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Last active December 14, 2015 13:58
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from fabric.api import run, local, task
def heroku_deploy(scale='yes', runtime='no', runtime_version=None):
Deploys heroku app
Usage examples:
fab heroku_deploy
fab hd:runtime=yes
fab hd:yes,yes,2.7.3
:param scale: If set to 'no' heroku won't scale a web process after deployment
:param runtime: If set to 'yes' heroku runtime will be toggled before deployment
:param runtime_version: (optional) Runtime version for heroku_runtime() (ex: 2.7.3)
if runtime == 'yes':
local('git push heroku master')
if scale == 'yes':
local('heroku ps:scale web=1')
def heroku_runtime(version=None, commit='yes'):
Sets heroku python runtime
Usage examples:
fab heroku_runtime:2.7.2
fab hr:2.7.3
fab hr
fab hr:commit=no
:param version: Runtime version (ex: 2.7.3)
:param commit: If set to 'no' git won't commit runtime.txt
if not version:
fd = open('runtime.txt', 'r')
runtime =
print 'runtime.txt says:', runtime
runtime = 'python-2.7.2' if runtime.endswith('.3') else 'python-2.7.3'
except IOError:
runtime = 'python-2.7.2'
print 'runtime.txt doesn\'t exist.'
runtime = 'python-%s' % version
print 'Setting runtime:', runtime
local('echo "%s" > runtime.txt' % runtime)
local('cat runtime.txt')
if commit == 'yes':
local('git commit runtime.txt -m "Changed heroku runtime to %s"' % runtime)
def heroku_clean(mode='enable', app=None):
Enables CLEAN_VIRTUALENV for heroku deployment
Usage examples:
fab hc
fab heroku_clean
fab hc:app=myapp
fab hc:disable
fab hc:disable,myapp
:param mode: (optional) if set to 'disabled' it will overturn this configuration
:param app: (optional) specifies a heroku app
a = '-a %s' % app if app else ''
config_mode = 'add' if mode == 'enable' else 'remove'
repo = 'blaze33' if mode == 'enable' else 'heroku'
local('heroku labs:%s user-env-compile %s' % (mode, a))
local('heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=git://' % repo)
local('heroku config:%s CLEAN_VIRTUALENV=true' % config_mode)
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