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Last active December 23, 2015 08:09
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获取 上分类好的域名
author: liuzhe
purpose: get classified domains from
package main
import (
const urlTem = ""
type FetchTarget struct {
smallPath int8
pageList int8
category string
type FetchRes struct {
status string
Category string
Address string
isEnd bool
type CateData struct {
category string
smallPath int8
pageStart int8
pageStop int8
func fetch(fetchTarget FetchTarget, ch chan FetchRes) {
fetchRes := FetchRes{}
fetchRes.isEnd = false
fetchRes.Category = fetchTarget.category
url := fmt.Sprintf(urlTem, fetchTarget.smallPath, fetchTarget.pageList)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
fetchRes.status = "err"
ch <- fetchRes
defer resp.Body.Close()
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
fetchRes.status = "err"
ch <- fetchRes
re, _ := regexp.Compile("<address>[^\\s]*</address>")
match_list := re.FindAllString(string(content), -1)
for _, v := range math_list {
fetchRes.Address = v[9:len(v)-10]
ch <- fetchRes
fetchRes.isEnd = true
ch <- fetchRes
func main() {
cateDataList := []CateData{
CateData{"招聘", 84, 1, 36},
CateData{"电子商务", 110, 1, 61}
chList := []chan FetchRes{}
for _, cateData := range cateDataList {
for pageNu := cateData.pageStart; pageNu <= cateData.pageStop; pageNu++ {
fetchTarget := FetchTarget{cateData.smallPath, pageNu, cateData.category}
ch := make(chan FetchRes)
chList = append(chList, ch)
go fetch(fetchTarget, ch)
session, _ := mgo.Dial("localhost")
c := session.DB("corpus").C("dmoz_address")
for _, ch := range chList {
for {
fetchRes := <- ch
if fetchRes.isEnd {
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