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Created September 16, 2021 14:49
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Solution for - CodeSignal - Reverse In Parentheses
// 1. Find the pairs of parentheses
function getStartAndEndIndexes(inputString) {
const regularExpression = /\([a-zA-Z]*?\)/;
const execData = regularExpression.exec(inputString);
if(!execData) {
return null;
const startIndex = execData.index;
const endIndex = execData.index + execData[0].length - 1;
return {startIndex, endIndex}
// 2. Find the part of the string we need to reverse
function reverseParentheses(startIndex, endIndex, inputString) {
// before the parenthesis
const startSegmant = inputString.substring(0, startIndex);
// the parenthesis
const parenthesisSegmant =
inputString.substring(startIndex +1, endIndex);
// after the parenthesis
const endSegmant =
inputString.substring(endIndex + 1, inputString.length);
return startSegmant + reverse(parenthesisSegmant) + endSegmant;
// 3. Reverse the string
function reverse(string) {
return string.split('').reverse().join('');
// 4. Repeat until all parentheses are replaced
function reverseInParentheses(inputString) {
let indexes = getStartAndEndIndexes(inputString);
while(indexes) {
const {startIndex, endIndex} = indexes;
const newString =
reverseParentheses(startIndex, endIndex, inputString);
inputString = reverseInParentheses(newString);
indexes = getStartAndEndIndexes(inputString);
return inputString;
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mehunk commented Jul 28, 2022

What about this?

function solution(inputString) {
  let str = inputString
  const re = /\([A-Za-z]*\)/g
  while (re.test(str)) {
    str = str.replace(re, (substr) => substr.slice(1, substr.length - 1).split('').reverse().join(''))
  return str

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My solution in python

def solution(inputString):
    loop through each letter
    define a list which will represent a stack of strs to reverse
    when ( add a new str to top of stack
    when ), pop the most recent str, reverse it and add it to the next str
    if there is no next str in the stack, append the str to the result str
    result = ""
    stack = []
    for letter in inputString:
        if letter == "(":
        elif letter == ")":
            temp = stack.pop()[::-1]
            if stack:
                stack[-1] += temp
                result += temp
        elif stack:
            stack[-1] += letter
            result += letter
    return result

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Solution For Kotlin

fun solution(inputString: String): String {
  val list = startAndEndIndices(inputString)
    var outputString = inputString
    for (pair in list) {
      val wordToReverse = outputString.substring(pair.first + 1, pair.second)
      outputString =
        outputString.replaceRange(pair.first + 1 until pair.second, wordToReverse.reversed())
    return outputString.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")

private fun startAndEndIndices(inputString: String): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
    val stackOfLeftBraces: Stack<Int> = Stack()
    val startEndIndexPair = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
    for (i in inputString.indices) {
      if (inputString[i] == '(') {
      } else if (inputString[i] == ')') {
        startEndIndexPair.add(stackOfLeftBraces.pop() to i)
    return startEndIndexPair

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Solution For Kotlin

fun solution(inputString: String): String {
  val list = startAndEndIndices(inputString)
    var outputString = inputString
    for (pair in list) {
      val wordToReverse = outputString.substring(pair.first + 1, pair.second)
      outputString =
        outputString.replaceRange(pair.first + 1 until pair.second, wordToReverse.reversed())
    return outputString.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")

private fun startAndEndIndices(inputString: String): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
    val stackOfLeftBraces: Stack<Int> = Stack()
    val startEndIndexPair = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
    for (i in inputString.indices) {
      if (inputString[i] == '(') {
      } else if (inputString[i] == ')') {
        startEndIndexPair.add(stackOfLeftBraces.pop() to i)
    return startEndIndexPair

thank you @mahmed1987

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mdavit commented Feb 7, 2023

Solution for Swift

func solution(inputString: String) -> String {
var result = ""
var stack = String
for letter in inputString {
if letter == "(" {
} else if letter == ")" {
guard let last = stack.popLast() else { continue }
let reversedString = String(last.reversed())
if let lastStack = stack.last {
stack[stack.count - 1] = lastStack + reversedString
} else {
result += reversedString
} else if let lastStack = stack.last {
stack[stack.count - 1] += String(letter)
} else {
result += String(letter)
return result

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