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Created August 4, 2018 00:53
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pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
/* To Do
-- compare values of two cards
-- for matching against cards already drawn, just loop on random
-- match values in hand and assign uint handScore
-- betting
-- paying in/out
contract ChoicePoker {
uint8[52] deck; // 52 cards, jokers make 54 cards
address public offering;
struct Match {
address opponent;
// bool playersTurn;
// uint[5][1] results;
// address winner;
// array of cards played, remove from deck after drawn
// store all gameplay on client (no bc time delays, player pauses)
struct Game {
bool playerOfferingDrawsHigh;
bool over;
address turn;
address winner;
// struct Hand {
// }
mapping(address => Match[]) private matches;
constructor() public payable {
offering = address(0);
// for(uint8 i = 1; i < 53; i++) {
// deck[i - 1] = i;
// }
modifier noExistingOffer() {
require(offering != msg.sender, "Already waiting for a match");
function offer() public payable noExistingOffer {
if(offering == address(0)) {
offering = msg.sender;
} else {
matches[offering].push(Match({ opponent: msg.sender }));
// bool playerOneDrawsHighCard = playersDrawForHighCard();
offering = address(0);
function playersDrawForHighCard() internal view returns (bool) {
// get random two cards from deck
uint _cardOne = random(52);
uint _cardTwo = random(52);
while(_cardOne == _cardTwo) {
_cardTwo = random(52);
// compare values of the cards
function drawCard(uint8[] _drawnCards) internal view returns (uint) {
// draw another card if random matches anything from the _drawnCards
return random(52);
// return a pseudo random number between lower and upper bounds
// given the number of previous blocks it should hash.
// see (nb on bitslicing this value)
function random(uint upper) private view returns (uint randomNumber) {
return uint(keccak256(bytes32ToBytes(bytes32(block.number - 1)))) % upper;
function compareTwoCards(uint8 _a, uint8 _b) private pure returns (uint8 _cardId) {
require(_a != _b);
return _cardId;
// keccak256 only accepts 'bytes' type
function bytes32ToBytes(bytes32 data) internal pure returns (bytes) {
uint i = 0;
while (i < 32 && uint(data[i]) != 0) {
bytes memory result = new bytes(i);
i = 0;
while (i < 32 && data[i] != 0) {
result[i] = data[i];
return result;
// player var
// game var for 2 players
// payment var for game, incl. total of 0.2 ante
// Game
// player 1 draws card
// player 2 draws card
// player with high card bets first
// game is won by winning best of 3 hands
// player with high card bets first and draws 2nd
// players draw 5 cards
// players have 1 chance, before betting, to exchange 1 to 5 cards
// player with high card bets, then the other player can fold, call, or raise
// (can reraise?)
// call or fold forfeits choice of high or low hand to win
// (implying choice of high/low hand is made after betting, before show)
// higher betting player declares hi/lo choice for best hand
// players show cards, hand is scored, game is best of 5 hands
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "./omnicat.sol";
contract Dass42 is OmniCAT {
function setScores(address _contributor, uint8[42] _values) public payable {
uint8 i = 0;
while(i < 42) {
contributors[_contributor].dass42[i] = _values[i++];
contributors[_contributor].stored["dass42"] = true;
// get submitted scores for a contributor
// and then compute/display results in the client
function getScores(address _contributor) public payable returns (uint8 _d, uint8 _a, uint8 _s) {
_d = getDepressionScores(_contributor);
_a = getAnxietyScores(_contributor);
_s = getStressScores(_contributor);
return (_d, _a, _s);
function getDepressionScores(address _contributor) internal view returns (uint8 _d) {
// Depression statements # 3, 5, 10, 13, 16, 17, 21, 24, 26, 31, 34, 37, 38, 42
_d = contributors[_contributor].dass42[2];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[4];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[9];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[12];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[15];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[16];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[20];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[23];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[25];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[30];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[33];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[36];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[37];
_d += contributors[_contributor].dass42[41];
return _d;
function getAnxietyScores(address _contributor) internal view returns (uint8 _a) {
// Anxiety statements # 2, 4, 7, 9, 15, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 36, 40, 41
_a = contributors[_contributor].dass42[1];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[3];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[6];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[8];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[14];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[18];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[19];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[22];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[24];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[27];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[29];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[35];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[39];
_a += contributors[_contributor].dass42[40];
return _a;
function getStressScores(address _contributor) internal view returns (uint8 _s) {
// Stress statements # 1, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 22, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 39
_s = contributors[_contributor].dass42[0];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[5];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[7];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[10];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[11];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[13];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[17];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[21];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[26];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[28];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[32];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[33];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[34];
_s += contributors[_contributor].dass42[38];
return _s;
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "./omnicat.sol";
contract IronLevels is OmniCAT {
mapping (bytes32 => uint8) optimal;
mapping (bytes32 => uint8[2][2]) normal;
mapping (bytes32 => uint16[2][2]) suboptimal;
constructor() public payable {
optimal["SerumIron"] = 20;
normal["SerumIron"] = [[15, 19], [21, 25]];
suboptimal["SerumIron"] = [[10, 14], [26, 33]];
optimal["TransferrinIbc"] = 60;
normal["TransferrinIbc"] = [[55, 59], [61, 65]];
suboptimal["TransferrinIbc"] = [[45, 54], [66, 70]];
optimal["TransferrinSaturation"] = 40;
normal["TransferrinSaturation"] = [[35, 39], [41, 45]];
suboptimal["TransferrinSaturation"] = [[16, 34], [46, 50]];
optimal["SerumFerritinAssay"] = 150;
normal["SerumFerritinAssay"] = [[130, 149], [151, 180]];
suboptimal["SerumFerritinAssay"] = [[uint16(20), uint16(129)], [uint16(181), 290]];
function setValues(address _contributor, uint16 _si, uint16 _tibc, uint16 _ts, uint16 _sfa) public payable {
contributors[_contributor].ironLevels[0] = _si; // SerumIron
contributors[_contributor].ironLevels[1] = _tibc; // TransferrinIbc
contributors[_contributor].ironLevels[2] = _ts; // TransferrinSaturation
contributors[_contributor].ironLevels[3] = _sfa; // SerumFerritinAssay
contributors[_contributor].stored["ironLevels"] = true;
// Note: use returned _submittedValue and _optimalValue
// on the client side to find percent from optimal
function checkValue(bytes32 _name, uint16 _value) public view returns (string _report, uint16 _submittedValue, int8 _optimalValue) {
if (compareStrings(_name, "SerumIron")) {
if (_value == optimal["SerumIron"]) {
_report = "Optimal SerumIron Level";
} else if (_value >= normal["SerumIron"][0][0] && _value <= normal["SerumIron"][0][1]) {
_report = "Normal Lower SerumIron Level";
} else if (_value >= normal["SerumIron"][1][0] && _value <= normal["SerumIron"][1][1]) {
_report = "Normal Higher SerumIron Level";
} else if (_value >= suboptimal["SerumIron"][0][0] && _value <= suboptimal["SerumIron"][0][1]) {
_report = "Suboptimal Lower SerumIron Level";
} else if (_value >= suboptimal["SerumIron"][1][0] && _value <= suboptimal["SerumIron"][1][1]) {
_report = "Suboptimal Higher SerumIron Level";
} else if (_value < suboptimal["SerumIron"][0][0]) {
_report = "Abnormal Lower SerumIron Level";
} else if (_value > suboptimal["SerumIron"][1][0]) {
_report = "Abnormal Higher SerumIron Level";
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "TransferrinIbc")) {
if (_value == optimal["TransferrinIbc"]) {
_report = "Optimal TransferrinIBC Level";
} else if (_value >= normal["TransferrinIbc"][0][0] && _value <= normal["TransferrinIbc"][0][1]) {
_report = "Normal Lower TransferrinIBC Level";
} else if (_value >= normal["TransferrinIbc"][1][0] && _value <= normal["TransferrinIbc"][1][1]) {
_report = "Normal Higher TransferrinIBC Level";
} else if (_value >= suboptimal["TransferrinIbc"][0][0] && _value <= suboptimal["TransferrinIbc"][0][1]) {
_report = "Suboptimal Lower TransferrinIBC Level";
} else if (_value >= suboptimal["TransferrinIbc"][1][0] && _value <= suboptimal["TransferrinIbc"][1][1]) {
_report = "Suboptimal Higher TransferrinIBC Level";
} else if (_value < suboptimal["TransferrinIbc"][0][0]) {
_report = "Abnormal Lower TransferrinIBC Level";
} else if (_value > suboptimal["TransferrinIbc"][1][0]) {
_report = "Abnormal Higher TransferrinIBC Level";
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "TransferrinSaturation")) {
if (_value == optimal["TransferrinSaturation"]) {
_report = "Optimal TransferrinSaturation Level";
} else if (_value >= normal["TransferrinSaturation"][0][0] && _value <= normal["TransferrinSaturation"][0][1]) {
_report = "Normal Lower TransferrinSaturation Level";
} else if (_value >= normal["TransferrinSaturation"][1][0] && _value <= normal["TransferrinSaturation"][1][1]) {
_report = "Normal Higher TransferrinSaturation Level";
} else if (_value >= suboptimal["TransferrinSaturation"][0][0] && _value <= suboptimal["TransferrinSaturation"][0][1]) {
_report = "Suboptimal Lower TransferrinSaturation Level";
} else if (_value >= suboptimal["TransferrinSaturation"][1][0] && _value <= suboptimal["TransferrinSaturation"][1][1]) {
_report = "Suboptimal Higher TransferrinSaturation Level";
} else if (_value < suboptimal["TransferrinSaturation"][0][0]) {
_report = "Abnormal Lower TransferrinSaturation Level";
} else if (_value > suboptimal["TransferrinSaturation"][1][0]) {
_report = "Abnormal Higher TransferrinSaturation Level";
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "SerumFerritinAssay")) {
if (_value == optimal["SerumFerritinAssay"]) {
_report = "Optimal SerumFerritinAssay Level";
} else if (_value >= normal["SerumFerritinAssay"][0][0] && _value <= normal["SerumFerritinAssay"][0][1]) {
_report = "Normal Lower SerumFerritinAssay Level";
} else if (_value >= normal["SerumFerritinAssay"][1][0] && _value <= normal["SerumFerritinAssay"][1][1]) {
_report = "Normal Higher SerumFerritinAssay Level";
} else if (_value >= suboptimal["SerumFerritinAssay"][0][0] && _value <= suboptimal["SerumFerritinAssay"][0][1]) {
_report = "Suboptimal Lower SerumFerritinAssay Level";
} else if (_value >= suboptimal["SerumFerritinAssay"][1][0] && _value <= suboptimal["SerumFerritinAssay"][1][1]) {
_report = "Suboptimal Higher SerumFerritinAssay Level";
} else if (_value < suboptimal["SerumFerritinAssay"][0][0]) {
_report = "Abnormal Lower SerumFerritinAssay Level";
} else if (_value > suboptimal["SerumFerritinAssay"][1][0]) {
_report = "Abnormal Higher SerumFerritinAssay Level";
} else {
_report = "Please check name is one of SerumIron, TransferrinIbc, TransferrinSaturation, or SerumFerritinAssay";
return (_report, _value, int8(getOptimalValues(_name)));
function getOptimalValues(bytes32 _name) public view returns (uint8) {
if (compareStrings(_name, "SerumIron")) {
return optimal["SerumIron"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "TransferrinIbc")) {
return optimal["TransferrinIbc"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "TransferrinSaturation")) {
return optimal["TransferrinSaturation"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "SerumFerritinAssay")) {
return optimal["SerumFerritinAssay"];
function getNormalValues(bytes32 _name) public view returns (uint8[2][2]) {
if (compareStrings(_name, "SerumIron")) {
return normal["SerumIron"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "TransferrinIbc")) {
return normal["TransferrinIbc"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "TransferrinSaturation")) {
return normal["TransferrinSaturation"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "SerumFerritinAssay")) {
return normal["SerumFerritinAssay"];
function getSuboptimalValues(bytes32 _name) public view returns (uint16[2][2]) {
if (compareStrings(_name, "SerumIron")) {
return suboptimal["SerumIron"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "TransferrinIbc")) {
return suboptimal["TransferrinIbc"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "TransferrinSaturation")) {
return suboptimal["TransferrinSaturation"];
} else if (compareStrings(_name, "SerumFerritinAssay")) {
return suboptimal["SerumFerritinAssay"];
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract OmniCAT {
struct Contribution {
mapping (bytes32 => bool) stored; // stored["dass42"] = true
uint8[42] dass42; // these two seem out of place from their own contract
uint16[4] ironLevels;
// or address => Contribution[]
mapping (address => Contribution) contributors;
function compareStrings(bytes32 a, bytes32 b) internal pure returns (bool) {
return keccak256(bytes32ToBytes(a)) == keccak256(bytes32ToBytes(b));
function bytes32ToBytes(bytes32 data) internal pure returns (bytes) {
uint i = 0;
while (i < 32 && uint(data[i]) != 0) {
bytes memory result = new bytes(i);
i = 0;
while (i < 32 && data[i] != 0) {
result[i] = data[i];
return result;
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