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Last active April 20, 2023 02:14
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NYTElectionData: Downloads publicly available voting data from New York Times which was streamed in real-time during the 2020 elections. Data is in JSON format. Inspired by blog post:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "0.1"
__py_version__ = "3.8.7"
__status__ = "Development"
import json
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
import requests
import us
from backpack import Collection
class NYTElectionDataDownloader:
Downloads publicly available data from New York Times which was streamed in real-time during
the 2020 elections. Data is in JSON format. Note that no error capturing has been implemented.
Inspired by blog post:
Required third party modules:
pip install us backpack
# download all 50 states data from 2020-11-03
# download a list of specific states from 2020-11-03
target_states = ['florida', 'arizona']
# download a specific state's data from 2020-11-03
us_states = Collection([state.__dict__ for state in us.states.STATES])
def __init__(self, page="race-page", position="president", date="2020-11-03", states=None, save=True, rate_limit=1):
:param page: str: The NYT target page
:param position: str: The NYT position designation
:param date: str: The date data was transmitted to NYT
:param states: str: The required US states, blank captures all states
:param save: bool: Flag to save data to local filesystem, default True.
:param rate_limit: int: Limits the number of requests by provided seconds; default 1 second.
self.base_url = "" = page
self.position = position = date
self.rate_limit = rate_limit
self.states = [states] if isinstance(states, str) else states
self.states = [state.lower().replace(' ', '-') for state in self.us_states.pluck('name')] \
if states is None else self.states
self.results = self.get_data()
if save:
def urlify(self, date, page, state, position):
""" Generates a valid NYT url.
:param date: str: The date data was transmitted to NYT
:param page: str: The NYT target page
:param states: str: The required US states, blank captures all states
:param position: str: The NYT position designation
:return: str: A properly formatted NYT url
# generate url
result = f"{self.base_url}/{date}/{page}/{state}/{position}.json"
return result
def query(self, url):
""" Queries a url, respecting the data provider with a rate limit.
:param url: str: A properly formatted NYT url
:return: json: Publicly available JSON from NYT
# limit request rate
# query
print(f"Requesting url: {url}")
result = requests.get(url).json()
return result
def get_data(self):
""" Generates valid NYT urls and downloads data. """
# generate target urls
target_urls = [self.urlify(,, state, self.position) for state in self.states]
# request data from target urls
print("Requesting data for all US States, this may take up to 60 seconds to download.")
results = [self.query(target_url) for target_url in target_urls]
print("Data acquired.")
return results
def save_json(self, data, filename):
""" Saves a NYT formatted JSON file to local directory.
:param data:
:param filename:
with open(f'{filename}.json', 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(data, json_file)
except UnboundLocalError as ule:
print("No results")
return None
def save_locally(self, data):
""" Parses a list of NYT results into separate JSON files and saves them to the local directory. """
save_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'data'
save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
_ = [self.save_json(result, f"{save_dir}/{result['data']['races'][0]['race_slug']}") for result in self.results]
return None
class NYTEAnalyzer:
""" Loads NYT Election Data for analysis. """
us_states = Collection([state.__dict__ for state in us.states.STATES])
data_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'data'
def __init__(self, states=None, position="president", category="general"):
self.position = position
self.category = category
self.files = None
self.states = [states] if isinstance(states, str) else states
self.states = [state.lower().replace(' ', '-') for state in self.us_states.pluck('abbr')] \
if states is None else self.states
def find_all_files():
""" Determines what json files exist in the data directory. """
save_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'data'
file_path = save_dir.glob('*.json') #**/*
return [x for x in file_path if x.is_file()]
def get_files(self):
""" Determines which json files are in the 'data' directory.
save_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'data'
file_path = save_dir.glob('*.json') # **/*
return [x for x in file_path if x.is_file()]
def find_fraud(self):
# determine filepaths of json files in the 'data' directory
files = self.get_files()
# run fraud finder on each file
for file in files:
with open(file, encoding="utf8") as f:
x = json.load(f)
TotalVotesLostTrump = 0
TotalVotesLostBiden = 0
TrumpToThird = 0
TrumpToBiden = 0
BidenToTrump = 0
ThirdToTrump = 0
ThirdToBiden = 0
BidenToThird = 0
TotalVotesLostThird = 0
series = x["data"]["races"][0]["timeseries"]
for i in range(len(series)):
thirdPartyNow = series[i]["votes"] * (
1 - series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"])
thirdPartyThen = series[i - 1]["votes"] * (
1 - series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"])
TrumpNow = series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
TrumpThen = series[i - 1]["votes"] * series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
BidenNow = series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"]
BidenThen = series[i - 1]["votes"] * series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"]
if i != 0 and TrumpNow < TrumpThen and (TrumpThen - TrumpNow) > (0.00049999 * series[i]["votes"]) + 50:
if BidenNow > BidenThen or thirdPartyNow > thirdPartyThen:
if TrumpNow - TrumpThen <= BidenNow - BidenThen or TrumpNow - TrumpThen <= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen:
print("Index : " + str(i) + " Past Index : " + str(i - 1))
print(TrumpNow - TrumpThen)
TrumpLostNow = TrumpThen - TrumpNow
TrumpLostTotal = TrumpThen - TrumpNow
if BidenNow > BidenThen and TrumpNow - TrumpThen <= BidenNow - BidenThen:
if BidenNow - BidenThen > TrumpLostTotal:
TrumpToBiden += TrumpLostTotal
TrumpLostTotal = 0
TrumpToBiden += BidenNow - BidenThen
TrumpLostTotal -= BidenNow - BidenThen
if thirdPartyNow > thirdPartyThen and TrumpNow - TrumpThen <= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen:
if thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen > TrumpLostTotal:
TrumpToThird += TrumpLostTotal
TrumpLostTotal = 0
TrumpToThird += thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen
TrumpLostTotal -= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen
if TrumpLostNow < 0:
TrumpLostNow = 0
TotalVotesLostTrump += TrumpLostNow - TrumpLostTotal
if i != 0 and BidenNow < BidenThen and (BidenThen - BidenNow) > (0.00049999 * series[i]["votes"]) + 50:
if TrumpNow > TrumpThen or thirdPartyNow > thirdPartyThen:
if BidenNow - BidenThen <= TrumpNow - TrumpThen or BidenNow - BidenThen <= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen:
print("Index : " + str(i) + " Past Index : " + str(i - 1))
print(BidenNow - BidenThen)
BidenLostNow = BidenThen - BidenNow
BidenLostTotal = BidenThen - BidenNow
if TrumpNow > TrumpThen and BidenNow - BidenThen <= TrumpNow - TrumpThen:
if TrumpNow - TrumpThen > BidenLostTotal:
BidenToTrump += BidenLostTotal
BidenLostTotal = 0
BidenToTrump += TrumpNow - TrumpThen
BidenLostTotal -= TrumpNow - TrumpThen
if thirdPartyNow > thirdPartyThen and BidenNow - BidenThen <= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen:
if thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen > BidenLostTotal:
BidenToThird += BidenLostTotal
BidenLostTotal = 0
BidenToThird += thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen
BidenLostTotal -= thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen
if BidenLostNow < 0:
BidenLostNow = 0
TotalVotesLostBiden += BidenLostNow - BidenLostTotal
if i != 0 and thirdPartyNow < thirdPartyThen and (thirdPartyThen - thirdPartyNow) > (
0.00049999 * series[i]["votes"]) + 50:
if thirdPartyNow < thirdPartyThen:
if thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen <= TrumpNow - TrumpThen or thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen <= BidenNow - BidenThen:
print("(3RD PARTY")
print("Index : " + str(i) + " Past Index : " + str(i - 1))
print(thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen)
ThirdLostTotal = thirdPartyThen - thirdPartyNow
ThirdLostNow = thirdPartyThen - thirdPartyNow
if BidenNow > BidenThen and thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen <= BidenNow - BidenThen:
if BidenNow - BidenThen > ThirdLostTotal:
ThirdToBiden += ThirdLostTotal
ThirdLostTotal = 0
ThirdToBiden += BidenNow - BidenThen
ThirdLostTotal -= BidenNow - BidenThen
if TrumpNow > TrumpThen and thirdPartyNow - thirdPartyThen <= TrumpNow - TrumpThen:
if TrumpNow - TrumpThen > ThirdLostTotal:
ThirdToTrump += ThirdLostTotal
ThirdLostTotal = 0
ThirdToTrump += TrumpNow - TrumpThen
ThirdLostTotal -= TrumpNow - TrumpThen
if ThirdLostNow < 0:
ThirdLostNow = 0
TotalVotesLostThird += ThirdLostNow - ThirdLostTotal
print("3RD PARTY)")
print(str(str(TotalVotesLostTrump) + " TRUMP LOST"))
print(str(TrumpToBiden) + " Trump to Biden")
print(str(TrumpToThird) + " Trump to Third")
print(str(str(TotalVotesLostBiden) + " BIDEN LOST"))
print(str(BidenToTrump) + " Biden to Trump")
print(str(BidenToThird) + " Biden to Third")
print(str(str(TotalVotesLostThird) + " 3RD PARTY LOST"))
print(str(ThirdToBiden) + " Third to Biden")
print(str(ThirdToTrump) + " Third to Trump")
if BidenToTrump > TrumpToBiden:
print(str(BidenToTrump - TrumpToBiden) + " TRUMP")
elif TrumpToBiden > BidenToTrump:
print(str(TrumpToBiden - BidenToTrump) + " BIDEN")
def lost_votes(self, x):
print(f"\n\nLost Votes")
TotalVotesLost = 0
TotalVotesLostBiden = 0
TotalVotesLostTrump = 0
TotalVotesLostThird = 0
series = x["data"]["races"][0]["timeseries"]
for i in range(len(series)):
thirdPartyNow = 1 - series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
thirdPartyThen = 1 - series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
if (series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] < (series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - 0.001) or
series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] > (series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] + 0.001)) and (
series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] < (series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] - 0.001) or
series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] > (series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] + 0.001)):
if i != 0 and series[i]["votes"] < series[i - 1]["votes"] and series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"][
"bidenj"] < series[i - 1]["votes"] * series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] and series[i]["votes"] * \
series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] < series[i - 1]["votes"] * series[i - 1]["vote_shares"][
TotalVotesLost += series[i]["votes"] - series[i - 1]["votes"]
print("Index : " + str(i) + " Past Index : " + str(i - 1))
print(series[i]["votes"] - series[i - 1]["votes"])
TotalVotesLostTrump += series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"] - series[i - 1][
"votes"] * series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["trumpd"]
TotalVotesLostBiden += series[i]["votes"] * series[i]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"] - series[i - 1][
"votes"] * series[i - 1]["vote_shares"]["bidenj"]
TotalVotesLostThird += series[i]["votes"] * thirdPartyNow - series[i - 1]["votes"] * thirdPartyThen
print(str(TotalVotesLostTrump) + " TRUMP")
print(str(TotalVotesLostBiden) + " BIDEN")
print(str(TotalVotesLostThird) + " THIRD")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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