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Last active June 25, 2019 08:23
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; CL version, by Rainer Joswig,, 2019
; changes
; maze is a 2d array, contents are symbols/numbers
; pass directions as symbols
; use paths as position histories
(defvar *maze*)
; Maze is a 2d array. x= wall, 0=space, *=start.
(defun read-maze (file)
(with-open-file (stream file)
(setf *maze* (read stream))))
(defun get-start-position (maze)
"Returns the start position as two values."
(dotimes (i (array-dimension maze 0))
(dotimes (j (array-dimension maze 1))
(when (eql '* (aref maze i j))
(return-from get-start-position (values i j))))))
(defun found-exit-p (maze i j)
"is i j an exit?"
(or (= 0 i) (= (1- (array-dimension maze 0)) i)
(= 0 j) (= (1- (array-dimension maze 1)) j)))
;;; ================================================================
;;; check movement
(defun can-go-p (maze i j path)
"Can we more to i j?"
(and (not (member (cons i j) path :test #'equal))
(eql '0 (aref maze i j))))
(defun can-go-dir-p (maze dir i j path)
"can we go in direction dir from i j?"
(case dir
(right (and (< j (1- (array-dimension maze 1)))
(can-go-p maze i (1+ j) path)))
(up (and (> i 0)
(can-go-p maze (1- i) j path)))
(left (and (> j 0)
(can-go-p maze i (1- j) path)))
(down (and (< i (1- (array-dimension maze 0)))
(can-go-p maze (1+ i) j path)))))
;;; ================================================================
;;; movement
(defun go-dir (maze dir i j path)
"try to go into direction dir from i j"
(when (can-go-dir-p maze dir i j path)
(case dir
(right (walk-maze maze i (1+ j) (cons (cons i j) path)))
(up (walk-maze maze (1- i) j (cons (cons i j) path)))
(left (walk-maze maze i (1- j) (cons (cons i j) path)))
(down (walk-maze maze (1+ i) j (cons (cons i j) path))))))
;;; ================================================================
;;; compute paths through maze
(defun walk-maze (maze i j &optional path)
"find all paths from i j"
(if (found-exit-p maze i j)
(list (cons (cons i j) path))
(append (go-dir maze 'right i j path)
(go-dir maze 'up i j path)
(go-dir maze 'left i j path)
(go-dir maze 'down i j path))))
(defun maze (&optional (maze *maze*))
(multiple-value-bind (i j)
(get-start-position maze)
(let* ((paths (walk-maze maze i j))
(sorted-paths (mapcar #'reverse
(sort paths #'< :key #'length))))
(format t "~%The maze has ~a paths." (length sorted-paths))
(format t "~%The shortest path in the maze is ~a steps long." (length (first sorted-paths)))
(format t "~%The path is ~a." (first sorted-paths))
(format t "~%The longest path in the maze is ~a steps long." (length (first (last sorted-paths))))
(format t "~%The path is ~a." (first (last sorted-paths))))))
;;; ================================================================
;;; Example
(defun example-maze ()
(setf *maze*
#2a((x x x x x x)
(0 x 0 0 0 x)
(x * 0 x 0 x)
(x x x x 0 0)
(0 0 0 0 0 x)
(x x x x 0 x)))
(maze *maze*))
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