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Last active May 6, 2022 10:22
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Save literallylara/90fa80dcebe88d75e550e0cb9f16a30c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* A `Window.postMessage()` wrapper that aims to simplify the process of
* having two windows communicate with each other (see below for more details).
* @author Lara Sophie Schütt (@literallylara)
* @license MIT
* @version 1.0.5
const SYNC_STATE_IDLE = 0b00000
const SYNC_STATE_SENT = 0b00001
const SYNC_STATE_RECEIVED = 0b00010
const SYNC_STATE_REPLIED = 0b00100
const SYNC_STATE_FINISHED = 0b01000
const SYNC_STATE_FAILED = 0b10000
class WindowCoupler
#requests = []
#events = []
#syncState = SYNC_STATE_IDLE
#syncLog = []
* A `Window.postMessage()` wrapper that aims to simplify the process of
* having two windows communicate with each other. It can automatically find
* the target window by specifying a pairing code. Furthermore it enables
* listening for custom events on the target window as well as requesting
* properties and calling functions via an optionally supplied API object.
* # Example
* ## Window A
* ```js
* const coupler = new WindowCoupler("<pairingCode>")
* coupler.sync().then(() =>
* {
* coupler.request("add", 10, 5).then(result =>
* {
* console.log(result)
* })
* })
* coupler.on("chat", msg => console.log(msg))
* ```
* ## Window B
* ```js
* const api = {
* add(a, b)
* {
* return a + b
* }
* }
* const coupler = new WindowCoupler("<pairingCode>", { api })
* coupler.sync().then(() =>
* {
* coupler.trigger("chat", "Hello!")
* })
* ```
* @param {string} pairingCode
* A pairing code that both windows have agreed upon
* @param {object} [options]
* The following options are available:
* - api - An object for handling requests from the target window,
* see `WindowCoupler.request()` for details
* - targetOrigin - Supplying a target origin avoids sending messages
* to other windows during the synchronisation stage. Defaults to `"*"`
* - targetWindow - if the target window is already known it can be specified here
* - debug - Whether or not to log debug information. Defaults to `false`
* @param {object} [options.api]
* @param {string} [options.targetOrigin="*"]
* @param {boolean} [options.debug=false]
constructor(pairingCode, { api, targetOrigin, targetWindow, debug } = {})
this.#pairingCode = pairingCode
this.#targetOrigin = targetOrigin || '*'
this.#targetWindow = targetWindow
this.#api = api
this.#debug = debug
window.addEventListener('message', this.#onMessage.bind(this))
#log(label, ...args)
if (!this.#debug) return
const href = window.location.href
label = `WindowCoupler (${this.#pairingCode} @ ${href}) : ${label}`
// ignore messages initiated by this window
if (e.source === window) return
// message source is not our known target window
if (this.#targetWindow && this.#targetWindow !== e.source) return
// messages comes from the wrong origin
if (this.#targetOrigin !== '*' && e.origin !== this.#targetOrigin) return
let msg =
// convert to plain object
if (!isPlainObject(msg))
try { msg = JSON.parse(msg) }
catch { return }
// message has the wrong signature
if (msg.pairingCode !== this.#pairingCode) return
// all tests passed, this must be our target window
if (!this.#targetWindow)
this.#targetWindow = e.source
switch (msg.action)
case 'sync' : this.#onSync(msg) ; break
case 'trigger' : this.#onTrigger(msg) ; break
case 'request' : this.#onRequest(msg) ; break
case 'respond' : this.#onRespond(msg) ; break
* Updates the sync state and calls `settleSyncPromiseIfReady()`
* @param {{ data }} msg
this.#log('#onSync', msg)
if (msg.meta !== this.#syncId)
this.#syncData =
this.#message('sync', null, msg.meta)
this.#syncState |= SYNC_STATE_REPLIED
this.#syncState |= SYNC_STATE_RECEIVED
* Fires all callbacks for the event specified in `msg.meta`.
* @param {{ meta, data }} msg
this.#log('#onTrigger', msg)
const events = this.#events[msg.meta]
events?.forEach(event => event.callback(
this.#events[msg.meta] = events?.filter(event => !event.once)
* Evaluates the requested property and sends a response message.
* @param {{ meta: string, data: [string, ...any] }} msg
* The request message object must have the following properties:
* - `meta` - Stores the request id
* - `data` - An array containing the property chain and optionally
* a set of arguments
* For example, if
* ```js
* ```
* is a function, then
* ```js
* ["", 10, false]
* ```
* will result in
* ```js
*[0].baz(10, false)
* ```
* being evaluated and sent in the response.
this.#log('#onRequest', msg)
if (!this.#api) return
const props =[0].split('.')
const args =
let obj = this.#api
props.forEach(key =>
obj = isNaN(key) ? obj[key] : obj[+key]
const id = msg.meta
if (typeof obj === 'function')
obj = obj.apply(this.#api, args)
catch (error)
this.#message('respond', null,
error: error.toString()
if (isPromiseLike(obj))
.then(v => this.#message('respond', v, { id }))
.catch(error =>
this.#message('respond', null,
error: error.toString()
this.#message('respond', obj, { id })
this.#message('respond', obj, { id })
* Processes a reponse message by resolving or rejecting
* the corresponding request's promise.
* @param {{ meta, data, error }} msg
* The request message object has the following properties:
* - `meta` - Stores the request id
* - `data` - (optional) Variable of any type to be resolved with
* - `error` - (optional) If present, rejects the request's promise
* with that value
this.#log('#onRespond', msg)
const { id, error } = msg.meta
const request = this.#requests[id]
if (error)
* Sends an object composed of `{ pairingCode, action, meta, data }` to
* the target window. If the target window has not been established yet
* as part of the synchronisation stage, the message will be sent to all
* windows matching the target origin specified in the constructor.
* @param {string} action
* @param {any} data
* @param {any} meta
#message(action, data, meta)
if (this.#targetWindow)
pairingCode: this.#pairingCode,
action, meta, data
}, this.#targetOrigin)
const frames = Array.from(window.frames)
const iframes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('iframe'))
.filter(v =>
return v && v !== window && 'postMessage' in v
.forEach(frame =>
const msg = {
pairingCode: this.#pairingCode,
action, meta, data
if (this.#targetOrigin === '*')
frame.postMessage(JSON.stringify(msg), '*')
const iframe = iframes.find(v => v.contentWindow === frame)
const origin = iframe ? new URL(iframe.src).origin : frame.origin
// if frame.origin is not accessible due to CORS,
// an error will be thrown which can be caught,
// other than the postMessage error which cannot be caught
if (origin === this.#targetOrigin)
frame.postMessage(JSON.stringify(msg), this.#targetOrigin)
catch (error)
* Checks if the synchronisation stage is finished and if that is the case
* resolves or rejects (in case of timeout) the `#syncPromise`.
if (this.#syncState & SYNC_STATE_FINISHED) return
this.#log('#settleSyncPromiseIfReady (0/1)', this.#syncLog)
if (this.#syncState & SYNC_STATE_SENT
&& this.#syncState & SYNC_STATE_RECEIVED)
this.#syncState |= SYNC_STATE_FINISHED
if (!(this.#syncState & SYNC_STATE_FINISHED)) return
if (this.#syncState & SYNC_STATE_FAILED) return
const d = - this.#syncTimestamp
if (this.#syncTimeout === null || d < this.#syncTimeout)
this.#log('#settleSyncPromiseIfReady (1/1)', this.#syncLog)
this.#syncState |= SYNC_STATE_FAILED
this.#log('#settleSyncPromiseIfReady (1/1)', this.#syncLog)
* Tells the target window that it is ready to receive messages.
* @param {any} [data]
* Optional data to send with the sync request that will determine
* the resolved value on the target window.
* @param {object} [options]
* The following options are available:
* - timeout - Timeout in milliseconds after which a sync attempt is to be considered
* as failed and the returned promise will reject. Defaults to `null` which
* means no timeout is applied.
* - interval - Interval in milliseconds at which to resend
* the sync message. This is useful for when not all windows/frames have
* loaded when this method is called for the first time. Defaults to `1000`
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* A promise that resolves once both windows have successfully
* found each other and are ready to communicate. The resolved value
* is equal to the `data` sent from the target window, if any.
sync(data, { timeout = null, interval = 1000 } = {})
if (this.#syncPromise) return
this.#log('sync', data, timeout, interval)
const [promise, resolve, reject] = new UnwrappedPromise()
this.#syncTimeout = timeout
this.#syncTimestamp =
this.#syncResolve = resolve
this.#syncReject = reject
this.#syncPromise = promise
this.#syncId = uid(6)
this.#message('sync', data, this.#syncId)
this.#syncState |= SYNC_STATE_SENT
this.#syncInterval = window.setInterval(() =>
const d = - this.#syncTimestamp
if (this.#syncState & SYNC_STATE_FINISHED
|| this.#syncTimeout && (d > this.#syncTimeout))
this.#message('sync', data, this.#syncId)
}, interval)
return promise
* Sends a request to the target window. Each argument is considered
* a property on the target window's API (as supplied in the constructor).
* If the final property is a function, the promise returned from this
* method will resolve with its return value, otherwise it will resolve with
* the requested property. Promises will be settled first before resolving.
* ## Example
* If this window calls `coupler.request("foo", "bar")`,
* then on the target window's end `` will be requested/called.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise that resolves with the requested property.
* If the requested property is a promise then this method will
* wait for it to settle first and then resolve or reject
* based on the promise's outcome.
this.#log('request', arguments)
const id = uid(16)
const [promise, resolve, reject] = new UnwrappedPromise()
this.#requests[id] = { resolve, reject }
this.#message('request', Array.from(arguments), id)
return promise
* Registers an event handler for the given event on the target window.
* If the target window calls `WindowCoupler.trigger()` with the same event,
* `callback` will be fired.
* @param {string} event
* @param {function} callback
* @param {boolean} [once=false]
* Whether or not to fire the callback only once. Defaults to `false`.
on(event, callback, once = false)
this.#log('on', event, callback, once)
if (!this.#events[event])
this.#events[event] = []
this.#events[event].push({ callback, once })
* Same as `WindowCoupler.on()` but the callback will only be fired once.
* @param {string} event
* @param {function} callback
once(event, callback)
this.#log('once', event, callback)
return this.on(event, callback, true)
* Removes a previously defined event listener.
* If a callback is provided, only the listener with that same callback
* will be removed, otherwise all listeners for that event will be removed.
* @param {string} event
* @param {function} [callback]
off(event, callback)
this.#log('off', event, callback)
if (!this.#events[event]) return
if (callback)
const i = this.#events[event].findIndex(v => v === callback)
if (i !== -1)
this.#events[event] = []
* Triggers a custom event on the target window.
* @param {string} event
* The event to be triggered
* @param {any} [data]
* Data that will be provided to the event listeners
trigger(event, data)
this.#log('trigger', event, data)
this.#message('trigger', data, event)
* @returns {string}
* The sync history with delta times in the form of:
* ```js
* "@ <delta> | <state>"
* ```
* Possible states are:
* - idle
* - sent
* - received
* - replied
* - finished
* - failed
return this.#syncLog.slice(0).map(v =>
const d = v[1] - this.#syncTimestamp
return `@ ${d.toString().padStart(4,0)} ms | ${v[0]}`
class UnwrappedPromise
let resolve = null
let reject = null
const promise = new Promise((res, rej) =>
resolve = res
reject = rej
return [promise, resolve, reject]
function uid(length)
let str = ''
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++)
const c = (Math.random()*36|0).toString(36)
str += Math.random() > 0.5 ? c.toUpperCase() : c
return str
function isPlainObject(o)
return === '[object Object]'
function isPromiseLike(v)
return v instanceof Promise || ('then' in v && 'catch' in v)
catch (err)
return false
export default WindowCoupler
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literallylara commented May 4, 2022


Window A

const coupler = new WindowCoupler("<pairingCode>")

coupler.sync().then(() =>
    coupler.request("add", 10, 5).then(result =>

coupler.on("chat", msg => console.log(msg))

Window B

const api = {
    add(a, b)
        return a + b

const coupler = new WindowCoupler("<pairingCode>", { api })

coupler.sync().then(() =>
    coupler.trigger("chat", "Hello!")

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