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a better approach to handling the pan gesture in scenekit. For use in part 3 of medium post
@objc func handlePan(panGesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
guard let view = view as? SCNView else { return }
switch panGesture.state {
case .began:
let location = panGesture.location(in: self.view)
guard let hitNodeResult = view.hitTest(location, options: nil).first else { return }
panStartZ = CGFloat(view.projectPoint(lastPanLocation!).z)
lastPanLocation = hitNodeResult.worldCoordinates
draggingNode = hitNodeResult.node
case .changed:
let location = panGesture.location(in: view)
let worldTouchPosition = view.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(location.x, location.y, panStartZ!))
let movementVector = SCNVector3(
worldTouchPosition.x - lastPanLocation!.x,
worldTouchPosition.y - lastPanLocation!.y,
worldTouchPosition.z - lastPanLocation!.z)
geometryNode.localTranslate(by: movementVector)
self.lastPanLocation = worldTouchPosition
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