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Created October 13, 2018 01:12
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// The command reloads other commands, using the command handler from our series = (client, message, args, ops) => {
// We're going to be passing an extra argument, titled 'ops'
// We can choose what to pass into it via the server.js file
// Now, we can access ops.ownerID & it will return the ID defined at the top of server.js
// Check if author is the bot owner
if ( !== ops.ownerID) return'Sorry, only the owner can use this command.');
// If the two IDs aren't the same, it will return and send a message to the channel
// Delete from cache
try { // This will be a try statment incase the command isn't found
delete require.cache[require.resolve(`./${args[0]}.js`)];
// Since we're already in the commands folder, we won't need to specify it
} catch (e) {
// If we encounter an error, return & respond in chat
return`Unable to reload: ${args[0]}`)
// Finally, send an output if it hasn't returned yet`Successfully reloaded: ${args[0]}`)
} // Now, we can test it!
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