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Created September 18, 2012 22:57
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quick and dirty impl of floyd cycle detection algo
(* quick and dirty impl of floyd cycle detection algo *)
type 'a llist = Nil | Cons of ('a * 'a llist)
let rec d = Cons ("d", a) and
a = Cons ("a", Cons("b", Cons("c", d)));;
type 'a pointer = {value:'a; rest:'a llist}
let eq p1 p2 = p1.value = p2.value
let (%) f g x = f (g x)
let id a = a
let tuple a b c = (a, b, c)
exception Stop_iteration
let gen_loop3 pred mod_ret mod_a mod_b mod_c =
let rec fnc a b c =
if pred a b c then mod_ret a b c else fnc (mod_a a) (mod_b b) (mod_c c)
in fnc
let floyd lst =
let work () =
let next p = match with
| Cons(v, rest) -> {value=v;rest=rest}
| Nil -> raise Stop_iteration
let eq a b _ = eq a b in
let succ = (+) 1 in
let loop mod_a mod_b mod_c = gen_loop3 eq tuple mod_a mod_b mod_c in
let find_rep = loop next (next % next) id in
let find_pos = loop next next succ in
let find_len = loop id next succ in
let x0 = {value=""; rest=lst} in
let (tortoise, hare, _) = find_rep (next x0) (next (next x0)) None in
let (tortoise, hare, pos) = find_pos x0 hare 0 in
let (_, _, len) = find_len tortoise (next tortoise) 1
in Some (pos, len)
in try
work ()
with Stop_iteration -> None
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