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Created December 4, 2017 18:12
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Should JavaScript use a header file format (a la WebIDL) to define its standard library?
class Math {
static abs(x: Number): Number; // Types optional; provide cast on input and assertion on ouptut
static LOG10E: Number;
// ...
class Date {
// Overloads not included in JSIDL syntax
static parse(str: String): Date;
static UTC( year: Number, @optional month: Number, @optional date: Number, @optional hours: Number, @optional minutes: Number, @optional seconds: Number, @optional ms: Number) : Number;
[[DateValue]]; // Internal slot declaration
getHours(): Number;
setHours(hour: Number, @optional min: Number, @optional sec: Number, @optional ms: Number): Number;
// ...
class Intl {
// Complex type Locales calls CanonicalizeLocaleList as its cast
static Array getCanonicalLocales(locales: Locales);
class DateTimeFormatOptions {
@optional weekday: String;
@optional year: String;
@optional month: String;
@optional day: String;
@optional hour: String;
@optional minute: String;
@optional second: String;
// ...
class DateTimeFormat {
static supportedLocalesOf(locales: Locales): Array;
get [@@toStringTag](): String;
formatToParts(date: Date): Array;
format(date: Date): String;
resolvedOptions(): DateTimeFormatOptions;
constructor(@optional locales: Locales, @optional options: DateTimeFormatOptions);
static [[AvailableLocales]];
static [[RelevantExtensionKeys]];
static [[LocaleData]];
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