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Audience: Microsoft Audience

Our products are, at the end of the day, the ultimate deliverable. Developers are a discerning audience with a near zero tolerance for fluff and vaporware. They can be fierclely loyal if a product is great, but will quickly become flighty when quality suffers. Great products cannot exist without great feedback, and a vibrant content ecosystem that rapidly onboards developers, pointing them firmly in the direction of success.

The Microsoft Audience team is dedicated to working directly with Engineering, Marketing and across the Cloud Advocacy organization in the relentless pursuit of helping refine our products, and our perception. We do this by putting a laser focus on our feedback mechanisms, messaging, and content so that our marketing and engineering efforts are targeted. After all, there are only two types of developers - those who are currently our customers and those who will be, because our products are that good.

What's unique about this Audience?

Microsoft suffer

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