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Created March 5, 2014 20:26
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import Mouse
import Window
radius = 15
data Step = Delta Float | Click (Float,Float)
toFloat2 (w, h) = (toFloat w, toFloat h)
type Ball = { x:Float, y:Float, vx:Float, vy:Float, id:Float }
-- Mouse Logic---
mouseClickPos : Signal (Int, Int)
mouseClickPos = (sampleOn Mouse.clicks Mouse.position)
transformMouseClick : (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Float, Float)
transformMouseClick (x,y) (w,h) =
(toFloat x - toFloat w / 2, (toFloat h / 2 - toFloat y)+200)
getMousePos = lift2 transformMouseClick mouseClickPos Window.dimensions
scene balls (w,h) =
let drawCircles ball =
circle radius |> filled (hsva 1 1 0.7)
|> move ( ball.x, ball.y-200)
in layers [collage w h (map drawCircles balls)]
gravity t b =
let vy' = if | b.y > 0 -> b.vy - t
| b.vy < 0.0001 -> -b.vy*0.91
| otherwise -> 0
in { b | vy <- vy', vx <- b.vx*0.999999}
physics t m =
let c' = if (m.y + t*m.vy) < 0 then 0 else 1
in { m | x <- m.x + t*m.vx
, y <- ((m.y + t*m.vy)*c') }
--Distance Squared for opitimization--
distance (b1,b2) = (b2.x-b1.x)^2 + (b2.y-b1.y)^2
collision oldBall newBall =
if (not (newBall == oldBall)) && (distance (oldBall,newBall) <= (2*radius)^2)
then {newBall | vx <- -newBall.vx,
vy <- -newBall.vy}
else newBall
applyCollsion newball oldball = collision newball oldball
update ball balls = foldl step ball balls
input : Signal Step
input = let delta = lift (\t -> t/20) (fps 60)
in merge (lift Delta delta) (lift Click getMousePos)
step step balls =
case step of
Delta t -> let update ball = foldl applyCollsion ball balls
applyTime ball = physics t (gravity t(ball))
in map applyTime (map update balls)
Click dir -> click dir balls
click (w,h) balls =
{ x = w, y = h, vx = 3, vy = 2, id = toFloat (length balls)} :: balls
-- Main --
main = lift2 scene (foldp step [] input) Window.dimensions
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