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Last active May 23, 2022 14:46
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LaTeX template for Pandoc to create PDFs in standard manuscript format with both short story and novel layouts.
% manuscript.latex
% Copyright (c) 2022 Don Melton
% LaTeX template for Pandoc to create PDFs in standard manuscript format
% with both short story and novel layouts.
% Version: 2022052301
% Usage:
% pandoc --pdf-engine xelatex --template manuscript.latex -o out.pdf
% YAML metadata or Pandoc command line options are used for configuration.
% Basic keys:
% title: full title (default: Untitled)
% author: pen name (default: Unknown)
% wordcount: formatted and rounded number string
% surname: last name in numbered page header ("author" if defined)
% keyword: shortened title in numbered page header ("title" if defined)
% version: optional label centered in page footer
% novel: boolean to select novel layout instead of default short story
% Contact information keys:
% name: full name (can be "author" if defined)
% address: street address
% location: city, state and zip code
% phone: telephone number
% email: email address
% extra: optional extra information
% Appearance keys:
% mainfont: main document font (default: Times New Roman)
% monofont: mono document font (default: Courier New)
% underline: boolean to use underline instead of italic for emphasis
% papername: document size (default: letterpaper)
% margin: document margin on all four sides (default: 1.1in)
% uppercase: boolean to uppercase all titles
% subtitles: boolean to use paired second- and third-level chapter titles
% Pandoc "title-meta," "author-meta," "header-includes," "include-before"
% and "include-after" variables are also supported.
% Markdown conversion:
% "# Text" book part or chapter title
% "## Text" chapter title
% "### Text" sub-chapter title
% "***" scene break rendered as "#" character
% Avoid using block quotations, lists, verbatim blocks, tables, footnotes
% or other non-typical fiction manuscript content.
% configure document to use 12-point text
% configure document fonts
\setmainfont{$if(mainfont)$$mainfont$$else$Times New Roman$endif$}
\setmonofont{$if(monofont)$$monofont$$else$Courier New$endif$}
% dynamically configure allowing strikeout text and/or
% optionally configure using underline instead of italic text for emphasis
% configure document size and margin
% use 1.41-inch margin for 25 lines of text per page
% enable fancy header and footer
% enable double spacing
% configure all sections to use same font and font size as paragraph text
% required package for some conditional logic
% use counter to ensure only one chapter is visible per page
% create alias for starting chapter page
% configure top-level sections ("# Text" in Markdown)
% on first numbered page: start new page if not first chapter
% on other numbered page: always start chapter on new page
% increment chapter count
% configure second-level sections ("## Text" in Markdown)
% on first numbered page: start new page if not first chapter
% on other numbered page: always start chapter on new page
% increment chapter count
% configure third-level sections ("### Text" in Markdown)
% don't number sections
% configure PDF metadata
% configure lists
% configure tables
% replace any horizonal rule ("***" in Markdown) with "#" character
% force first line of all sections be indented to match paragraphs
% disable default header rule
% disable left-side header
% configure right-side header
% hide it on first page of short stories and title page of novels
% configure center footer for optional version string
% required for boolean commands
% insert Pandoc header content here
% disable default paragraph indent
% temporarily disable double spacing BEFORE minipage
% begin minipage with rigid height allowing flexible content
% use "author" as "name" only if another contact information field is defined
% insert contact information along with word count for short stories
$if(novel)$$elseif(wordcount)$\hfill About $wordcount$ words$endif$
% end rigid-height minipage
% restore double spacing AFTER minipage
% center everything in title area for short story and entire page for novel
% insert manuscript title
% insert author byline
by $if(author)$$author$$else$Unknown$endif$
$if(novel)$ % FOR NOVEL
% fill remainder of page with blank space to position word count at bottom
$if(wordcount)$\vfill About $wordcount$ words$endif$
% change title page number to "0" so next page will be "1"
% force title page completion drawing any headers and footers
% insert vertical space to align with other chapter page titles
$else$ % FOR STORY
% insert vertical space before start of story
$endif$ % FOR BOTH
% titling complete so disable centering
% disable default justification
% configure paragraph indent AFTER setting justification
% insert Pandoc before-body content here
% insert Pandoc formatted body content here
% insert Pandoc after-body content here
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