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Last active December 11, 2023 14:20
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Proposed changes to EE's Fluid Field - See for past convos
--- Model/FluidField_unedited.php 2023-07-17 11:25:23
+++ Model/FluidField.php 2023-07-07 16:49:14
@@ -119,7 +119,9 @@
$rows = ee()->extensions->call(
- $this->field_data_id
+ $this->field_data_id,
+ $this->fluid_field_id,
+ $this->entry_id
} else {
ee()->db->where('id', $this->field_data_id);
@@ -143,7 +145,8 @@
$field_data = ee()->extensions->call(
- $this->fluid_field_id
+ $this->fluid_field_id,
+ $this->entry_id
We have an array of fields but its not iterating them? This feels awkward. Changing it to the foreach seems to work fine with or without Publisher. I don't see negative side effects to making this change.
// $field_data is an array, regardless if it's a group of fields or single fields.
// Don't know why it's only accessing the first item in the array. This change works
// with the hook changes above, and without, and with single fields and grouped fields.
foreach ($fluid_field_data_groups as $field_data) {
$is_group = !is_null($field_data[0]->ChannelFieldGroup);
$view = ($is_group) ? 'fluid_field:fieldgroup' : 'fluid_field:field';
$viewData = [
'filters' => $filters,
'errors' => $this->errors,
'reorderable' => true,
'show_field_type' => false,
'field_filters' => $filter_options
if ($is_group) {
$field_group = $field_data[0]->ChannelFieldGroup; // might want to eager load this
$viewData = array_merge($viewData, [
'field_group' => $field_group,
'field_group_fields' => array_map(function ($field) use ($field_group) {
$f = $field->getField();
$f->setName($this->name() . '[fields][field_' . $field->getId() . '][field_group_id_' . $field_group->getId() . '][field_id_' . $f->getId() . ']');
return $f;
}, $field_data),
'field_name' => $field_group->short_name,
$fields .= ee('View')->make($view)->render($viewData);
} else {
+ foreach ($field_data as $field_datum) {
+ $field = $field_datum->getField();
+ $field->setName($this->name() . '[fields][field_' . $field_datum->getId() . '][field_group_id_0][field_id_' . $field->getId() . ']');
+ $viewData = array_merge($viewData, [
+ 'field' => $field,
+ 'field_name' => $field_datum->ChannelField->field_name,
+ ]);
+ $fields .= ee('View')->make($view)->render($viewData);
+ }
- $field = $field_data[0]->getField();
- $field->setName($this->name() . '[fields][field_' . $field_data[0]->getId() . '][field_group_id_0][field_id_' . $field->getId() . ']');
- $viewData = array_merge($viewData, [
- 'field' => $field,
- 'field_name' => $field_data[0]->ChannelField->field_name,
- ]);
- $fields .= ee('View')->make($view)->render($viewData);
--- ft.fluid_field_unedited.php 2023-07-17 11:21:04
+++ ft.fluid_field.php 2023-07-15 07:12:15
@@ -387,7 +387,16 @@
$query->where('id', $fluid_field->field_data_id);
+ if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('fluid_field_after_update_field') === true) {
+ ee()->extensions->call(
+ 'fluid_field_after_update_field',
+ $fluid_field,
+ $fluid_field->ChannelField->getTableName(),
+ $values
+ );
+ }
private function addField($order, $group, $field_id, array $values)
@@ -424,6 +433,15 @@
$fluid_field->field_data_id = $id;
+ if (ee()->extensions->active_hook('fluid_field_after_add_field') === true) {
+ ee()->extensions->call(
+ 'fluid_field_after_add_field',
+ $fluid_field,
+ $fluid_field->ChannelField->getTableName(),
+ $values,
+ $id
+ );
+ }
private function removeField($fluid_field)
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In the ft.fluid_field.php file in the addField and updateField methods, between the two hooks wrap the db update calls in

if (!empty($values)) {

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Can't change the param order ExpressionEngine/ExpressionEngine#3927 (comment)

Need to update fork to EE 7.4, and apply these changes.

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