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Created August 12, 2015 16:04
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Lisp / CLOS version of
; Lisp / CLOS version Rainer Joswig,, 2015
;;; ================================================================
;;; Token
(defclass token ()
((type :accessor token-type :initarg :type)
(value :accessor token-value :initarg :value)))
(defmethod print-object ((object token) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (object stream)
(with-slots (type value) object
(format stream "type ~a value ~a" type value))))
;;; ================================================================
;;; Interpreter
(defclass interpreter ()
((text :initarg :text)
(pos :initform 0)
(current-token :initform nil)
(current-char :initform nil)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((ip interpreter) &rest initargs)
(declare (ignore initargs))
(with-slots (current-char text pos) ip
(setf current-char (aref text pos))))
(defmethod advance ((ip interpreter))
"Advance the `pos` pointer and set the `current_char` variable."
(with-slots (pos text current-char) ip
(incf pos)
(setf current-char
(if (> pos (1- (length text)))
(aref text pos)))))
(defun space-p (char)
(member char '(#\space #\tab)))
(defmethod skip-whitespace ((ip interpreter))
(with-slots (current-char) ip
(loop while (and current-char (space-p current-char))
do (advance ip))))
(defmethod get-integer ((ip interpreter))
"Return a (multidigit) integer consumed from the input."
(with-slots (current-char) ip
(with-output-to-string (result)
(loop while (and current-char (digit-char-p current-char)) do
(write-char current-char result)
(advance ip))))))
(defmethod get-next-token ((ip interpreter))
"Lexical analyzer (also known as scanner or tokenizer)
This method is responsible for breaking a sentence
apart into tokens. One token at a time."
(with-slots (current-char) ip
(loop while current-char do
(cond ((space-p current-char)
(skip-whitespace ip))
((digit-char-p current-char)
(return-from get-next-token (make-instance 'token :type :integer :value (get-integer ip))))
((char= current-char #\+)
(advance ip)
(return-from get-next-token (make-instance 'token :type :plus :value '+)))
((char= current-char #\-)
(advance ip)
(return-from get-next-token (make-instance 'token :type :plus :value '-)))
(t (error "parse error getting next token")))))
(make-instance 'token :type :eof :value :eof))
(defmethod eat ((ip interpreter) token-type)
"compare the current token type with the passed token
type and if they match then eat the current token
and assign the next token to the self.current_token,
otherwise raise an exception."
(with-slots (current-token) ip
(if (eq (token-type current-token) token-type)
(setf current-token (get-next-token ip))
(error "parse error for token type ~a" token-type))))
(defmethod term ((ip interpreter))
"Return an INTEGER token value"
(with-slots (current-token) ip
(let ((token current-token))
(eat ip :integer)
(token-value token))))
(defmethod expr ((ip interpreter))
"Arithmetic expression parser / interpreter."
(with-slots (current-token) ip
(setf current-token (get-next-token ip))
(let ((result (term ip)))
(loop while (member (token-type current-token) '(:plus :minus)) do
(case (token-type current-token)
(:plus (eat ip :plus)
(setf result (+ result (term ip))))
(:minus (eat ip :minus)
(setf result (- result (term ip))))))
;;; ================================================================
;;; main function CALC
(defun calc ()
(format t "~%calc> ")
(with-simple-restart (abort "calc toplevel")
(let ((line (read-line)))
(if (plusp (length line))
(format t "~a" (expr (make-instance 'interpreter :text line)))
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