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Created October 15, 2017 04:23
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2017-10-15 12:10:55,805 [INFO @] 30760 - start_channel for cm_core
2017-10-15 12:10:55,814 [INFO @] 30760 - connecting to neovim server: /var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,815 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 1, b'vim_get_api_info', ()]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,816 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x01\xb0vim_get_api_info\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,816 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,817 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,818 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,818 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,818 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,818 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,818 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 1, None, [3, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_line_count', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_lines', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_lines', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], 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b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,819 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [3, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_line_count', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_lines', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_lines', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_mark', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_add_highlight', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_clear_highlight', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_detach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_try_resize', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_feedkeys', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_input', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_replace_termcodes', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command_output', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_eval', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_call_function', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_strwidth', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_list_runtime_paths', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_change_directory', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_vvar', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_out_write', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_err_write', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_report_error', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_buffers', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_subscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_unsubscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_name_to_color', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_color_map', b'return_type': b'Dictionary', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_api_info', b'return_type': b'Array', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,820 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,820 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,820 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,820 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,825 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 2, 'nvim_eval', ('globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,825 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x02\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00Fglobpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,825 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,826 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,826 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 2, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,826 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,826 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,826 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,826 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,826 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 3, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x03\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 3, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,839 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,840 [INFO @] 30760 - starting core, enter event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,840 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm_core> entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,840 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_setup, args: []
2017-10-15 12:10:55,840 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_core_channel_started', [3])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,840 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb8cm#_core_channel_started\x91\x03''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,840 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 4, 'nvim_get_var', ('_cm_servername',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,840 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x04\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xae_cm_servername''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,840 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9470> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [INFO @] 30760 - delay notification handling, method[cm_start_channels]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9470> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9470> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 4, None, b'/var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,841 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 5, 'nvim_get_var', ('_cm_start_py_path',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x05\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xb1_cm_start_py_path''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 5, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 6, 'nvim_get_var', ('_cm_py3',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x06\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xa7_cm_py3''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,842 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 6, None, b'/Users/xlc/anaconda3/bin/python3']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/Users/xlc/anaconda3/bin/python3'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 7, 'nvim_eval', ("get(g:,'python_host_prog','python2')",)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b"\x94\x00\x07\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00$get(g:,'python_host_prog','python2')"'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 7, None, b'python2']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'python2'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 8, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_complete_popup_delay',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x08\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xb7cm_complete_popup_delay''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,843 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 8, None, 50]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 50
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 9, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_enable',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\t\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_enable''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,844 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 9, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 10, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\n\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 10, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 11, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_multi_threading',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,845 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x0b\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xb2cm_multi_threading''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 11, None, 1]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 1
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 12, 'nvim_eval', ('globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x0c\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00Fglobpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,846 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,848 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,848 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 12, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 13, 'nvim_eval', ("globpath(&rtp,'pythonx/cm_sources/*.py',1)",)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b"\x94\x00\r\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00*globpath(&rtp,'pythonx/cm_sources/*.py',1)"'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,849 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,850 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 13, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,850 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_sources/'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,850 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,852 [INFO @] 30760 - registering source: {'enable': True, 'priority': 5, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword'}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,852 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#register_source', [{'priority': 5, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword'}])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,852 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#register_source\x91\x85\xa8priority\x05\xa6enable\xc3\xa7channel\x83\xa6module\xb8cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword\xa6events\x92\xabInsertEnter\xa8BufEnter\xa4type\xa7python3\xacabbreviation\xa3Key\xa4name\xadcm-bufkeyword''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,852 [INFO @] 30760 - source <cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword> registered
2017-10-15 12:10:55,853 [INFO @] 30760 - registering source: {'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'abbreviation': 'path', 'sort': 0, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,853 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#register_source', [{'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,853 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#register_source\x91\x89\xacword_pattern\xb0([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+\xa8priority\x06\xa4name\xabcm-filepath\xacabbreviation\xa4path\xa6enable\xc3\xb3cm_refresh_patterns\x92\xbc(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)\xbc([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+\xa4sort\x00\xa7channel\x83\xa6module\xb6cm_sources.cm_filepath\xa6events\x90\xa4type\xa7python3\xa7options\x81\xacpath_pattern\xb8(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,853 [INFO @] 30760 - source <cm_sources.cm_filepath> registered
2017-10-15 12:10:55,855 [INFO @] 30760 - registering source: {'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'early_cache': 1, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.']}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,855 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#register_source', [{'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'early_cache': 1, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.']}])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,855 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#register_source\x91\x8a\xacword_pattern\xa6[\\w/]+\xabearly_cache\x01\xa8priority\t\xa4name\xa9cm-gocode\xacabbreviation\xa2Go\xa7scoping\xc3\xa6scopes\x91\xa2go\xa6enable\xc3\xa7channel\x83\xa6module\xb4cm_sources.cm_gocode\xa6events\x90\xa4type\xa7python3\xb3cm_refresh_patterns\x91\xa2\\.''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,855 [INFO @] 30760 - source <cm_sources.cm_gocode> registered
2017-10-15 12:10:55,857 [INFO @] 30760 - registering source: {'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?']}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,857 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#register_source', [{'scoping': True, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'priority': 9, 'scopes': ['python'], 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?']}])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,857 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#register_source\x91\x88\xa7scoping\xc3\xa4name\xa7cm-jedi\xacabbreviation\xa2Py\xa8priority\t\xa6scopes\x91\xa6python\xa6enable\xc3\xa7channel\x84\xa6module\xb2cm_sources.cm_jedi\xa6events\x90\xa4type\xa7python3\xacmulti_thread\x00\xb3cm_refresh_patterns\x94\xb2^(import|from).*\\s\xa2\\.\xa5\\(\\s?\xa4,\\s?''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,857 [INFO @] 30760 - source <cm_sources.cm_jedi> registered
2017-10-15 12:10:55,861 [INFO @] 30760 - registering source: {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue', 'abbreviation': '', 'sort': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'auto_popup': 0}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,861 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#register_source', [{'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue', 'abbreviation': '', 'enable': True, 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'auto_popup': 0}])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#register_source\x91\x89\xacword_pattern\xa3\\w+\xa8priority\x05\xa4name\xb3cm-keyword-continue\xacabbreviation\xa0\xa6enable\xc3\xb1cm_refresh_length\x00\xa4sort\x00\xa7channel\x83\xa6module\xbecm_sources.cm_keyword_continue\xa6events\x90\xa4type\xa7python3\xaaauto_popup\x00''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,863 [INFO @] 30760 - source <cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue> registered
2017-10-15 12:10:55,866 [INFO @] 30760 - registering source: {'enable': True, 'priority': 6, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'name': 'cm-tags'}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,867 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#register_source', [{'priority': 6, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'name': 'cm-tags'}])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,867 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#register_source\x91\x85\xa8priority\x06\xa6enable\xc3\xa7channel\x83\xa6module\xb2cm_sources.cm_tags\xa6events\x91\xa8WinEnter\xa4type\xa7python3\xacabbreviation\xa3Tag\xa4name\xa7cm-tags''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,867 [INFO @] 30760 - source <cm_sources.cm_tags> registered
2017-10-15 12:10:55,870 [INFO @] 30760 - registering source: {'enable': True, 'priority': 4, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'name': 'cm-tmux'}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,870 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#register_source', [{'priority': 4, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'name': 'cm-tmux'}])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,871 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#register_source\x91\x85\xa8priority\x04\xa6enable\xc3\xa7channel\x83\xa6module\xb2cm_sources.cm_tmux\xa6events\x94\xaaCursorHold\xabCursorHoldI\xabFocusGained\xa8BufEnter\xa4type\xa7python3\xacabbreviation\xa4Tmux\xa4name\xa7cm-tmux''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,871 [INFO @] 30760 - source <cm_sources.cm_tmux> registered
2017-10-15 12:10:55,872 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 14, 'nvim_eval', ("globpath(&rtp,'pythonx/cm_scopers/*.py',1)",)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,872 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b"\x94\x00\x0e\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00*globpath(&rtp,'pythonx/cm_scopers/*.py',1)"'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,872 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,873 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,873 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,874 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,874 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,874 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,874 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:10:55,875 [INFO @] 30760 - delay notification handling, method[cm_start_channels]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,875 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:10:55,876 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,876 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,876 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,876 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,876 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:10:55,877 [INFO @] 30760 - delay notification handling, method[cm_start_channels]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,877 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:10:55,877 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,877 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,877 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,877 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,877 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:10:55,878 [INFO @] 30760 - delay notification handling, method[cm_start_channels]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,878 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:10:55,878 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,878 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,878 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,878 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,878 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:10:55,879 [INFO @] 30760 - delay notification handling, method[cm_start_channels]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,879 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:10:55,879 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,879 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,879 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,879 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,879 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:10:55,880 [INFO @] 30760 - delay notification handling, method[cm_start_channels]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,880 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:10:55,880 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,880 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,880 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,880 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,881 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:10:55,881 [INFO @] 30760 - delay notification handling, method[cm_start_channels]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,881 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:10:55,881 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,881 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,881 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,882 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,882 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,882 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_start_channels', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3'}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3'}}}, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,882 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:10:55,882 [INFO @] 30760 - delay notification handling, method[cm_start_channels]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,883 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:10:55,883 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9508> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,883 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,883 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 14, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_scopers/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_scopers/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_scopers/']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,883 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_scopers/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_scopers/\n/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx/cm_scopers/'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,883 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,885 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 15, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,885 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x0f\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,885 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,885 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,885 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,885 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,885 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 15, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.html_scoper> imported for html
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.html_scoper> imported for xhtml
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.html_scoper> imported for php
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.html_scoper> imported for blade
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.html_scoper> imported for jinja
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.html_scoper> imported for jinja2
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.html_scoper> imported for vue.html.javascript.css
2017-10-15 12:10:55,886 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.html_scoper> imported for vue
2017-10-15 12:10:55,888 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 16, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,888 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x10\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,888 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,888 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,888 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,888 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,888 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 16, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,889 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,889 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,889 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.markdown_scoper> imported for markdown
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 17, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x11\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 17, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1031e9340>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [INFO @] 30760 - scoper <cm_scopers.rst_scoper> imported for rst
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [INFO @] 30760 - _subscope_detectors: {'php': [<cm_scopers.html_scoper.Scoper object at 0x103482f98>], 'blade': [<cm_scopers.html_scoper.Scoper object at 0x103482f98>], 'vue.html.javascript.css': [<cm_scopers.html_scoper.Scoper object at 0x103482f98>], 'jinja': [<cm_scopers.html_scoper.Scoper object at 0x103482f98>], 'rst': [<cm_scopers.rst_scoper.Scoper object at 0x1034842b0>], 'vue': [<cm_scopers.html_scoper.Scoper object at 0x103482f98>], 'html': [<cm_scopers.html_scoper.Scoper object at 0x103482f98>], 'xhtml': [<cm_scopers.html_scoper.Scoper object at 0x103482f98>], 'markdown': [<cm_scopers.markdown_scoper.Scoper object at 0x10344c550>], 'jinja2': [<cm_scopers.html_scoper.Scoper object at 0x103482f98>]}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_setup completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_start_channels, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}}, {'typed': '', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 1, 'changedtick': 3, 'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_start_channels completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,890 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_start_channels, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 1, 'changedtick': 3, 'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,891 [INFO @] 30760 - starting <cm-bufkeyword> thread channel
2017-10-15 12:10:55,891 [INFO @] 30760 - connecting to neovim server: /var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,891 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_start_channels completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,891 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_start_channels, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {'typed': '', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 1, 'changedtick': 3, 'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,891 [INFO @] 30760 - starting <cm-filepath> thread channel
2017-10-15 12:10:55,891 [INFO @] 30760 - connecting to neovim server: /var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,892 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_start_channels completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,892 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_start_channels, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {'typed': '', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 1, 'changedtick': 3, 'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,892 [INFO @] 30760 - starting <cm-gocode> thread channel
2017-10-15 12:10:55,892 [INFO @] 30760 - connecting to neovim server: /var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,893 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_start_channels completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,893 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_start_channels, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}}, {'typed': '', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 1, 'changedtick': 3, 'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,893 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_start_channels completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,893 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_start_channels, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}}, {'typed': '', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 1, 'changedtick': 3, 'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,893 [INFO @] 30760 - starting <cm-keyword-continue> thread channel
2017-10-15 12:10:55,893 [INFO @] 30760 - connecting to neovim server: /var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,894 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 1, b'vim_get_api_info', ()]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,894 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 1, b'vim_get_api_info', ()]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,894 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 1, b'vim_get_api_info', ()]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,894 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_start_channels completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,894 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x01\xb0vim_get_api_info\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,895 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 1, b'vim_get_api_info', ()]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,895 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x01\xb0vim_get_api_info\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,895 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x01\xb0vim_get_api_info\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,895 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_start_channels, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 1, 'changedtick': 3, 'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,895 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x01\xb0vim_get_api_info\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,895 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,895 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,896 [INFO @] 30760 - starting <cm-tags> thread channel
2017-10-15 12:10:55,896 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,896 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,896 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,896 [INFO @] 30760 - connecting to neovim server: /var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,896 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_start_channels completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,896 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,897 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,897 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_start_channels, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3'}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 1, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 1, 'changedtick': 3, 'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,897 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,898 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,898 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,898 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 1, b'vim_get_api_info', ()]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,898 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,898 [INFO @] 30760 - starting <cm-tmux> thread channel
2017-10-15 12:10:55,898 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,899 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,899 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,899 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x01\xb0vim_get_api_info\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,899 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,899 [INFO @] 30760 - connecting to neovim server: /var/folders/f3/l0x65b_j2c90lr5g6d_0y6x80000gn/T/nvim0n5GDK/0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,899 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_start_channels completed
2017-10-15 12:10:55,900 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,900 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,900 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,900 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,900 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,900 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,901 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 1, b'vim_get_api_info', ()]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,901 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,901 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,901 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,901 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,901 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 1, None, [5, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_line_count', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_lines', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_lines', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_mark', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_add_highlight', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_clear_highlight', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_detach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_try_resize', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_feedkeys', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_input', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_replace_termcodes', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command_output', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_eval', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_call_function', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_strwidth', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_list_runtime_paths', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_change_directory', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_vvar', b'return_type': 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{b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], 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b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,902 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,902 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x01\xb0vim_get_api_info\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,902 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 1, None, [6, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': 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False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], 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2017-10-15 12:10:55,902 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,902 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,902 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,903 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [5, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_line_count', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_lines', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_lines', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_mark', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_add_highlight', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_clear_highlight', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, 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[b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_input', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_replace_termcodes', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command_output', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_eval', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_call_function', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_strwidth', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_list_runtime_paths', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_change_directory', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_vvar', b'return_type': 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{b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], 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b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,904 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,904 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [6, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', 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2017-10-15 12:10:55,904 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 1, None, [4, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], 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b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_subscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_unsubscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_name_to_color', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_color_map', b'return_type': b'Dictionary', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_api_info', b'return_type': b'Array', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,904 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 1, None, [7, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_line_count', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_lines', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_lines', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_mark', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_add_highlight', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_clear_highlight', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_detach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_try_resize', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_feedkeys', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_input', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_replace_termcodes', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command_output', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_eval', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_call_function', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_strwidth', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_list_runtime_paths', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_change_directory', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_vvar', b'return_type': 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{b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_subscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_unsubscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_name_to_color', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_color_map', b'return_type': b'Dictionary', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_api_info', b'return_type': b'Array', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,904 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,905 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,905 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,905 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,906 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [4, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': 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b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,906 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [7, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_line_count', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_lines', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_lines', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_mark', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_add_highlight', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_clear_highlight', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_detach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_try_resize', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_feedkeys', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_input', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_replace_termcodes', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command_output', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_eval', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_call_function', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_strwidth', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_list_runtime_paths', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_change_directory', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_vvar', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_out_write', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_err_write', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_report_error', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_buffers', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_subscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_unsubscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_name_to_color', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_color_map', b'return_type': b'Dictionary', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_api_info', b'return_type': b'Array', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,907 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,907 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,907 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,907 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,908 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,909 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 1, None, [8, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_line_count', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_lines', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_lines', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_mark', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_add_highlight', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_clear_highlight', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_detach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_try_resize', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_feedkeys', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_input', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_replace_termcodes', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command_output', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_eval', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_call_function', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_strwidth', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_list_runtime_paths', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_change_directory', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_vvar', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_out_write', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_err_write', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_report_error', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_buffers', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_subscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_unsubscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_name_to_color', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_color_map', b'return_type': b'Dictionary', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_api_info', b'return_type': b'Array', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,910 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,910 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,910 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,910 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,916 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 2, 'nvim_eval', ('globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,916 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [8, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], 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1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], 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[b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_input', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_replace_termcodes', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command_output', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_eval', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_call_function', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_strwidth', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_list_runtime_paths', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_change_directory', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_vvar', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_out_write', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_err_write', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_report_error', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_buffers', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_subscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_unsubscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_name_to_color', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_color_map', b'return_type': b'Dictionary', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_api_info', b'return_type': b'Array', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,916 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,922 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 2, 'nvim_eval', ('globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,922 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,922 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,922 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x02\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00Fglobpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,923 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,923 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 1, None, [9, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'tabpage_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_win', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_attach', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Dictionary', b'options']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_attach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height'], [b'Boolean', b'enable_rgb']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_detach', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_try_resize', b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_ui_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_feedkeys', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_input', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_replace_termcodes', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_command_output', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_eval', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_function', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_strwidth', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_runtime_paths', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_dir', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_line', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_current_line', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_vvar', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_out_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_write', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_err_writeln', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_bufs', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Buffer)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_buf', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_wins', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_win', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Window'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_win', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_list_tabpages', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_set_current_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_subscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_unsubscribe', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_by_name', b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_color_map', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_mode', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Dictionary'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_get_api_info', b'parameters': [], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': False, b'name': b'nvim_call_atomic', b'parameters': [[b'Array', b'calls']], b'return_type': b'Array'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_buf', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Buffer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_cursor', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_height', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_width', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'window_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_position', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_tabpage', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Tabpage'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_get_number', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_win_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_line_count', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_lines', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_lines', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_name', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_set_name', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_get_mark', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_add_highlight', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'buffer_clear_highlight', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_get_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'tabpage_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_detach', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'ui_try_resize', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Integer', b'width'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'command']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_feedkeys', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys'], [b'String', b'mode'], [b'Boolean', b'escape_csi']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_input', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'keys']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_replace_termcodes', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str'], [b'Boolean', b'from_part'], [b'Boolean', b'do_lt'], [b'Boolean', b'special']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_command_output', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_eval', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'expr']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_call_function', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'fname'], [b'Array', b'args']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_strwidth', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'str']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_list_runtime_paths', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_change_directory', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'dir']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_del_current_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_vvar', b'return_type': 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{b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_subscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_unsubscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_name_to_color', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_color_map', b'return_type': b'Dictionary', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_api_info', b'return_type': b'Array', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,923 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x02\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00Fglobpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,928 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 2, 'nvim_eval', ('globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,934 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 2, 'nvim_eval', ('globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,934 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,934 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,935 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [9, {b'types': {b'Window': {b'prefix': b'nvim_win_', b'id': 1}, b'Buffer': {b'prefix': b'nvim_buf_', b'id': 0}, b'Tabpage': {b'prefix': b'nvim_tabpage_', b'id': 2}}, b'version': {b'api_compatible': 0, b'api_level': 2, b'api_prerelease': False, b'minor': 2, b'patch': 0, b'major': 0}, b'functions': [{b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_line_count', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line', b'return_type': b'String', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index'], [b'String', b'line']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_line', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'index']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_get_line_slice', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(String)'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_line_slice', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'include_start'], [b'Boolean', b'include_end'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_lines', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'start'], [b'Integer', b'end'], [b'Boolean', b'strict_indexing'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'replacement']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 2, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_changedtick', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_del_var', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_set_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_del_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'Object'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_option', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_number', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 1, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 2}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'String'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_set_name', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_is_valid', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'return_type': b'Boolean'}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'buffer_insert', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'lnum'], [b'ArrayOf(String)', b'lines']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_get_mark', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'String', b'name']], b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_add_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'String', b'hl_group'], [b'Integer', b'line'], [b'Integer', b'col_start'], [b'Integer', b'col_end']], b'return_type': b'Integer'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_buf_clear_highlight', b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer'], [b'Integer', b'src_id'], [b'Integer', b'line_start'], [b'Integer', b'line_end']], b'return_type': b'void'}, {b'since': 1, b'method': True, b'name': b'nvim_tabpage_list_wins', b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], 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{b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_buffer', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Buffer', b'buffer']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_windows', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Window)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_window', b'return_type': b'Window', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_window', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_tabpages', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Tabpage)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_set_current_tabpage', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Tabpage', b'tabpage']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_subscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_unsubscribe', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'event']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_name_to_color', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_color_map', b'return_type': b'Dictionary', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': False, b'name': b'vim_get_api_info', b'return_type': b'Array', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_buffer', b'return_type': b'Buffer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_cursor', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_cursor', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'pos']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_height', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_height', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'height']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_width', b'return_type': b'Integer', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_width', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'Integer', b'width']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_var', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_option', b'return_type': b'Object', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_set_option', b'return_type': b'void', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window'], [b'String', b'name'], [b'Object', b'value']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_position', b'return_type': b'ArrayOf(Integer, 2)', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_get_tabpage', b'return_type': b'Tabpage', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}, {b'method': True, b'name': b'window_is_valid', b'return_type': b'Boolean', b'since': 0, b'parameters': [[b'Window', b'window']], b'deprecated_since': 1}], b'error_types': {b'Validation': {b'id': 1}, b'Exception': {b'id': 0}}}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,935 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,935 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x02\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00Fglobpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,935 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x02\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00Fglobpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,936 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,936 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,936 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,936 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,936 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,937 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,937 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,937 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 2, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,937 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,937 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 2, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,937 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,942 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 2, 'nvim_eval', ('globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,942 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,942 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,942 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 2, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x02\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00Fglobpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 2, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,943 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,949 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 2, 'nvim_eval', ('globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x02\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xda\x00Fglobpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 2, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,950 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,951 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,951 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,951 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,951 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,951 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,951 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,952 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 3, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,952 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,952 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,952 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 3, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,952 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,952 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 2, None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,953 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x03\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,953 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x03\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,953 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,953 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 3, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,953 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b'/tmp/plugged/nvim-completion-manager/pythonx\n'
2017-10-15 12:10:55,954 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 3, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,954 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,954 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,954 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,954 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x03\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,954 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,954 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x03\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,954 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,955 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,955 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,955 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,955 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,955 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,955 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 3, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,955 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 3, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 3, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 3, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,956 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,957 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 3, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,957 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x03\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,957 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,957 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,957 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,957 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,957 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 3, 'nvim_get_var', ('cm_completed_snippet_engine',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x03\xacnvim_get_var\x91\xbbcm_completed_snippet_engine''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,958 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,959 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,959 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 3, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,959 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,959 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,959 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,959 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,959 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,959 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 4, 'nvim_eval', ('cm#context()',)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 3, None, b'']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x04\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xaccm#context()''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_channel_started', ['cm-filepath', 4])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_channel_started', ['cm-keyword-continue', 7])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,960 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, b''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,961 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,961 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb3cm#_channel_started\x92\xabcm-filepath\x04''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,961 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb3cm#_channel_started\x92\xb3cm-keyword-continue\x07''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,961 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,961 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,961 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,962 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-filepath> handler created, entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,962 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> handler created, entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,962 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,962 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,962 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 4, None, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,962 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-filepath> entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,963 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,963 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 4, 'nvim_call_function', ('tagfiles', [])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,963 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,963 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, {b'typed': b'', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 1, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 1, b'changedtick': 3, b'curpos': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}
2017-10-15 12:10:55,963 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_setup, args: []
2017-10-15 12:10:55,964 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_setup, args: []
2017-10-15 12:10:55,964 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x04\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xa8tagfiles\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,964 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,964 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,964 [INFO @] 30760 - method: cm_setup not implemented, ignore this message
2017-10-15 12:10:55,965 [INFO @] 30760 - method: cm_setup not implemented, ignore this message
2017-10-15 12:10:55,965 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,965 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,965 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,966 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,969 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,970 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,971 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 4, None, []]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,971 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,971 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, []
2017-10-15 12:10:55,972 [INFO @] 30760 - refreshing_keyword, word_pattern [(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s]+)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,972 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,973 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 5, 'nvim_get_current_buf', ()]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,973 [INFO @] 30760 - list-window: 1
2017-10-15 12:10:55,974 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,974 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x05\xb4nvim_get_current_buf\x90''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,974 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,974 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,974 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,978 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,979 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_channel_started', ['cm-tags', 8])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,979 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 5, None, ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01')]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,980 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb3cm#_channel_started\x92\xa7cm-tags\x08''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,980 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01')
2017-10-15 12:10:55,980 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-tags> handler created, entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,980 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,980 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-tags> entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,980 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_setup, args: []
2017-10-15 12:10:55,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,981 [INFO @] 30760 - method: cm_setup not implemented, ignore this message
2017-10-15 12:10:55,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,982 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,982 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 6, 'buffer_line_count', (ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01'),)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,982 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x06\xb1buffer_line_count\x91\xd4\x00\x01''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,982 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,983 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,983 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 6, None, 849]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,983 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 849
2017-10-15 12:10:55,983 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,983 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,985 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,986 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,987 [INFO @] 30760 - keyword refresh begin, current count: 0
2017-10-15 12:10:55,987 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 7, 'nvim_buf_get_lines', (ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01'), 0, 1000, False)]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,988 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x07\xb2nvim_buf_get_lines\x94\xd4\x00\x01\x00\xcd\x03\xe8\xc2''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,988 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,988 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_channel_started', ['cm-gocode', 5])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,988 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb3cm#_channel_started\x92\xa9cm-gocode\x05''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,988 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,988 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> handler created, entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,989 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,989 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,989 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,989 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_setup, args: []
2017-10-15 12:10:55,989 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,989 [INFO @] 30760 - method: cm_setup not implemented, ignore this message
2017-10-15 12:10:55,989 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,990 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,990 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 7, None, [b'// Modified for Tendermint', b'// Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.', b'//', b'', b'package p2p', b'', b'import (', b'\t"encoding/binary"', b'\t"encoding/json"', b'\t"math"', b'\t"math/rand"', b'\t"net"', b'\t"os"', b'\t"sync"', b'\t"time"', b'', b'\tlog ""', b'\tcrypto ""', b'\tcmn ""', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\t// addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.', b'\tneedAddressThreshold = 1000', b'', b'\t// interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.', b'\tdumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each old address bucket.', b'\toldBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets we split old addresses over.', b'\toldBucketCount = 64', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each new address bucket.', b'\tnewBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets that we spread new addresses over.', b'\tnewBucketCount = 256', b'', b'\t// old buckets over which an address group will be spread.', b'\toldBucketsPerGroup = 4', b'', b'\t// new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.', b'\tnewBucketsPerGroup = 32', b'', b'\t// buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.', b'\tmaxNewBucketsPerAddress = 4', b'', b'\t// days before which we assume an address has vanished', b'\t// if we have not seen it announced in that long.', b'\tnumMissingDays = 30', b'', b'\t// tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.', b'\tnumRetries = 3', b'', b'\t// max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.', b'\tmaxFailures = 10', b'', b'\t// days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.', b'\tminBadDays = 7', b'', b'\t// % of total addresses known returned by GetSelection.', b'\tgetSelectionPercent = 23', b'', b'\t// min addresses that must be returned by GetSelection. Useful for bootstrapping.', b'\tminGetSelection = 32', b'', b'\t// max addresses returned by GetSelection', b'\t// NOTE: this must match "maxPexMessageSize"', b'\tmaxGetSelection = 250', b'', b'\t// current version of the on-disk format.', b'\tserializationVersion = 1', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\tbucketTypeNew = 0x01', b'\tbucketTypeOld = 0x02', b')', b'', b'// AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager.', b'type AddrBook struct {', b'\tcmn.BaseService', b'', b'\tmtx sync.Mutex', b'\tfilePath string', b'\troutabilityStrict bool', b'\trand *rand.Rand', b'\tkey string', b'\tourAddrs map[string]*NetAddress', b'\taddrLookup map[string]*knownAddress // new & old', b'\taddrNew []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\taddrOld []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\twg sync.WaitGroup', b'\tnOld int', b'\tnNew int', b'}', b'', b'// NewAddrBook creates a new address book.', b'// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.', b'func NewAddrBook(filePath string, routabilityStrict bool) *AddrBook {', b'\tam := &AddrBook{', b'\t\trand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),', b'\t\tourAddrs: make(map[string]*NetAddress),', b'\t\taddrLookup: make(map[string]*knownAddress),', b'\t\tfilePath: filePath,', b'\t\troutabilityStrict: routabilityStrict,', b'\t}', b'\tam.init()', b'\tam.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "AddrBook", am)', b'\treturn am', b'}', b'', b"// When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()", b'func (a *AddrBook) init() {', b'\ta.key = crypto.CRandHex(24) // 24/2 * 8 = 96 bits', b'\t// New addr buckets', b'\ta.addrNew = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, newBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrNew {', b'\t\ta.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'\t// Old addr buckets', b'\ta.addrOld = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, oldBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrOld {', b'\t\ta.addrOld[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// OnStart implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStart() error {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStart()', b'\ta.loadFromFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Add(1)', b'\tgo a.saveRoutine()', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'// OnStop implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStop() {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStop()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Wait() {', b'\ta.wg.Wait()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddOurAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Add our address to book")', b'', b'\ta.ourAddrs[addr.String()] = addr', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) OurAddresses() []*NetAddress {', b'\taddrs := []*NetAddress{}', b'\tfor _, addr := range a.ourAddrs {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, addr)', b'\t}', b'\treturn addrs', b'}', b'', b'// NOTE: addr must not be nil', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t"addr": addr,', b'\t\t"src": src,', b'\t}).Info("Add address to book")', b'\ta.addAddress(addr, src)', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddrs() bool {', b'\treturn a.Size() < needAddressThreshold', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\treturn a.size()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) size() int {', b'\treturn a.nNew + a.nOld', b'}', b'', b'// Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.', b'func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias > 100 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 100', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias < 0 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 0', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Bias between new and old addresses.', b'\toldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))', b'\tnewCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)', b'', b'\tif (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {', b'\t\t// pick random Old bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t} else {', b'\t\t// pick random New bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t}', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markGood()', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\ta.moveToOld(ka)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markAttempt()', b'}', b'', b'// MarkBad currently just ejects the address. In the future, consider', b'// blacklisting.', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkBad(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.RemoveAddress(addr)', b'}', b'', b'// RemoveAddress removes the address from the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) RemoveAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Remove address from book")', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b'}', b'', b'/* Peer exchange */', b'', b'// GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.', b'func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'', b'\tallAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())', b'\ti := 0', b'\tfor _, v := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\tallAddr[i] = v.Addr', b'\t\ti++', b'\t}', b'', b'\tnumAddresses := cmn.MaxInt(', b'\t\tcmn.MinInt(minGetSelection, len(allAddr)),', b'\t\tlen(allAddr)*getSelectionPercent/100)', b'\tnumAddresses = cmn.MinInt(maxGetSelection, numAddresses)', b'', b'\t// Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first', b"\t// `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.", b'\tfor i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {', b'\t\t// pick a number between current index and the end', b'\t\tj := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i', b'\t\tallAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// slice off the limit we are willing to share.', b'\treturn allAddr[:numAddresses]', b'}', b'', b'/* Loading & Saving */', b'', b'type addrBookJSON struct {', b'\tKey string', b'\tAddrs []*knownAddress', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\t// Compile Addrs', b'\taddrs := []*knownAddress{}', b'\tfor _, ka := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, ka)', b'\t}', b'', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{', b'\t\tKey: a.key,', b'\t\tAddrs: addrs,', b'\t}', b'', b'\tjsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\\t")', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithField("err", err).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\terr = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t\t"file": filePath,', b'\t\t\t"err": err,', b'\t\t}).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// Returns false if file does not exist.', b'// cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.', b'func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {', b"\t// If doesn't exist, do nothing.", b'\t_, err := os.Stat(filePath)', b'\tif os.IsNotExist(err) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Load addrBookJSON{}', b'\tr, err := os.Open(filePath)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'\tdefer r.Close()', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{}', b'\tdec := json.NewDecoder(r)', b'\terr = dec.Decode(aJSON)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Restore all the fields...', b'\t// Restore the key', b'\ta.key = aJSON.Key', b'\t// Restore .addrNew & .addrOld', b'\tfor _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {', b'\t\tfor _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)', b'\t\t\tbucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t\ta.addrLookup[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'// Save saves the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) Save() {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'}', b'', b'/* Private methods */', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveRoutine() {', b'\tdumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)', b'out:', b'\tfor {', b'\t\tselect {', b'\t\tcase <-dumpAddressTicker.C:', b'\t\t\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\t\tcase <-a.Quit:', b'\t\t\tbreak out', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tdumpAddressTicker.Stop()', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Done()', b'\tlog.Info("Address handler done")', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) getBucket(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) map[string]*knownAddress {', b'\tswitch bucketType {', b'\tcase bucketTypeNew:', b'\t\treturn a.addrNew[bucketIdx]', b'\tcase bucketTypeOld:', b'\t\treturn a.addrOld[bucketIdx]', b'\tdefault:', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to new bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'// NOTE: currently it always returns true.', b'func (a *AddrBook) addToNewBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add address already in old bucket to a new bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > newBucketSize {', b'\t\tlog.Info("new bucket is full, expiring old ")', b'\t\ta.expireNew(bucketIdx)', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to old bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'func (a *AddrBook) addToOldBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add new address to old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) != 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add already old address to another old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > oldBucketSize {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) {', b'\tif ka.BucketType != bucketType {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Bucket type mismatch: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\tif ka.removeBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 0 {', b'\t\tif bucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromAllBuckets(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\tfor _, bucketIdx := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\t\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = nil', b'\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t} else {', b'\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t}', b'\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) pickOldest(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) *knownAddress {', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tvar oldest *knownAddress', b'\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\tif oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt) {', b'\t\t\toldest = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn oldest', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !addr.Routable() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add non-routable address %v", addr))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif _, ok := a.ourAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {', b'\t\t// Ignore our own listener address.', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'', b'\tif ka != nil {', b'\t\t// Already old.', b'\t\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Already in max new buckets.', b'\t\tif len(ka.Buckets) == maxNewBucketsPerAddress {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.', b'\t\tfactor := int32(2 * len(ka.Buckets))', b'\t\tif a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t} else {', b'\t\tka = newKnownAddress(addr, src)', b'\t}', b'', b'\tbucket := a.calcNewBucket(addr, src)', b'\ta.addToNewBucket(ka, bucket)', b'', b'\tlog.Info("Added new address", "address", addr, "total", a.size())', b'}', b'', b'// Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.', b'// If no bad entries are available we remove the oldest.', b'func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucketIdx int) {', b'\tfor addrStr, ka := range a.addrNew[bucketIdx] {', b'\t\t// If an entry is bad, throw it away', b'\t\tif ka.isBad() {', b'\t\t\tlog.Info(cmn.Fmt("expiring bad address %v", addrStr))', b'\t\t\ta.removeFromBucket(ka, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry", b'\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'}', b'', b'// Promotes an address from new to old.', b'// TODO: Move to old probabilistically.', b'// The better a node is, the less likely it should be evicted from an old bucket.', b'func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that is already old %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) == 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that isn\'t in any new buckets %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Remember one of the buckets in which ka is in.', b'\tfreedBucket := ka.Buckets[0]', b'\t// Remove from all (new) buckets.', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b"\t// It's officially old now.", b'\tka.BucketType = bucketTypeOld', b'', b'\t// Try to add it to its oldBucket destination.', b'\toldBucketIdx := a.calcOldBucket(ka.Addr)', b'\tadded := a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\tif !added {', b'\t\t// No room, must evict something', b'\t\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// Find new bucket to put oldest in', b'\t\tnewBucketIdx := a.calcNewBucket(oldest.Addr, oldest.Src)', b'\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, newBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// No space in newBucket either, just put it in freedBucket from above.', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, freedBucket)', b'\t\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not migrate oldest %v to freedBucket %v", oldest, freedBucket))', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Finally, add to bucket again.', b'\t\tadded = a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not re-add ka %v to oldBucketIdx %v", ka, oldBucketIdx))', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + sourcegroup +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_group ) % num_new_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(addr))...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(src))...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(src)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + group +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group ) % num_old_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(addr)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// Return a string representing the network group of this address.', b'// This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for for IPv6, the string', b'// "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable', b'// address.', b'func (a *AddrBook) groupKey(na *NetAddress) string {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && na.Local() {', b'\t\treturn "local"', b'\t}', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !na.Routable() {', b'\t\treturn "unroutable"', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {', b'\t\t// last four bytes are the ip address', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif na.RFC3964() {', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC4380() {', b'\t\t// teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR', b'\t\t// 0xff.', b'\t\tip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))', b'\t\tfor i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {', b'\t\t\tip[i] = byte ^ 0xff', b'\t\t}', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.', b"\t// bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's", b'\t// ( IP range, which it uses /36 for.', b'\tbits := 32', b'\theNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),', b'\t\tMask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}', b'\tif heNet.Contains(na.IP) {', b'\t\tbits = 36', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()', b'}', b'', b'//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', b'', b'/*', b' knownAddress', b'', b' tracks information about a known network address that is used', b' to determine how viable an address is.', b'*/', b'type knownAddress struct {', b'\tAddr *NetAddress', b'\tSrc *NetAddress', b'\tAttempts int32', b'\tLastAttempt time.Time', b'\tLastSuccess time.Time', b'\tBucketType byte', b'\tBuckets []int', b'}', b'', b'func newKnownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {', b'\treturn &knownAddress{', b'\t\tAddr: addr,', b'\t\tSrc: src,', b'\t\tAttempts: 0,', b'\t\tLastAttempt: time.Now(),', b'\t\tBucketType: bucketTypeNew,', b'\t\tBuckets: nil,', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isOld() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeOld', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isNew() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markAttempt() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts += 1', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markGood() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts = 0', b'\tka.LastSuccess = now', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) addBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket == bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("Bucket already exists in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\t\treturn -1', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = append(ka.Buckets, bucketIdx)', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) removeBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tbuckets := []int{}', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket != bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\tbuckets = append(buckets, bucket)', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tif len(buckets) != len(ka.Buckets)-1 {', b'\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("bucketIdx not found in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn -1', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = buckets', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'/*', b' An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last', b' minute and meets one of the following criteria:', b'', b' 1) It claims to be from the future', b" 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month", b' 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded', b' 4) It has failed ten times in the last week', b'', b' All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not', b' worth keeping hold of.', b'*/', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isBad() bool {', b'\t// Has been attempted in the last minute --> good', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Over a month old?', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Never succeeded?', b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// Hasn't succeeded in too long?", b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&', b'\t\tka.Attempts >= maxFailures {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn false', b'}']]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,990 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [b'// Modified for Tendermint', b'// Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.', b'//', b'', b'package p2p', b'', b'import (', b'\t"encoding/binary"', b'\t"encoding/json"', b'\t"math"', b'\t"math/rand"', b'\t"net"', b'\t"os"', b'\t"sync"', b'\t"time"', b'', b'\tlog ""', b'\tcrypto ""', b'\tcmn ""', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\t// addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.', b'\tneedAddressThreshold = 1000', b'', b'\t// interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.', b'\tdumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each old address bucket.', b'\toldBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets we split old addresses over.', b'\toldBucketCount = 64', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each new address bucket.', b'\tnewBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets that we spread new addresses over.', b'\tnewBucketCount = 256', b'', b'\t// old buckets over which an address group will be spread.', b'\toldBucketsPerGroup = 4', b'', b'\t// new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.', b'\tnewBucketsPerGroup = 32', b'', b'\t// buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.', b'\tmaxNewBucketsPerAddress = 4', b'', b'\t// days before which we assume an address has vanished', b'\t// if we have not seen it announced in that long.', b'\tnumMissingDays = 30', b'', b'\t// tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.', b'\tnumRetries = 3', b'', b'\t// max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.', b'\tmaxFailures = 10', b'', b'\t// days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.', b'\tminBadDays = 7', b'', b'\t// % of total addresses known returned by GetSelection.', b'\tgetSelectionPercent = 23', b'', b'\t// min addresses that must be returned by GetSelection. Useful for bootstrapping.', b'\tminGetSelection = 32', b'', b'\t// max addresses returned by GetSelection', b'\t// NOTE: this must match "maxPexMessageSize"', b'\tmaxGetSelection = 250', b'', b'\t// current version of the on-disk format.', b'\tserializationVersion = 1', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\tbucketTypeNew = 0x01', b'\tbucketTypeOld = 0x02', b')', b'', b'// AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager.', b'type AddrBook struct {', b'\tcmn.BaseService', b'', b'\tmtx sync.Mutex', b'\tfilePath string', b'\troutabilityStrict bool', b'\trand *rand.Rand', b'\tkey string', b'\tourAddrs map[string]*NetAddress', b'\taddrLookup map[string]*knownAddress // new & old', b'\taddrNew []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\taddrOld []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\twg sync.WaitGroup', b'\tnOld int', b'\tnNew int', b'}', b'', b'// NewAddrBook creates a new address book.', b'// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.', b'func NewAddrBook(filePath string, routabilityStrict bool) *AddrBook {', b'\tam := &AddrBook{', b'\t\trand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),', b'\t\tourAddrs: make(map[string]*NetAddress),', b'\t\taddrLookup: make(map[string]*knownAddress),', b'\t\tfilePath: filePath,', b'\t\troutabilityStrict: routabilityStrict,', b'\t}', b'\tam.init()', b'\tam.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "AddrBook", am)', b'\treturn am', b'}', b'', b"// When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()", b'func (a *AddrBook) init() {', b'\ta.key = crypto.CRandHex(24) // 24/2 * 8 = 96 bits', b'\t// New addr buckets', b'\ta.addrNew = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, newBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrNew {', b'\t\ta.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'\t// Old addr buckets', b'\ta.addrOld = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, oldBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrOld {', b'\t\ta.addrOld[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// OnStart implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStart() error {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStart()', b'\ta.loadFromFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Add(1)', b'\tgo a.saveRoutine()', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'// OnStop implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStop() {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStop()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Wait() {', b'\ta.wg.Wait()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddOurAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Add our address to book")', b'', b'\ta.ourAddrs[addr.String()] = addr', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) OurAddresses() []*NetAddress {', b'\taddrs := []*NetAddress{}', b'\tfor _, addr := range a.ourAddrs {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, addr)', b'\t}', b'\treturn addrs', b'}', b'', b'// NOTE: addr must not be nil', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t"addr": addr,', b'\t\t"src": src,', b'\t}).Info("Add address to book")', b'\ta.addAddress(addr, src)', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddrs() bool {', b'\treturn a.Size() < needAddressThreshold', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\treturn a.size()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) size() int {', b'\treturn a.nNew + a.nOld', b'}', b'', b'// Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.', b'func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias > 100 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 100', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias < 0 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 0', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Bias between new and old addresses.', b'\toldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))', b'\tnewCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)', b'', b'\tif (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {', b'\t\t// pick random Old bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t} else {', b'\t\t// pick random New bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t}', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markGood()', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\ta.moveToOld(ka)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markAttempt()', b'}', b'', b'// MarkBad currently just ejects the address. In the future, consider', b'// blacklisting.', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkBad(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.RemoveAddress(addr)', b'}', b'', b'// RemoveAddress removes the address from the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) RemoveAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Remove address from book")', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b'}', b'', b'/* Peer exchange */', b'', b'// GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.', b'func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'', b'\tallAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())', b'\ti := 0', b'\tfor _, v := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\tallAddr[i] = v.Addr', b'\t\ti++', b'\t}', b'', b'\tnumAddresses := cmn.MaxInt(', b'\t\tcmn.MinInt(minGetSelection, len(allAddr)),', b'\t\tlen(allAddr)*getSelectionPercent/100)', b'\tnumAddresses = cmn.MinInt(maxGetSelection, numAddresses)', b'', b'\t// Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first', b"\t// `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.", b'\tfor i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {', b'\t\t// pick a number between current index and the end', b'\t\tj := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i', b'\t\tallAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// slice off the limit we are willing to share.', b'\treturn allAddr[:numAddresses]', b'}', b'', b'/* Loading & Saving */', b'', b'type addrBookJSON struct {', b'\tKey string', b'\tAddrs []*knownAddress', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\t// Compile Addrs', b'\taddrs := []*knownAddress{}', b'\tfor _, ka := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, ka)', b'\t}', b'', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{', b'\t\tKey: a.key,', b'\t\tAddrs: addrs,', b'\t}', b'', b'\tjsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\\t")', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithField("err", err).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\terr = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t\t"file": filePath,', b'\t\t\t"err": err,', b'\t\t}).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// Returns false if file does not exist.', b'// cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.', b'func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {', b"\t// If doesn't exist, do nothing.", b'\t_, err := os.Stat(filePath)', b'\tif os.IsNotExist(err) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Load addrBookJSON{}', b'\tr, err := os.Open(filePath)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'\tdefer r.Close()', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{}', b'\tdec := json.NewDecoder(r)', b'\terr = dec.Decode(aJSON)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Restore all the fields...', b'\t// Restore the key', b'\ta.key = aJSON.Key', b'\t// Restore .addrNew & .addrOld', b'\tfor _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {', b'\t\tfor _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)', b'\t\t\tbucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t\ta.addrLookup[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'// Save saves the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) Save() {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'}', b'', b'/* Private methods */', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveRoutine() {', b'\tdumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)', b'out:', b'\tfor {', b'\t\tselect {', b'\t\tcase <-dumpAddressTicker.C:', b'\t\t\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\t\tcase <-a.Quit:', b'\t\t\tbreak out', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tdumpAddressTicker.Stop()', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Done()', b'\tlog.Info("Address handler done")', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) getBucket(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) map[string]*knownAddress {', b'\tswitch bucketType {', b'\tcase bucketTypeNew:', b'\t\treturn a.addrNew[bucketIdx]', b'\tcase bucketTypeOld:', b'\t\treturn a.addrOld[bucketIdx]', b'\tdefault:', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to new bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'// NOTE: currently it always returns true.', b'func (a *AddrBook) addToNewBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add address already in old bucket to a new bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > newBucketSize {', b'\t\tlog.Info("new bucket is full, expiring old ")', b'\t\ta.expireNew(bucketIdx)', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to old bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'func (a *AddrBook) addToOldBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add new address to old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) != 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add already old address to another old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > oldBucketSize {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) {', b'\tif ka.BucketType != bucketType {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Bucket type mismatch: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\tif ka.removeBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 0 {', b'\t\tif bucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromAllBuckets(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\tfor _, bucketIdx := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\t\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = nil', b'\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t} else {', b'\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t}', b'\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) pickOldest(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) *knownAddress {', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tvar oldest *knownAddress', b'\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\tif oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt) {', b'\t\t\toldest = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn oldest', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !addr.Routable() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add non-routable address %v", addr))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif _, ok := a.ourAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {', b'\t\t// Ignore our own listener address.', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'', b'\tif ka != nil {', b'\t\t// Already old.', b'\t\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Already in max new buckets.', b'\t\tif len(ka.Buckets) == maxNewBucketsPerAddress {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.', b'\t\tfactor := int32(2 * len(ka.Buckets))', b'\t\tif a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t} else {', b'\t\tka = newKnownAddress(addr, src)', b'\t}', b'', b'\tbucket := a.calcNewBucket(addr, src)', b'\ta.addToNewBucket(ka, bucket)', b'', b'\tlog.Info("Added new address", "address", addr, "total", a.size())', b'}', b'', b'// Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.', b'// If no bad entries are available we remove the oldest.', b'func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucketIdx int) {', b'\tfor addrStr, ka := range a.addrNew[bucketIdx] {', b'\t\t// If an entry is bad, throw it away', b'\t\tif ka.isBad() {', b'\t\t\tlog.Info(cmn.Fmt("expiring bad address %v", addrStr))', b'\t\t\ta.removeFromBucket(ka, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry", b'\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'}', b'', b'// Promotes an address from new to old.', b'// TODO: Move to old probabilistically.', b'// The better a node is, the less likely it should be evicted from an old bucket.', b'func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that is already old %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) == 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that isn\'t in any new buckets %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Remember one of the buckets in which ka is in.', b'\tfreedBucket := ka.Buckets[0]', b'\t// Remove from all (new) buckets.', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b"\t// It's officially old now.", b'\tka.BucketType = bucketTypeOld', b'', b'\t// Try to add it to its oldBucket destination.', b'\toldBucketIdx := a.calcOldBucket(ka.Addr)', b'\tadded := a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\tif !added {', b'\t\t// No room, must evict something', b'\t\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// Find new bucket to put oldest in', b'\t\tnewBucketIdx := a.calcNewBucket(oldest.Addr, oldest.Src)', b'\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, newBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// No space in newBucket either, just put it in freedBucket from above.', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, freedBucket)', b'\t\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not migrate oldest %v to freedBucket %v", oldest, freedBucket))', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Finally, add to bucket again.', b'\t\tadded = a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not re-add ka %v to oldBucketIdx %v", ka, oldBucketIdx))', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + sourcegroup +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_group ) % num_new_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(addr))...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(src))...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(src)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + group +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group ) % num_old_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(addr)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// Return a string representing the network group of this address.', b'// This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for for IPv6, the string', b'// "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable', b'// address.', b'func (a *AddrBook) groupKey(na *NetAddress) string {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && na.Local() {', b'\t\treturn "local"', b'\t}', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !na.Routable() {', b'\t\treturn "unroutable"', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {', b'\t\t// last four bytes are the ip address', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif na.RFC3964() {', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC4380() {', b'\t\t// teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR', b'\t\t// 0xff.', b'\t\tip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))', b'\t\tfor i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {', b'\t\t\tip[i] = byte ^ 0xff', b'\t\t}', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.', b"\t// bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's", b'\t// ( IP range, which it uses /36 for.', b'\tbits := 32', b'\theNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),', b'\t\tMask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}', b'\tif heNet.Contains(na.IP) {', b'\t\tbits = 36', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()', b'}', b'', b'//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', b'', b'/*', b' knownAddress', b'', b' tracks information about a known network address that is used', b' to determine how viable an address is.', b'*/', b'type knownAddress struct {', b'\tAddr *NetAddress', b'\tSrc *NetAddress', b'\tAttempts int32', b'\tLastAttempt time.Time', b'\tLastSuccess time.Time', b'\tBucketType byte', b'\tBuckets []int', b'}', b'', b'func newKnownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {', b'\treturn &knownAddress{', b'\t\tAddr: addr,', b'\t\tSrc: src,', b'\t\tAttempts: 0,', b'\t\tLastAttempt: time.Now(),', b'\t\tBucketType: bucketTypeNew,', b'\t\tBuckets: nil,', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isOld() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeOld', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isNew() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markAttempt() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts += 1', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markGood() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts = 0', b'\tka.LastSuccess = now', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) addBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket == bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("Bucket already exists in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\t\treturn -1', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = append(ka.Buckets, bucketIdx)', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) removeBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tbuckets := []int{}', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket != bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\tbuckets = append(buckets, bucket)', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tif len(buckets) != len(ka.Buckets)-1 {', b'\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("bucketIdx not found in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn -1', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = buckets', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'/*', b' An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last', b' minute and meets one of the following criteria:', b'', b' 1) It claims to be from the future', b" 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month", b' 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded', b' 4) It has failed ten times in the last week', b'', b' All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not', b' worth keeping hold of.', b'*/', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isBad() bool {', b'\t// Has been attempted in the last minute --> good', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Over a month old?', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Never succeeded?', b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// Hasn't succeeded in too long?", b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&', b'\t\tka.Attempts >= maxFailures {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn false', b'}']
2017-10-15 12:10:55,991 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Stopped event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,992 [INFO @] 30760 - keyword refresh complete, count: 96
2017-10-15 12:10:55,992 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,992 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_channel_started', ['cm-tmux', 9])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,992 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:10:55,992 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb3cm#_channel_started\x92\xa7cm-tmux\t''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,992 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Exited event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,993 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-tmux> handler created, entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,998 [INFO @] 30760 - keyword refresh complete, count: 613
2017-10-15 12:10:55,998 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-tmux> entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,998 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_channel_started', ['cm-bufkeyword', 6])]
2017-10-15 12:10:55,998 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_setup, args: []
2017-10-15 12:10:55,998 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb3cm#_channel_started\x92\xadcm-bufkeyword\x06''
2017-10-15 12:10:55,999 [INFO @] 30760 - method: cm_setup not implemented, ignore this message
2017-10-15 12:10:55,999 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-bufkeyword> handler created, entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,999 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,999 [INFO @] 30760 - <cm-bufkeyword> entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:10:55,999 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_setup, args: []
2017-10-15 12:10:55,999 [INFO @] 30760 - method: cm_setup not implemented, ignore this message
2017-10-15 12:10:55,999 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Entering event loop
2017-10-15 12:11:01,194 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,194 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,195 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_insert_enter', []]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,195 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_event', [b'InsertEnter', {b'typed': b'\t', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 2, b'changedtick': 4, b'curpos': [0, 15, 2, 0, 9], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,195 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_insert_enter', []
2017-10-15 12:11:01,195 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_event', [b'InsertEnter', {b'typed': b'\t', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 2, b'changedtick': 4, b'curpos': [0, 15, 2, 0, 9], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,195 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674470> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:01,195 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:01,195 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_insert_enter, args: []
2017-10-15 12:11:01,196 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_event, args: ['InsertEnter', {'typed': '\t', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 2, 'changedtick': 4, 'curpos': [0, 15, 2, 0, 9], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,196 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_insert_enter completed
2017-10-15 12:11:01,196 [INFO @] 30760 - refreshing_keyword, word_pattern [(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s]+)]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,196 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674470> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 8, 'nvim_get_current_buf', ()]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674470> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x08\xb4nvim_get_current_buf\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,197 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 8, None, ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01')]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01')
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 9, 'buffer_line_count', (ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01'),)]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\t\xb1buffer_line_count\x91\xd4\x00\x01''
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 9, None, 850]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 850
2017-10-15 12:11:01,198 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [INFO @] 30760 - keyword refresh begin, current count: 0
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 10, 'nvim_buf_get_lines', (ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01'), 0, 1000, False)]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\n\xb2nvim_buf_get_lines\x94\xd4\x00\x01\x00\xcd\x03\xe8\xc2''
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,199 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,200 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,200 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 10, None, [b'// Modified for Tendermint', b'// Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.', b'//', b'', b'package p2p', b'', b'import (', b'\t"encoding/binary"', b'\t"encoding/json"', b'\t"math"', b'\t"math/rand"', b'\t"net"', b'\t"os"', b'\t"sync"', b'\t', b'\t"time"', b'', b'\tlog ""', b'\tcrypto ""', b'\tcmn ""', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\t// addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.', b'\tneedAddressThreshold = 1000', b'', b'\t// interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.', b'\tdumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each old address bucket.', b'\toldBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets we split old addresses over.', b'\toldBucketCount = 64', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each new address bucket.', b'\tnewBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets that we spread new addresses over.', b'\tnewBucketCount = 256', b'', b'\t// old buckets over which an address group will be spread.', b'\toldBucketsPerGroup = 4', b'', b'\t// new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.', b'\tnewBucketsPerGroup = 32', b'', b'\t// buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.', b'\tmaxNewBucketsPerAddress = 4', b'', b'\t// days before which we assume an address has vanished', b'\t// if we have not seen it announced in that long.', b'\tnumMissingDays = 30', b'', b'\t// tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.', b'\tnumRetries = 3', b'', b'\t// max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.', b'\tmaxFailures = 10', b'', b'\t// days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.', b'\tminBadDays = 7', b'', b'\t// % of total addresses known returned by GetSelection.', b'\tgetSelectionPercent = 23', b'', b'\t// min addresses that must be returned by GetSelection. Useful for bootstrapping.', b'\tminGetSelection = 32', b'', b'\t// max addresses returned by GetSelection', b'\t// NOTE: this must match "maxPexMessageSize"', b'\tmaxGetSelection = 250', b'', b'\t// current version of the on-disk format.', b'\tserializationVersion = 1', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\tbucketTypeNew = 0x01', b'\tbucketTypeOld = 0x02', b')', b'', b'// AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager.', b'type AddrBook struct {', b'\tcmn.BaseService', b'', b'\tmtx sync.Mutex', b'\tfilePath string', b'\troutabilityStrict bool', b'\trand *rand.Rand', b'\tkey string', b'\tourAddrs map[string]*NetAddress', b'\taddrLookup map[string]*knownAddress // new & old', b'\taddrNew []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\taddrOld []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\twg sync.WaitGroup', b'\tnOld int', b'\tnNew int', b'}', b'', b'// NewAddrBook creates a new address book.', b'// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.', b'func NewAddrBook(filePath string, routabilityStrict bool) *AddrBook {', b'\tam := &AddrBook{', b'\t\trand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),', b'\t\tourAddrs: make(map[string]*NetAddress),', b'\t\taddrLookup: make(map[string]*knownAddress),', b'\t\tfilePath: filePath,', b'\t\troutabilityStrict: routabilityStrict,', b'\t}', b'\tam.init()', b'\tam.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "AddrBook", am)', b'\treturn am', b'}', b'', b"// When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()", b'func (a *AddrBook) init() {', b'\ta.key = crypto.CRandHex(24) // 24/2 * 8 = 96 bits', b'\t// New addr buckets', b'\ta.addrNew = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, newBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrNew {', b'\t\ta.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'\t// Old addr buckets', b'\ta.addrOld = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, oldBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrOld {', b'\t\ta.addrOld[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// OnStart implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStart() error {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStart()', b'\ta.loadFromFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Add(1)', b'\tgo a.saveRoutine()', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'// OnStop implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStop() {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStop()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Wait() {', b'\ta.wg.Wait()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddOurAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Add our address to book")', b'', b'\ta.ourAddrs[addr.String()] = addr', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) OurAddresses() []*NetAddress {', b'\taddrs := []*NetAddress{}', b'\tfor _, addr := range a.ourAddrs {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, addr)', b'\t}', b'\treturn addrs', b'}', b'', b'// NOTE: addr must not be nil', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t"addr": addr,', b'\t\t"src": src,', b'\t}).Info("Add address to book")', b'\ta.addAddress(addr, src)', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddrs() bool {', b'\treturn a.Size() < needAddressThreshold', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\treturn a.size()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) size() int {', b'\treturn a.nNew + a.nOld', b'}', b'', b'// Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.', b'func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias > 100 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 100', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias < 0 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 0', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Bias between new and old addresses.', b'\toldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))', b'\tnewCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)', b'', b'\tif (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {', b'\t\t// pick random Old bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t} else {', b'\t\t// pick random New bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t}', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markGood()', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\ta.moveToOld(ka)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markAttempt()', b'}', b'', b'// MarkBad currently just ejects the address. In the future, consider', b'// blacklisting.', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkBad(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.RemoveAddress(addr)', b'}', b'', b'// RemoveAddress removes the address from the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) RemoveAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Remove address from book")', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b'}', b'', b'/* Peer exchange */', b'', b'// GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.', b'func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'', b'\tallAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())', b'\ti := 0', b'\tfor _, v := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\tallAddr[i] = v.Addr', b'\t\ti++', b'\t}', b'', b'\tnumAddresses := cmn.MaxInt(', b'\t\tcmn.MinInt(minGetSelection, len(allAddr)),', b'\t\tlen(allAddr)*getSelectionPercent/100)', b'\tnumAddresses = cmn.MinInt(maxGetSelection, numAddresses)', b'', b'\t// Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first', b"\t// `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.", b'\tfor i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {', b'\t\t// pick a number between current index and the end', b'\t\tj := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i', b'\t\tallAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// slice off the limit we are willing to share.', b'\treturn allAddr[:numAddresses]', b'}', b'', b'/* Loading & Saving */', b'', b'type addrBookJSON struct {', b'\tKey string', b'\tAddrs []*knownAddress', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\t// Compile Addrs', b'\taddrs := []*knownAddress{}', b'\tfor _, ka := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, ka)', b'\t}', b'', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{', b'\t\tKey: a.key,', b'\t\tAddrs: addrs,', b'\t}', b'', b'\tjsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\\t")', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithField("err", err).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\terr = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t\t"file": filePath,', b'\t\t\t"err": err,', b'\t\t}).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// Returns false if file does not exist.', b'// cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.', b'func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {', b"\t// If doesn't exist, do nothing.", b'\t_, err := os.Stat(filePath)', b'\tif os.IsNotExist(err) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Load addrBookJSON{}', b'\tr, err := os.Open(filePath)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'\tdefer r.Close()', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{}', b'\tdec := json.NewDecoder(r)', b'\terr = dec.Decode(aJSON)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Restore all the fields...', b'\t// Restore the key', b'\ta.key = aJSON.Key', b'\t// Restore .addrNew & .addrOld', b'\tfor _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {', b'\t\tfor _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)', b'\t\t\tbucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t\ta.addrLookup[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'// Save saves the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) Save() {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'}', b'', b'/* Private methods */', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveRoutine() {', b'\tdumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)', b'out:', b'\tfor {', b'\t\tselect {', b'\t\tcase <-dumpAddressTicker.C:', b'\t\t\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\t\tcase <-a.Quit:', b'\t\t\tbreak out', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tdumpAddressTicker.Stop()', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Done()', b'\tlog.Info("Address handler done")', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) getBucket(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) map[string]*knownAddress {', b'\tswitch bucketType {', b'\tcase bucketTypeNew:', b'\t\treturn a.addrNew[bucketIdx]', b'\tcase bucketTypeOld:', b'\t\treturn a.addrOld[bucketIdx]', b'\tdefault:', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to new bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'// NOTE: currently it always returns true.', b'func (a *AddrBook) addToNewBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add address already in old bucket to a new bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > newBucketSize {', b'\t\tlog.Info("new bucket is full, expiring old ")', b'\t\ta.expireNew(bucketIdx)', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to old bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'func (a *AddrBook) addToOldBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add new address to old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) != 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add already old address to another old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > oldBucketSize {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) {', b'\tif ka.BucketType != bucketType {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Bucket type mismatch: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\tif ka.removeBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 0 {', b'\t\tif bucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromAllBuckets(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\tfor _, bucketIdx := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\t\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = nil', b'\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t} else {', b'\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t}', b'\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) pickOldest(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) *knownAddress {', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tvar oldest *knownAddress', b'\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\tif oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt) {', b'\t\t\toldest = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn oldest', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !addr.Routable() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add non-routable address %v", addr))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif _, ok := a.ourAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {', b'\t\t// Ignore our own listener address.', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'', b'\tif ka != nil {', b'\t\t// Already old.', b'\t\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Already in max new buckets.', b'\t\tif len(ka.Buckets) == maxNewBucketsPerAddress {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.', b'\t\tfactor := int32(2 * len(ka.Buckets))', b'\t\tif a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t} else {', b'\t\tka = newKnownAddress(addr, src)', b'\t}', b'', b'\tbucket := a.calcNewBucket(addr, src)', b'\ta.addToNewBucket(ka, bucket)', b'', b'\tlog.Info("Added new address", "address", addr, "total", a.size())', b'}', b'', b'// Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.', b'// If no bad entries are available we remove the oldest.', b'func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucketIdx int) {', b'\tfor addrStr, ka := range a.addrNew[bucketIdx] {', b'\t\t// If an entry is bad, throw it away', b'\t\tif ka.isBad() {', b'\t\t\tlog.Info(cmn.Fmt("expiring bad address %v", addrStr))', b'\t\t\ta.removeFromBucket(ka, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry", b'\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'}', b'', b'// Promotes an address from new to old.', b'// TODO: Move to old probabilistically.', b'// The better a node is, the less likely it should be evicted from an old bucket.', b'func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that is already old %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) == 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that isn\'t in any new buckets %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Remember one of the buckets in which ka is in.', b'\tfreedBucket := ka.Buckets[0]', b'\t// Remove from all (new) buckets.', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b"\t// It's officially old now.", b'\tka.BucketType = bucketTypeOld', b'', b'\t// Try to add it to its oldBucket destination.', b'\toldBucketIdx := a.calcOldBucket(ka.Addr)', b'\tadded := a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\tif !added {', b'\t\t// No room, must evict something', b'\t\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// Find new bucket to put oldest in', b'\t\tnewBucketIdx := a.calcNewBucket(oldest.Addr, oldest.Src)', b'\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, newBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// No space in newBucket either, just put it in freedBucket from above.', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, freedBucket)', b'\t\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not migrate oldest %v to freedBucket %v", oldest, freedBucket))', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Finally, add to bucket again.', b'\t\tadded = a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not re-add ka %v to oldBucketIdx %v", ka, oldBucketIdx))', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + sourcegroup +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_group ) % num_new_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(addr))...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(src))...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(src)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + group +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group ) % num_old_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(addr)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// Return a string representing the network group of this address.', b'// This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for for IPv6, the string', b'// "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable', b'// address.', b'func (a *AddrBook) groupKey(na *NetAddress) string {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && na.Local() {', b'\t\treturn "local"', b'\t}', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !na.Routable() {', b'\t\treturn "unroutable"', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {', b'\t\t// last four bytes are the ip address', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif na.RFC3964() {', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC4380() {', b'\t\t// teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR', b'\t\t// 0xff.', b'\t\tip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))', b'\t\tfor i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {', b'\t\t\tip[i] = byte ^ 0xff', b'\t\t}', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.', b"\t// bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's", b'\t// ( IP range, which it uses /36 for.', b'\tbits := 32', b'\theNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),', b'\t\tMask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}', b'\tif heNet.Contains(na.IP) {', b'\t\tbits = 36', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()', b'}', b'', b'//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', b'', b'/*', b' knownAddress', b'', b' tracks information about a known network address that is used', b' to determine how viable an address is.', b'*/', b'type knownAddress struct {', b'\tAddr *NetAddress', b'\tSrc *NetAddress', b'\tAttempts int32', b'\tLastAttempt time.Time', b'\tLastSuccess time.Time', b'\tBucketType byte', b'\tBuckets []int', b'}', b'', b'func newKnownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {', b'\treturn &knownAddress{', b'\t\tAddr: addr,', b'\t\tSrc: src,', b'\t\tAttempts: 0,', b'\t\tLastAttempt: time.Now(),', b'\t\tBucketType: bucketTypeNew,', b'\t\tBuckets: nil,', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isOld() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeOld', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isNew() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markAttempt() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts += 1', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markGood() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts = 0', b'\tka.LastSuccess = now', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) addBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket == bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("Bucket already exists in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\t\treturn -1', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = append(ka.Buckets, bucketIdx)', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) removeBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tbuckets := []int{}', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket != bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\tbuckets = append(buckets, bucket)', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tif len(buckets) != len(ka.Buckets)-1 {', b'\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("bucketIdx not found in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn -1', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = buckets', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'/*', b' An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last', b' minute and meets one of the following criteria:', b'', b' 1) It claims to be from the future', b" 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month", b' 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded', b' 4) It has failed ten times in the last week', b'', b' All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not', b' worth keeping hold of.', b'*/', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isBad() bool {', b'\t// Has been attempted in the last minute --> good', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Over a month old?', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Never succeeded?', b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// Hasn't succeeded in too long?", b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&', b'\t\tka.Attempts >= maxFailures {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn false', b'}']]
2017-10-15 12:11:01,200 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [b'// Modified for Tendermint', b'// Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.', b'//', b'', b'package p2p', b'', b'import (', b'\t"encoding/binary"', b'\t"encoding/json"', b'\t"math"', b'\t"math/rand"', b'\t"net"', b'\t"os"', b'\t"sync"', b'\t', b'\t"time"', b'', b'\tlog ""', b'\tcrypto ""', b'\tcmn ""', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\t// addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.', b'\tneedAddressThreshold = 1000', b'', b'\t// interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.', b'\tdumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each old address bucket.', b'\toldBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets we split old addresses over.', b'\toldBucketCount = 64', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each new address bucket.', b'\tnewBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets that we spread new addresses over.', b'\tnewBucketCount = 256', b'', b'\t// old buckets over which an address group will be spread.', b'\toldBucketsPerGroup = 4', b'', b'\t// new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.', b'\tnewBucketsPerGroup = 32', b'', b'\t// buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.', b'\tmaxNewBucketsPerAddress = 4', b'', b'\t// days before which we assume an address has vanished', b'\t// if we have not seen it announced in that long.', b'\tnumMissingDays = 30', b'', b'\t// tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.', b'\tnumRetries = 3', b'', b'\t// max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.', b'\tmaxFailures = 10', b'', b'\t// days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.', b'\tminBadDays = 7', b'', b'\t// % of total addresses known returned by GetSelection.', b'\tgetSelectionPercent = 23', b'', b'\t// min addresses that must be returned by GetSelection. Useful for bootstrapping.', b'\tminGetSelection = 32', b'', b'\t// max addresses returned by GetSelection', b'\t// NOTE: this must match "maxPexMessageSize"', b'\tmaxGetSelection = 250', b'', b'\t// current version of the on-disk format.', b'\tserializationVersion = 1', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\tbucketTypeNew = 0x01', b'\tbucketTypeOld = 0x02', b')', b'', b'// AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager.', b'type AddrBook struct {', b'\tcmn.BaseService', b'', b'\tmtx sync.Mutex', b'\tfilePath string', b'\troutabilityStrict bool', b'\trand *rand.Rand', b'\tkey string', b'\tourAddrs map[string]*NetAddress', b'\taddrLookup map[string]*knownAddress // new & old', b'\taddrNew []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\taddrOld []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\twg sync.WaitGroup', b'\tnOld int', b'\tnNew int', b'}', b'', b'// NewAddrBook creates a new address book.', b'// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.', b'func NewAddrBook(filePath string, routabilityStrict bool) *AddrBook {', b'\tam := &AddrBook{', b'\t\trand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),', b'\t\tourAddrs: make(map[string]*NetAddress),', b'\t\taddrLookup: make(map[string]*knownAddress),', b'\t\tfilePath: filePath,', b'\t\troutabilityStrict: routabilityStrict,', b'\t}', b'\tam.init()', b'\tam.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "AddrBook", am)', b'\treturn am', b'}', b'', b"// When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()", b'func (a *AddrBook) init() {', b'\ta.key = crypto.CRandHex(24) // 24/2 * 8 = 96 bits', b'\t// New addr buckets', b'\ta.addrNew = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, newBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrNew {', b'\t\ta.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'\t// Old addr buckets', b'\ta.addrOld = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, oldBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrOld {', b'\t\ta.addrOld[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// OnStart implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStart() error {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStart()', b'\ta.loadFromFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Add(1)', b'\tgo a.saveRoutine()', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'// OnStop implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStop() {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStop()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Wait() {', b'\ta.wg.Wait()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddOurAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Add our address to book")', b'', b'\ta.ourAddrs[addr.String()] = addr', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) OurAddresses() []*NetAddress {', b'\taddrs := []*NetAddress{}', b'\tfor _, addr := range a.ourAddrs {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, addr)', b'\t}', b'\treturn addrs', b'}', b'', b'// NOTE: addr must not be nil', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t"addr": addr,', b'\t\t"src": src,', b'\t}).Info("Add address to book")', b'\ta.addAddress(addr, src)', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddrs() bool {', b'\treturn a.Size() < needAddressThreshold', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\treturn a.size()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) size() int {', b'\treturn a.nNew + a.nOld', b'}', b'', b'// Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.', b'func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias > 100 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 100', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias < 0 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 0', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Bias between new and old addresses.', b'\toldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))', b'\tnewCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)', b'', b'\tif (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {', b'\t\t// pick random Old bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t} else {', b'\t\t// pick random New bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t}', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markGood()', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\ta.moveToOld(ka)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markAttempt()', b'}', b'', b'// MarkBad currently just ejects the address. In the future, consider', b'// blacklisting.', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkBad(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.RemoveAddress(addr)', b'}', b'', b'// RemoveAddress removes the address from the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) RemoveAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Remove address from book")', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b'}', b'', b'/* Peer exchange */', b'', b'// GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.', b'func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'', b'\tallAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())', b'\ti := 0', b'\tfor _, v := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\tallAddr[i] = v.Addr', b'\t\ti++', b'\t}', b'', b'\tnumAddresses := cmn.MaxInt(', b'\t\tcmn.MinInt(minGetSelection, len(allAddr)),', b'\t\tlen(allAddr)*getSelectionPercent/100)', b'\tnumAddresses = cmn.MinInt(maxGetSelection, numAddresses)', b'', b'\t// Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first', b"\t// `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.", b'\tfor i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {', b'\t\t// pick a number between current index and the end', b'\t\tj := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i', b'\t\tallAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// slice off the limit we are willing to share.', b'\treturn allAddr[:numAddresses]', b'}', b'', b'/* Loading & Saving */', b'', b'type addrBookJSON struct {', b'\tKey string', b'\tAddrs []*knownAddress', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\t// Compile Addrs', b'\taddrs := []*knownAddress{}', b'\tfor _, ka := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, ka)', b'\t}', b'', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{', b'\t\tKey: a.key,', b'\t\tAddrs: addrs,', b'\t}', b'', b'\tjsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\\t")', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithField("err", err).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\terr = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t\t"file": filePath,', b'\t\t\t"err": err,', b'\t\t}).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// Returns false if file does not exist.', b'// cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.', b'func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {', b"\t// If doesn't exist, do nothing.", b'\t_, err := os.Stat(filePath)', b'\tif os.IsNotExist(err) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Load addrBookJSON{}', b'\tr, err := os.Open(filePath)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'\tdefer r.Close()', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{}', b'\tdec := json.NewDecoder(r)', b'\terr = dec.Decode(aJSON)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Restore all the fields...', b'\t// Restore the key', b'\ta.key = aJSON.Key', b'\t// Restore .addrNew & .addrOld', b'\tfor _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {', b'\t\tfor _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)', b'\t\t\tbucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t\ta.addrLookup[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'// Save saves the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) Save() {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'}', b'', b'/* Private methods */', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveRoutine() {', b'\tdumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)', b'out:', b'\tfor {', b'\t\tselect {', b'\t\tcase <-dumpAddressTicker.C:', b'\t\t\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\t\tcase <-a.Quit:', b'\t\t\tbreak out', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tdumpAddressTicker.Stop()', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Done()', b'\tlog.Info("Address handler done")', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) getBucket(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) map[string]*knownAddress {', b'\tswitch bucketType {', b'\tcase bucketTypeNew:', b'\t\treturn a.addrNew[bucketIdx]', b'\tcase bucketTypeOld:', b'\t\treturn a.addrOld[bucketIdx]', b'\tdefault:', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to new bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'// NOTE: currently it always returns true.', b'func (a *AddrBook) addToNewBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add address already in old bucket to a new bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > newBucketSize {', b'\t\tlog.Info("new bucket is full, expiring old ")', b'\t\ta.expireNew(bucketIdx)', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to old bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'func (a *AddrBook) addToOldBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add new address to old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) != 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add already old address to another old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > oldBucketSize {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) {', b'\tif ka.BucketType != bucketType {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Bucket type mismatch: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\tif ka.removeBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 0 {', b'\t\tif bucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromAllBuckets(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\tfor _, bucketIdx := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\t\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = nil', b'\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t} else {', b'\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t}', b'\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) pickOldest(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) *knownAddress {', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tvar oldest *knownAddress', b'\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\tif oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt) {', b'\t\t\toldest = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn oldest', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !addr.Routable() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add non-routable address %v", addr))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif _, ok := a.ourAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {', b'\t\t// Ignore our own listener address.', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'', b'\tif ka != nil {', b'\t\t// Already old.', b'\t\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Already in max new buckets.', b'\t\tif len(ka.Buckets) == maxNewBucketsPerAddress {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.', b'\t\tfactor := int32(2 * len(ka.Buckets))', b'\t\tif a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t} else {', b'\t\tka = newKnownAddress(addr, src)', b'\t}', b'', b'\tbucket := a.calcNewBucket(addr, src)', b'\ta.addToNewBucket(ka, bucket)', b'', b'\tlog.Info("Added new address", "address", addr, "total", a.size())', b'}', b'', b'// Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.', b'// If no bad entries are available we remove the oldest.', b'func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucketIdx int) {', b'\tfor addrStr, ka := range a.addrNew[bucketIdx] {', b'\t\t// If an entry is bad, throw it away', b'\t\tif ka.isBad() {', b'\t\t\tlog.Info(cmn.Fmt("expiring bad address %v", addrStr))', b'\t\t\ta.removeFromBucket(ka, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry", b'\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'}', b'', b'// Promotes an address from new to old.', b'// TODO: Move to old probabilistically.', b'// The better a node is, the less likely it should be evicted from an old bucket.', b'func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that is already old %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) == 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that isn\'t in any new buckets %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Remember one of the buckets in which ka is in.', b'\tfreedBucket := ka.Buckets[0]', b'\t// Remove from all (new) buckets.', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b"\t// It's officially old now.", b'\tka.BucketType = bucketTypeOld', b'', b'\t// Try to add it to its oldBucket destination.', b'\toldBucketIdx := a.calcOldBucket(ka.Addr)', b'\tadded := a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\tif !added {', b'\t\t// No room, must evict something', b'\t\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// Find new bucket to put oldest in', b'\t\tnewBucketIdx := a.calcNewBucket(oldest.Addr, oldest.Src)', b'\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, newBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// No space in newBucket either, just put it in freedBucket from above.', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, freedBucket)', b'\t\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not migrate oldest %v to freedBucket %v", oldest, freedBucket))', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Finally, add to bucket again.', b'\t\tadded = a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not re-add ka %v to oldBucketIdx %v", ka, oldBucketIdx))', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + sourcegroup +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_group ) % num_new_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(addr))...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(src))...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(src)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + group +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group ) % num_old_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(addr)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// Return a string representing the network group of this address.', b'// This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for for IPv6, the string', b'// "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable', b'// address.', b'func (a *AddrBook) groupKey(na *NetAddress) string {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && na.Local() {', b'\t\treturn "local"', b'\t}', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !na.Routable() {', b'\t\treturn "unroutable"', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {', b'\t\t// last four bytes are the ip address', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif na.RFC3964() {', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC4380() {', b'\t\t// teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR', b'\t\t// 0xff.', b'\t\tip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))', b'\t\tfor i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {', b'\t\t\tip[i] = byte ^ 0xff', b'\t\t}', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.', b"\t// bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's", b'\t// ( IP range, which it uses /36 for.', b'\tbits := 32', b'\theNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),', b'\t\tMask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}', b'\tif heNet.Contains(na.IP) {', b'\t\tbits = 36', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()', b'}', b'', b'//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', b'', b'/*', b' knownAddress', b'', b' tracks information about a known network address that is used', b' to determine how viable an address is.', b'*/', b'type knownAddress struct {', b'\tAddr *NetAddress', b'\tSrc *NetAddress', b'\tAttempts int32', b'\tLastAttempt time.Time', b'\tLastSuccess time.Time', b'\tBucketType byte', b'\tBuckets []int', b'}', b'', b'func newKnownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {', b'\treturn &knownAddress{', b'\t\tAddr: addr,', b'\t\tSrc: src,', b'\t\tAttempts: 0,', b'\t\tLastAttempt: time.Now(),', b'\t\tBucketType: bucketTypeNew,', b'\t\tBuckets: nil,', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isOld() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeOld', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isNew() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markAttempt() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts += 1', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markGood() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts = 0', b'\tka.LastSuccess = now', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) addBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket == bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("Bucket already exists in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\t\treturn -1', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = append(ka.Buckets, bucketIdx)', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) removeBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tbuckets := []int{}', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket != bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\tbuckets = append(buckets, bucket)', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tif len(buckets) != len(ka.Buckets)-1 {', b'\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("bucketIdx not found in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn -1', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = buckets', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'/*', b' An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last', b' minute and meets one of the following criteria:', b'', b' 1) It claims to be from the future', b" 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month", b' 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded', b' 4) It has failed ten times in the last week', b'', b' All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not', b' worth keeping hold of.', b'*/', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isBad() bool {', b'\t// Has been attempted in the last minute --> good', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Over a month old?', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Never succeeded?', b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// Hasn't succeeded in too long?", b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&', b'\t\tka.Attempts >= maxFailures {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn false', b'}']
2017-10-15 12:11:01,200 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:01,206 [INFO @] 30760 - keyword refresh complete, count: 613
2017-10-15 12:11:01,206 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method cm_event completed
2017-10-15 12:11:01,207 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:01,207 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,207 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:01,207 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,005 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,005 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 3, b'changedtick': 5, b'curpos': [0, 15, 3, 0, 10], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,005 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 3, b'changedtick': 5, b'curpos': [0, 15, 3, 0, 10], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,005 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:02,006 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 3, 'changedtick': 5, 'curpos': [0, 15, 3, 0, 10], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,007 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:02,007 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,007 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-gocode>, force[0] early_cache[1]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,007 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,008 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:02,008 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,008 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:02,008 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,008 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:02,008 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: [], startcol: 3, matches: []
2017-10-15 12:11:02,009 [INFO @] 30760 - matches==0, _last_matches==0, ignore
2017-10-15 12:11:02,009 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:02,009 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:02,009 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,009 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,009 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,858 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,859 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'changedtick': 6, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,859 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'changedtick': 6, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,859 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:02,860 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"s', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'changedtick': 6, 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,860 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:02,860 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,860 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> early_caching
2017-10-15 12:11:02,860 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,861 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:02,861 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,861 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:02,861 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,861 [INFO @] 30760 - notify_sources_to_refresh calls cnt [0], channels cnt [1]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,861 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm#_notify_sources_to_refresh [[]] [['cm-gocode']] [{'force': 0, 'typed': '\t"s', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'changedtick': 6, 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'scope': 'go', 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,861 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_notify_sources_to_refresh', [[], [{'id': 5, 'context': {'typed': '\t"s', 'early_cache': True, 'startcol': 3, 'scope': 'go', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'base': 's', 'force': 0, 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope_match': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'changedtick': 6, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 'name': 'cm-gocode'}], {'typed': '\t"s', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'changedtick': 6, 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}])]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,861 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xbdcm#_notify_sources_to_refresh\x93\x90\x91\x83\xa2id\x05\xa7context\x8f\xa5typed\xa3\t"s\xabearly_cache\xc3\xa8startcol\x03\xa5scope\xa2go\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x04\xa4base\xa1s\xa5force\x00\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa9match_end\x02\xabscope_match\xa2go\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x04\x00\x0b\xabchangedtick\x06\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa4name\xa9cm-gocode\x8a\xa5typed\xa3\t"s\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x04\xabchangedtick\x06\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x04\x00\x0b\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00''
2017-10-15 12:11:02,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:02,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'early_cache': True, b'match_end': 2, b'scope': b'go', b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'base': b's', b'force': 0, b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'startcol': 3, b'changedtick': 6, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'scope_match': b'go', b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:02,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'early_cache': True, b'match_end': 2, b'scope': b'go', b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'base': b's', b'force': 0, b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'startcol': 3, b'changedtick': 6, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'scope_match': b'go', b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x1036743d8> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:02,862 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_refresh, args: [{'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, {'typed': '\t"s', 'early_cache': True, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'base': 's', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'changedtick': 6, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 4, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#context_changed', [{'typed': '\t"s', 'early_cache': True, 'match_end': 2, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'base': 's', 'force': 0, 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'startcol': 3, 'changedtick': 6, 'scope_match': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'scope': 'go', 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}])]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x04\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#context_changed\x91\x8f\xa5typed\xa3\t"s\xabearly_cache\xc3\xa9match_end\x02\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x04\xa4base\xa1s\xa5force\x00\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8startcol\x03\xabchangedtick\x06\xabscope_match\xa2go\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x04\x00\x0b\xa5scope\xa2go\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/''
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 4, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,863 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 5, 'nvim_list_bufs', ()]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x05\xaenvim_list_bufs\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 5, None, [ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01')]]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01')]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 6, 'nvim_buf_get_lines', (ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01'), 0, -1, False)]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x06\xb2nvim_buf_get_lines\x94\xd4\x00\x01\x00\xff\xc2''
2017-10-15 12:11:02,864 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:02,865 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,865 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,865 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,865 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,865 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,865 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,865 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:02,865 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 6, None, [b'// Modified for Tendermint', b'// Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.', b'//', b'', b'package p2p', b'', b'import (', b'\t"encoding/binary"', b'\t"encoding/json"', b'\t"math"', b'\t"math/rand"', b'\t"net"', b'\t"os"', b'\t"sync"', b'\t"s', b'\t"time"', b'', b'\tlog ""', b'\tcrypto ""', b'\tcmn ""', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\t// addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.', b'\tneedAddressThreshold = 1000', b'', b'\t// interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.', b'\tdumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each old address bucket.', b'\toldBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets we split old addresses over.', b'\toldBucketCount = 64', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each new address bucket.', b'\tnewBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets that we spread new addresses over.', b'\tnewBucketCount = 256', b'', b'\t// old buckets over which an address group will be spread.', b'\toldBucketsPerGroup = 4', b'', b'\t// new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.', b'\tnewBucketsPerGroup = 32', b'', b'\t// buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.', b'\tmaxNewBucketsPerAddress = 4', b'', b'\t// days before which we assume an address has vanished', b'\t// if we have not seen it announced in that long.', b'\tnumMissingDays = 30', b'', b'\t// tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.', b'\tnumRetries = 3', b'', b'\t// max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.', b'\tmaxFailures = 10', b'', b'\t// days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.', b'\tminBadDays = 7', b'', b'\t// % of total addresses known returned by GetSelection.', b'\tgetSelectionPercent = 23', b'', b'\t// min addresses that must be returned by GetSelection. Useful for bootstrapping.', b'\tminGetSelection = 32', b'', b'\t// max addresses returned by GetSelection', b'\t// NOTE: this must match "maxPexMessageSize"', b'\tmaxGetSelection = 250', b'', b'\t// current version of the on-disk format.', b'\tserializationVersion = 1', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\tbucketTypeNew = 0x01', b'\tbucketTypeOld = 0x02', b')', b'', b'// AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager.', b'type AddrBook struct {', b'\tcmn.BaseService', b'', b'\tmtx sync.Mutex', b'\tfilePath string', b'\troutabilityStrict bool', b'\trand *rand.Rand', b'\tkey string', b'\tourAddrs map[string]*NetAddress', b'\taddrLookup map[string]*knownAddress // new & old', b'\taddrNew []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\taddrOld []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\twg sync.WaitGroup', b'\tnOld int', b'\tnNew int', b'}', b'', b'// NewAddrBook creates a new address book.', b'// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.', b'func NewAddrBook(filePath string, routabilityStrict bool) *AddrBook {', b'\tam := &AddrBook{', b'\t\trand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),', b'\t\tourAddrs: make(map[string]*NetAddress),', b'\t\taddrLookup: make(map[string]*knownAddress),', b'\t\tfilePath: filePath,', b'\t\troutabilityStrict: routabilityStrict,', b'\t}', b'\tam.init()', b'\tam.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "AddrBook", am)', b'\treturn am', b'}', b'', b"// When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()", b'func (a *AddrBook) init() {', b'\ta.key = crypto.CRandHex(24) // 24/2 * 8 = 96 bits', b'\t// New addr buckets', b'\ta.addrNew = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, newBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrNew {', b'\t\ta.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'\t// Old addr buckets', b'\ta.addrOld = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, oldBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrOld {', b'\t\ta.addrOld[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// OnStart implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStart() error {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStart()', b'\ta.loadFromFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Add(1)', b'\tgo a.saveRoutine()', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'// OnStop implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStop() {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStop()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Wait() {', b'\ta.wg.Wait()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddOurAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Add our address to book")', b'', b'\ta.ourAddrs[addr.String()] = addr', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) OurAddresses() []*NetAddress {', b'\taddrs := []*NetAddress{}', b'\tfor _, addr := range a.ourAddrs {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, addr)', b'\t}', b'\treturn addrs', b'}', b'', b'// NOTE: addr must not be nil', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t"addr": addr,', b'\t\t"src": src,', b'\t}).Info("Add address to book")', b'\ta.addAddress(addr, src)', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddrs() bool {', b'\treturn a.Size() < needAddressThreshold', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\treturn a.size()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) size() int {', b'\treturn a.nNew + a.nOld', b'}', b'', b'// Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.', b'func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias > 100 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 100', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias < 0 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 0', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Bias between new and old addresses.', b'\toldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))', b'\tnewCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)', b'', b'\tif (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {', b'\t\t// pick random Old bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t} else {', b'\t\t// pick random New bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t}', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markGood()', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\ta.moveToOld(ka)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markAttempt()', b'}', b'', b'// MarkBad currently just ejects the address. In the future, consider', b'// blacklisting.', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkBad(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.RemoveAddress(addr)', b'}', b'', b'// RemoveAddress removes the address from the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) RemoveAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Remove address from book")', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b'}', b'', b'/* Peer exchange */', b'', b'// GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.', b'func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'', b'\tallAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())', b'\ti := 0', b'\tfor _, v := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\tallAddr[i] = v.Addr', b'\t\ti++', b'\t}', b'', b'\tnumAddresses := cmn.MaxInt(', b'\t\tcmn.MinInt(minGetSelection, len(allAddr)),', b'\t\tlen(allAddr)*getSelectionPercent/100)', b'\tnumAddresses = cmn.MinInt(maxGetSelection, numAddresses)', b'', b'\t// Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first', b"\t// `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.", b'\tfor i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {', b'\t\t// pick a number between current index and the end', b'\t\tj := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i', b'\t\tallAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// slice off the limit we are willing to share.', b'\treturn allAddr[:numAddresses]', b'}', b'', b'/* Loading & Saving */', b'', b'type addrBookJSON struct {', b'\tKey string', b'\tAddrs []*knownAddress', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\t// Compile Addrs', b'\taddrs := []*knownAddress{}', b'\tfor _, ka := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, ka)', b'\t}', b'', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{', b'\t\tKey: a.key,', b'\t\tAddrs: addrs,', b'\t}', b'', b'\tjsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\\t")', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithField("err", err).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\terr = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t\t"file": filePath,', b'\t\t\t"err": err,', b'\t\t}).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// Returns false if file does not exist.', b'// cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.', b'func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {', b"\t// If doesn't exist, do nothing.", b'\t_, err := os.Stat(filePath)', b'\tif os.IsNotExist(err) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Load addrBookJSON{}', b'\tr, err := os.Open(filePath)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'\tdefer r.Close()', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{}', b'\tdec := json.NewDecoder(r)', b'\terr = dec.Decode(aJSON)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Restore all the fields...', b'\t// Restore the key', b'\ta.key = aJSON.Key', b'\t// Restore .addrNew & .addrOld', b'\tfor _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {', b'\t\tfor _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)', b'\t\t\tbucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t\ta.addrLookup[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'// Save saves the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) Save() {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'}', b'', b'/* Private methods */', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveRoutine() {', b'\tdumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)', b'out:', b'\tfor {', b'\t\tselect {', b'\t\tcase <-dumpAddressTicker.C:', b'\t\t\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\t\tcase <-a.Quit:', b'\t\t\tbreak out', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tdumpAddressTicker.Stop()', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Done()', b'\tlog.Info("Address handler done")', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) getBucket(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) map[string]*knownAddress {', b'\tswitch bucketType {', b'\tcase bucketTypeNew:', b'\t\treturn a.addrNew[bucketIdx]', b'\tcase bucketTypeOld:', b'\t\treturn a.addrOld[bucketIdx]', b'\tdefault:', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to new bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'// NOTE: currently it always returns true.', b'func (a *AddrBook) addToNewBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add address already in old bucket to a new bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > newBucketSize {', b'\t\tlog.Info("new bucket is full, expiring old ")', b'\t\ta.expireNew(bucketIdx)', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to old bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'func (a *AddrBook) addToOldBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add new address to old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) != 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add already old address to another old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > oldBucketSize {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) {', b'\tif ka.BucketType != bucketType {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Bucket type mismatch: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\tif ka.removeBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 0 {', b'\t\tif bucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromAllBuckets(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\tfor _, bucketIdx := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\t\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = nil', b'\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t} else {', b'\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t}', b'\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) pickOldest(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) *knownAddress {', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tvar oldest *knownAddress', b'\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\tif oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt) {', b'\t\t\toldest = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn oldest', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !addr.Routable() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add non-routable address %v", addr))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif _, ok := a.ourAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {', b'\t\t// Ignore our own listener address.', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'', b'\tif ka != nil {', b'\t\t// Already old.', b'\t\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Already in max new buckets.', b'\t\tif len(ka.Buckets) == maxNewBucketsPerAddress {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.', b'\t\tfactor := int32(2 * len(ka.Buckets))', b'\t\tif a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t} else {', b'\t\tka = newKnownAddress(addr, src)', b'\t}', b'', b'\tbucket := a.calcNewBucket(addr, src)', b'\ta.addToNewBucket(ka, bucket)', b'', b'\tlog.Info("Added new address", "address", addr, "total", a.size())', b'}', b'', b'// Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.', b'// If no bad entries are available we remove the oldest.', b'func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucketIdx int) {', b'\tfor addrStr, ka := range a.addrNew[bucketIdx] {', b'\t\t// If an entry is bad, throw it away', b'\t\tif ka.isBad() {', b'\t\t\tlog.Info(cmn.Fmt("expiring bad address %v", addrStr))', b'\t\t\ta.removeFromBucket(ka, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry", b'\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'}', b'', b'// Promotes an address from new to old.', b'// TODO: Move to old probabilistically.', b'// The better a node is, the less likely it should be evicted from an old bucket.', b'func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that is already old %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) == 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that isn\'t in any new buckets %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Remember one of the buckets in which ka is in.', b'\tfreedBucket := ka.Buckets[0]', b'\t// Remove from all (new) buckets.', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b"\t// It's officially old now.", b'\tka.BucketType = bucketTypeOld', b'', b'\t// Try to add it to its oldBucket destination.', b'\toldBucketIdx := a.calcOldBucket(ka.Addr)', b'\tadded := a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\tif !added {', b'\t\t// No room, must evict something', b'\t\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// Find new bucket to put oldest in', b'\t\tnewBucketIdx := a.calcNewBucket(oldest.Addr, oldest.Src)', b'\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, newBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// No space in newBucket either, just put it in freedBucket from above.', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, freedBucket)', b'\t\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not migrate oldest %v to freedBucket %v", oldest, freedBucket))', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Finally, add to bucket again.', b'\t\tadded = a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not re-add ka %v to oldBucketIdx %v", ka, oldBucketIdx))', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + sourcegroup +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_group ) % num_new_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(addr))...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(src))...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(src)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + group +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group ) % num_old_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(addr)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// Return a string representing the network group of this address.', b'// This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for for IPv6, the string', b'// "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable', b'// address.', b'func (a *AddrBook) groupKey(na *NetAddress) string {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && na.Local() {', b'\t\treturn "local"', b'\t}', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !na.Routable() {', b'\t\treturn "unroutable"', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {', b'\t\t// last four bytes are the ip address', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif na.RFC3964() {', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC4380() {', b'\t\t// teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR', b'\t\t// 0xff.', b'\t\tip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))', b'\t\tfor i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {', b'\t\t\tip[i] = byte ^ 0xff', b'\t\t}', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.', b"\t// bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's", b'\t// ( IP range, which it uses /36 for.', b'\tbits := 32', b'\theNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),', b'\t\tMask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}', b'\tif heNet.Contains(na.IP) {', b'\t\tbits = 36', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()', b'}', b'', b'//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', b'', b'/*', b' knownAddress', b'', b' tracks information about a known network address that is used', b' to determine how viable an address is.', b'*/', b'type knownAddress struct {', b'\tAddr *NetAddress', b'\tSrc *NetAddress', b'\tAttempts int32', b'\tLastAttempt time.Time', b'\tLastSuccess time.Time', b'\tBucketType byte', b'\tBuckets []int', b'}', b'', b'func newKnownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {', b'\treturn &knownAddress{', b'\t\tAddr: addr,', b'\t\tSrc: src,', b'\t\tAttempts: 0,', b'\t\tLastAttempt: time.Now(),', b'\t\tBucketType: bucketTypeNew,', b'\t\tBuckets: nil,', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isOld() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeOld', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isNew() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markAttempt() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts += 1', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markGood() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts = 0', b'\tka.LastSuccess = now', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) addBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket == bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("Bucket already exists in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\t\treturn -1', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = append(ka.Buckets, bucketIdx)', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) removeBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tbuckets := []int{}', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket != bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\tbuckets = append(buckets, bucket)', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tif len(buckets) != len(ka.Buckets)-1 {', b'\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("bucketIdx not found in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn -1', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = buckets', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'/*', b' An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last', b' minute and meets one of the following criteria:', b'', b' 1) It claims to be from the future', b" 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month", b' 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded', b' 4) It has failed ten times in the last week', b'', b' All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not', b' worth keeping hold of.', b'*/', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isBad() bool {', b'\t// Has been attempted in the last minute --> good', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Over a month old?', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Never succeeded?', b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// Hasn't succeeded in too long?", b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&', b'\t\tka.Attempts >= maxFailures {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn false', b'}']]
2017-10-15 12:11:02,866 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [b'// Modified for Tendermint', b'// Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.', b'//', b'', b'package p2p', b'', b'import (', b'\t"encoding/binary"', b'\t"encoding/json"', b'\t"math"', b'\t"math/rand"', b'\t"net"', b'\t"os"', b'\t"sync"', b'\t"s', b'\t"time"', b'', b'\tlog ""', b'\tcrypto ""', b'\tcmn ""', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\t// addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.', b'\tneedAddressThreshold = 1000', b'', b'\t// interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.', b'\tdumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each old address bucket.', b'\toldBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets we split old addresses over.', b'\toldBucketCount = 64', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each new address bucket.', b'\tnewBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets that we spread new addresses over.', b'\tnewBucketCount = 256', b'', b'\t// old buckets over which an address group will be spread.', b'\toldBucketsPerGroup = 4', b'', b'\t// new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.', b'\tnewBucketsPerGroup = 32', b'', b'\t// buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.', b'\tmaxNewBucketsPerAddress = 4', b'', b'\t// days before which we assume an address has vanished', b'\t// if we have not seen it announced in that long.', b'\tnumMissingDays = 30', b'', b'\t// tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.', b'\tnumRetries = 3', b'', b'\t// max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.', b'\tmaxFailures = 10', b'', b'\t// days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.', b'\tminBadDays = 7', b'', b'\t// % of total addresses known returned by GetSelection.', b'\tgetSelectionPercent = 23', b'', b'\t// min addresses that must be returned by GetSelection. Useful for bootstrapping.', b'\tminGetSelection = 32', b'', b'\t// max addresses returned by GetSelection', b'\t// NOTE: this must match "maxPexMessageSize"', b'\tmaxGetSelection = 250', b'', b'\t// current version of the on-disk format.', b'\tserializationVersion = 1', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\tbucketTypeNew = 0x01', b'\tbucketTypeOld = 0x02', b')', b'', b'// AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager.', b'type AddrBook struct {', b'\tcmn.BaseService', b'', b'\tmtx sync.Mutex', b'\tfilePath string', b'\troutabilityStrict bool', b'\trand *rand.Rand', b'\tkey string', b'\tourAddrs map[string]*NetAddress', b'\taddrLookup map[string]*knownAddress // new & old', b'\taddrNew []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\taddrOld []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\twg sync.WaitGroup', b'\tnOld int', b'\tnNew int', b'}', b'', b'// NewAddrBook creates a new address book.', b'// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.', b'func NewAddrBook(filePath string, routabilityStrict bool) *AddrBook {', b'\tam := &AddrBook{', b'\t\trand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),', b'\t\tourAddrs: make(map[string]*NetAddress),', b'\t\taddrLookup: make(map[string]*knownAddress),', b'\t\tfilePath: filePath,', b'\t\troutabilityStrict: routabilityStrict,', b'\t}', b'\tam.init()', b'\tam.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "AddrBook", am)', b'\treturn am', b'}', b'', b"// When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()", b'func (a *AddrBook) init() {', b'\ta.key = crypto.CRandHex(24) // 24/2 * 8 = 96 bits', b'\t// New addr buckets', b'\ta.addrNew = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, newBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrNew {', b'\t\ta.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'\t// Old addr buckets', b'\ta.addrOld = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, oldBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrOld {', b'\t\ta.addrOld[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// OnStart implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStart() error {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStart()', b'\ta.loadFromFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Add(1)', b'\tgo a.saveRoutine()', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'// OnStop implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStop() {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStop()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Wait() {', b'\ta.wg.Wait()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddOurAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Add our address to book")', b'', b'\ta.ourAddrs[addr.String()] = addr', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) OurAddresses() []*NetAddress {', b'\taddrs := []*NetAddress{}', b'\tfor _, addr := range a.ourAddrs {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, addr)', b'\t}', b'\treturn addrs', b'}', b'', b'// NOTE: addr must not be nil', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t"addr": addr,', b'\t\t"src": src,', b'\t}).Info("Add address to book")', b'\ta.addAddress(addr, src)', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddrs() bool {', b'\treturn a.Size() < needAddressThreshold', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\treturn a.size()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) size() int {', b'\treturn a.nNew + a.nOld', b'}', b'', b'// Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.', b'func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias > 100 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 100', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias < 0 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 0', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Bias between new and old addresses.', b'\toldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))', b'\tnewCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)', b'', b'\tif (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {', b'\t\t// pick random Old bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t} else {', b'\t\t// pick random New bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t}', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markGood()', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\ta.moveToOld(ka)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markAttempt()', b'}', b'', b'// MarkBad currently just ejects the address. In the future, consider', b'// blacklisting.', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkBad(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.RemoveAddress(addr)', b'}', b'', b'// RemoveAddress removes the address from the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) RemoveAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Remove address from book")', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b'}', b'', b'/* Peer exchange */', b'', b'// GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.', b'func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'', b'\tallAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())', b'\ti := 0', b'\tfor _, v := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\tallAddr[i] = v.Addr', b'\t\ti++', b'\t}', b'', b'\tnumAddresses := cmn.MaxInt(', b'\t\tcmn.MinInt(minGetSelection, len(allAddr)),', b'\t\tlen(allAddr)*getSelectionPercent/100)', b'\tnumAddresses = cmn.MinInt(maxGetSelection, numAddresses)', b'', b'\t// Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first', b"\t// `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.", b'\tfor i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {', b'\t\t// pick a number between current index and the end', b'\t\tj := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i', b'\t\tallAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// slice off the limit we are willing to share.', b'\treturn allAddr[:numAddresses]', b'}', b'', b'/* Loading & Saving */', b'', b'type addrBookJSON struct {', b'\tKey string', b'\tAddrs []*knownAddress', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\t// Compile Addrs', b'\taddrs := []*knownAddress{}', b'\tfor _, ka := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, ka)', b'\t}', b'', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{', b'\t\tKey: a.key,', b'\t\tAddrs: addrs,', b'\t}', b'', b'\tjsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\\t")', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithField("err", err).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\terr = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t\t"file": filePath,', b'\t\t\t"err": err,', b'\t\t}).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// Returns false if file does not exist.', b'// cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.', b'func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {', b"\t// If doesn't exist, do nothing.", b'\t_, err := os.Stat(filePath)', b'\tif os.IsNotExist(err) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Load addrBookJSON{}', b'\tr, err := os.Open(filePath)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'\tdefer r.Close()', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{}', b'\tdec := json.NewDecoder(r)', b'\terr = dec.Decode(aJSON)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Restore all the fields...', b'\t// Restore the key', b'\ta.key = aJSON.Key', b'\t// Restore .addrNew & .addrOld', b'\tfor _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {', b'\t\tfor _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)', b'\t\t\tbucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t\ta.addrLookup[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'// Save saves the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) Save() {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'}', b'', b'/* Private methods */', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveRoutine() {', b'\tdumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)', b'out:', b'\tfor {', b'\t\tselect {', b'\t\tcase <-dumpAddressTicker.C:', b'\t\t\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\t\tcase <-a.Quit:', b'\t\t\tbreak out', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tdumpAddressTicker.Stop()', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Done()', b'\tlog.Info("Address handler done")', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) getBucket(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) map[string]*knownAddress {', b'\tswitch bucketType {', b'\tcase bucketTypeNew:', b'\t\treturn a.addrNew[bucketIdx]', b'\tcase bucketTypeOld:', b'\t\treturn a.addrOld[bucketIdx]', b'\tdefault:', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to new bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'// NOTE: currently it always returns true.', b'func (a *AddrBook) addToNewBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add address already in old bucket to a new bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > newBucketSize {', b'\t\tlog.Info("new bucket is full, expiring old ")', b'\t\ta.expireNew(bucketIdx)', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to old bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'func (a *AddrBook) addToOldBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add new address to old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) != 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add already old address to another old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > oldBucketSize {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) {', b'\tif ka.BucketType != bucketType {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Bucket type mismatch: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\tif ka.removeBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 0 {', b'\t\tif bucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromAllBuckets(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\tfor _, bucketIdx := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\t\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = nil', b'\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t} else {', b'\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t}', b'\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) pickOldest(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) *knownAddress {', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tvar oldest *knownAddress', b'\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\tif oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt) {', b'\t\t\toldest = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn oldest', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !addr.Routable() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add non-routable address %v", addr))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif _, ok := a.ourAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {', b'\t\t// Ignore our own listener address.', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'', b'\tif ka != nil {', b'\t\t// Already old.', b'\t\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Already in max new buckets.', b'\t\tif len(ka.Buckets) == maxNewBucketsPerAddress {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.', b'\t\tfactor := int32(2 * len(ka.Buckets))', b'\t\tif a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t} else {', b'\t\tka = newKnownAddress(addr, src)', b'\t}', b'', b'\tbucket := a.calcNewBucket(addr, src)', b'\ta.addToNewBucket(ka, bucket)', b'', b'\tlog.Info("Added new address", "address", addr, "total", a.size())', b'}', b'', b'// Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.', b'// If no bad entries are available we remove the oldest.', b'func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucketIdx int) {', b'\tfor addrStr, ka := range a.addrNew[bucketIdx] {', b'\t\t// If an entry is bad, throw it away', b'\t\tif ka.isBad() {', b'\t\t\tlog.Info(cmn.Fmt("expiring bad address %v", addrStr))', b'\t\t\ta.removeFromBucket(ka, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry", b'\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'}', b'', b'// Promotes an address from new to old.', b'// TODO: Move to old probabilistically.', b'// The better a node is, the less likely it should be evicted from an old bucket.', b'func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that is already old %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) == 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that isn\'t in any new buckets %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Remember one of the buckets in which ka is in.', b'\tfreedBucket := ka.Buckets[0]', b'\t// Remove from all (new) buckets.', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b"\t// It's officially old now.", b'\tka.BucketType = bucketTypeOld', b'', b'\t// Try to add it to its oldBucket destination.', b'\toldBucketIdx := a.calcOldBucket(ka.Addr)', b'\tadded := a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\tif !added {', b'\t\t// No room, must evict something', b'\t\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// Find new bucket to put oldest in', b'\t\tnewBucketIdx := a.calcNewBucket(oldest.Addr, oldest.Src)', b'\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, newBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// No space in newBucket either, just put it in freedBucket from above.', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, freedBucket)', b'\t\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not migrate oldest %v to freedBucket %v", oldest, freedBucket))', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Finally, add to bucket again.', b'\t\tadded = a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not re-add ka %v to oldBucketIdx %v", ka, oldBucketIdx))', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + sourcegroup +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_group ) % num_new_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(addr))...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(src))...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(src)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + group +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group ) % num_old_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(addr)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// Return a string representing the network group of this address.', b'// This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for for IPv6, the string', b'// "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable', b'// address.', b'func (a *AddrBook) groupKey(na *NetAddress) string {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && na.Local() {', b'\t\treturn "local"', b'\t}', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !na.Routable() {', b'\t\treturn "unroutable"', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {', b'\t\t// last four bytes are the ip address', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif na.RFC3964() {', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC4380() {', b'\t\t// teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR', b'\t\t// 0xff.', b'\t\tip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))', b'\t\tfor i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {', b'\t\t\tip[i] = byte ^ 0xff', b'\t\t}', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.', b"\t// bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's", b'\t// ( IP range, which it uses /36 for.', b'\tbits := 32', b'\theNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),', b'\t\tMask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}', b'\tif heNet.Contains(na.IP) {', b'\t\tbits = 36', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()', b'}', b'', b'//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', b'', b'/*', b' knownAddress', b'', b' tracks information about a known network address that is used', b' to determine how viable an address is.', b'*/', b'type knownAddress struct {', b'\tAddr *NetAddress', b'\tSrc *NetAddress', b'\tAttempts int32', b'\tLastAttempt time.Time', b'\tLastSuccess time.Time', b'\tBucketType byte', b'\tBuckets []int', b'}', b'', b'func newKnownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {', b'\treturn &knownAddress{', b'\t\tAddr: addr,', b'\t\tSrc: src,', b'\t\tAttempts: 0,', b'\t\tLastAttempt: time.Now(),', b'\t\tBucketType: bucketTypeNew,', b'\t\tBuckets: nil,', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isOld() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeOld', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isNew() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markAttempt() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts += 1', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markGood() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts = 0', b'\tka.LastSuccess = now', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) addBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket == bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("Bucket already exists in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\t\treturn -1', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = append(ka.Buckets, bucketIdx)', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) removeBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tbuckets := []int{}', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket != bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\tbuckets = append(buckets, bucket)', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tif len(buckets) != len(ka.Buckets)-1 {', b'\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("bucketIdx not found in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn -1', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = buckets', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'/*', b' An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last', b' minute and meets one of the following criteria:', b'', b' 1) It claims to be from the future', b" 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month", b' 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded', b' 4) It has failed ten times in the last week', b'', b' All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not', b' worth keeping hold of.', b'*/', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isBad() bool {', b'\t// Has been attempted in the last minute --> good', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Over a month old?', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Never succeeded?', b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// Hasn't succeeded in too long?", b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&', b'\t\tka.Attempts >= maxFailures {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn false', b'}']
2017-10-15 12:11:02,866 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:02,915 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: [], startcol: 4, matches: []
2017-10-15 12:11:02,915 [INFO @] 30760 - matches==0, _last_matches==0, ignore
2017-10-15 12:11:03,009 [INFO @] 30760 - result [1, [{'class': 'import', 'package': '', 'type': '', 'name': 'sort'}, {'class': 'import', 'package': '', 'type': '', 'name': 'strconv'}, {'class': 'import', 'package': '', 'type': '', 'name': 'strings'}, {'class': 'import', 'package': '', 'type': '', 'name': 'sync'}, {'class': 'import', 'package': '', 'type': '', 'name': 'sync/atomic'}, {'class': 'import', 'package': '', 'type': '', 'name': 'syscall'}]]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,009 [INFO @] 30760 - startcol 3, matches [{'word': 'sort', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strconv', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strings', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'syscall', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,010 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#complete', ['cm-gocode', {'typed': '\t"s', 'early_cache': True, 'match_end': 2, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'base': 's', 'force': 0, 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'startcol': 3, 'changedtick': 6, 'scope_match': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'scope': 'go', 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 3, [{'word': 'sort', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strconv', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strings', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'syscall', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], False])]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,010 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xabcm#complete\x95\xa9cm-gocode\x8f\xa5typed\xa3\t"s\xabearly_cache\xc3\xa9match_end\x02\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x04\xa4base\xa1s\xa5force\x00\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8startcol\x03\xabchangedtick\x06\xabscope_match\xa2go\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x04\x00\x0b\xa5scope\xa2go\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\x03\x96\x84\xa4word\xa4sort\xa5icase\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa3dup\x01\x84\xa4word\xa7strconv\xa5icase\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa3dup\x01\x84\xa4word\xa7strings\xa5icase\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa3dup\x01\x84\xa4word\xa4sync\xa5icase\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa3dup\x01\x84\xa4word\xabsync/atomic\xa5icase\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa3dup\x01\x84\xa4word\xa7syscall\xa5icase\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa3dup\x01\xc2''
2017-10-15 12:11:03,010 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:03,010 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:03,010 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,010 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,011 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,013 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,013 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_complete', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, b'cm-gocode', {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'early_cache': True, b'match_end': 2, b'scope': b'go', b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'base': b's', b'force': 0, b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'startcol': 3, b'changedtick': 6, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'scope_match': b'go', b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 3, [{b'word': b'sort', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'strconv', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'strings', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'sync', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'sync/atomic', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'syscall', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}], False, 0, b'']]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,013 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_complete', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, b'cm-gocode', {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'early_cache': True, b'match_end': 2, b'scope': b'go', b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'base': b's', b'force': 0, b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'startcol': 3, b'changedtick': 6, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'scope_match': b'go', b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 3, [{b'word': b'sort', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'strconv', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'strings', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'sync', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'sync/atomic', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'syscall', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}], False, 0, b'']
2017-10-15 12:11:03,013 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:03,014 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_complete, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, 'cm-gocode', {'typed': '\t"s', 'early_cache': True, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'base': 's', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'changedtick': 6, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 3, [{'word': 'sort', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strconv', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strings', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'syscall', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], False, 0, '']
2017-10-15 12:11:03,014 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 18, 'nvim_eval', ('g:cm_matcher',)]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,014 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x12\xa9nvim_eval\x91\xacg:cm_matcher''
2017-10-15 12:11:03,014 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:03,014 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,014 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,015 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,015 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 18, None, {b'module': b'cm_matchers.prefix_matcher', b'case': b'smartcase'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,015 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, {b'module': b'cm_matchers.prefix_matcher', b'case': b'smartcase'}
2017-10-15 12:11:03,015 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:03,016 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> preprocessing result startcol: 3 matches: [{'word': 'sort', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strconv', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strings', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'syscall', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,016 [INFO @] 30760 - update popup for [cm-gocode]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 19, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#context', [])]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x13\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xaacm#context\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 19, None, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'changedtick': 6, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'changedtick': 6, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> ignore by disabled
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches cnt: 0
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches: [], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sort', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strconv', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strings', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'syscall', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [], 'enable': False, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"s', 'early_cache': True, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'base': 's', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'changedtick': 6, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [INFO @] 30760 - matches==0, _last_matches==0, ignore
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_complete completed
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:03,017 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,018 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,018 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,051 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,051 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"sy', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 5, b'changedtick': 7, b'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,051 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"sy', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 5, b'changedtick': 7, b'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,052 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:03,052 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"sy', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 5, 'changedtick': 7, 'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,053 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:03,053 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,053 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> early_caching
2017-10-15 12:11:03,053 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> has been cached, <6> candidates
2017-10-15 12:11:03,053 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,053 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:03,053 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> ignore by disabled
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 4, matches cnt: 0
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 4, matches: [], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sort', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strconv', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strings', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'syscall', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [], 'enable': False, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"s', 'early_cache': True, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'base': 's', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'changedtick': 6, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [INFO @] 30760 - matches==0, _last_matches==0, ignore
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,054 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,290 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,291 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'changedtick': 8, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,291 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'changedtick': 8, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,291 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:03,292 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"syn', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'changedtick': 8, 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,292 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:03,292 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,292 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> has been cached, <6> candidates
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches cnt: 2
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches: [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sort', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strconv', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'strings', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'syscall', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], 'enable': True, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"s', 'early_cache': True, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'base': 's', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'changedtick': 6, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:03,293 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 20, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_core_complete', [{'typed': '\t"syn', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'changedtick': 8, 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}, 3, [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync', 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'padding': ''}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic', 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'padding': ''}], 0, []])]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x14\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb1cm#_core_complete\x95\x8a\xa5typed\xa5\t"syn\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x06\xabchangedtick\x08\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x06\x00\r\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00\x03\x92\x87\xa4word\xa4sync\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xa4sync\xacsnippet_word\xa4sync\xa7padding\xa0\x87\xa4word\xabsync/atomic\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xabsync/atomic\xacsnippet_word\xabsync/atomic\xa7padding\xa0\x00\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 20, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:03,294 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:03,295 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:03,295 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,295 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:03,295 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,452 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,452 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn\t', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 7, b'changedtick': 9, b'curpos': [0, 15, 7, 0, 17], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,452 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn\t', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 7, b'changedtick': 9, b'curpos': [0, 15, 7, 0, 17], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,452 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:05,453 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"syn\t', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 7, 'changedtick': 9, 'curpos': [0, 15, 7, 0, 17], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,453 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-gocode>, force[0] early_cache[1]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: [], startcol: 7, matches: []
2017-10-15 12:11:05,454 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 21, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_core_complete', [{'typed': '\t"syn\t', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 7, 'changedtick': 9, 'curpos': [0, 15, 7, 0, 17], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}, 7, [], 0, []])]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x15\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb1cm#_core_complete\x95\x8a\xa5typed\xa6\t"syn\t\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x07\xabchangedtick\t\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x07\x00\x11\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00\x07\x90\x00\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 21, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,455 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,699 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,699 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn\t\t', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 8, b'changedtick': 10, b'curpos': [0, 15, 8, 0, 25], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,699 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn\t\t', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 8, b'changedtick': 10, b'curpos': [0, 15, 8, 0, 25], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,699 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:05,700 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"syn\t\t', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 8, 'changedtick': 10, 'curpos': [0, 15, 8, 0, 25], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,700 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-gocode>, force[0] early_cache[1]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: [], startcol: 8, matches: []
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [INFO @] 30760 - matches==0, _last_matches==0, ignore
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:05,701 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:05,702 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,702 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:05,702 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,308 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,308 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn\t', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 7, b'changedtick': 11, b'curpos': [0, 15, 7, 0, 17], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,308 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn\t', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 7, b'changedtick': 11, b'curpos': [0, 15, 7, 0, 17], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,308 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:06,309 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"syn\t', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 7, 'changedtick': 11, 'curpos': [0, 15, 7, 0, 17], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,309 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:06,309 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,309 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-gocode>, force[0] early_cache[1]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: [], startcol: 7, matches: []
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [INFO @] 30760 - matches==0, _last_matches==0, ignore
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,310 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,476 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,476 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'changedtick': 12, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,476 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'changedtick': 12, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,476 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:06,477 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"syn', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'changedtick': 12, 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,477 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [INFO @] 30760 - notify_sources_to_refresh calls cnt [0], channels cnt [1]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm#_notify_sources_to_refresh [[]] [['cm-gocode']] [{'force': 0, 'typed': '\t"syn', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'changedtick': 12, 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'scope': 'go', 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,478 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_notify_sources_to_refresh', [[], [{'id': 5, 'context': {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'scope': 'go', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope_match': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 'name': 'cm-gocode'}], {'typed': '\t"syn', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'changedtick': 12, 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}])]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,479 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xbdcm#_notify_sources_to_refresh\x93\x90\x91\x83\xa2id\x05\xa7context\x8f\xa5typed\xa5\t"syn\xabearly_cache\xc2\xa8startcol\x03\xa5scope\xa2go\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x06\xa4base\xa3syn\xa5force\x00\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa9match_end\x02\xabscope_match\xa2go\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x06\x00\r\xabchangedtick\x0c\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa4name\xa9cm-gocode\x8a\xa5typed\xa5\t"syn\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x06\xabchangedtick\x0c\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x06\x00\r\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00''
2017-10-15 12:11:06,479 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:06,479 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,479 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:06,479 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'early_cache': False, b'match_end': 2, b'scope': b'go', b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'base': b'syn', b'force': 0, b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'startcol': 3, b'changedtick': 12, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'scope_match': b'go', b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,479 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,479 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'early_cache': False, b'match_end': 2, b'scope': b'go', b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'base': b'syn', b'force': 0, b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'startcol': 3, b'changedtick': 12, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'scope_match': b'go', b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,479 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,480 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:06,480 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,480 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method: cm_refresh, args: [{'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,480 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 7, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#context_changed', [{'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'match_end': 2, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'startcol': 3, 'changedtick': 12, 'scope_match': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'scope': 'go', 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}])]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,480 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x07\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb2cm#context_changed\x91\x8f\xa5typed\xa5\t"syn\xabearly_cache\xc2\xa9match_end\x02\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x06\xa4base\xa3syn\xa5force\x00\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8startcol\x03\xabchangedtick\x0c\xabscope_match\xa2go\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x06\x00\r\xa5scope\xa2go\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/''
2017-10-15 12:11:06,480 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:06,480 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 7, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 8, 'nvim_list_bufs', ()]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x08\xaenvim_list_bufs\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 8, None, [ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01')]]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01')]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:06,481 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 9, 'nvim_buf_get_lines', (ExtType(code=0, data=b'\x01'), 0, -1, False)]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\t\xb2nvim_buf_get_lines\x94\xd4\x00\x01\x00\xff\xc2''
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,482 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 9, None, [b'// Modified for Tendermint', b'// Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.', b'//', b'', b'package p2p', b'', b'import (', b'\t"encoding/binary"', b'\t"encoding/json"', b'\t"math"', b'\t"math/rand"', b'\t"net"', b'\t"os"', b'\t"sync"', b'\t"syn', b'\t"time"', b'', b'\tlog ""', b'\tcrypto ""', b'\tcmn ""', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\t// addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.', b'\tneedAddressThreshold = 1000', b'', b'\t// interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.', b'\tdumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each old address bucket.', b'\toldBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets we split old addresses over.', b'\toldBucketCount = 64', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each new address bucket.', b'\tnewBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets that we spread new addresses over.', b'\tnewBucketCount = 256', b'', b'\t// old buckets over which an address group will be spread.', b'\toldBucketsPerGroup = 4', b'', b'\t// new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.', b'\tnewBucketsPerGroup = 32', b'', b'\t// buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.', b'\tmaxNewBucketsPerAddress = 4', b'', b'\t// days before which we assume an address has vanished', b'\t// if we have not seen it announced in that long.', b'\tnumMissingDays = 30', b'', b'\t// tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.', b'\tnumRetries = 3', b'', b'\t// max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.', b'\tmaxFailures = 10', b'', b'\t// days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.', b'\tminBadDays = 7', b'', b'\t// % of total addresses known returned by GetSelection.', b'\tgetSelectionPercent = 23', b'', b'\t// min addresses that must be returned by GetSelection. Useful for bootstrapping.', b'\tminGetSelection = 32', b'', b'\t// max addresses returned by GetSelection', b'\t// NOTE: this must match "maxPexMessageSize"', b'\tmaxGetSelection = 250', b'', b'\t// current version of the on-disk format.', b'\tserializationVersion = 1', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\tbucketTypeNew = 0x01', b'\tbucketTypeOld = 0x02', b')', b'', b'// AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager.', b'type AddrBook struct {', b'\tcmn.BaseService', b'', b'\tmtx sync.Mutex', b'\tfilePath string', b'\troutabilityStrict bool', b'\trand *rand.Rand', b'\tkey string', b'\tourAddrs map[string]*NetAddress', b'\taddrLookup map[string]*knownAddress // new & old', b'\taddrNew []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\taddrOld []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\twg sync.WaitGroup', b'\tnOld int', b'\tnNew int', b'}', b'', b'// NewAddrBook creates a new address book.', b'// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.', b'func NewAddrBook(filePath string, routabilityStrict bool) *AddrBook {', b'\tam := &AddrBook{', b'\t\trand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),', b'\t\tourAddrs: make(map[string]*NetAddress),', b'\t\taddrLookup: make(map[string]*knownAddress),', b'\t\tfilePath: filePath,', b'\t\troutabilityStrict: routabilityStrict,', b'\t}', b'\tam.init()', b'\tam.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "AddrBook", am)', b'\treturn am', b'}', b'', b"// When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()", b'func (a *AddrBook) init() {', b'\ta.key = crypto.CRandHex(24) // 24/2 * 8 = 96 bits', b'\t// New addr buckets', b'\ta.addrNew = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, newBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrNew {', b'\t\ta.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'\t// Old addr buckets', b'\ta.addrOld = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, oldBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrOld {', b'\t\ta.addrOld[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// OnStart implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStart() error {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStart()', b'\ta.loadFromFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Add(1)', b'\tgo a.saveRoutine()', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'// OnStop implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStop() {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStop()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Wait() {', b'\ta.wg.Wait()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddOurAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Add our address to book")', b'', b'\ta.ourAddrs[addr.String()] = addr', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) OurAddresses() []*NetAddress {', b'\taddrs := []*NetAddress{}', b'\tfor _, addr := range a.ourAddrs {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, addr)', b'\t}', b'\treturn addrs', b'}', b'', b'// NOTE: addr must not be nil', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t"addr": addr,', b'\t\t"src": src,', b'\t}).Info("Add address to book")', b'\ta.addAddress(addr, src)', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddrs() bool {', b'\treturn a.Size() < needAddressThreshold', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\treturn a.size()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) size() int {', b'\treturn a.nNew + a.nOld', b'}', b'', b'// Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.', b'func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias > 100 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 100', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias < 0 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 0', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Bias between new and old addresses.', b'\toldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))', b'\tnewCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)', b'', b'\tif (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {', b'\t\t// pick random Old bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t} else {', b'\t\t// pick random New bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t}', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markGood()', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\ta.moveToOld(ka)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markAttempt()', b'}', b'', b'// MarkBad currently just ejects the address. In the future, consider', b'// blacklisting.', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkBad(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.RemoveAddress(addr)', b'}', b'', b'// RemoveAddress removes the address from the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) RemoveAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Remove address from book")', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b'}', b'', b'/* Peer exchange */', b'', b'// GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.', b'func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'', b'\tallAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())', b'\ti := 0', b'\tfor _, v := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\tallAddr[i] = v.Addr', b'\t\ti++', b'\t}', b'', b'\tnumAddresses := cmn.MaxInt(', b'\t\tcmn.MinInt(minGetSelection, len(allAddr)),', b'\t\tlen(allAddr)*getSelectionPercent/100)', b'\tnumAddresses = cmn.MinInt(maxGetSelection, numAddresses)', b'', b'\t// Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first', b"\t// `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.", b'\tfor i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {', b'\t\t// pick a number between current index and the end', b'\t\tj := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i', b'\t\tallAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// slice off the limit we are willing to share.', b'\treturn allAddr[:numAddresses]', b'}', b'', b'/* Loading & Saving */', b'', b'type addrBookJSON struct {', b'\tKey string', b'\tAddrs []*knownAddress', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\t// Compile Addrs', b'\taddrs := []*knownAddress{}', b'\tfor _, ka := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, ka)', b'\t}', b'', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{', b'\t\tKey: a.key,', b'\t\tAddrs: addrs,', b'\t}', b'', b'\tjsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\\t")', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithField("err", err).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\terr = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t\t"file": filePath,', b'\t\t\t"err": err,', b'\t\t}).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// Returns false if file does not exist.', b'// cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.', b'func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {', b"\t// If doesn't exist, do nothing.", b'\t_, err := os.Stat(filePath)', b'\tif os.IsNotExist(err) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Load addrBookJSON{}', b'\tr, err := os.Open(filePath)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'\tdefer r.Close()', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{}', b'\tdec := json.NewDecoder(r)', b'\terr = dec.Decode(aJSON)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Restore all the fields...', b'\t// Restore the key', b'\ta.key = aJSON.Key', b'\t// Restore .addrNew & .addrOld', b'\tfor _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {', b'\t\tfor _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)', b'\t\t\tbucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t\ta.addrLookup[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'// Save saves the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) Save() {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'}', b'', b'/* Private methods */', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveRoutine() {', b'\tdumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)', b'out:', b'\tfor {', b'\t\tselect {', b'\t\tcase <-dumpAddressTicker.C:', b'\t\t\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\t\tcase <-a.Quit:', b'\t\t\tbreak out', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tdumpAddressTicker.Stop()', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Done()', b'\tlog.Info("Address handler done")', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) getBucket(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) map[string]*knownAddress {', b'\tswitch bucketType {', b'\tcase bucketTypeNew:', b'\t\treturn a.addrNew[bucketIdx]', b'\tcase bucketTypeOld:', b'\t\treturn a.addrOld[bucketIdx]', b'\tdefault:', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to new bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'// NOTE: currently it always returns true.', b'func (a *AddrBook) addToNewBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add address already in old bucket to a new bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > newBucketSize {', b'\t\tlog.Info("new bucket is full, expiring old ")', b'\t\ta.expireNew(bucketIdx)', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to old bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'func (a *AddrBook) addToOldBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add new address to old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) != 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add already old address to another old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > oldBucketSize {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) {', b'\tif ka.BucketType != bucketType {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Bucket type mismatch: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\tif ka.removeBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 0 {', b'\t\tif bucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromAllBuckets(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\tfor _, bucketIdx := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\t\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = nil', b'\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t} else {', b'\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t}', b'\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) pickOldest(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) *knownAddress {', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tvar oldest *knownAddress', b'\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\tif oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt) {', b'\t\t\toldest = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn oldest', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !addr.Routable() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add non-routable address %v", addr))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif _, ok := a.ourAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {', b'\t\t// Ignore our own listener address.', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'', b'\tif ka != nil {', b'\t\t// Already old.', b'\t\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Already in max new buckets.', b'\t\tif len(ka.Buckets) == maxNewBucketsPerAddress {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.', b'\t\tfactor := int32(2 * len(ka.Buckets))', b'\t\tif a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t} else {', b'\t\tka = newKnownAddress(addr, src)', b'\t}', b'', b'\tbucket := a.calcNewBucket(addr, src)', b'\ta.addToNewBucket(ka, bucket)', b'', b'\tlog.Info("Added new address", "address", addr, "total", a.size())', b'}', b'', b'// Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.', b'// If no bad entries are available we remove the oldest.', b'func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucketIdx int) {', b'\tfor addrStr, ka := range a.addrNew[bucketIdx] {', b'\t\t// If an entry is bad, throw it away', b'\t\tif ka.isBad() {', b'\t\t\tlog.Info(cmn.Fmt("expiring bad address %v", addrStr))', b'\t\t\ta.removeFromBucket(ka, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry", b'\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'}', b'', b'// Promotes an address from new to old.', b'// TODO: Move to old probabilistically.', b'// The better a node is, the less likely it should be evicted from an old bucket.', b'func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that is already old %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) == 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that isn\'t in any new buckets %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Remember one of the buckets in which ka is in.', b'\tfreedBucket := ka.Buckets[0]', b'\t// Remove from all (new) buckets.', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b"\t// It's officially old now.", b'\tka.BucketType = bucketTypeOld', b'', b'\t// Try to add it to its oldBucket destination.', b'\toldBucketIdx := a.calcOldBucket(ka.Addr)', b'\tadded := a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\tif !added {', b'\t\t// No room, must evict something', b'\t\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// Find new bucket to put oldest in', b'\t\tnewBucketIdx := a.calcNewBucket(oldest.Addr, oldest.Src)', b'\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, newBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// No space in newBucket either, just put it in freedBucket from above.', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, freedBucket)', b'\t\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not migrate oldest %v to freedBucket %v", oldest, freedBucket))', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Finally, add to bucket again.', b'\t\tadded = a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not re-add ka %v to oldBucketIdx %v", ka, oldBucketIdx))', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + sourcegroup +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_group ) % num_new_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(addr))...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(src))...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(src)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + group +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group ) % num_old_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(addr)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// Return a string representing the network group of this address.', b'// This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for for IPv6, the string', b'// "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable', b'// address.', b'func (a *AddrBook) groupKey(na *NetAddress) string {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && na.Local() {', b'\t\treturn "local"', b'\t}', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !na.Routable() {', b'\t\treturn "unroutable"', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {', b'\t\t// last four bytes are the ip address', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif na.RFC3964() {', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC4380() {', b'\t\t// teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR', b'\t\t// 0xff.', b'\t\tip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))', b'\t\tfor i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {', b'\t\t\tip[i] = byte ^ 0xff', b'\t\t}', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.', b"\t// bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's", b'\t// ( IP range, which it uses /36 for.', b'\tbits := 32', b'\theNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),', b'\t\tMask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}', b'\tif heNet.Contains(na.IP) {', b'\t\tbits = 36', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()', b'}', b'', b'//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', b'', b'/*', b' knownAddress', b'', b' tracks information about a known network address that is used', b' to determine how viable an address is.', b'*/', b'type knownAddress struct {', b'\tAddr *NetAddress', b'\tSrc *NetAddress', b'\tAttempts int32', b'\tLastAttempt time.Time', b'\tLastSuccess time.Time', b'\tBucketType byte', b'\tBuckets []int', b'}', b'', b'func newKnownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {', b'\treturn &knownAddress{', b'\t\tAddr: addr,', b'\t\tSrc: src,', b'\t\tAttempts: 0,', b'\t\tLastAttempt: time.Now(),', b'\t\tBucketType: bucketTypeNew,', b'\t\tBuckets: nil,', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isOld() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeOld', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isNew() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markAttempt() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts += 1', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markGood() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts = 0', b'\tka.LastSuccess = now', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) addBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket == bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("Bucket already exists in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\t\treturn -1', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = append(ka.Buckets, bucketIdx)', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) removeBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tbuckets := []int{}', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket != bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\tbuckets = append(buckets, bucket)', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tif len(buckets) != len(ka.Buckets)-1 {', b'\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("bucketIdx not found in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn -1', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = buckets', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'/*', b' An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last', b' minute and meets one of the following criteria:', b'', b' 1) It claims to be from the future', b" 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month", b' 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded', b' 4) It has failed ten times in the last week', b'', b' All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not', b' worth keeping hold of.', b'*/', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isBad() bool {', b'\t// Has been attempted in the last minute --> good', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Over a month old?', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Never succeeded?', b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// Hasn't succeeded in too long?", b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&', b'\t\tka.Attempts >= maxFailures {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn false', b'}']]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,483 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, [b'// Modified for Tendermint', b'// Originally Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Conformal Systems LLC.', b'//', b'', b'package p2p', b'', b'import (', b'\t"encoding/binary"', b'\t"encoding/json"', b'\t"math"', b'\t"math/rand"', b'\t"net"', b'\t"os"', b'\t"sync"', b'\t"syn', b'\t"time"', b'', b'\tlog ""', b'\tcrypto ""', b'\tcmn ""', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\t// addresses under which the address manager will claim to need more addresses.', b'\tneedAddressThreshold = 1000', b'', b'\t// interval used to dump the address cache to disk for future use.', b'\tdumpAddressInterval = time.Minute * 2', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each old address bucket.', b'\toldBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets we split old addresses over.', b'\toldBucketCount = 64', b'', b'\t// max addresses in each new address bucket.', b'\tnewBucketSize = 64', b'', b'\t// buckets that we spread new addresses over.', b'\tnewBucketCount = 256', b'', b'\t// old buckets over which an address group will be spread.', b'\toldBucketsPerGroup = 4', b'', b'\t// new buckets over which an source address group will be spread.', b'\tnewBucketsPerGroup = 32', b'', b'\t// buckets a frequently seen new address may end up in.', b'\tmaxNewBucketsPerAddress = 4', b'', b'\t// days before which we assume an address has vanished', b'\t// if we have not seen it announced in that long.', b'\tnumMissingDays = 30', b'', b'\t// tries without a single success before we assume an address is bad.', b'\tnumRetries = 3', b'', b'\t// max failures we will accept without a success before considering an address bad.', b'\tmaxFailures = 10', b'', b'\t// days since the last success before we will consider evicting an address.', b'\tminBadDays = 7', b'', b'\t// % of total addresses known returned by GetSelection.', b'\tgetSelectionPercent = 23', b'', b'\t// min addresses that must be returned by GetSelection. Useful for bootstrapping.', b'\tminGetSelection = 32', b'', b'\t// max addresses returned by GetSelection', b'\t// NOTE: this must match "maxPexMessageSize"', b'\tmaxGetSelection = 250', b'', b'\t// current version of the on-disk format.', b'\tserializationVersion = 1', b')', b'', b'const (', b'\tbucketTypeNew = 0x01', b'\tbucketTypeOld = 0x02', b')', b'', b'// AddrBook - concurrency safe peer address manager.', b'type AddrBook struct {', b'\tcmn.BaseService', b'', b'\tmtx sync.Mutex', b'\tfilePath string', b'\troutabilityStrict bool', b'\trand *rand.Rand', b'\tkey string', b'\tourAddrs map[string]*NetAddress', b'\taddrLookup map[string]*knownAddress // new & old', b'\taddrNew []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\taddrOld []map[string]*knownAddress', b'\twg sync.WaitGroup', b'\tnOld int', b'\tnNew int', b'}', b'', b'// NewAddrBook creates a new address book.', b'// Use Start to begin processing asynchronous address updates.', b'func NewAddrBook(filePath string, routabilityStrict bool) *AddrBook {', b'\tam := &AddrBook{', b'\t\trand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),', b'\t\tourAddrs: make(map[string]*NetAddress),', b'\t\taddrLookup: make(map[string]*knownAddress),', b'\t\tfilePath: filePath,', b'\t\troutabilityStrict: routabilityStrict,', b'\t}', b'\tam.init()', b'\tam.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "AddrBook", am)', b'\treturn am', b'}', b'', b"// When modifying this, don't forget to update loadFromFile()", b'func (a *AddrBook) init() {', b'\ta.key = crypto.CRandHex(24) // 24/2 * 8 = 96 bits', b'\t// New addr buckets', b'\ta.addrNew = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, newBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrNew {', b'\t\ta.addrNew[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'\t// Old addr buckets', b'\ta.addrOld = make([]map[string]*knownAddress, oldBucketCount)', b'\tfor i := range a.addrOld {', b'\t\ta.addrOld[i] = make(map[string]*knownAddress)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// OnStart implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStart() error {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStart()', b'\ta.loadFromFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Add(1)', b'\tgo a.saveRoutine()', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'// OnStop implements Service.', b'func (a *AddrBook) OnStop() {', b'\ta.BaseService.OnStop()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Wait() {', b'\ta.wg.Wait()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddOurAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Add our address to book")', b'', b'\ta.ourAddrs[addr.String()] = addr', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) OurAddresses() []*NetAddress {', b'\taddrs := []*NetAddress{}', b'\tfor _, addr := range a.ourAddrs {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, addr)', b'\t}', b'\treturn addrs', b'}', b'', b'// NOTE: addr must not be nil', b'func (a *AddrBook) AddAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t"addr": addr,', b'\t\t"src": src,', b'\t}).Info("Add address to book")', b'\ta.addAddress(addr, src)', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) NeedMoreAddrs() bool {', b'\treturn a.Size() < needAddressThreshold', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) Size() int {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\treturn a.size()', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) size() int {', b'\treturn a.nNew + a.nOld', b'}', b'', b'// Pick an address to connect to with new/old bias.', b'func (a *AddrBook) PickAddress(newBias int) *NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias > 100 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 100', b'\t}', b'\tif newBias < 0 {', b'\t\tnewBias = 0', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Bias between new and old addresses.', b'\toldCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nOld)) * (100.0 - float64(newBias))', b'\tnewCorrelation := math.Sqrt(float64(a.nNew)) * float64(newBias)', b'', b'\tif (newCorrelation+oldCorrelation)*a.rand.Float64() < oldCorrelation {', b'\t\t// pick random Old bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrOld[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrOld))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t} else {', b'\t\t// pick random New bucket.', b'\t\tvar bucket map[string]*knownAddress = nil', b'\t\tfor len(bucket) == 0 {', b'\t\t\tbucket = a.addrNew[a.rand.Intn(len(a.addrNew))]', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// pick a random ka from bucket.', b'\t\trandIndex := a.rand.Intn(len(bucket))', b'\t\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\t\tif randIndex == 0 {', b'\t\t\t\treturn ka.Addr', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t\trandIndex--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t}', b'\treturn nil', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkGood(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markGood()', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\ta.moveToOld(ka)', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkAttempt(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tka.markAttempt()', b'}', b'', b'// MarkBad currently just ejects the address. In the future, consider', b'// blacklisting.', b'func (a *AddrBook) MarkBad(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.RemoveAddress(addr)', b'}', b'', b'// RemoveAddress removes the address from the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) RemoveAddress(addr *NetAddress) {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'\tif ka == nil {', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tlog.WithField("addr", addr).Info("Remove address from book")', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b'}', b'', b'/* Peer exchange */', b'', b'// GetSelection randomly selects some addresses (old & new). Suitable for peer-exchange protocols.', b'func (a *AddrBook) GetSelection() []*NetAddress {', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'', b'\tif a.size() == 0 {', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'', b'\tallAddr := make([]*NetAddress, a.size())', b'\ti := 0', b'\tfor _, v := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\tallAddr[i] = v.Addr', b'\t\ti++', b'\t}', b'', b'\tnumAddresses := cmn.MaxInt(', b'\t\tcmn.MinInt(minGetSelection, len(allAddr)),', b'\t\tlen(allAddr)*getSelectionPercent/100)', b'\tnumAddresses = cmn.MinInt(maxGetSelection, numAddresses)', b'', b'\t// Fisher-Yates shuffle the array. We only need to do the first', b"\t// `numAddresses' since we are throwing the rest.", b'\tfor i := 0; i < numAddresses; i++ {', b'\t\t// pick a number between current index and the end', b'\t\tj := rand.Intn(len(allAddr)-i) + i', b'\t\tallAddr[i], allAddr[j] = allAddr[j], allAddr[i]', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// slice off the limit we are willing to share.', b'\treturn allAddr[:numAddresses]', b'}', b'', b'/* Loading & Saving */', b'', b'type addrBookJSON struct {', b'\tKey string', b'\tAddrs []*knownAddress', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveToFile(filePath string) {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'', b'\ta.mtx.Lock()', b'\tdefer a.mtx.Unlock()', b'\t// Compile Addrs', b'\taddrs := []*knownAddress{}', b'\tfor _, ka := range a.addrLookup {', b'\t\taddrs = append(addrs, ka)', b'\t}', b'', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{', b'\t\tKey: a.key,', b'\t\tAddrs: addrs,', b'\t}', b'', b'\tjsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(aJSON, "", "\\t")', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithField("err", err).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\terr = cmn.WriteFileAtomic(filePath, jsonBytes, 0644)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tlog.WithFields(log.Fields{', b'\t\t\t"file": filePath,', b'\t\t\t"err": err,', b'\t\t}).Error("Failed to save AddrBook to file")', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// Returns false if file does not exist.', b'// cmn.Panics if file is corrupt.', b'func (a *AddrBook) loadFromFile(filePath string) bool {', b"\t// If doesn't exist, do nothing.", b'\t_, err := os.Stat(filePath)', b'\tif os.IsNotExist(err) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Load addrBookJSON{}', b'\tr, err := os.Open(filePath)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error opening file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'\tdefer r.Close()', b'\taJSON := &addrBookJSON{}', b'\tdec := json.NewDecoder(r)', b'\terr = dec.Decode(aJSON)', b'\tif err != nil {', b'\t\tcmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Error reading file %s: %v", filePath, err))', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Restore all the fields...', b'\t// Restore the key', b'\ta.key = aJSON.Key', b'\t// Restore .addrNew & .addrOld', b'\tfor _, ka := range aJSON.Addrs {', b'\t\tfor _, bucketIndex := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIndex)', b'\t\t\tbucket[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t\ta.addrLookup[ka.Addr.String()] = ka', b'\t\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'// Save saves the book.', b'func (a *AddrBook) Save() {', b'\tlog.WithField("size", a.Size()).Info("Saving AddrBook to file")', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'}', b'', b'/* Private methods */', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) saveRoutine() {', b'\tdumpAddressTicker := time.NewTicker(dumpAddressInterval)', b'out:', b'\tfor {', b'\t\tselect {', b'\t\tcase <-dumpAddressTicker.C:', b'\t\t\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\t\tcase <-a.Quit:', b'\t\t\tbreak out', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tdumpAddressTicker.Stop()', b'\ta.saveToFile(a.filePath)', b'\ta.wg.Done()', b'\tlog.Info("Address handler done")', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) getBucket(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) map[string]*knownAddress {', b'\tswitch bucketType {', b'\tcase bucketTypeNew:', b'\t\treturn a.addrNew[bucketIdx]', b'\tcase bucketTypeOld:', b'\t\treturn a.addrOld[bucketIdx]', b'\tdefault:', b'\t\tcmn.PanicSanity("Should not happen")', b'\t\treturn nil', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to new bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'// NOTE: currently it always returns true.', b'func (a *AddrBook) addToNewBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add address already in old bucket to a new bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > newBucketSize {', b'\t\tlog.Info("new bucket is full, expiring old ")', b'\t\ta.expireNew(bucketIdx)', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nNew++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b"// Adds ka to old bucket. Returns false if it couldn't do it cuz buckets full.", b'func (a *AddrBook) addToOldBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketIdx int) bool {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isNew() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add new address to old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) != 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add already old address to another old bucket: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\taddrStr := ka.Addr.String()', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'', b'\t// Already exists?', b'\tif _, ok := bucket[addrStr]; ok {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Enforce max addresses.', b'\tif len(bucket) > oldBucketSize {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Add to bucket.', b'\tbucket[addrStr] = ka', b'\tif ka.addBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 1 {', b'\t\ta.nOld++', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Ensure in addrLookup', b'\ta.addrLookup[addrStr] = ka', b'', b'\treturn true', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromBucket(ka *knownAddress, bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) {', b'\tif ka.BucketType != bucketType {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Bucket type mismatch: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\tif ka.removeBucketRef(bucketIdx) == 0 {', b'\t\tif bucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t\t} else {', b'\t\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t\t}', b'\t\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) removeFromAllBuckets(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\tfor _, bucketIdx := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tbucket := a.getBucket(ka.BucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\t\tdelete(bucket, ka.Addr.String())', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = nil', b'\tif ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew {', b'\t\ta.nNew--', b'\t} else {', b'\t\ta.nOld--', b'\t}', b'\tdelete(a.addrLookup, ka.Addr.String())', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) pickOldest(bucketType byte, bucketIdx int) *knownAddress {', b'\tbucket := a.getBucket(bucketType, bucketIdx)', b'\tvar oldest *knownAddress', b'\tfor _, ka := range bucket {', b'\t\tif oldest == nil || ka.LastAttempt.Before(oldest.LastAttempt) {', b'\t\t\toldest = ka', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\treturn oldest', b'}', b'', b'func (a *AddrBook) addAddress(addr, src *NetAddress) {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !addr.Routable() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot add non-routable address %v", addr))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif _, ok := a.ourAddrs[addr.String()]; ok {', b'\t\t// Ignore our own listener address.', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\tka := a.addrLookup[addr.String()]', b'', b'\tif ka != nil {', b'\t\t// Already old.', b'\t\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Already in max new buckets.', b'\t\tif len(ka.Buckets) == maxNewBucketsPerAddress {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// The more entries we have, the less likely we are to add more.', b'\t\tfactor := int32(2 * len(ka.Buckets))', b'\t\tif a.rand.Int31n(factor) != 0 {', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t} else {', b'\t\tka = newKnownAddress(addr, src)', b'\t}', b'', b'\tbucket := a.calcNewBucket(addr, src)', b'\ta.addToNewBucket(ka, bucket)', b'', b'\tlog.Info("Added new address", "address", addr, "total", a.size())', b'}', b'', b'// Make space in the new buckets by expiring the really bad entries.', b'// If no bad entries are available we remove the oldest.', b'func (a *AddrBook) expireNew(bucketIdx int) {', b'\tfor addrStr, ka := range a.addrNew[bucketIdx] {', b'\t\t// If an entry is bad, throw it away', b'\t\tif ka.isBad() {', b'\t\t\tlog.Info(cmn.Fmt("expiring bad address %v", addrStr))', b'\t\t\ta.removeFromBucket(ka, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\t\t\treturn', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// If we haven't thrown out a bad entry, throw out the oldest entry", b'\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeNew, bucketIdx)', b'}', b'', b'// Promotes an address from new to old.', b'// TODO: Move to old probabilistically.', b'// The better a node is, the less likely it should be evicted from an old bucket.', b'func (a *AddrBook) moveToOld(ka *knownAddress) {', b'\t// Sanity check', b'\tif ka.isOld() {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that is already old %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'\tif len(ka.Buckets) == 0 {', b'\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Cannot promote address that isn\'t in any new buckets %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Remember one of the buckets in which ka is in.', b'\tfreedBucket := ka.Buckets[0]', b'\t// Remove from all (new) buckets.', b'\ta.removeFromAllBuckets(ka)', b"\t// It's officially old now.", b'\tka.BucketType = bucketTypeOld', b'', b'\t// Try to add it to its oldBucket destination.', b'\toldBucketIdx := a.calcOldBucket(ka.Addr)', b'\tadded := a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\tif !added {', b'\t\t// No room, must evict something', b'\t\toldest := a.pickOldest(bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\ta.removeFromBucket(oldest, bucketTypeOld, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// Find new bucket to put oldest in', b'\t\tnewBucketIdx := a.calcNewBucket(oldest.Addr, oldest.Src)', b'\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, newBucketIdx)', b'\t\t// No space in newBucket either, just put it in freedBucket from above.', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tadded := a.addToNewBucket(oldest, freedBucket)', b'\t\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not migrate oldest %v to freedBucket %v", oldest, freedBucket))', b'\t\t\t}', b'\t\t}', b'\t\t// Finally, add to bucket again.', b'\t\tadded = a.addToOldBucket(ka, oldBucketIdx)', b'\t\tif !added {', b'\t\t\tlog.Error(cmn.Fmt("Could not re-add ka %v to oldBucketIdx %v", ka, oldBucketIdx))', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + sourcegroup +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + group + sourcegroup))%bucket_per_group ) % num_new_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcNewBucket(addr, src *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(addr))...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.groupKey(src))...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= newBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(src)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % newBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// doublesha256( key + group +', b'// int64(doublesha256(key + addr))%buckets_per_group ) % num_old_buckets', b'func (a *AddrBook) calcOldBucket(addr *NetAddress) int {', b'\tdata1 := []byte{}', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata1 = append(data1, []byte(addr.String())...)', b'\thash1 := doubleSha256(data1)', b'\thash64 := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash1)', b'\thash64 %= oldBucketsPerGroup', b'\tvar hashbuf [8]byte', b'\tbinary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashbuf[:], hash64)', b'\tdata2 := []byte{}', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, []byte(a.key)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, a.groupKey(addr)...)', b'\tdata2 = append(data2, hashbuf[:]...)', b'', b'\thash2 := doubleSha256(data2)', b'\treturn int(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hash2) % oldBucketCount)', b'}', b'', b'// Return a string representing the network group of this address.', b'// This is the /16 for IPv6, the /32 (/36 for for IPv6, the string', b'// "local" for a local address and the string "unroutable for an unroutable', b'// address.', b'func (a *AddrBook) groupKey(na *NetAddress) string {', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && na.Local() {', b'\t\treturn "local"', b'\t}', b'\tif a.routabilityStrict && !na.Routable() {', b'\t\treturn "unroutable"', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif ipv4 := na.IP.To4(); ipv4 != nil {', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC6145() || na.RFC6052() {', b'\t\t// last four bytes are the ip address', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[12:16])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\tif na.RFC3964() {', b'\t\tip := net.IP(na.IP[2:7])', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'', b'\t}', b'\tif na.RFC4380() {', b'\t\t// teredo tunnels have the last 4 bytes as the v4 address XOR', b'\t\t// 0xff.', b'\t\tip := net.IP(make([]byte, 4))', b'\t\tfor i, byte := range na.IP[12:16] {', b'\t\t\tip[i] = byte ^ 0xff', b'\t\t}', b'\t\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32)}).String()', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// OK, so now we know ourselves to be a IPv6 address.', b"\t// bitcoind uses /32 for everything, except for Hurricane Electric's", b'\t// ( IP range, which it uses /36 for.', b'\tbits := 32', b'\theNet := &net.IPNet{IP: net.ParseIP("2001:470::"),', b'\t\tMask: net.CIDRMask(32, 128)}', b'\tif heNet.Contains(na.IP) {', b'\t\tbits = 36', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn (&net.IPNet{IP: na.IP, Mask: net.CIDRMask(bits, 128)}).String()', b'}', b'', b'//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', b'', b'/*', b' knownAddress', b'', b' tracks information about a known network address that is used', b' to determine how viable an address is.', b'*/', b'type knownAddress struct {', b'\tAddr *NetAddress', b'\tSrc *NetAddress', b'\tAttempts int32', b'\tLastAttempt time.Time', b'\tLastSuccess time.Time', b'\tBucketType byte', b'\tBuckets []int', b'}', b'', b'func newKnownAddress(addr *NetAddress, src *NetAddress) *knownAddress {', b'\treturn &knownAddress{', b'\t\tAddr: addr,', b'\t\tSrc: src,', b'\t\tAttempts: 0,', b'\t\tLastAttempt: time.Now(),', b'\t\tBucketType: bucketTypeNew,', b'\t\tBuckets: nil,', b'\t}', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isOld() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeOld', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isNew() bool {', b'\treturn ka.BucketType == bucketTypeNew', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markAttempt() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts += 1', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) markGood() {', b'\tnow := time.Now()', b'\tka.LastAttempt = now', b'\tka.Attempts = 0', b'\tka.LastSuccess = now', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) addBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket == bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("Bucket already exists in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\t\treturn -1', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = append(ka.Buckets, bucketIdx)', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'func (ka *knownAddress) removeBucketRef(bucketIdx int) int {', b'\tbuckets := []int{}', b'\tfor _, bucket := range ka.Buckets {', b'\t\tif bucket != bucketIdx {', b'\t\t\tbuckets = append(buckets, bucket)', b'\t\t}', b'\t}', b'\tif len(buckets) != len(ka.Buckets)-1 {', b'\t\t// TODO refactor to return error?', b'\t\t// log.Warn(Fmt("bucketIdx not found in ka.Buckets: %v", ka))', b'\t\treturn -1', b'\t}', b'\tka.Buckets = buckets', b'\treturn len(ka.Buckets)', b'}', b'', b'/*', b' An address is bad if the address in question has not been tried in the last', b' minute and meets one of the following criteria:', b'', b' 1) It claims to be from the future', b" 2) It hasn't been seen in over a month", b' 3) It has failed at least three times and never succeeded', b' 4) It has failed ten times in the last week', b'', b' All addresses that meet these criteria are assumed to be worthless and not', b' worth keeping hold of.', b'*/', b'func (ka *knownAddress) isBad() bool {', b'\t// Has been attempted in the last minute --> good', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.Before(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute)) {', b'\t\treturn false', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Over a month old?', b'\tif ka.LastAttempt.After(time.Now().Add(-1 * numMissingDays * time.Hour * 24)) {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\t// Never succeeded?', b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.IsZero() && ka.Attempts >= numRetries {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b"\t// Hasn't succeeded in too long?", b'\tif ka.LastSuccess.Before(time.Now().Add(-1*minBadDays*time.Hour*24)) &&', b'\t\tka.Attempts >= maxFailures {', b'\t\treturn true', b'\t}', b'', b'\treturn false', b'}']
2017-10-15 12:11:06,483 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:06,509 [INFO @] 30760 - result [3, [{'class': 'import', 'package': '', 'type': '', 'name': 'sync'}, {'class': 'import', 'package': '', 'type': '', 'name': 'sync/atomic'}]]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,509 [INFO @] 30760 - startcol 3, matches [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,510 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [2, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#complete', ['cm-gocode', {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'match_end': 2, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'startcol': 3, 'changedtick': 12, 'scope_match': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'scope': 'go', 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 3, [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], False])]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,510 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x93\x02\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xabcm#complete\x95\xa9cm-gocode\x8f\xa5typed\xa5\t"syn\xabearly_cache\xc2\xa9match_end\x02\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x06\xa4base\xa3syn\xa5force\x00\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8startcol\x03\xabchangedtick\x0c\xabscope_match\xa2go\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x06\x00\r\xa5scope\xa2go\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\x03\x92\x84\xa4word\xa4sync\xa5icase\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa3dup\x01\x84\xa4word\xabsync/atomic\xa5icase\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa3dup\x01\xc2''
2017-10-15 12:11:06,510 [DEBUG @] 30760 - channel method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:06,510 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:06,510 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,510 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,510 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,512 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,512 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_complete', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, b'cm-gocode', {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'early_cache': False, b'match_end': 2, b'scope': b'go', b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'base': b'syn', b'force': 0, b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'startcol': 3, b'changedtick': 12, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'scope_match': b'go', b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 3, [{b'word': b'sync', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'sync/atomic', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}], False, 0, b'']]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,512 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_complete', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, b'cm-gocode', {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'early_cache': False, b'match_end': 2, b'scope': b'go', b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'base': b'syn', b'force': 0, b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'startcol': 3, b'changedtick': 12, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'scope_match': b'go', b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 3, [{b'word': b'sync', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}, {b'word': b'sync/atomic', b'icase': 1, b'menu': b'', b'dup': 1}], False, 0, b'']
2017-10-15 12:11:06,512 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:06,513 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_complete, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, 'cm-gocode', {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 3, [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], False, 0, '']
2017-10-15 12:11:06,513 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> preprocessing result startcol: 3 matches: [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,514 [DEBUG @] 30760 - delay popup for [cm-gocode]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,514 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_complete completed
2017-10-15 12:11:06,514 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:06,514 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,514 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,514 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,535 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches cnt: 2
2017-10-15 12:11:06,535 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches: [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], 'enable': True, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:06,535 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 22, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_core_complete', [{'typed': '\t"syn', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'changedtick': 12, 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}, 3, [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync', 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'padding': ''}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic', 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'padding': ''}], 0, []])]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,535 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x16\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb1cm#_core_complete\x95\x8a\xa5typed\xa5\t"syn\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x06\xabchangedtick\x0c\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x06\x00\r\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00\x03\x92\x87\xa4word\xa4sync\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xa4sync\xacsnippet_word\xa4sync\xa7padding\xa0\x87\xa4word\xabsync/atomic\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xabsync/atomic\xacsnippet_word\xabsync/atomic\xa7padding\xa0\x00\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:06,536 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:06,536 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,536 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 22, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,536 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:11:06,536 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:06,536 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,536 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,650 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,650 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"sy', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 5, b'changedtick': 13, b'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,651 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"sy', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 5, b'changedtick': 13, b'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,651 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:06,653 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"sy', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 5, 'changedtick': 13, 'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,655 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:06,655 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,655 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> early_caching
2017-10-15 12:11:06,655 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> has been cached, <2> candidates
2017-10-15 12:11:06,656 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,656 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:06,656 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,656 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:06,658 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,658 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:06,658 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches cnt: 2
2017-10-15 12:11:06,658 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches: [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], 'enable': True, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:06,658 [INFO @] 30760 - ignore _complete call: self._last_startcol==startcol and self._last_matches==matches
2017-10-15 12:11:06,659 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 23, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_core_complete', [{'typed': '\t"sy', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 5, 'changedtick': 13, 'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}, 3, [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync', 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'padding': ''}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic', 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'padding': ''}], 1, []])]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,659 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x17\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb1cm#_core_complete\x95\x8a\xa5typed\xa4\t"sy\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x05\xabchangedtick\r\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x05\x00\x0c\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00\x03\x92\x87\xa4word\xa4sync\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xa4sync\xacsnippet_word\xa4sync\xa7padding\xa0\x87\xa4word\xabsync/atomic\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xabsync/atomic\xacsnippet_word\xabsync/atomic\xa7padding\xa0\x01\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:06,659 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:06,659 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,659 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,660 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,660 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 23, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,660 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:11:06,660 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:06,660 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:06,660 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:06,660 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,661 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,661 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,804 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,804 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'changedtick': 14, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,804 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'changedtick': 14, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,804 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:06,805 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"s', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'changedtick': 14, 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,805 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:06,805 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,805 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> early_caching
2017-10-15 12:11:06,805 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> has been cached, <2> candidates
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches cnt: 2
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches: [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], 'enable': True, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [INFO @] 30760 - ignore _complete call: self._last_startcol==startcol and self._last_matches==matches
2017-10-15 12:11:06,806 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 24, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_core_complete', [{'typed': '\t"s', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'changedtick': 14, 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}, 3, [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync', 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'padding': ''}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic', 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'padding': ''}], 1, []])]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x18\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb1cm#_core_complete\x95\x8a\xa5typed\xa3\t"s\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x04\xabchangedtick\x0e\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x04\x00\x0b\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00\x03\x92\x87\xa4word\xa4sync\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xa4sync\xacsnippet_word\xa4sync\xa7padding\xa0\x87\xa4word\xabsync/atomic\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xabsync/atomic\xacsnippet_word\xabsync/atomic\xa7padding\xa0\x01\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 24, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:06,807 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,808 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:06,808 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,363 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,363 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 3, b'changedtick': 17, b'curpos': [0, 15, 3, 0, 10], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,364 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 3, b'changedtick': 17, b'curpos': [0, 15, 3, 0, 10], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,364 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:09,365 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 3, 'changedtick': 17, 'curpos': [0, 15, 3, 0, 10], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,365 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:09,365 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,365 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-gocode>, force[0] early_cache[1]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,365 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,365 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:09,365 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> ignore by disabled
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 2, matches cnt: 0
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 2, matches: [], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [], 'enable': False, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 25, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_core_complete', [{'typed': '\t"', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 3, 'changedtick': 17, 'curpos': [0, 15, 3, 0, 10], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}, 2, [], 0, []])]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x19\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb1cm#_core_complete\x95\x8a\xa5typed\xa2\t"\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x03\xabchangedtick\x11\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x03\x00\n\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00\x02\x90\x00\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,366 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [1, 25, None, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received response: None, 0
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - response is available for greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638>, switching back
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,367 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,771 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,771 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'changedtick': 18, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,771 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"s', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 4, b'changedtick': 18, b'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,771 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:09,772 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"s', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 4, 'changedtick': 18, 'curpos': [0, 15, 4, 0, 11], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> early_caching
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> has been cached, <2> candidates
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> ignore by disabled
2017-10-15 12:11:09,773 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches cnt: 0
2017-10-15 12:11:09,774 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches: [], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [], 'enable': False, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:09,774 [INFO @] 30760 - matches==0, _last_matches==0, ignore
2017-10-15 12:11:09,774 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:09,774 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:09,774 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,774 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,774 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,979 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,979 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"sy', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 5, b'changedtick': 19, b'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,979 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"sy', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 5, b'changedtick': 19, b'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,979 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:09,980 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"sy', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 5, 'changedtick': 19, 'curpos': [0, 15, 5, 0, 12], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,980 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:09,980 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> early_caching
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> has been cached, <2> candidates
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> ignore by disabled
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 4, matches cnt: 0
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 4, matches: [], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [], 'enable': False, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [INFO @] 30760 - matches==0, _last_matches==0, ignore
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method cm_refresh completed
2017-10-15 12:11:09,981 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> finished executing
2017-10-15 12:11:09,982 [DEBUG @] 30760 - greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> is now dying...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,982 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:09,982 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:10,243 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:10,243 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received message: [2, b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'changedtick': 20, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]]
2017-10-15 12:11:10,243 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received notification: b'cm_refresh', [{b'cm-css': {b'priority': 9, b'early_cache': 0, b'abbreviation': b'css', b'cm_refresh': {b'omnifunc': b'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, b'enable': 1, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w\\-]+', b'scoping': 1, b'name': b'cm-css', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'auto_popup': 1, b'scopes': [b'css', b'scss'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+']}, b'cm-filepath': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_filepath', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 4}, b'word_pattern': b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-filepath', b'abbreviation': b'path', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', b'([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], b'sort': 0, b'options': {b'path_pattern': b'(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, b'cm-gocode': {b'early_cache': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Go', b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_gocode', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 5}, b'word_pattern': b'[\\w/]+', b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-gocode', b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'go'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'\\.'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-tmux': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 4, b'name': b'cm-tmux', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tmux', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tmux', b'events': [b'CursorHold', b'CursorHoldI', b'FocusGained', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 9}}, b'cm-jedi': {b'early_cache': 0, b'cm_refresh_length': 3, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_jedi', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'multi_thread': 0}, b'priority': 9, b'name': b'cm-jedi', b'abbreviation': b'Py', b'scoping': True, b'scopes': [b'python'], b'sort': 1, b'cm_refresh_patterns': [b'^(import|from).*\\s', b'\\.', b'\\(\\s?', b',\\s?'], b'auto_popup': 1}, b'cm-bufkeyword': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'name': b'cm-bufkeyword', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Key', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', b'events': [b'InsertEnter', b'BufEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 6}}, b'cm-keyword-continue': {b'word_pattern': b'\\w+', b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 5, b'abbreviation': b'', b'cm_refresh_length': 0, b'auto_popup': 0, b'sort': 0, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', b'events': [], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 7}, b'name': b'cm-keyword-continue'}, b'cm-tags': {b'early_cache': 0, b'priority': 6, b'name': b'cm-tags', b'sort': 1, b'abbreviation': b'Tag', b'auto_popup': 1, b'cm_refresh_length': 4, b'enable': True, b'channel': {b'module': b'cm_sources.cm_tags', b'events': [b'WinEnter'], b'type': b'python3', b'id': 8}}}, {b'typed': b'\t"syn', b'bufnr': 1, b'lnum': 15, b'filetype': b'go', b'col': 6, b'changedtick': 20, b'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], b'filepath': b'/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:10,243 [DEBUG @] 30760 - received rpc notification, greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> will handle it
2017-10-15 12:11:10,244 [DEBUG @] 30760 - core method: cm_refresh, args: [{'cm-css': {'early_cache': 0, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'cm_refresh': {'omnifunc': 'csscomplete#CompleteCSS'}, 'enable': 1, 'word_pattern': '[\\w\\-]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-css', 'abbreviation': 'css', 'scoping': 1, 'scopes': ['css', 'scss'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s+'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-bufkeyword': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'name': 'cm-bufkeyword', 'abbreviation': 'Key', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_bufkeyword', 'events': ['InsertEnter', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 6}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-gocode': {'early_cache': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_gocode', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 5}, 'word_pattern': '[\\w/]+', 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-gocode', 'abbreviation': 'Go', 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['go'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['\\.'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-tmux': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 4, 'name': 'cm-tmux', 'abbreviation': 'Tmux', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tmux', 'events': ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'FocusGained', 'BufEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 9}, 'enable': True}, 'cm-jedi': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'Py', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_jedi', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'multi_thread': 0}, 'priority': 9, 'name': 'cm-jedi', 'cm_refresh_length': 3, 'scoping': True, 'scopes': ['python'], 'sort': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['^(import|from).*\\s', '\\.', '\\(\\s?', ',\\s?'], 'auto_popup': 1}, 'cm-filepath': {'early_cache': 0, 'abbreviation': 'path', 'enable': True, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_filepath', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 4}, 'word_pattern': '([^\\W]|[-.~%$])+', 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-filepath', 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_patterns': ['(\\.[/\\\\]+|[a-zA-Z]:\\\\+|~\\/+)', '([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+[/\\\\]+'], 'sort': 0, 'options': {'path_pattern': '(([^\\W]|[-.~%$]|[/\\\\])+)'}}, 'cm-keyword-continue': {'word_pattern': '\\w+', 'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 5, 'abbreviation': '', 'cm_refresh_length': 0, 'auto_popup': 0, 'sort': 0, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_keyword_continue', 'events': [], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 7}, 'enable': True, 'name': 'cm-keyword-continue'}, 'cm-tags': {'early_cache': 0, 'priority': 6, 'name': 'cm-tags', 'abbreviation': 'Tag', 'auto_popup': 1, 'cm_refresh_length': 4, 'sort': 1, 'channel': {'module': 'cm_sources.cm_tags', 'events': ['WinEnter'], 'type': 'python3', 'id': 8}, 'enable': True}}, {'typed': '\t"syn', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'changedtick': 20, 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}, 0]
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-css> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-bufkeyword>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-gocode> has been cached, <2> candidates
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tmux>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _check_scope ignore <cm-jedi> for context scope <go>
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-filepath>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - <cm-keyword-continue> is not auto_popup
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - cm_refresh ignore <cm-tags>, force[0] early_cache[0]
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [INFO @] 30760 - not notifying any channels, _refresh_completions now
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [INFO @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches cnt: 2
2017-10-15 12:11:10,245 [DEBUG @] 30760 - _refresh_completions names: ['cm-gocode'], startcol: 3, matches: [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], source matches: {'cm-gocode': {'startcol': 3, 'matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'menu': '', 'dup': 1}], 'last_matches': [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync'}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'menu': '', 'padding': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic'}], 'enable': True, 'refresh': False, 'context': {'typed': '\t"syn', 'early_cache': False, 'startcol': 3, 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'base': 'syn', 'force': 0, 'scope_match': 'go', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'match_end': 2, 'scope': 'go', 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'changedtick': 12, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/'}}}
2017-10-15 12:11:10,246 [DEBUG @] 30760 - sent [0, 26, 'nvim_call_function', ('cm#_core_complete', [{'typed': '\t"syn', 'bufnr': 1, 'lnum': 15, 'filepath': '/Users/xlc/go/src/', 'filetype': 'go', 'col': 6, 'changedtick': 20, 'curpos': [0, 15, 6, 0, 13], 'scope': 'go', 'force': 0}, 3, [{'word': 'sync', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync', 'snippet_word': 'sync', 'padding': ''}, {'word': 'sync/atomic', 'icase': 1, 'dup': 1, 'menu': '', 'abbr': 'sync/atomic', 'snippet_word': 'sync/atomic', 'padding': ''}], 0, []])]
2017-10-15 12:11:10,246 [DEBUG @] 30760 - Sending 'b'\x94\x00\x1a\xb2nvim_call_function\x92\xb1cm#_core_complete\x95\x8a\xa5typed\xa5\t"syn\xa5bufnr\x01\xa4lnum\x0f\xa8filepath\xda\x002/Users/xlc/go/src/\xa8filetype\xa2go\xa3col\x06\xabchangedtick\x14\xa6curpos\x95\x00\x0f\x06\x00\r\xa5scope\xa2go\xa5force\x00\x03\x92\x87\xa4word\xa4sync\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xa4sync\xacsnippet_word\xa4sync\xa7padding\xa0\x87\xa4word\xabsync/atomic\xa5icase\x01\xa3dup\x01\xa4menu\xa0\xa4abbr\xabsync/atomic\xacsnippet_word\xabsync/atomic\xa7padding\xa0\x00\x90''
2017-10-15 12:11:10,246 [DEBUG @] 30760 - yielding from greenlet <greenlet.greenlet object at 0x103674638> to wait for response
2017-10-15 12:11:10,246 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting for message...
2017-10-15 12:11:10,246 [DEBUG @] 30760 - unpacker needs more data...
2017-10-15 12:11:10,246 [DEBUG @] 30760 - waiting fo
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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