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Last active November 27, 2022 23:19
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A commit message helper in babashka
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.process :as p]
'[clojure.string :as str])
(def authors
{"rd" {:name "Rahul De"
:email ""}})
(defn exec
(-> cmd
(defn prompt
(printf "%s: " message)
(defn bail!
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println msg))
(System/exit 1))
(defn primary-author?
[email short-name]
(= email (get-in authors [short-name :email])))
(defn git-status
(exec "git status --porcelain")
(catch Exception _ "")))
(defn validate-author
(when-not (contains? authors short-name)
(bail! (format "Unrecognised author %s. Choose from: %s"
(str/join ", " (keys authors))))))
(defn make-co-author-msg
(let [email (exec "git config --get")]
(->> co-authors
(filter #(not (primary-author? email %)))
(map #(authors %))
(map #(format "Co-authored-by: %s <%s>"
(% :name)
(% :email)))
(str/join \newline))))
(defn main
(when (empty? (git-status))
(bail! "Not a valid git repo or no changes to commit."))
(let [story (prompt "Story/Feature")
co-authors (prompt "Co-authors (short-names separated by ,)")
co-authors (filter seq (str/split co-authors #"\s*,\s*"))
_ (run! validate-author co-authors)
message (prompt "Message")]
(exec (format "git commit --cleanup=verbatim -m \"[%s] %s\n\n%s\""
(make-co-author-msg co-authors)))
(catch Exception ex
(-> ex
(when (= *file* (System/getProperty "babashka.file"))
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lispyclouds commented Nov 27, 2022


  • Make sure a recent version of babashka is installed
  • Have this in your PATH as a file called commit for example
  • Make it executable
  • Go to a git repo and stage the files to be committed
  • Run commit
  • Asks you for the following (the main author info is picked automatically):
    • Story/Feature: The card number or some feature name
    • Co-authors: , (comma) separated list of people whom you paired with. Add more to the authors map and don't put the primary author's name here. Leave empty to skip.
    • Message: The message you wanna use
  • Forms the commit message as:
    [story/feature] commit message
    Co-authored-by: author-1
    Co-authored-by: author-2
  • This plays really well with GitHub if all the authors have the emails used to commit in GitHub!

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