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Created November 26, 2008 09:44
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Save liquidz/29337 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
| Simple Gauche Web Framework
(define-module sgwf
(use www.cgi)
(use text.html-lite)
(use sxml.serializer)
(use gauche.interactive)
(use simply)
(export main ssf-main render)
(select-module sgwf)
(define *self-module* (find-module 'sgwf))
(define *action-parameter* "action")
(define *default-action* "index")
(define *now-action* "")
(define *view-extension* ".html.scm")
#| *-PUBLIC-*
; =main(default)
; ---------------------------------------
(define (main args)
; =ssf-main
; ---------------------------------------
(define (ssf-main)
(cgi-main (cut parse <>))
; =render
; ---------------------------------------
(define (render . options)
[(string? (car options))
; action指定
(output/template (car options) (cdr options))
(output/template *now-action* options)
#| *-PRIVATE-*
; =make-cgi-header
; ---------------------------------------
(define (make-cgi-header)
(cgi-header :content-type "text/html;char=utf-8")
(define (output/template template-name args)
(let* ((ls (simple-input #`",|template-name|,|*view-extension*|" (r port-fold cons '() read)))
(params (r fold (lambda (x res)
[(keyword? x)
(cons (lambda (in) (eq? in x)) res)
[else (cons x res)]
) '() args))
(srl:sxml->xml (apply list-replace-all (append ls params)))
; =cgi-params->hash
; ---------------------------------------
(define (cgi-params->hash cgi-params)
(let1 hs (make-hash-table-wrap)
(lambda (x)
(hs (string->symbol (car x)) (cadr x))
; =do-action
; ---------------------------------------
(define (do-action action cgi-args)
(set! *now-action* action)
(eval (list (string->symbol (string-append "do-" action)) cgi-args)
; =parse
; ---------------------------------------
(define (parse params)
(let1 action (cgi-get-parameter *action-parameter* params :default *default-action*)
(let1 res (do-action action (cgi-params->hash params))
(list (make-cgi-header) res)
(provide "sgwf")
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