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Last active February 17, 2022 21:46
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  • Save litch/0b36eca4acb8d908ebb03efb5bc4eda8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save litch/0b36eca4acb8d908ebb03efb5bc4eda8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I inlined the code from microAjax there, to keep dependencies at 0. I think the following cite satisfies the license?
This code was referenced extensively:
<div id="representation">
<blockquote>Something went wrong. =/</blockquote>
<script type="text/javascript">
function microAjax(B,A){this.bindFunction=function(E,D){return function(){return E.apply(D,[D])}};this.stateChange=function(D){if(this.request.readyState==4){this.callbackFunction(this.request.responseText)}};this.getRequest=function(){if(window.ActiveXObject){return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}else{if(window.XMLHttpRequest){return new XMLHttpRequest()}}return false};this.postBody=(arguments[2]||"");this.callbackFunction=A;this.url=B;this.request=this.getRequest();if(this.request){var C=this.request;C.onreadystatechange=this.bindFunction(this.stateChange,this);if(this.postBody!==""){"POST",B,true);C.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest");C.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");C.setRequestHeader("Connection","close")}else{"GET",B,true)}C.send(this.postBody)}};
var model = {
balance: null,
started: false,
fetched: false,
errored: false
model.present = function(data) {
console.log("Model asked to present: ", data);
if (state.fetching(model)) {
model.fetched = data.fetched || false;
model.balance = data.balance;
} else {
if (state.ready(model)) {
model.started = data.started || false;
console.log('rendering model: ', model);
var view = {};
view.init = function(model) {
return view.ready(model);
view.ready = function(model) {
return (
"<p>Start action?</p>\n\
<form onSubmit=\"JavaScript:return actions.start({});\">\n\
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Start\">\n\
view.fetching = function(model) {
view.fetched = function(model) {
return("<p>Balance: $" + model.balance / 100 + "</p>")
view.display = function(representation) {
var stateRepresentation = document.getElementById('representation');
stateRepresentation.innerHTML = representation;
var state = { view: view };
state.representation = function(model) {
var representation = "Oops, invalid state";
if (state.ready(model)) {
representation = state.view.ready(model);
if (state.fetching(model)) {
representation = state.view.fetching(model);
if (state.fetched(model)) {
representation = state.view.fetched(model);
state.ready = function(model) {
return (!model.fetched && !model.started);
state.started = function(model) {
return (model.started && !model.errored && !model.fetched);
state.fetching = function(model) {
return (!model.fetched && model.started);
state.fetched = function(model) {
return (model.balance && model.fetched && model.started);
state.nextAction = function (model) {
if (state.started(model)) {
state.render = function(model) {
var actions = {};
actions.start = function(data, present) {
present = present || model.present;
data.started = true;
console.log("Start called", data);
return false;
actions.fetch = function(data, present) {
present = present || model.present;
microAjax('http://localhost:3000', function(res) {
actions.receive(res, present);
actions.receive = function(data, present) {
present = present || model.present;
var _data = {
fetched: true,
balance: 5
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