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Last active August 13, 2019 12:50
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; Common Lisp: Rainer Joswig,, 2019
;;; ======================================================
;;; Features
(defclass walk ()
((speed :initarg :speed :initform 0)))
(defmethod walk ((w walk))
(format t " Walk speed ~a~%" (slot-value w 'speed)))
(defclass fly ()
((fuel :initarg :fuel :initform 0)))
(defmethod fly ((f fly))
(with-slots (fuel) f
(cond ((plusp fuel)
(format t " Flying~%")
(decf fuel))
(t (format t " No fuel to fly~%")))))
(defclass gun ()
((bullets :initarg :bullets :initform 0)))
(defmethod gun-fire ((g gun))
(with-slots (bullets) g
(cond ((plusp bullets)
(format t " Gun fire~%")
(decf bullets))
(t (format t " Gun no more bullets~%")))))
(defclass laser ()
((intensity :initarg :intensity :initform 2)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((l laser) &key intensity)
(setf (slot-value l ' intensity) (max 2 (or intensity 2))))
(defmethod laser-fire ((l laser))
(with-slots (intensity) l
(format t " Laser fire intensity ~a~%" intensity)
(if (> intensity 2) (decf intensity))))
;;; ================================================================
;;; Entities
(defclass basic-entity ()
((name :initarg :name)))
(defmethod print-name ((b basic-entity))
(format t "~%~a:~%" (slot-value b 'name)))
(defmacro entity (name &rest features)
`(defclass ,name (,@features basic-entity) ()))
(defmacro execute ((name &rest initargs) &body instructions)
`(let ((,name (make-instance ',name ,@initargs)))
,@(loop for i in instructions collect (list i name))
;;; ================================================================
;;; Example
(entity dragon fly laser)
(entity elephant walk gun)
(entity airplane fly gun laser)
(defun example ()
(execute (dragon :name "Dragon" :fuel 2 :intensity 4)
print-name fly laser-fire fly fly laser-fire)
(execute (elephant :name "Elephant" :speed 3 :bullets 2)
print-name walk gun-fire gun-fire gun-fire)
(execute (airplane :name "Airplane" :fuel 2 :intensity 3 :bullets 2)
print-name fly laser-fire gun-fire gun-fire fly laser-fire gun-fire fly))
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