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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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mongoid 如何 使用 mongoDB aggregate功能 💋
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
def self.added_fans(day_num)
"$match" => {
"followable_type" => "User",
"created_at" => {
"$gte" => yesterday.to_i.days.ago.beginning_of_day, # 大于等于 昨天的开始时间
"$lte" => Date.yesterday.end_of_day # 小于等于 昨天的结束的时间
}, # 查询条件
"$group" => {
_id: "$follow_id", # 根据 follow_id 分组统计
matches: { "$sum" => 1 } # 统计数量
"$sort" => { matches: -1 } #倒序
"$limit" => 10
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