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Last active July 24, 2018 09:37
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Clojure function to tokenize shell commands.
;; Clojure translation of
;; Input: "sh -c \"while sleep 1; do echo \\\"${RANDOM}\\\"; done\""
;; Output: ["sh", "-c", "while sleep 1; do echo \"${RANDOM}\"; done"]
(defn shell-tokenize!
[^String command]
(let [[escaped?
state] (loop [cmd command
escaped? false
state :no-token
current-arg ""
args []]
(if (or (nil? cmd)
(zero? (count cmd)))
[escaped? current-arg args state]
(let [char ^Character (first cmd)]
(if escaped?
(recur (rest cmd) false state (str current-arg char) args)
(case state
:single-quote (if (= char \')
(recur (rest cmd) escaped? :normal current-arg args)
(recur (rest cmd) escaped? state (str current-arg char) args))
:double-quote (case char
\" (recur cmd escaped? :normal current-arg args)
\\ (let [next (second cmd)]
(if (or (= next \")
(= next \\))
(recur (drop 2 cmd) escaped? state (str current-arg next) args)
(recur (drop 2 cmd) escaped? state (str current-arg char next) args)))
(recur (rest cmd) escaped? state (str current-arg char) args))
(:no-token :normal) (case char
\\ (recur (rest cmd) true :normal current-arg args)
\' (recur (rest cmd) escaped? :single-quote current-arg args)
\" (recur (rest cmd) escaped? :double-quote current-arg args)
(if-not (Character/isWhitespace char)
(recur (rest cmd) escaped? :normal (str current-arg char) args)
(if (= state :normal)
(recur (rest cmd) escaped? :no-token "" (conj args current-arg))
(recur (rest cmd) escaped? state current-arg args))))
(throw (IllegalStateException.
(format "Invalid shell command: %s, unexpected token %s found." command state))))))))]
(if escaped?
(conj args (str current-arg \\))
(if (not= state :no-token)
(conj args current-arg)
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