. None of the social justice, do the right thing bullshit. I just want to make money.
  • really?!?!!? thats WHACK.
  • If you hit the 'refresh' button, it posts your secret again.
  • I believe Americans are completely disillusioned by what their country now stands for. No one else knows the degree to which this country disgusts me, especially since everyone believes America perpetuates values such as freedom and democracy. That is such a joke. I would NEVER get American citizenship.
  • I know I love him and I'll never get over him but he treated me like I didn't even matter. I know I didn't matter to him. I'd take him back, but I know he'd never come to me. So for now I'll just keep pretending I'm over it and fuck other guys.
  • Nothing bad has ever happened to me. Ever. Can you have secrets if your whole life has been ok?
  • I know I'm fat. But I'm also easy and because I still have lots of sex I don't have the willpower to change the way I look.
  • white people nyah nyah nyahblack people doodoodoodoo
  • this shit is better than procrastinating on facebook
  • I think I'm clinically manic depressed. One second, I'll be happy. Then literally the next second, I'll be so depressed, I want to die. Then I'll be happy again...I'm scared that it might chase the girl I'm in love with away.And I wish I could trust her enough to know that she wont.But I'm too depressed.
  • I got to third base with a girl my age... when I was 5
  • This is waaayyyy better than the Oxy Weekly.
  • I lied about my secret.
  • these are the only things i like to do: hang out with my friends, binge drink, nap, and like boys.
  • It really IS butter.
  • I'm secretly in love with the most gorgeous man on campus
  • im the prettiest girl at occidental
  • Some chick has a crush on me, and I hate her.--The most gorgeous man on campus
  • no im the prettiest girl you ugly slut
  • He hurt me, but I just couldn't get out. So I lied to my friends about what a great guy he was. They all knew, but I still stayed with him...for 3 years. I don't think I can ever forgive myself. Why did I do that? I still cry every night. Not because we're broken up, but because he broke me that badly every single day when we were together.
  • when my roomate changes I pretend I'm not looking...
  • Im gay
  • jp is a good fuck
  • people see me as always seeing the glass as half full...when its really because I don't think of life being all that remarkable, or special, at why focus on the negative if it doesn't matter?
  • I listen to shitty 80s power ballads
  • I'm not as good with girls as my friends think
  • I'm a very positive, optimistic person. But for some reason, before I fall asleep, I have terrible thoughts about people close to me dying, and the guy I loved holding me and kissing me, and taking me back. I can't believe I would dream about my family dying just so I could have my old crush sympathize and feel for me in a close way again.
  • I am always surprised when I find out that someone actually enjoys my company.
  • Sometimes I wonder if he was The One...actually, I wonder all the time.
  • I've never been in a relationship. I honestly think that I'll be some ridiculous age when I have my first relationship, which scares the shit out of me. Not really because I'm afraid to be alone, but what others will think of me.
  • I don't care what anyone says Ima be a pirate.
  • I don't think I love my boyfriend anymore. I'm just too scared to break up with him, because I know how much it would kill him. Too bad my conscience keeps me from cheating on him with someone I could love.
  • I know where every bathroom is on campus so that I can purge after I eat.
  • Hooking up with "straight" guys is wayyyy hotter than hooking up with gay ones."
  • My best friends lost her virginity to the guy I had a crush on. When he cheated on her a week later, I had to be there to comfort her.
  • Sometimes I think about killing myself just so I could stand at the back of my funeral and hear all the nice things people had to say about me.
  • You sound like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
  • some girls in the library are really annoying me
  • i wear a fat suit at all times because i don't want people to know im actually pretty.
  • This campus makes me feel like i'm barely here, it smothers my potential.
  • Last semester some girls were puking in the library 3rd floor old building bathroom, it was fucking up the plumbing so much that cleaning staff had to post a sign that said \to the women who keep vomittingi want my family back.
  • I never use toilet seat covers, cus I know everyone else does
  • I think CTSJ, is a pointless major that reflects the disturbing campus climate at oxy, and should not have replaced the legitimate academic discipline of anthropology
  • I had an abortion while I was with my boyfriend and I didn't tell him, plus it wasn't his
  • I just can't stand my roommate's boyfriend, even though we used to be friends. Partly I think it's because he makes me miss my boyfriend... And partly I think it's because he's a dick.
  • There was a point in my life when I had done more sexually with a girl than I had with a guy. I'm female. And I really think I'm bisexual. I'm just scared of the judgement.
  • I rarely had any racist feelings before I came to oxy but now I do, I guess diversity didn't work so well
  • i was really hoping it was her secret. apparently, i was wrong.
  • I think that people who attempt to delineate between "legitimate" and ""pointless" ""academic disciplines" are boring whiners who should learn how to place their commas."
  • I am moderately obsessed with this guy that I see in the Cooler every day. I have NO idea what his name is.
  • Every day, I want to ask the theater majors why they are paying $40,000 a year to get a totally worthless degree.
  • I think I am pregnant.
  • i wish someone would pick me first one time in my life.
  • i just want to know if she feels like i do or not.
  • i really think the campus climate is alright. anyone who disagrees is just a whiner who needs to buy a sweater. they'll be fine once summer gets into full swing.
  • I think the Rolling Stones are far superior to the Beatles.
  • I get uncomfortable when I see people wearing those Vagina t-shirts...
  • The hardest thing in the world is to be her friend. And only her friend.
  • I'm bisexual, but no fucking women on this campus will fuck meee...come on! well...maybe they dont know..but i deserve to be hit on anyways
  • Sometimes I think I catch you looking at me and I wonder if you are attracted to me the way I want you but I don't think that I am exotic enough or creative enough for you. And I have to remind myself that you weren't glancing at me, but through me.
  • I am afraid that I am getting crazier and no meds are going to help me...ive been avoiding my friends so i wont hurt them anymore, and so they can preserve a good memory of who i used to be and who I wish I was.. to think I was normal last my brain is broken and i dont know how to fix it.. Im so afraid that I'm just going to get worse and worse..crazier and crazier until i cant take it anymore..i miss my friends..especially the one i hurt the most
  • it's my fault
  • i hate this, because all it does is get my hopes up when i think that a secret refers to me.
  • I lied about being raped.
  • to all of you posting ignorant shit - educate yourself! you may be "annoyed" with campus climate.. but imagine how frustrated the people trying to change it are. the only way we can change things is to EDUCATE OURSELVES. ps i am white. "
  • politically, i identify as a liberal. when it comes to relationships, i feel very conservative. and because of who i unintentionally surround myself with, i feel that thats a bad thing. whats wrong with just wanting a gentlemen? Sometimes I get frustrated and pissed off that I feel pressured to be promiscuous just because its college and we're supposed to "experiment." I'm a sexual beingI think the girls at Oxy are dirty, slutty-ass bitches who don't fucking clue as to what to look for in a guy. Seriously, if you want to hook up with some sleazy football player, other jocks, or wanna-be surfer white boys, you might as well go back to your local high school and prostitute yourself you little hobags.
  • i think DWA majors are the biggest douchebags on campus
  • I am secretly in love with one of my friends. Everytime he talks to me and I can't tell him how I feel, a little part of me dies. I want to tell him but Im so afraid of his reaction. I want to die.
  • It seems really weird to me that a guy who calls girls "hobags" doesn't ever hook up with them..."
  • i'm married to eliana penzner
  • This force-fed "education" you speak of has led to more division amongst students and even more ignorance."
  • Im sick of being ignored by men because they are afraid of being hit on by a gay guy like me. I feel like that is all Im going to be, a gay guy. I feel like its a curse.
  • what's with all these stereotypes of "sleazy football players" or ""wanna-be surfer white boys"? Isn't Oxy supposed to break down these blanket statement? Has the college failed?"
  • Campo needs to decide whether they are cops or just dicks.
  • I hate knowing about professors who have sex with students. It gives me moral trouble.
  • Some Oxy girls are total sluts...but not just sluts; they are diseased sluts who are probably sterile because they had had so many am i glad that i go off campus for some ass!!!! This of course does not apply to all...i like a lot of cool, non-slutty ones on campus!
  • I think the dude who said "This force-fed 'education' you speak of" is reallyThere has never been one football player in Oxy that I have met, that hasn't said something homophobic and vehemently defended it. I have had horrible experiences with every one. Football in itself depends on the macho chauvanistic persona that counteracts anything otherwise.
  • Well now you have, kinda
  • I am so sick of being force-fed diversity every other day on this campus! I GET IT OK!!!! STOP BITCHING ABOUT IT EVERYDAY!!!
  • I am a lurker
  • I love Oxy so much. But this site makes me sad for the and embarrassed by the people I think of as a part of my community.
  • I want to say I'm sorry to the one girl who's heart I broke
  • I can't quite figure out whether you like me or you just flirt with anything female.
  • I think this site is a really bad idea
  • My ex roomate stares at me really scary everytime he sees me, he looks like he's going to rape or kill me.
  • I thought about kissing him to wake him up.
  • this is fun!
  • Oops! I didn't realize your 'co-sign' was an intentional comment. I definitely wouldn't have deleted it. Maybe you should post a better secret next time so there isn't a mixup :)-Jake
  • i never thought that guilty white people and angry reactionary minorities would make me so pessimistic about the future of race relations in this country, but everyday i'm reminded of just how conservative "liberals" and ""radicals" can be. stop treating your own personal therapy like it's social activism. obnoxiously saturating campus with beliefs everyone already subscribes to will not accomplish anything but a false sense of moral superiority. the political correctness at this school is so overbearing it ends up censoring the real issues and making productive dialogue impossible. you're polarizing campus into guilty anti-racists and angry anti-racistsI want to be recognized for the things I've accomplished; I want to be acknowledged as important to someone or something.
  • I hope you overdose in your drug intake.
  • i dont know where my confidence went
  • Everyday I hope that someday I will find someone who will love me for who I am.
  • I think I am better than most people in the world
  • Everynight before I go to sleep, I imagine I was in Dance Production dancing to my favorite song. Its simple, but its one of my dreams.
  • I wish I was smarter and a better writer. I hate having to turn in work knowing that the professor is going to be disappointed with my limited knowledge and vocabulary. I hate feeling like I don't belong or that I am not good enough.
  • I cheated on my girlfriend twice, but never admitted to it. When she started to pull away, I thought I was letting her go easy in order to be fair to her, but really I just wanted to sleep with someone else. Now, I realize it was the biggest mistake of my life.
  • Man some of you are really messed up. Maybe you should take yourself out of the gene pool, give the human race a fighting chance.
  • This site is da best!!!!!!! Jake Solomon is such a cutie, i think i have a deep crush on him :)
  • my roommate drives me crazy.
  • Sometimes I think she used me to get through a rough patch. Now that everything's better for her, it sometimes feels like she has forgotten about me. That's when it hurts the most.
  • i wish i knew how to connect with people, to trust. it seems a lot of people here dont know how to do that.
  • I compare myself to everyone. all the time. for everything.
  • Sometimes, I think I fell in love with him and never stopped loving him!
  • I dream of playing soccer on the biggest stage, sending the gamewinner thundering home from the top of the 18 yard box, and seeing and hearing the stadium explode in a frenzy of noise and color.
  • Most of the time, I really, really hate all my friends. But they have no idea, because I am good at faking it.
  • I don't believe in love of any kind; I've never been given a reason or opportunity to believe it exists.
  • i dont actually like my \best friend\
  • sometimes my boyfriend puts on my lipgloss when he thinks i don't know
  • I was so gay, but I couldn't tell anyone.
  • Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin all around.
  • When I was 12, a boy in my class told me I looked like a chipmunk when I smiled. Ever since then, I smile only a small smile because I'm so self-conscious of my pudgy cheeks.
  • im the most worthwile person on this campus
  • I know who wrote \i don't like my 'best friend'\
  • I want to be under the sea, in an octopuses garden in the sea
  • When I read some of these, I'm so afraid that you wrote them about me, and that I can't fix it. And I wonder why the happier I am the sadder you seem.
  • I enjoy picking my nose and eating my boogers, and have ever since I was a kid. I try to hide it but I have a sneaking suspicion that everybody already knows.
  • i'm afraid i will never let anyone in.
  • I really can't wait to read about the character you create from all of this.
  • I have something mean, hateful, and downright despicable to say about everyone.
  • this is so much better than
  • I make more deliberately racist comments now than I ever have before, if only because everybody cares so goddamn much.
  • I know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
  • i hate many people
  • i can't believe that bitch did win tonight
  • I've wanted to fit in all my life. I'm here. I do. Changing yourself is worth it.
  • i think my roommate's new hair is reeeealllly ugly. its like purple or something. ew grosss its so gross it makes me want to puke. yuck. seriously everytime i look at it i want to kill myself
  • I think you're cute when you smile, you're cute when you're waking up from a nap, but you're cutest when you pout because the game on TV isn't going your team's way.
  • i think my friends shirt is quite possibly the most ugly shirt i have ever seen in my entire life
  • one of my roommates cries at nite because my other roommate doesnt love him the same way he does.
  • i wrote "booty booty booty booty rockin' all around" somehow they all knew..."
  • i am a jealous person.
  • I don't know how many times I've had random people (men and, yes, women) tell me how beautiful they think I am. I always smile and say 'thank you‰Û�. Honestly, I agree with them and I see no problem thinking that I'm good looking. I just wish that the guys HERE could see what the outside world sees‰Û_
  • My life is pretty sweet. I like being at Oxy because almost nothing I do here ever gets boring. I like being at home too, because my family is really cool and we all get along well. I feel insecure or alone sometimes too, but I usually feel better just thinking of all the cool stuff I could do with the time I have left if I ever got tired of the life i'm living now. Like be a hermit and just read books all day or be a radio DJ or be a 2nd grade teacher.
  • i can guess all of my best friends secrets....
  • its too bad youre boring and unfunny now ever since you became nice
  • I've definitely added this page to my "Favorites" list"
  • chocalate rainbows are tasty!
  • i hate all the people who write not-funny, boring things on here... like seriously get a life or something
  • All the secrets about lusting after a particular male are referring to me.
  • did you write this one cuz its boring and unfunny?: I've definitely added this page to my "Favorites" list"
  • I was so close to making it to a full year.
  • yeaa brah! like, fun is like the shit, you know?
  • the girl i wanna bone's name rhymes with bamy flaslett
  • i have a friend who really likes hotboxing rooms and drinking martinis upstairs.....its really weird.....
  • i am SUCH a tease!
  • I once pooped in a shower at University of Miami.
  • i have had sex with 179 people
  • does html work in this bitch?
  • Nope, I'm way too good for that.Love,Jake
  • The girl who feels like she's getting crazier and meds don't help should switch therapists. They help. I saw one once.
  • j bird if you were really that good you would script it to ignore/delete the duplicate secrets
  • ...she can't tell which are mine.
  • i think ********* and **** are best friends and the thought of losing them both scares me
  • As a guy, it's just easier to pee in the sink.
  • Sometimes I truly believe that I was only given one chance to love somebody. I wasted it on the wrong guy, and now that I am ready to love again, it's too late
  • I was walking in the 1st floor stacks and I caught a guy mastrabating. He was in the very back of the stacks, past that table next to the really loud fan, in a corner. It really weirded me out, but also kind of turned me on. And now when I touch myself all i can do is think of that guy in the baseball cap, beating off in the corner of the library.
  • i regret posting to this site and feel slightly worse about myself for having done so.
  • About 90% of the time, I fake it. Sorry baby.
  • agreed.
  • I like to make my boyfriend go down on me after I'm sweaty and stinky from a couple days without bathing...
  • i had too much cheese and i am farting a lot. But shhhhh, my roommate doesn't know
  • I lost my virginity in a three some...and I dont regret it.
  • I had sex in the first floor men's restroom in Fowler.
  • My ex-girlfriend told me she got pregnant and drank herself into an abortion after we broke up. I don't believe her.
  • [b]What bout BBCode?[/b] Karl is a sweaty ball bag
  • I really want to do my girlfriend in the butt, but I don't think she wants to
  • My parents put so much pressure on me. I'm expected to be this amazing athlete with a 4.0 GPA and no problems. I can't even talk to them about my problems because they don't listen and end up hassling me about my grades. I don't want to go home because I cant live up to their expectation. I just want someone who understands me.
  • So when I fell for my first girl we were crazy for each other. Then she cheated on me and so didn't my next girl. I started to think and I swore off relationship for a while because I decided nothing good could come of them. I sheltered my feelings, wouldn't let anyone in. Then I met her, I couldn't stop thinking about her. She made my day better just knowing she was there. She was the first person I let my guard down for again. Then I learned my lesson twice.
  • thank god that bitch did not win tonite!
  • I'm addicted to myspace...and alcohol.
  • I can't stop \Jammin on the oneThis is completely anonymous. Share without fear!
  • I had sex with my professor and he gave me an A. I am so ashamed.
  • I had the biggest crush on a friend of mine. If he knew he would never speak to me again.
  • My best friend dumped me for my UNCLE!! thats some shit, his 30 and shes NOT!!
  • i masterbate thinking about a bunch of football players fucking me!
  • My ex-boyfriend was an ass when I really stop to think about it he wasnt all that great and somehow I still miss him
  • i met a fire crotch once, and it still burns
  • i think i am over everyone at this school because i am better than most everyone
  • why does this school admit stupid people?
  • she told me to go play in the mud...and now i play in my own
  • My ex destroyed my confidence and now its just sucks trying to pick up the pieces and the worst is that he was an asshole and he didnt deserve me.... I want to find someone that does and that will appreciate it... but it doesnt seem like theres any of those on campus.. =(
  • im graduating in may and really dont feel as though i will be able to amount to anything for the first twenty years of my life. By the time im 42 i'll be divorced and an alcoholic and i'll still be the only one that knows i really like guys
  • I broke two relatioships by making out and I think Karma hit like a bitch when my ex-bf of 2 1/2 years cheated on me...aint that some SHIT!!!!!
  • I gave my boyfriend a blowjob in the library bathroom!
  • max ‰âÂ@ has a keg at his house
  • i enjoy breaking up couples by helping them cheat!
  • ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I feel reaaaaaally bad for people in Greek life at Oxy. Even though a lot of my friends are in frats, I think everyone in the frats or sororities are secretly awkward and insecure about their ability to make friends on their own, so they join this club of other people with no talents. I feel embarrassed for them
  • I'm the fire-crotch, and Reed, you LOVED it.S
  • i hope you know its syphilis
  • all these closeted men need to hit me up lol!
  • querida menina a beira do mar . . . my love grows deeper everyday
  • I hate my ex best friend with my WHOLE heart and wish all of the worst things upon her. My hatred of her consumes me and takes over my life. But in reality, my hatred of her stems from the hatred I have of myself, the stuff I already knew existed, but that she wanted to point out to me some more. I hate that all that she said to me was true, but did I really deserve that?
  • I told my best friend that I was in love with her. She laughed at me
  • I am a nymphomaniac yet everyone thinks I am still a virgin.
  • Mom began to believe I was a lesbian over one winter break, she made a scene cried and yelled at me, claiming that she'd die of embarrasement. It broke my heart. So I denied being anything but straight, but till this day she hopes and makes signs for my sister to go with me when I go visit my best friend.
  • I want to fuck you
  • My friend cheats on his girlfriend all the time and I feel really bad for her but I'm never going to tell her.
  • this is scary now.
  • I think about my ex a lot each day and wish there was a way we could be together again.
  • The first time I was with a woman was in a threesome
  • When ********* complains about ******* I want to wring her neck because it's all so middle school.
  • Really religious people annoy the fuck out of me
  • i was in love with my roommate for 2 years.
  • I still look at my ex's facebook everyday
  • all this racial tension makes me really anxious. i think im getting an ulcer. im white
  • I'm in favor of instigating a campus-wide war between the students in favor of Pauley hall and the students against its existence. Barring that, I propse a boxing match between the champions of each faction. I hope the Pauley kids win; they're way more fun and a lot less boring/whiny/douche-y than all the white kids who complain about them.
  • i'm a senior and completely obsessed with a freshman boy.
  • I've read every single comment here and I'm pretty sure this site is a baaaaad idea... Anyway here's a positive one:I'm happy. Don't tell anyone. =D
  • I'm 22 and I still suck my thumb!
  • My secret fantasy life would be as a famous singer, But i'll never do anything about it
  • It's annoying how people at Oxy are too dumb to know how to date. 75% of the populace hooks up with one another. 20% are in relationships long term, which is awesome, and the remaining 5% are in long distance relationships. I know I did the whole long distance thing at one point because it's easier that searching through all of the crap at this school.
  • I think it's funny a lot of girls chase after the athletes here even though we go to a D3 school. Then they complain when one of those guys treats them poorly.
  • Telefund is awesome because it is full of people who have a thick skin, which is something that most people at this college do not have!
  • Oxy admits some really weird people....I mean psycho weird...that and people who are just dumb.
  • She thought that just because she didn't say anthing, that I wouldn't find out.
  • I can't believe Oxy students let Oxy get rid of cable so easily. We pay 40 grand for no cable when other, better, liberal arts colleges pay half as much and get cable. Oxy's admin's logic was that since no one was buying OxyTv, then no one wanted it. No idiots, Oxy students didnt want to pay for cable that would be filtered through Oxy's crappy wireless, when other college get cable through their TV for free. Not to mention, some people bought Oxy Tv and shared their accounts with their roommates to cheapen the ridiculous $30 fee.
  • Now they want to get rid of the phones, and once again Oxy students are too dumb to speak up. Many students use the logic of "Well I don't use the phones anyway." That's not the point. Oxy once again is trying to cut costs and lessen the quality of its res halls. TrueI think this is a good way for people to say what they want without being bashed for racial climate crap. The Oxy Weekly just provides people a chance to waste precious newspaper space with their own whiny retorts.
  • Most of the time, I just don't care. Even when it comes to serious issues because most of them always seem easily fixable
  • I am deeper and more serious than I let on. That side of me isn't as socially attractive as my normal insane demeanor.
  • I like jelly beans
  • Sometimes I think I am really amazing. The next minute I want to kill myself.
  • i hate the fact that oxy makes such a big deal out of diversity. it's never bothered me before in my life, but oxy is making me really uncomfortable
  • I've posted a few secrets but there is a secret on here that could have been written by me but it wasn't and I'm terrified that K and E and even J are going to think that I wrote it even though I didn't. It's strange, I'm more concerned about what I didn't say then what I did.
  • I think for the most part that I am by far mentally superior to other people
  • I used to practice kissing with my female best friend in elementary school... but with a kleenex in between our mouths!
  • I think Booker T. Washington said it best; \I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.\
  • i fucking hate occidental. why the fuck did i come here?
  • eating is fun!!
  • I think you should stop being such a whore and focus more on friends
  • I HATE the girls who are obsessed with their sororities. You are ruining Oxy.
  • Guilt free cheater.
  • Don't hate because you are jealous. Sororities aren't ruining Oxy, you are. So get off your high horse and stop being a stupid bitch.
  • When I poop, my dookie twinkles. I don't know if that means I'm a balla, or just gay.
  • I am terrified to being alone, even though I act like I don't care.
  • I love my dog more than my mother...a lot more.
  • After reading how many women on here have been hurt or stayed with the wrong guy just because, I honestly don't feel any empathy for them. This same girls are the same one's who think they're the shit and that when a nice guy comes along, gives the bullshit excuse of "he's too nice." Or they look past them because they aren't the thinI'm scared that she won't care about me as time goes on.
  • my friend's roommate has a really creepy smile..
  • I love and miss my ex, and still want to be with him. But I know it's impossible because I screwed everything up, and continue digging myself into a hole.
  • lol @ the fat kid saying \There are genuinely nice guys at this schoolalso co-sign on the heroin bit
  • i have the best friend in the whole world !!!!
  • Heroin is just as good as they say it is. Actually, far better.
  • I need to take pills everyday just to get through.
  • I treat a number of my friends like shit, though they don't really deserve it.
  • I've cheated on a number of papers and tests. I've done it so much, I don't even care anymore, even though I feel a little dead inside.
  • my friends don't believe i was date raped. every time they hang out with the guy who did it, i hate them more and more.
  • you make it easier and easier to get over you... which makes me sadder every day.
  • I saw my ex-roommate jacking off in his sleep.
    1. I like Oxy. 2) The people here are not all dumb or uninteresting - why don't you find a new group or try to meet people who THINK like you instead of trying to find people who LOOK like you?? So shut the fuck up and appreciate the education and community. 3) I'm a person of color...white people, stop being so insensitive. People of color, start integrating and stop hating!!! 4)Unrelated...I can't stand listening to a close friend talk about her relationships b/c I think she's the biggest bitch to men in the WORLD, but I do it anyway.
  • I want to fuck all his friends.
  • Only one of them to get the juices flowing! I think it was only one...-Jake
  • I hate having roomates
  • As a result of the pain our confusion has caused me, and the number of times I should have given it up, I find myself suddenly able to understand why women stay in abusive relationships.I don't like relating to that.
  • I like confessions that are like "I do too many drugs" or ""I blah blah affair" or something.... Enough of these personal sartorial attacks!"
  • I've hooked up with half of the Oxy Mens Swim Team and none of them know about the other guys.
  • I coudn't date you because you were fat, and I was scared to see you with your shirt off.
  • i have a crush on this guy in my econ class with curly hair. im pretty sure he thinks im cute too, but he has a gf, and im dating someone as well. i sometimes think about what our kids would look like
  • i love smoking weed...LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! and a bit ashamed cause i think i am addicted
  • I had a well-manicured list for SENIOR SMACK and am super fucking pissed off that administration cancelled it, because now I dont have an excuse to make out with EF, who I have eyefucked for four years but never been introduced to
  • He knows that I love him, I just wish he would face the guy that loves him (me) and tell me to my face what he feels. I don't care what he says, we can still be friends. I just need closure. This is hurting me so much.
  • For a long time, the world used to bore me...sometimes it still does.
  • will someone please tell the girl that always wears unneccesarily short shorts or skirts to put on pants, her legs are not nearly as attracive as she thinks they are and nobody wants to look at them every single day...seriously
  • I'm scared I've become so desperate for any sort of physical connection that I will take anyone, not that it makes a differentce when there are no offers
  • charm baker needs to get over herself
  • i date raped a girl last friday while she was passed i feel really bad.
  • I wish I knew what he was doing for so long yesterday, but I don't think I really want to know
  • In my group of friends, I am always aware of the fact that I am a minority. I hate being a minority. I always feel that I have to work harder and look better to make sure that people don't assume that I'm 'just like the rest of them‰Û�. I know I'm white-washed and I know that a lot of people are taken aback not only when they first meet when, but also when they get to know me. Maybe it's because I've grown up in 'Pleasantville‰Û�, where everyone is a Democrat, has a golden retriever, drives a sports car and goes to private school and now, I am no better than the rest of America. maybe I've become racist against 'my kind'. The ironic truth is that I find no comfort with the other students of color.
  • this is a mean site. at least most peoples secrets don't share anything about who they are or are about. don't make your target so obvious.
  • Delta girls don't do crack!
  • i am really grossed out by the guy who doesn't wear shoes.
  • In response to the Charm baker Post: I know who you are. I think you're just jealous because you don't have as much personality as she does. You don't like it that she doesn't agree with you like everbody else does. Why don't you get over yourself. I LOVE CHARM!!!!!!!!!!
  • My roommate has become a COMPLETE tool this year. I have absolutely no respect for her anymore. She is the least considerate person I know. Whenever I come to the room and she's not there, it's like Christmas.
  • I'm a student of color, and I think Charm can't be that great. She thought a golf club created a hole of the same size. Clearly she knows nothing about shatter radii. Plus she claimed it was a hate crime and then retracted the statement in the paper. PLUS now a piece of our tuition will be spent paying for a Private Investigation for a (no longer) hate crime that anyone could have committed. For instance the crime took place between 3:00-3:30...Same time Eagle Rock High students get out. Not saying one of them did it, but plenty of people are free at that time.
  • sometimes I feel like the white people on this campus are so oblivious, so superficial, and thats why i'd never get along with them. its a problem deal with it!
  • every white person? geez ... that's bullshit
  • As a student of color, I think it is ignorant to say that ALL white students are the same. In my personal experiences, I have gotten more shit from people who look like me than people who don't (ie white people). I think it's funny how students bitch about discrimination full well knowing that many of them would get shit for it back in their hoods. Grow up, take responsibility, and stop blaming all of your problems on white people. I'm sick and tired of that!
  • My roommate closes his eyes when we make love, if you can call it that.
  • i have to poop real bad right now but i dont want to use the rest room cuz im afraid it will stink!
  • As a student of color, I have friends of all races. I don't discriminate due to skin tone. I myself have ACTUALLY experienced blatant racial discrimination, and that has not deterred me from being friends with people who are white, mexican, asian, or whatever. You could be green and I'd still be your friend if you were a cool person. I feel these handful of people who are instigating this racial climate crap are overly sensitive and can be considered racist as well. They quote Martin Luther King, but don't live up to the dream. True people of color had had to deal with a lot of bullshit, but tension will only continue until someone steps up and decides to squash the nonsense.
  • Truthfully, I think it is also pretty ignorant to say all white people campus can be superficial. Lets face it doesn't matter what color you are you can still be pretty fucking superficial.
  • i have never peed my pants before
  • Let's talk about SOUPLANTATION! Did no one else catch that? Maybe because they made it into a compound noun! Let's separate the words. Soup.....and PLANTATION! The word plantation has a very negative slavery. In southern states they renamed it to Sweet Tomatoes...probably because they know they'll get their asses beat (Southern states tend not not regulate firearms...could be cause for trouble). Let's take the focus off of Oxy and focus on Souplantation. I've been saying this for months now. Hell I'll even sign my name...anonymous my ass... -Charles M.
  • I think a lot of folk on this site are really insecure/angry/hurt/frustrated either with themselves, their community of friends, or Oxy as a (w)hole...people need help..
  • I hate my Roomate she's LOUD and she pisses me OFF!!! Sometimes I feel like throwing her cell phone out the window or down the still plotting...
  • Why is it so easy to forget the good and remember the bad?
  • sometimes I think Oxy Admnisitration/Housing is whack/useless, and it frustrates me to think that i pay 40,000 dollars for this shit!
  • I feel for the people who posted legitimate secrets to contribute to this project; only to have others, under the guise on anonimity, make jokes and detract from the real and emotional comments and plights of their peers.
  • i think that when rod stewart sings "have i told you lately that i love you" he sounds like he's taking a shit or constipated."
  • I get an unusual amount of gratification from hearing other people's problems.
  • My roommate loves to sing, but he is terrible at it. It makes me want to cry. I don't have the heart to tell him. - N
  • my roommate sucks at singing, i swear he could crack glass with his voice but i dont know how to tell him. -sergio a.
  • you guys suck! -charles m.
  • I can't read anything if I don't highlight it...
  • If you have any problems, please click suggestions at the top right and tell me whatsup/what browser you are using.-Jake
  • I know you call me Buffy the Black Man Slayer.
  • I like C's voice! -A fan
  • I wish everyone would just stop hating each other. This goes for white students and students of color. Have you ever tried having a civil conversation without trying to blame someone for something? We would all get a lot further that way...
  • sometimes, I dream that I've gotten up and out of bed, walked to the bathroom and start peeing...that's when I wake up.
  • I was assaulted by someone at Oxy; they are still here. Sometimes I fantasize about strangling them. Whenever I try to talk to my friends about it, they blow me off. I'm afraid to tell other people, because I don't want to seem like I'm just trying to get attention. I just need someone to tell me that my anger is justified.
  • i'm a sneaker addict...and I LOVE IT!
  • This site got way better when people started posting jokes.
  • The pumpkin seeds in the Cooler are gross. I have no idea why I bought them.
  • this site depresses the fuck out of me. it just confirms how shallow/selfabsorbed/narcissistic these kids really are.the sad thing is, i know im just as bad as they are...
  • RE: wish I could ask girl to lose weight- you obviously inherited your dad's fucked-upness. I feel sorry for your girl.
  • That's not to say there isn't a right time to tell your S.O. they could lose a little weight. But seriously, your situation, ugh!!
  • I'm afraid now that everything is going so well, it will all go downhill again. Really afraid.
  • The Oxy internet kind of makes me want to die. However, the internet not working is not as bad as the fuckers who steal all the bandwidth so that they can play WoW while they pirate movies. Fuckers.
  • I Love the Psych 110 program, my class was amazing today and I may be biased because I do facilitate but you all are amazing! keep up the excellent work. _Janelle
  • I am so ugly without makeup. I really can't go out in public without just SOMETHING on my face.
  • I just realized that a really good friend of mine is taking steriods and I have to figure out what I'm going to do.
  • Sometimes I feel that it's too much to ask for men to both respect me as an equal and see me as a romantic interest. Ultimately, however, I will always take the respect over the romantic interest.
  • in response to the person who thinks they know who said the first statement about charm don't know who i am. charm doesn't know who i am. TRUST ME i am not jealous. her actions are obnoxious and she says shit with out thinking it through. i would say it to her face but then she would cry to the paper and lable me a racist homophobe. she would probably then declare that my shoe size matches the size of the footprint by the spot where her windshield was broken and accuse of me helping in the smashing of her windshield.....
  • There's never been anyone I've trusted more than "Buffy the Black Man Slayer." She ""slayed" meoh and by the just did the same shit that Charm openly accused someone of doing something with out haveing ANY evidence of who actually did it...... you need to get over yourself too
  • delta has gone to shit ...
  • I get butterflies watching montages set to terrible music of Jim and Pam from the office. I watch them and literally lose interest in my own relationships
  • Jake, can you make another one of these websites that's not just about secrets? Something like \Talk\
  • everybody has something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
  • I'm the one who had sex in the pauley laundry room..and the roof of fowler..and the football field..and the academic quad..and i should probably stop listing..
  • after the class of 07 will most likely go to shit TOTALLY!!!!
  • I've been sexually active for 5 years and never have had an orgasm. Can someone take the time to warm me up and get to know me? I want some good lovin!
  • jeff is a cow
  • can someone explain to me why a drag queen can come to our campus and call gay people "faggots" and people can sit there and laugh......but if a straight guy were to jokingly call a gay person a ""fag" he would be automatically labeled a homophobe and ridiculed for his ignorance and hurtful words;"
  • Wednesday, April 11, 2007: Annual Cow Milking Contest, noon, Quad
  • awww my little chickadees, go listen to some smashing pumpkins, youll feel much better.the world is a vampiredespite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage. tell me im the only one jesus wasnt an only sontell me im a chosen one...i still believe that i cannot be savedso wise so wise.
  • lol! seriously!!!! there is such a double standard...i cant call anyone "nigger" yet hip hop uses that term all the time!
  • i was raped a couple of months ago, and am afraid to tell anyone about it, because when i told my friends about how my ex was abusive they didn't care, and having them not care or believe me again would be too painful.
  • if a gay man calls other gay men faggots, hes owning the word. just like black people using the word nigger.its taking something that was used to oppress and discriminate with and using it as a part of your identity as if to say, you dont own me.
  • It makes me upset how much some people on this campus generalize about people due to their skin color. We are all individuals, stereotypes do not define who "we" or ""they" really are or who you really are or who I really am. I know racism exists on this campus and it is very difficult to live in this hostile climate. But I wish that we could appreciate one anotheri was sexually harassed by my roommate and i feel ashamed i didnt do more to report it to the school. i now feel really isolated and disconnected from the people here on campus.
  • My ultimate revenge on stupid asshole bastard who broke my heart: lock him out of his room and have hot steamy sex with my crush of the moment on his bed. Finish the fuck fest by smoking cigarettes, since stupid asshole guy hates smoking, and then leaving the dirty condoms on his bed.
  • I'm still in love with him, but I'm with the other guy because it's easier and the sex is hotter.
  • I had sex on my friend's little brother's bed--it's been three years since that happened and neither my friend nor his little brother know about it.
  • I had sex in the library last year
  • The music at the Oxy dances generally sucks--not everyone likes rap and I wish they'd play a variety of songs. House or rock anyone?
  • I am afraid that I will never love or be loved the way I want to, because I cannot bear to completely trust someone. There is not a single person in the world that I could tell everything to.
  • I really wish Maria (the Latina MP register lady) would talk to me in Spanish too. She doesn't realize that I'm latina and I feel left out when she talks in spanish to the other latino students.
  • I wasn't racist until I came to oxy
  • I am so glad I joined Theta.
  • I regret more things than I can count.
  • Um why do you want to call people nigger I think is the better question.
  • I think I have a drinking problem. My friend tried to confront me and I yelled at her.
  • I was had sex with my best friend for 5 years starting when we were 13 or 14. We're both female. I know a lot of girls who had sex with their best friends when they were teenagers and every day I find out about more.... Did you?
  • I think my bf is definitely the hottest football player at oxy!
  • There's a frequent intruder in our dorm. He drives a creepy white kidnapper van. I'm so scared!
  • I am so glad I am not a Theta.
  • I hate people with bad grammar. It makes them sound sooo fucking ignorant.
  • Bare Pool Lounge is one of the hottest spots in Vegas if you ask me. You can go topless, the DJ plays cool house music, and you smoke wherever you want! Sexy, steamy, tentillating--you have to experience it for yourself in as little clothing as possible ;-)
  • I'm so glad you're not a Theta too.
  • I hope the person who smashed in Charm's car window was a liberal parapelegic black lesbian woman. Stop reverse racism.
  • I had sex with a girl friend too when I was really young... I think I was curious and needed affection
  • I'm not wearing any pants.
  • I told you I liked you. You said we could be nothing but friends. I said I could do that. I lied.
  • I like anal sex more than I like regular sex, and I'm afraid to tell anyone because of the stigma attached
  • I had sex on the piano that is backstage in Thorne...and people were listening to us.
  • Sometimes I wish I had the tenacity to have an eating disorder.
  • i would hate to be called "shovel face" and a ""whore" in the same sentence among other things! "
  • i wonder who shovelface is?
  • im appreciative that my dad doesnt get jealous of my moms new husband. it takes alot of guilt away when i say i did something fun with my stepfather. but i think deep down he cares alot
  • I like stealing pickles form the sandwihich bar and eating them there when no one is looking.
  • i need to meet these closeted guys cheating on their gfs!
  • i want someone to rock my world. It hasn't been rocked in a while
  • i get paid to have sex!!!
  • are you "shovelface"?"
  • i just really wanted to have sex during relay for life...with everyone watching
  • i masturbate to gay porn every day and i'm straight
  • its so pathetic that i am still up and on this site posting this!
  • All these closeted guys need to go to a QSA meeting, its ok to be gay, everyone will love you all the same. And if they don't then you don't need them in your life. Smooches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • wham bam thank you maaaam
  • my roommate makes me feel invisible and worthless.
  • I started drinking to impress the cool kids. Now it's the only thing that will numb the pain, and i'm still not friends with the cool kids.
  • Every girl I've had a crush on, they start dating other guys and then confide in me when they have relationship problems. I wish I could tell them they create my own personal hell, but I let it continue because otherwise, I would feel lonely.
  • you don't know about Theta's coke problem because there isn't one.
  • In High School I starved myself for most of my junior and senior year.
  • I'm addicted to marijuna and probably will be for much of my life. and i dont regret it, nor want to change my ways.
  • Sometimes when I am fucking my girlfriend doggy-style, I think about slitting her throat from behind. The fucked up thing is that , when I imagine this scenario, I don't stop pumping even when she dies.
  • that is some scary shit man!!!
  • I think the people who post here are brave. I wonder what percentage of oxy students are posting here.
  • i'm a dude and i still think the process of skin on skin contact during sex is much more rewarding than the actual climax
  • im planning to kill my housemate with a powersaw and shit in his lungs. Slimy lying motherfucker.
  • I have cheated on two boyfriends and one of them doesn't know about it.
  • I don't like having sex with my boyfriend and fantacize about other men when we fuck.
  • Getting head is better than sex. unless the girl is just mad kinky.
  • This website makes me skeptical of everyone. What if your girlfriend/boyfriend is one of those not telling about how they enjoy fucking you?
  • I used you to get over him, but now I cant get over you
  • One of my parents and two out of three of my best friends has an STD. One of the friends only had unprotected sex once.
  • Half of young americans wil get an STD by the time they are 25. ( And probably about 20 percent of people will never had sex without a condom. That means that if you are having sex without a condom, you'll probably get an STD. Get tested.
  • there are so many people i'd like to fuck
  • I've known my father is an alcoholic since I was 10...before that I used to look forward to the weekends (for awhile he'd only drink when he didn't have work the next day) because I thought it was the days when he was "nice". The rest of the timeI'm falling for my HC.
  • I want to hold you even though I know its wrong...
  • This website makes me NEVER EVER want to have sex with someone at Oxy. Thank god I never have.
  • I love my boyfriend, but sometimes I wonder if just one girl will ever be enough for him.
  • I'm scared he's posted on here, and that he's talking about me.
  • I cheated on my ex with 7 different girls and had sex with a few others before her...she still thinks that shes my first....she still calls trying to be together...I dont bother telling her the truth
  • I wish I had the self control it takes to have an eating disorder.
  • no, it's really boring.
  • In high school I had a problem with girls.I was never able to be true to any of them.I lied everytime I opened my mouth and cheated on them any time I got a chance.I hope my GF now knows I would never do that to her because I love her that much.
  • I get scared every time we have sex without a condom.
  • White people are crazy. Period.
  • i like you too, but i would never admit it.
  • I have been thinking lately that slavery only ended a few generations ago. Why is it so hard for people to believe that racism still exists in us today?
  • I am so fucking horny!!! but long, slow, hot, intense sex is on the way.
  • My family never owned slaves, I've been taught nothing but equality, I fight for equality, I'm white. Why do you hate me? Why am I crazy?
  • Bitch the next time you want to ask my homeboy out on a date for your friend say excuse me before you interrupt our conversation by the way tell your friend to grow balls.
  • I had lesbian sex for the first time on my parents' bed. FUCK THEIR HOMOPHOBIA!!!
  • Sometimes, I have sex with my boyfriend even though I don't want to. I just want to make him happy. And anyway, out of those times, sometimes I start to enjoy it.
  • I Love Black people! you sexy bitches you!
  • I'm so sorry that you haven't taken or learned-of any critical theory during your time at Occidental College. Just so you know...Whiteness=insanity. Please read a fucking book. Have a nice day.
  • White people who are not the way that is proclaimed by many are comfortable enough to deal with the critique because they know it is not personal it is the ones that fight the critique that scare me.
  • Everytime my roommate's boyfriend calls, I want to pry the phone from her hand, throw it out into the hallway and tell her to talk where I don't have to fucking hear it.
  • Racism does not equal having slaves stupid your in college it is time to do some real learning. Stop walking around with your eyes closed and pretending that the world is not fucked up. And we all are a part of that why is it so hard to acknowledge your part in it. I can and I am not white?
  • I wish the girl down the hall would get help for her anorexia. You are beautiful. Please eat more than salad and tea.
  • It hella funny when you are really into someone (a guy specificly) and you find out his penis is smaller than your pinky and you dont like him anymore oh maybe that was my problem LOL
  • I didn't vote for you, even though I told you I would. I know you would just push your own personal adgena and take advantage of people as senator.
  • I hope you can get over envisioning the world as a just place. Racism, sexism, heterosexism, and ableism are an epidemic that impact us all. After that, then maybe we can have a productive conversation.
  • It scares me that people hate me just because I'm white. Now who's racist?
  • I wish my friend would stop literally going from guy to guy (sometimes overlapping) and just learn how to be on HER OWN! You are so insecure, it's sad.
  • I don't hate you. Please read the definition of racism. I can't be racist because I'm a person of color, and I can't be racist against you because you are WHITE. HAHAHAHAHA! Please take my advice and read a book.
  • I do not hate white people but I do belive that they participate in a system that is bigger then they are but because of thier fears to be labeled racist they run away fromt the real issues and say that I ahte them get over yourself!
  • I wish I could be friends with you two again. Too bad you're both self-centered bitches.
  • I'd rather be shallow than have low self-esteem.
  • Did you know that Occidental College was built on a Native American burial ground? Maybe the racism of our founding fathers has trickled-down into our interactions today.
  • All I want in life is a car so that I can separate my campus life from my personal life.
  • I wish that these women who are starving themselves would embrace a figure shit I was taught that an ass is where its at
  • i know who shovel face is
  • Everytime I see Lexuses and BMWs on campus I want to key them. What happens when Daddy takes your credit card away?
  • please take your "conversation" about racism somewhere else
  • Bitch, you know you are ugly and you wish that you could be like me, so that is why you try to look like me but yuor still an uglier version be you bitch!
  • i think ive seen more posts about girls cheating on their bfs than guys cheatin on their gfs.....basically most every one you meet in ilfe is gonna be full of shit
  • Will someone please tell Raccoon Girl to go easy on the eye shadow?? You are a joke that everyone is in one except you and it's sad.
  • Firstly, why in the hell do you feel like you have a right to talk about anything you want to on this site and I cant? I think that it's because you're white. That is called racism. Please read a book and get over yourself.
  • I can talk about what I want to bitch! ok better yet what do you wan to talk about
  • I shot JFK
  • I second the motion on the racoon girl and what about those chicks that dont bathe...I mean we can tell guys yuck!
  • I also sodomized a puppy.
  • I hide my own, and other people's feces in the salad bar in the market place.
  • I must be honest I am disappointred with the presidental candidates
  • Further evidence that white people are insane!
  • just because something says "i cheated on my bf" does not mean the author was a woman you idiot"
  • im tired of people talking shit about going to oxy. if you dont like it here then fucking leave!
  • and even now... Koons is martialing the bureaucratic smack down. I give this site another 48 hours tops...
  • Change the name of Coons!
  • chilcott needs to start sharing more secrets
  • If I hadn't caught him, he never would have told me. I'm afraid he'll do it again.
  • PUH-LEASE think of something a little less retarded to say than \get over it\
  • this one time, I was pooing, and then, almost possessed, I reached into the toilet and picked up the poo nugget and started smearing poo all over the walls and floor. i couldn't stop. there was poo everywhere. Then i took off my clothes and rolled around in it. Then I took off out the window.
  • i think PUH LEASE is much worse than get over it
  • I bought this lava lamp, and it was supposed to be black, but it just looks like poo. I'm really dissapointed.
  • You! With the "poo" comments! Enough."
  • I love the Beastie Boys. Not only what they did for Hiphop and Rap music but for their rhyming skills too . When I listen to the Beastie Boys I am relaxed, and after I saw them for the first time I felt that if I died my life would be complete. It makes me sad when people hate on them.
  • i contemplate suicide because this world makes me so sad
  • What ever happened to plain old optimism?
  • I am white, and I admit that I am racist. I am, however, ACTIVELY taking steps to remove myself from the cycle of passive racism. I wish people would give me more of a chance. I try not to judge you. Try and do the same for me. At least don't stereotype me.
  • FUCK ALL OXY STUDENTS. All of you are fake.
  • I think about my friend fucking my girlfriend and it really turns me on but I'd be devastated if it actually happened.
  • I love him so much.
  • Just because you see a person with a black man doesn't mean they are objectifying him. Take your interacial prejudices with you and go to straight to hell. You jealous mother fuckers.
  • I can't swallow =[
  • \will discuss the Holocaust and how that relates to the current genocides. Desserts will be served! \
  • My friend and I came this close to pulling the fire alarm at 4 in the morning so that a dealer would wake up and sell us more weed.
  • People look at me and think i have peace of mind, i do the same to others.
  • Jake, I hate you for making this website because it's made me hate Oxy students more than I did a week ago.
  • I love hearing other people laugh, especially when they have really unique laughs, it makes me crack up
  • Most of the time i dont wear shoes....when i do wear them it sometimes lets people down. I dont know why people care about my feet in particular, everyone's got em
  • I hope he knows how much I love him
  • I have had sex in the library. more than once.
  • There's alot of hate around here, but that's okay. lets fight talk laugh party cry kiss. this is college, it is very sunny outide right now
  • I cant trust anyone becuase everyone I have trusted has fucked me over...I live in the dark always trying to let other people see what its like...even though most are the ones who cause this darkness.
  • how come it is always the other girl that gets blamed...never the guy that actully fucked her over?
  • I will never find another woman worth loving after giving up the best one in the world.
  • What's with all this "read a fucking book"? We are in college. We READI think I'm the best driver in Los Angeles....but I'm not sure if it's just because I have really good brakes...
  • I had sex in my roomates bed
  • Im sick and tired of people thinking that changing a mission statement or a constitution at oxy will have any real affect. People grow up and realize oxy is a microcausm, a bubble and the world is a dirty, mean, racist, sexist place and you are only lying to yourself if you think oxy matters, growup
  • sometimes i fantasize about a few hot men grabbing me, taking me to a remote place, pinning me down and taking turns fucking me/ raping me!
  • I also want to know who used the phrase 'fucked over' in their post at the same time as me
  • When I ended up in the hospital everyone thought I tried to commit suicide. I didn't. But I'm afraid that even though I told the truth no one believes me.
  • I used to really hate pet names and got angry when my ex-boyfriends used them. Now that I'm engaged...when he calls me "sweetheart" I can think of nothing except how much I love him"
  • why the hell is whiteness week about white supremacists, nazis and former kkk members... didn't realize all white people were all racist hate crimes commiters. I guess blackness week must be all about gangsters and thugs... stereotype racism?
  • why does oxy room draw suck? I have a good number and I still think it sucks!
  • "I can't be racist because I'm a person of color" - well THAT's certainly NOT true!! I have had racist comments said against me because I'm WHITE. If someone dislikes me because of my colorso why do you want to become a music major? you want to spend 40 grand a year to play and instrument you knew how to play before? or learn to sing? just pay $15 a lesson and get an education
  • if charm baker had purple skin she would still annoy the fuck out of me
  • I am a graduating Senior who loves this school and has had an amazing experience here, but sometimes I feel like people take my feelings and use them to label me as ignorant or racist. I know this place is not perfect, but I think it has potential to be amazing.
  • procrastination is a drug that I am addicted to...
  • I word hard for your attention, but you never treat me right. (Kind of quoted from Donna Summers).
  • There's this really hot blonde that goes here. She's sweet and cute and smart and basically perfect...but she's 6'2'' and I'm 5'7''. I hate myself cause I can't even hope for this one.
  • Only place in the U.S. where no color, ethnicity, income, and other social boundary lines exist is freeway. I am afraid that Oxy experiences for many of us are no where close to feeling of driving on the freeway.
  • i found waldo
  • People grow up and realize that "microcosm" doesn't have an ""a" or a ""u" in it."
  • I'm better looking then my boyfriend, but I pretend I don't notice. When someone else said so, I couldn't argue with her.
  • I have been fucking my good friends mom for 3 years. She is happily married, but doesn't intend to stop the sex. We have had sex in every room of their house. Neither my friend nor his dad have any idea.
  • You need to stop being chicken shit guys and using this as a tool to talk about Charm if you have the guts to put her name on here save it and talk to her.
  • I like being tied down.
  • I thought that I should bring something positive to the space...but I want everyone to know that I talk about race a lot because it is relevant in my life but I love Occidental and I dont hate anyone although sometimes you think that I do
  • My life as I had envisioned it fell apart 10 months ago. Now, every time I go out in my car alone I hope somebody else T-bones me.
  • I have been infatuated with the same asshole for four years.
  • Sometimes breathing reminds me of you.
  • I shit myself at a party. No one knows about it...they all thought it was dog shit stuck to the bottom of their shoes.
  • We all know it was you. We call you \the ultimate party pooper!\
  • Hah!
  • now that's what you call a shitshow.
  • There are things that like about you a lot Your mind is too young and I would mind fuck you and I am not at liberty to do that. Its funny hoe the world works I never understand.
  • I got herpes from my boyfriend who didn't even know he had it. It makes me so angry that people are so selfish that they'd rather pass on an STD than admit to a partner they have one. After over 20 outbreaks in the first four months, I'm stuck living with somone's selfish choice.
  • Sometimes I wonder how much freedom we have on this campus...
  • i thought i was pregnant, but i was only constipated. ouch!
  • Its wierd to me how we repress our sexual desires...I want sex so bad but it has to be with a person that I really care about although there are one or two people off the top of my head I could fuck the shit out of...LOL
  • I was standing outside norris and a poo-covered person jumped out the window and landed on me.
  • honestly, when i see you, everything stops. like, no joke. it's like my chest caves in upon itself, and i'm traped between the beats of a hummingbird's wings, unable to pull myself out of the reverie. i already know it's not worth it to try, but it's nice to be able to get it out in a way.
  • I think I have colon cancer because I'm not. Awkward!
  • LOLOLOLOLOL like oH mmm geeeeeeee ill come fuck the shit out of you right now
  • everytime i poop theres a lot of blood.
  • I live vicariously through an online dating service.
  • every day that i don't eat, i feel better about myself.
  • I like to rub poo on my face
  • This is a rip off of Frank Warren's secret's site, and his many books.
  • I love theta and I love cocaine, thats why I do both
  • by the way most of you are sick and need to seek professional help
  • we are already attending group therapy, thank you
  • I like imagining sheep while fucking my girlfriend. Dead sheep.
  • it makes me really uncomfortable when my roommate leaves our door open when I am trying to sleep but I don't say anything because I don't like confrontation
  • man I am so horny and I appreciate this space as one that I can release that just a little...sigh
  • I'm a person of color. That means I can say outrageous shit, defaming white people and their unfair, oppressive whiteness whenever I want. I can take a shit on Occidental's already fragile community with my words of hate because if you criticize me, you must be white-elitist or homophobic.
  • Hmmm doggystyle sounds amazing in the library on your desk while your studying
  • it is, you should try it sometime
  • blah blah blah I am white and my life is so hard...I would say that you dont know what that is but that would make me as invalidating as you. Rather I want to say forget what I say and deal with your own shit. Its real!
  • what does diversity mean? what does "educated mean"? what does "ignorance mean"? let's define the terms we throw around
  • I am paranoid all the time. It often overwhelms me because I cannot find a way to escape.
  • Let's throw the definitions we use out the window and just say "Yenderfook" so that we all become an undifferentiated stuff of ecstatic peace"
  • When I wake up in the middle of the night, I pee into a plastic water bottle and then throw it away the next morning.
  • I logged into my friend's computer and changed his background picture and home page to my little pony fansite. He still doesn't know it was me.
  • I want you to love me, to care. I want to be your everything...
  • if i could, i'd have sex with some of my textbooks
  • Greek life at Oxy is a haven of hatred.
  • II can't believe why you're evaluating why a gay person would say faggot, they are reowning the word. And why would you wanna say faggot? Its the same argument with the n-word. And the context in which the drag queen was saying it was comedic and empowering.
  • I sometimes fantasize that Kathy from the marketplace is my grandma
  • Victor Lopez could take 300 Spartans any day of the week
  • I once found a video of my parents having sex...I'll have to admit, it was pretty hot. So I jerked off to it. Regretably, my parents walked in on me right before I came.
  • anybody who posts something with their name in it/ about spartans is totally missing the point of this website
  • This site is low even by my standards...
  • I had sex with my high school gym teacher...and he still gave me a C.
  • I hate being on the Braun Reslife staff!
  • The only reason why I've never hurt myself and keep my emotions bottled up inside is so that people won't think I took the easy way out.
  • Residence life and Housing Services is COMPLETELY inept Room draw blows and they only have 30 RAs for next year as opposed to 52 this year...who thought that was a good idea?
  • i love my vibrator.
  • aI'm sick to death of hearing about racism, reverse racism, the racial climate of our campus, EVERYTHING. I swear, i never had issues with race at all until I came to Oxy. Now I'm so sick of being hit over the head with racism that i'm starting to become racist. WTF.
  • I feel like I NEED to NEED someone. But I DON'T WANT TO need someone. But I NEED to need someone. Problem is, no one will let me need them.
  • Putting freshman into all-freshman dorms is STUPID. I mean what. the. fuck. And having graduates from other colleges come and be H.C.'s... what was Residence Life on... really?
  • Yeah...grad students from OTHER schools is stupid as all shit...leave oxy reslife positions for actual OXY students!!!!!!
  • I'm glad that Becky Martinez is leaving.
  • Sometimes at night, I will dream about peeing for a long time. I pee and pee and pee in different situations. I think I'm going to pee the bed one night.
  • I had a threesome with my best friend and her boyfriend and i feel that i was taken advantage of in the situation and violated
  • Becky Martinez, for what it's worth, is the only competent administrator working on this campus (with the possible exception of JOB and Avery).
  • I think my roomate, who is my closest friend at oxy, is kind of a slut. But really, if there wasn't a double standard for girls, she wouldn't be a slut.
  • when you were sleeping, I put my balls in your mouth and took a picture.
  • I hate when people read through these and try to guess whose secrets they are. If it's MY secret, its a fucking SECRET cause I DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW. DUH!! People annoy me. Get over it.
  • my ex cheated on me yet i stayed with her. basically did shitty things to me yet i didnt care because i loved her. 2 years later we broke up. 6 months later im still not over it. i want someone to crush her soul by cheating on her
  • I always wish I'd fucked you when I had the chance...just to know if you're good or not.
  • I'm not sorry my roommate didn't brush her teeth. Actually, I am sorry. She's STINKY.
  • i just realized how to use this
  • i cheated on my ex...on his birthday. It was amazing and I would do it again. Besides...we were technically on a "break"...or at least I was."
  • I dont think that this is completely anonymous. Its also really sad and the people who say they are racist because of oxy are lying to themselves, they where thay way before they got here. Get it over it and stop trying to blame oxy because you are a racist!
  • i would hate it if guys called me \Shovelface\
  • Though it works in some respect, I somewhat disagree with all freshman housing. The main reason being that as a freshman I enjoyed having friends who were sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Now it seems the freshman only hang out with each other because those are the people they see the most.
  • i think the mom on dog the bounty hunter is hot
  • If I cut my hair off, would you still be my boyfriend?
  • I hate some of my residents, but I feel like have to be nice to them.
  • I became an RA because I like helping people and being friendly, but most of the time i just want to light my residents on fire.
  • I made out with my best friend when he was drunk and never told him he made out with a guy.
  • I still have sex with people without a condom after being told I have herpes.
  • my family is on welfare and i've been homeless twice
  • I am straight and have masturbated to transexual porn.
  • Sometimes I wonder if my neighbor's friends think her laugh is as annoying as I do.
  • I hate it when people of a certain race think because they are that race they are justified in using the racist terms used towards them. I mean, when something is wrong for everyone else, but ok for you, that's fucked up! Racist terms should be considered wrong no matter who you
  • I fear that I will always be alone, and never will find someone to love
  • I'm a wario...I'm a gonna Win!!!!!!
  • sometimes i think i should of joined theta and then i think about the coke problem and i'm glad i did not
  • dont you wish that sex was garenteed to be good?
  • there's such a thing as bad sex?? Not when you're with a girl like me...
  • grade A beef
  • i ate pasta.
  • my roomate just threw my dirty underwear at my neighbor's face haha
  • damn. i didn't realize so many people had such complex love problems, I just want a girl to chill under the sun with
  • i <3 B.BOY
  • me and tom have had intimate moments on eachother's bed. -anonymous roomate
  • i feel like about 75% of the freshman class is dumb
  • when i used to have sex with my ex...i would picture other guys.
  • i hate superficial girly-girls who play dumb and vulnerable to get boys...they are a disgrace to all women out there
  • I wish people would stop ignoring each other and just smile, and say sometimes! seriously though,^_^
  • i've done naughty things with cinammon.
  • I wish people would stop ignoring each other and just smile, and say "hi" sometimes! seriously thoughDon Johnson should not be president.
  • Amen to that previous statement
  • i hate the new facebook layout
  • i want to have sex with my RA
  • I like to be spanked
  • I was just in the showers and some guy next to me had no water running. There was lots of grunting. What was he doing??
  • i knew Howard K. Stern was not the baby daddy
  • I hooked up with two girls, and kissed one guy and gender funk. if I had to go back and do it again, I think I would have done even more kissing on the dance floor :)
  • The person that said this, whoever you are, i'm in love with you...\this site depresses the fuck out of me. it just confirms how shallow/selfabsorbed/narcissistic these kids really are. the sad thing isGrade A Beef?
  • honestly I wish you could fuck me but it probably wouldnt be any good
  • hahaha...thats what you think
  • Figure it out Meat
  • I like girls too
  • you love the cock
  • There are freaks at Occidental (Oh my) I like it :)
  • I believe that life is meaningless... I find it as freeing my mind...but I think it scares everyone else
  • she said she smelled something burning. i told her it was my red hot loins. it was awesome
  • you think you're so hot, but you know what? you're not.
  • oh burn
  • Why can't we all just get along? Let's stop trash talking and just be nice to each other. It's actually not that hard. Naive comment? No. Just an optimistic one.
  • cock is such an unattractive I always understood it as something that implied a lack of size...LOL
  • DICK
  • I feel intensely inadequate around other men. I feel like I look too young to be taken seriously.
  • I am addicted to this is a space to release the desires that we repress...THEY will take it away they dont like honesty and freedom
  • I still have a crush on you and wonder if you still like me. But now I'm afraid that we are too good of friends to go back to that.
  • hee hee hee. dude just said "it's not that hard". WHASSAP?! "
  • Dick is cool...I can get with that
  • wow. go back to middle school. you must be a freshman.
  • i'm scared to talk to people who live in pauley.. they all seem so exclusive and way easily offended.. i feel like if i tried to talk to them they'd just yell at me or ignore me..
  • I'm horrified of relationships, but I'm in one. I think I might actually love him. I don't know, but I'm horrified that I'll botch it.
  • to the pauley comment...i feel the same way.
  • Yeah what is the deal with Pauley?? I don't appreciate how exclusive it seems.
  • to the girl down the hall: please stop abusing laxatives. you know who you are. no one likes shit all over the toilet. stop hurting yourself and creating unsanitary conditions for others.
  • Time to bone the elf!
  • Try talking to Pauley people... even if you've encountered some not so nice people here, there are some really nice people, so try :) I mean, we're not perfect, there are always nice and mean people.
  • Dick is aaiiiiiight...CAN YOU WORK WITH THAT?
  • To the Pauley comment... that's why only 60something people applied to live there next year
  • I'm afraid he's lying to me. I wish I knew the truth
  • We need better food on campus. Tthere is so little variety for healthy food options that people either opt for the quick options and get fat or go to the extreme of an eating disorder because there is no way to maintain a healthy balance. It isn't hard to change the food up/make it healthier.
  • This site is supposed to be a place to post SECRETS, not ridiculous comments. Are oxy students really this uninteresting?
  • secret: I can see your vagina, stop wearing nonexistant skirts and shorts
  • bigger secret: i don't want to see it.
  • how is this at all uninteresting? this is the best thing since sliced bread! Wait, no, since FACEBOOK!
  • Actually, I did hear that. Don't worry. It was justified. Not very nice... but justified.
  • I am very overweight but girls still like me, I don't know why! Maybe they just want to look skinnier in public?
  • I just really like to party
  • sometimes i wonder what the people in my hall will do when they graduate and have to move into the real world where people don't come clean up their messes for them monday thru friday..
  • This campus is the most closed minded campus about being open minded it is disgusting. I have never seen so many people tell me to be open minded and than go and tell me that my thoughts and feelings on situations are invalid because I am white. Dont generalize me in white community you dont know me
  • they will sit in a pool of stinky vomit and self loathing
  • You know it's funny, these people, they go to sleep. They think everything's fine, everything's good... they wake up the next day, and they're on fire.
  • I am afraid to post any of my real secrets on this site because I think my friends will figure it out...
  • Oh yeah, Facebook. Also known as MySpace...for children
  • One time, at swim camp, i stuck a kick board in my pussy
  • I want to fall in love with her but i don't trust her and i don't really trust myself either.
  • Well as long as the swimmers are on here.... you all drink too much and party too loud!
  • I thought I found love. I don't know if it was real, and don't know if I'll ever find it again.
  • when i was in like, 2nd grade, i took a trip with my mom to the library. while i was off looking at books, some guy came, and dropped down, and shoved his hand up my shorts. i know this isn't that big a deal, but i've never told anyone. it's why i never really wear shorts anymore.
  • Well, for the person that said the swimmers party to hard and loud, stop being a pussy. We just know how to party cuz we like to party.
  • drink to much and party too loud?? who ARE you?
  • To all the swimmers on here...I LOVE YOU. Keep partying hard.
  • I've never told anyone at this school my real SAT score
  • The regulative functions of the State do not imply any sort of arbitration between social classes. That the State is entirely in the service of the so-called ruling class is an obvious practical fact, but a fact that does not reveal its theoretical foundation. The latter is simple to explain: from
  • I heard that world hunger could be solved if the grain used to provide alcohol for the Oxy swim team was used for food instead.
  • I am never touching anything in the library ever again...
  • i dont ever want what i have... only what i get taken from me... i dont trust because i know guys are as capable as girls at doing fucked up shit
  • beaner
  • I love to love to love you.
  • If you actually knew the distalllation progress of how alcohol is made and how much grain is needed for a bottle of alcohol vs how much food the grain would actually yield, you would then come to the realization that you are retarded and whoever told you that is retarded
  • You'd think I could get over her after three years. I know she's not interested anymore (was she ever?), but it doesn't help. Damn.
  • i love to touch my breasts. sometimes i black out when i am in public and don't know if i was doing it. I wish someone would predict this was me.
  • haha i like the last one
  • When I lay in bed at night and look up at the stars I wonder where the hell my roof went.
  • If I could do heroin again without it destroying my life again I absolutely would. I just want to feel that way one more time. And not with five Vicodin.
  • I hate how so many people at Oxy over analyze things and some how find some stupid fucking reason as to how everything is racist/sexist in some way... I mean come on, Oxy is not that bad, and if you really think it is try going to almost any other school in the country and see how Oxy compares.
  • I love Shavivna!
  • I agree. Go to a different school if you hate it here so much...if you can't, then we don't want to hear about it.
  • i always pick truth in truth or dare because i'm always afraid that someone will ask me to take off my clothes
  • I also agree, if you think this campus is so horrible, good luck in the real world. If some people bring the same attitudes that they have on campus about everyone being out to get them, good luck getting anywhere in the future.
  • i love how most of the people who post on this sight spouting some self righteous complaint about how this isn't right or that isn't right usually overlook the proper spelling or grammar of whatever it is they're trying to say, thus proving how truly ignorant they are.
  • i love how the person below is criticizing other people on their spelling, but spelled "site" as ""sight"."
  • I wish she knew how much she's hurting me and my relationship with him. Then, maybe she'd stop.
  • Sometimes my roommate and I make small animal noises at each other. It's almost as fun as this website
  • Do you remember that poster about all "the things I learned in kindergarten"? Every professor should assign it as reading. I think a lot of people here have lost sight of basic human values and treatment. No matter what 'side' they're on."
  • I'm trying not to fall for you, and it's a losing battle.
  • I don't think all of these secrets are true.
  • If there is the Vagina Monologues...why isn't there the Penis Monologues...?
  • "good luck in the real world"...the fact that people in the real world won't be receptive to our problems with racism and sexism is A DAMN SHAME. That statement is essentially supporting the indifference of mainstream America to these issues. "
  • Beauracracy is everywhere, even here. I came to oxy because it advertised being small and able to take care of students' needs. But I have recieved no help, no matter what I do This school is even more beaurocratic than larger schools because it doesn't have the resources. I'm tired of being sick.
  • my roomate walked in on me and boyfriend havin sex and she fuckin stayed in the room for 20 minutes. so when she went to bed we went at it again so hard that it shook her bed.
  • I lived in Pauley last year and I felt uncomfortable when I went there recently even though I loved it last year.
  • is it bad to be attracted to a friend
  • It's true, Oxy isn't that bad. But if you're unhappy, look elsewhere, there are better places. I transferred and I'm much more content where I'm at. Either try to change it or leave, bitching won't make you any happier.
  • I thought that maybe Im not over you, but that I could at least do fine, but hearing all this makes me want to go back to you despite all the shit and I hate myself for being so damn weak and wanting to return to something I know is no good for me
  • I'm stuck between being excited about graduating and dreading the rest of my life.
  • I think depression/self loathing is something that, more often than not, can be conquered without medication
  • Watching Sesame Street makes me want to have sex in a giant bird's nest.
  • i love when my girlfriend plays with my nipples. and one time her best friend licked them
  • I buy Mega Millions tickets so that if I win, maybe I won't have to get a job I hate after I graduate. Still haven't won. Still scared.
  • I don't actually care about anyone. I am only interested in using people for personal gain.
  • over spring break i got on my knees and gave some random dude head on the top level of the club... and loved every minute of it
  • How DARE you blame me! You cared about me, but for some unknown reason you're cruel now. Then you say it's my fault that your best friend then tried to rape me? RAPE ME! Now I know you better, and you will never be more then trash and a sleeze.
  • We broke up almost three years ago. I still look at your MySpace page almost daily, and all feeling is gone, but I can't stop.
  • when you wore those slacks on easter i couldnt stop starin at your ass
  • I do hate Oxy and I can't wait to leave. For those of you who say "if you hate it you should just leave" its not that simple. If things suck at this schoolWe need a strip club near eagle rock blvd so all these perverts at Oxy can release their sexual desires.
  • my girlfriend cheats on me with a four-year old. and then she babysits him, and gets paid. i just bought her a ring, and he put it up his nose, as if it were a small chocolate. A SMALL CHOCOLATE.
  • I failed you guys last night. It's the kind of failure that I think will follow me for the rest of my life. I won't forget it. Just know that I'm so, so sorry.
  • How are you guys doing in this wonderful Wednesday evening. You guys ready for macro? :) Gotta love some of prof's speech at Oxy
  • As an avid reader of postsecret, I think this website is a great idea and a change for people with secrets, who are hurting to share how they feel. Those of you posting nonsense comments, spreading lies, attacking people and posting fake secrets are ruining it for everyone.
  • I have 30 sec dance parties with my roomie at 1:30 in the morning.
  • I was drugged and raped at a party my freshman year.
  • when i saw the vaginal wall in the cooler, i wanted to come in in the middle of the night, and hang a huge "DONG" banner over all the crap that they put up."
  • When this site started, it was fun and felt genuine. Now it's a depressing bastion of hatred and ignorance that makes me feel ashamed of Oxy students.
  • i just drank maalox
  • I'm so sorry for the way I treated you last year, you didn't deserve it. I was so awful. I wish I had the courage to tell you this in person, but I'm afraid you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. I'm so sorry.
  • she knows i'm in love with her, but if i told her exactly how much i love her i think she would either not take me seriously or freak out and stop being my friend.
  • I wish you liked girls. I'll always wonder what things would have been like if that had been different.
  • I think he's lying to me, but I don't know how to get him to tell me the truth.
  • I am very proud to be a Theta and we do not have a coke problem. These women are my friends, people who I would not have met otherwise. I would be very lonely without it, trying to make friends with all the other superficial people here who never notice anyone outside of their bubble.
  • I love you. Never leave me.
  • i am glad that we aren't friends anymore because i think that you are ugly & just adapt to other people's personalities to make friends
  • maybe she loves you back, but is scared and has inhibitions about herself and you. That's how I feel about a guy. I love him, but can I handle his love?
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