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Created June 17, 2016 14:39
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A rough prototype for anti-pong for Quil in Clojure
(ns quil-games.core
(:require [quil.core :refer :all]
[quil.middleware :as m])
(defn setup []
{:score 0
{:x 0
:y 60
:v 2
:r 20
:dir :r}
{:x (- (/ (width) 2) 5)
:w 10
:h 50}})
(defn collision-circle-rect [state]
(if (> (:x (:ball state)) (- (:x (:bar state)) 5))
(if (< (:x (:ball state)) (+ (:x (:bar state)) 10))
(if (> (:y (:ball state)) (mouse-y))
(if (< (:y (:ball state)) (+ (mouse-y) 50))
(defn draw-bar [state]
(rect (:x (:bar state)) (mouse-y) (:w (:bar state)) (:h (:bar state))))
(defn draw-ball [state]
(let [ball (:ball state)]
(ellipse (:x ball) (:y ball) (:r ball) (:r ball))))
(defn reset-ball-x-right [state]
(assoc-in state [:ball :x] 0))
(defn reset-ball-x-left [state]
(assoc-in state [:ball :x] (width)))
(defn reset-ball-y [state]
(assoc-in state [:ball :y] (rand-int (height))))
(defn reset-ball-v [state]
(assoc-in state [:ball :v] (+ 4 (rand-int 10))))
(defn reset-ball-dir [state]
(assoc-in state [:ball :dir] (rand-nth [:r :l])))
(defn reset-ball [state]
(if (= (:dir (:ball state)) :r)
(-> state
(-> state
(defn update-ball [state]
(if (= (:dir (:ball state)) :r)
(if (< (:x (:ball state)) (width))
(update-in state [:ball :x] + (:v (:ball state)))
(reset-ball state))
(if (> (:x (:ball state)) 0)
(update-in state [:ball :x] - (:v (:ball state)))
(reset-ball state))))
(defn update-score [state]
(if (true? (collision-circle-rect state))
(update-in state [:score] inc)
(defn update-state [state]
(-> state
(defn draw [state]
(if (true? (collision-circle-rect state))
(background 50 50 50)
(background 255))
(fill 50)
(text-size 30)
(text (str (:score state)) 30 50)
(draw-bar state)
(draw-ball state))
(defsketch example
:title "Quil games"
:setup setup
:draw draw
:update update-state
:size [500 400]
:middleware [m/fun-mode])
(defn -main [& args])
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