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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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longest path, route and node structures, but no visited array
;;; optimizations copyright Rainer Joswig, 2014,
;;; Original:
;;; Structure declarations
;; In Common Lisp the slot declarations might save space for some types. But
;; that might not make it faster, since access gets more complicated..
;; It also might take more time, when type checks are done at runtime.
;; Some implementations check slot updates for correct types under some
;; SAFETY optimization values.
(defstruct route
(dest 0 :type fixnum)
(cost 0 :type fixnum)))
(defstruct node
(visited nil :type boolean)
(neighbours nil :type list))
;;; Setup
;; Here we are parsing from a string, without splitting the string.
;; We could actually use something similar and parse from the input stream.
;; PARSE-INTEGER returns two values: the number parsed and the position behind the number.
(defun parse-line (line &aux (pos 0) n)
(declare (ignorable n))
(loop repeat 3
collect (multiple-value-setq (n pos)
(parse-integer line :start pos :junk-allowed t))))
(defparameter *file* "agraph")
;; Reading lines in with READ-LINE is kind of slow, since it conses a new string for each
;; line. For large text files it makes sense to have a more efficient version,
;; which would use a line buffer. Here it is sufficient.
(defun read-places ()
(with-open-file (stream *file*)
(let ((num-lines (parse-integer (read-line stream nil))))
(values (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
while line
collect (parse-line line))
;; When creating an array, the initial contents can be passed as a list. Here
;; we create the array and use MAP-INTO to set the contents (proposal by Svante).
;; Giving it an element type is basically useless. A general array will be created anyway.
;; Structure NODEs will not be inlined. It will be an array of pointers to NODE records.
;; To keep neighbour routes it does not make sense to have an adjustable array. Lists are sufficient.
;; The LOOP usage also shows destructuring of lists.
(defun parse-places ()
(multiple-value-bind (place-data num-nodes)
(let ((nodes (map-into (make-array num-nodes :element-type 'node)
(loop for (node-id neighbour-id dist) in place-data
do (push (make-route :dest neighbour-id :cost dist)
(node-neighbours (elt nodes node-id))))
;;; Function to be benchmarked
;; we can declare types of functions: types of arguments and the return types.
(declaim (ftype (function (simple-vector node) fixnum)
;; The declarations of optimization are only local in the function to be benchmarked.
;; Keep these declarations as local as possible. Safety zero, means safety zero.
;; With THE we can define types for expression results.
;; Shows also mildly advanced LOOP usage. LispWorks gets the type declaration
;; for the maximized value right.
;; Here we also pass nodes records around, not node-ids.
;; Simple vectors have efficient access. AREF will be basically SVREF.
(defun get-longest-path (nodes node)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (debug 0) (safety 0)
(compilation-speed 0)
#+lispworks (fixnum-safety 0))
(type simple-vector nodes)
(type node node))
(setf (node-visited node) t)
(loop for neighbour-route of-type route in (node-neighbours node)
for dest-node = (aref nodes (route-dest neighbour-route))
unless (node-visited dest-node)
maximize (the fixnum
(+ (the fixnum (route-cost neighbour-route))
(the fixnum (get-longest-path nodes dest-node))))
into max-dist #+lispworks fixnum
(setf (node-visited node) nil)
(return max-dist)))
;;; Main routine, also calculates the runtime
;; don't use DEFPARAMETER for local variables. LET* is fine.
;; We want to display milliseconds, but don't assume that the time values are milliseconds.
;; Common Lisp provides the variable INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND.
(defun run ()
(let* ((nodes (parse-places))
(start (get-internal-real-time))
(len (get-longest-path nodes (aref nodes 0)))
(end (get-internal-real-time))
(duration (truncate (* (- end start) 1000)
(format t "~d LANGUAGE Lisp ~d ~%" len duration)))
(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "lisp" :toplevel #'run :executable t)
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