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Created March 31, 2011 11:29
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  • Save little-arhat/896205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save little-arhat/896205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
possible patch for
(* *)
let to_list fl =
let buf = ref []
in (iter (fun x -> buf := x :: !buf) fl; List.rev !buf)
let to_string fl =
let sl = to_list fl in
let len = List.length sl in
let s = String.create len
in (List.iter (let i = ref 0 in fun x -> (s.[!i] <- x; incr i)) sl; s)
(* vs *)
let to_string ?(len=16) s =
let buf = Buffer.create len in
let () = iter (fun ch -> Buffer.add_char buf ch) s in
Buffer.contents buf
(* and more flexible *)
let to_string_fmt fmt st =
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
let () = Stream.iter (fun it ->
Buffer.add_string buf (Printf.sprintf fmt st)) st in
Buffer.contents buf
let to_string_fun fn st =
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
let () = Stream.iter (fun it -> Buffer.add_string buf (fn it)) st in
Buffer.contents buf
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