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Created August 25, 2016 14:53
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The Bike Rental Code
(ns bikes.core
(:require [clj-time.core :as t]))
(defrecord Bike [model price id])
(defrecord Store [bikes currentRentals rentHistory])
(defrecord Rental [bikeId rentedOn returnedOn rent])
(defn find-rental-for-bike
[store bike]
(first (filter (fn [history] (= (.id bike) (.bikeId history))) (.currentRentals store))))
(defn get-bike
[allBikes bikeId]
(first (filter (fn [bike] (= (.id bike) bikeId)) allBikes)))
(defn do-rent
[store bike]
(let [otherBikes (filter (fn [b] (not= b bike)) (.bikes store))
newRentals (conj (.currentRentals store) (Rental. (.id bike) (t/now) nil 0))]
(Store. otherBikes newRentals (.rentHistory store))))
(defn find-cost
[bike rentedOn returnedOn]
(* (t/in-days (t/interval rentedOn returnedOn)) (.price bike)))
(defn do-return
[store bike]
(let [rental (find-rental-for-bike store bike)
returnDate (t/now)
returnedRental (Rental. (.bikeId rental) (.rentedOn rental) returnDate (find-cost bike (.rentedOn rental) returnDate))
newCurrentRentals (filter (fn [r] (not= r rental)) (.currentRentals store))
newBikes (conj (.bikes store) (first (filter (fn [rental] (= (.bikeId rental) (.id bike))) (.currentRentals store))))
newHistory (conj (.rentHistory store) returnedRental)]
(Store. newBikes newCurrentRentals newHistory)))
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [bikes [(Bike. "Thunderbird 350" 1000 1)
(Bike. "Classic 500" 900 2)
(Bike. "Himalayan" 1000 3)]
store (Store. bikes [] [])
bike (get-bike bikes 1)
store1 (do-rent store bike)
bike2 (get-bike bikes 2)
store2 (do-rent store1 bike2)
store3 (do-return store2 bike2)
store4 (do-return store3 bike)]
(do (println store1)
(println store2)
(println store3)
(println store4))))
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