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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Python script for converting PHP key-value array to JSON dictionary
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:copyright: 2014 by `SnapSearch <>`_
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
:author: `LIU Yu <>`_
:date: 2014/03/08
__all__ = ['main', ]
import os
import sys
from SnapSearch.wsgi import _extract_snapshot
from SnapSearch._compat import DEBUG
def main(interceptor):
# start interception
response = None
response = interceptor(os.environ)
# non-intercepted response
if not isinstance(response, dict):
for line in sys.stdin:
return 0
# intercepted response
status, headers, payload = _build_message(response)
sys.stdout.write(b"Status: %s\r\n" % status)
for key, val in headers:
sys.stdout.write(b"%s: %s\r\n" % (key, val))
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# SnapSearch API credentials
api_email = "<email>"
api_key = "<key>"
# initialize Client and Detector
from SnapSearch import Client, Detector
client = Client(api_email, api_key)
detector = Detector()
from SnapSearch import Interceptor
interceptor = Interceptor(client, detector)
def client_dispatch(self, **kwds):
# HTTPS connection
import pycurl
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(pycurl.URL, kwds['url'])
# HTTPS request
payload = wsgi_to_bytes(kwds['payload'])
headers = ["Content-Type: application/json",
"Content-Length: %d" % len(payload)]
c.setopt(pycurl.POST, True)
c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, headers)
c.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, payload)
# HTTPS auth
c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
c.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, "%s:%s" % (kwds['email'], kwds['key']))
c.setopt(pycurl.CAINFO, kwds['cacert'])
c.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, True)
c.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
c.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, "")
c.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
c.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 5)
c.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5)
c.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, 30)
buffer = bytearray()
c.setopt(pycurl.HEADER, True)
c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, buffer.extend)
# response status
eos = buffer.find(b"\r\n") # end of status line
strip = lambda b: bytes(b).strip()
preamble = map(strip, buffer[:eos].split(" ", 2))
assert(len(preamble) > 2), "invalid SnapSearch response"
status = int(preamble[1])
# response headers
eoh = buffer.find(b"\r\n\r\n") # end of header lines
strip_kv = lambda (k, v): (k.strip().lower(), v.strip())
split_cma = lambda b: strip_kv(bytes(b).split(":", 1))
headers = dict(map(split_cma, buffer[eos + 2: eoh].splitlines()))
# response body
body = bytes(buffer[eoh + 4:]).strip()
except Exception as e:
raise SnapSearchError(e)
return {'status': status, 'headers': headers, 'body': body}
return None

Development Memo I.

  1. resource bundle

    Issue (1): PHP and Ruby code set the default location of robots.json and extensions.json to relative path ../../resources/, this may cause trouble for Python code packaging (i.e. in order to support pip / easy_install management). When installed, the package is at,



    1. /usr/lib/python<ver>/site-packages/SnapSearch/resources/
    2. /etc/SnapSearch/resources/
    3. /usr/share/doc/SnapSearch-Client-Python/resources/

    Current implementation installs the resources to both locations 1) and 3)

  2. test data for Detector from PHP code

    Issue (2): Some of the HTTP requests data from the PHP test cases are invalid per CGI 1.1 / WSGI 1.0.1 specs. The variables SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO are both missing. Although raw REQUEST_URI is typically the join of SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO, this is undefiend in either CGI 1.1 or WSGI 1.0.1 specs.

    Note: I imporeted the test data from PHP test cases, and fixed them to conform CGI 1.1 standard. The original data in the PHP test cases should be fixed as well.

  3. interface of Detector

    Issue (3a): robots.json and extensions.json must be specified as absolute path to files. Even if the developer does not specify these resources, the default version of these files still need to be loaded from disk. There are two issues with this design,

    1. feasibility, developers may want to specify file contents as strings
    2. efficiency, with every contruction there comes 2 disk read operations


    1. take file content string as input argument
    2. take absolute path as input argument

    Note: current implementation conforms with 2) but the Pythonic ways is 1).

    Issue (3b): the constructor of Detector takes HTTP request and check_file_extensions flag as input. It seems more natural to feed these to arguments directly to Detector.detect().



    Detector.__init__(ignored_route, matched_route, robots_json, extensions_json)
    # detect() returns ``encoded_url`` for interception or ``None`` for not
    Detector.detect(request, check_file_extension)


    Detector.__init__(ignored_route, matched_route, request, check_file_extensions, robots_json, extensions_json)

    Note: current implementation conforms with 2) but I personally prefer 1)

  4. documentation markup

    The preferred markup language for writing documents and comments in Python is reStructuredText (reST). In order for the project README to be correctly displayed at PyPI (the official python package index), I decided to compose documents with reST instead of markdown.

Development Memo II. -------------------

  1. sample data for triggerring validation_error and other system errors

    Issue (5): to ensure 100% test coverage, I need to trigger error responses from SnapSearch service. Current implementation of Client() will raise an exception locally if the input request_parameters cannot pass json conversion. So the sample data needs to be json-serializable.

    Note: I was able to trigger validation_error by sending illegal json data as the payload in Client.request(). But this will bypass the Client() code, and is pointless for coverage test.

  2. custom api_url

    Issue (6): the interface of Client object allows the developer to customize api url. In case the scheme of this url is "http" instead of "https", the behaviour is undefined*.

    The PHP and Ruby code do not check the url scheme.


    1. treat non-https url_api as illegal, and raise exception
    2. accept non-https url_api and skip SSL verification (this is insecure because HTTP basic auth without SSL will leak api email / key).

    Note: current implementation follows 1).

  3. api credentials for travis-ci integration.

    Issue (7): it is both insecure and infeasible to hard-code api_email and api_key within the test cases. To support unsupervised testing on Travis-CI, I employed the encryption keys feature. In particular, an encrypted message containing the environment variable,


    has been added to .travis.yml, i.e.,

        secure: ".... encrypted data ...."

    When the demo api credentials have been changed, the developer can update the encrypted message through,

    $ travis encrypt SNAPSEARCH_API_CREDENTIALS=<new_email>:<new_key>

Development Memo III. -------------------

  1. encoding of backend service response

    Issue (8): the backend service does not contain an explicit character set encoding. When using requests as the HTTP library, it can perform a so called educational guess of the encoding. But for pycurl, this cannot be deduced automatically. Current implementation assumes "utf-8", but since the backend service will include a snapshot within the response, it is quite possible that the content actually uses an alternative character set encoding. We need a clear specification on this.

  2. refactor of the resource bundle

    Issue (9) based on your response to Issue (1), I have reogranized the package layout to make it straightforward to package and distribute. The resources have been wrapped into a sub-package for backend api abstraction, aka. SnapSearch.api. This sub-package contains functionalities -- such as request encoding and response parsing -- that are heavily coupled with the backend service. The rest of the Pythonic client should be (forwardly) compatible with furture versions of the backend services.

  3. naming of Client is a little bit confusing

    Technically, a portal used for communicating the backend service is a part of the backend (or an api to backend). Calling it Client may cause confusion to developers, considering it is used in a web server app.

  4. wrapping Interceptor as a WSGI middleware

    The existing interface specification of Detector and Interceptor does yot yield a clean use case for WSGI middleware. The constructor of Detector (i.e. Detector.__init__() takes the environ (HTTP request) as an input parameter. For WSGI applications, however, the HTTP request is not available at the global scope, but noly as an input to the application's __call__() method.

    This means either (i) the Detector object needs to be constructed within the WSGI middleware's __call__() method, or (ii) the specification of Detector.__init__() needs to be changed.

    For option (i), the WSGI middleware needs to have all 6 parameters needed to constructor a Detector and this greatly violates the decoupling and encapsulation principles of OOP.

    For option (ii), the environ (HTTP request) can be supplied to Detector.detect() instead of Detector.__init__(). This will make a Detector object stateless with respect to the HTTP request.

    I created a develop branch at the git repo (with version number 0.0.6) as proof-of-concept for option (ii). It yields cleaner design from the perspective of Web app developers. This reopens the discussed Issue (3) in Memo I, so I will need your consent to proceed this approach.

Development Memo IV. -------------------

  1. revisions since 0.0.6 release

    1). made SnapSearch.api.SNAPSEARCH_API_FOLLOW_REDIRECT False by default.

    But I think we should keep the variable there for future use. For example, if the backend service releases v1.1 of the robot api serving at, say, "". You may need to redirect some or all clients to the new portal.

    2). added SnapSearch.api.SNAPSEARCH_API_ACCEPT_ENCODING to represent the list of encodings supported by the HTTP library in effective.

    Note that, SNAPSEARCH_API_ACCEPT_ENCODING is an informational constant (as opposed to configurable parameter) maintained by the HTTP library selection process in SnapSearch.api.backend, and it should remain unchanged for as long as the same HTTP library is in use.

    More specifically, this value should never be altered from higher level packages (or by users of this client library), because they have no knowledge about the underlying HTTP library in use, not to mention the transfer encodings that the HTTP library actually accepts.

    In fact, I don't like the idea even to expose this value to the outside of the api subpackage. For example, if the user set this to some foo encoding -- not knowing that the underlying HTTP library does not support this foo encoding -- it will definitely break the communication with SnapSearch backend service, even if the backend service itself understands foo.

    3). added SnapSearch.wsgi module with InterceptorMiddleware.

    The InterceptorMiddleware mimics the StackInterceptor in the PHP code in terms of constructor signature and response_callback. Because it is already placed in a sub-module called wsgi, I didn't use the term WSGI in its name.

    Unit test cases have also been created for InterceptorMiddleware, and the test covers all but 5 lines of code in SnapSearch.wsgi, which are simple flow control for extrememly rare anomalies.

    4). completed the Flask example using the InterceptorMiddleware.

    The code is already functional. Documentation is on the way.

    5). development documents are now kept in a separate folder docs.

    Unit testing and Travis-CI-based integration test including the encrypted credentials are already covered.

    6). working on a pipeline based CGI interceptor example.

    Individual code snippets are already functional. there needs to be a pipeline script joining the interceptor and the cgi program. Pipeline might be the preferred interception for CGI programs because it will keep the CGI program unchanged. The interceptor censors the standard input / output streams between the CGI program and the web server.

Development Memo V.

  1. enhancement proposals and recommendations

    1). add an User-Agenet header in the HTTPS request sent to the backend service.

    As the diversification of SnapSearch client packages, the backend may need this information to collect the usage statistics.

    The recommend format of the HTTP User-Agent header are as follows,

    a). User-Agent: snapsearch-client/<lang> b). User-Agent: snapsearch-client-<lang>/<ver> c). User-Agent: snapsearch-client (<lang>) d). User-Agent: snapsearch-client (<lang>/<ver>)

    2). unification of test data.

    Each client package are using their own set of data for unit test, this may lead to inconsistency among different client packages. One of the approaches to resolve such inconsistency is to unify the data (i.e. sample HTTP requests / responses) used in unit tests and isolate these data from the test suite of each individual client package.

    The Python client places the majority of test data in separate json files, this is a viable solution to test data isolation.

    3). regulate code base management.

    For the PHP and Ruby client, all changes are pushed directly to the master branch of the main git repo. I would recommend you to at least use a develop branch to hold new changes for, say, a couple of days for thorough verification, before committing them to the master branch. Or more safely, use forked repo's and pull requests to accept changes to the master code base. Pull requests need to undergo Travis-CI integration tests before they are green to merge, whereas direct pushes are committed-then-tested.

    4). create an eye-catchy example.

    Most of the examples in use are overly simplified. Consdering the advantages of SnapSearch is in scraping js-intensive web pages. There should be at least one js-intensive page in the examples.

    This example need to be simple, yet solid for showcasing the capabilities of the backend service.

    5). documentation.

    The Python client uses Sphinx for automated document generation. This is a good practice that I would recommend to other client packages.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import os
import re
import sys
regex = re.compile(r"""
\s* # the leading space
'(\S+)' # key
\s* # the space between key and '=>'
=> # '=>'
\s* # the space between '=>' and value
'([^']*)' # the value
\s* # the space bewteen value and ','
, # ','
\s* # the tailing space
\n # all key-value pairs are on separate lines
""", re.VERBOSE)
raw =
data = {}
for k, v in regex.findall(raw):
if k == "REQUEST_URI":
uri = v.split('?', 1)
path, qs = uri[0], uri[1] if len(uri) > 1 else None
# query string
if qs:
data["QUERY_STRING"] = qs
# route path
tup = path.split('/')
# if len(tup) > 1 and not tup[0]:
# data["SCRIPT_NAME"] = ""
# data["PATH_INFO"] = path
if len(tup) > 2 and tup[-1]:
data["SCRIPT_NAME"] = '/'.join(tup[:-1])
data["PATH_INFO"] = '/' + tup[-1]
data["SCRIPT_NAME"] = path
data["PATH_INFO"] = ""
if v == "https":
data["HTTPS"] = "on"
data.setdefault(k, v)
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
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