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Created March 22, 2018 18:46
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EvalAI sample evaluation script for the VQA challenge
Input: GT JSON file, Pred JSON file, Phase-CodeName
Hardcoded path of a split-JSON file which has the following structure
Split JSON File Structure -
split1 : [list of qids]
split2 : [list of qids]
split3 : [list of qids]
split4 : [list of qids]
A global dict that has the information of the splits associated with each phase.
Each phase has multiple splits associated with it.
phase-1 : split1, split2, split3
phase-2 : split2, split4
phase-3 : split1, split4, split3
Metadata is stored separately under the field `submission_metdata`
# coding: utf-8
import multiprocessing
import sys
from PythonHelperTools.vqaTools.vqa import VQA
from PythonEvaluationTools.vqaEvaluation.vqaEval import VQAEval
from contextlib import closing
from pprint import pprint
from tqdm import *
import os
import time
import numpy as np
import json
import copy
phase_splits = {
'OpenEnded' : {
'train-dev2015' : ['test-dev'],
'train2015' : ['test-dev', 'test-reserve', 'test-challenge', 'test-standard'],
'train-challenge2015' : ['test-dev', 'test-reserve', 'test-challenge', 'test-standard']
# Add phase-split privacy feature
# True if visible in stdout; else False
phase_split_privacy = {
'OpenEnded' : {
'train-dev2015' : {'test-dev' : True},
'train2015' : {'test-dev' : True, 'test-reserve' : False, 'test-challenge' : False, 'test-standard' : True},
'train-challenge2015' : {'test-dev' : True, 'test-reserve' : False, 'test-challenge' : False, 'test-standard' : True}
# Get path of current file
current_dir_path = dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Load the split-qids dict
splitFile = os.path.join(current_dir_path, 'Data/vqa_train2014_dummysplits.json')
split_qids = json.load(open(splitFile))
# Hard-code question file per-challenge
quesFile = os.path.join(current_dir_path, 'Data/OpenEnded_mscoco_train2014_questions.json')
questions = json.load(open(quesFile))
# Load ques-types file
quesTypeFile = os.path.join(current_dir_path, 'QuestionTypes/mscoco_question_types.txt')
quesTypes = [x.strip('\n') for x in open(quesTypeFile, 'r').readlines()]
task_type = 'OpenEnded'
res = VQA()
# Prepare all objects, variables and make them global
def prepare_objects(annFile, resFile, phase_codename):
print('Preparing global objects..')
global vqa
global binary_qids
global number_qids
global other_qids
global all_qids
global vqaRes
global vqaEval
global questype_qids
vqa = VQA(annFile, questions)
binary_qids = vqa.getQuesIds(ansTypes='yes/no')
number_qids = vqa.getQuesIds(ansTypes='number')
other_qids = vqa.getQuesIds(ansTypes='other')
all_qids = vqa.getQuesIds()
vqaEval = VQAEval(all_qids, n=2)
vqaRes = vqa.loadRes(res, resFile)
questype_qids = {x : vqa.getQuesIds(quesTypes=x) for x in quesTypes}
Slightly more optimized implementation of splitting stuff
Saves ~2 seconds
Flipped the process of computing question-type accuracies. Good Stuff, the chunking idea!
def vqaeval(qid_list):
vqaEval.evaluate(vqa, vqaRes, qid_list.tolist())
return (vqaEval.accuracy, float(vqaEval.accuracy['overall']*float(len(qid_list))))
def reduce_questype(perQres, qtype_qids):
# reduce accuracies corresponding to different quesTypes
ques_type_dict = { x : { 'quesIds' : [], 'accuracy' : 0.0} for x in quesTypes}
for j in quesTypes:
ques_type_dict[j]['quesIds'] = list(set(list(perQres.keys())) & set(qtype_qids[j]))
if len(ques_type_dict[j]['quesIds']) != 0:
ques_type_dict[j]['accuracy'] = float(sum([perQres[x] for x in ques_type_dict[j]['quesIds']]) / float(len(ques_type_dict[j]['quesIds'])))
ques_type_dict[j]['accuracy'] = 'N/A'
return ques_type_dict
def eval_split(type_qids, qtype_qids):
Function to evaluate a particular split associated with a phase
# Type qids is a dict with keys being the answer-types and the values being the list of qids
print('Evaluating split ..')
accuracy_dict = {}
acc = 0.0
length = 0
perQres = {}
qtype_list = []
for key, val in type_qids.iteritems():
if len(val) == 0:
accuracy_dict[key] = 'N/A'
qid_split = np.array_split(val, CHUNK_SZ)
with closing(multiprocessing.Pool(N_CORES)) as p:
key_res =, qid_split)
acc_list = [x[1] for x in key_res]
per_ques = [x[0]['perQuestion'] for x in key_res]
perQres.update({k: v for d in per_ques for k, v in d.items()})
key_acc = float(np.sum(acc_list)/float(len(val)))
accuracy_dict[key] = key_acc
acc += float(key_acc*len(val))
length += len(val)
ques_type_dict = reduce_questype(perQres, qtype_qids)
accuracy_dict['overall'] = float(acc)/float(length)
return accuracy_dict, perQres, ques_type_dict
def evaluate(annFile, resFile, phase_codename):
Function to evaluate the phase submissions
global CHUNK_SZ
global N_CORES
CHUNK_SZ = 1000
t = time.time()
prepare_objects(annFile, resFile, phase_codename)
# Get all the split-keys corresponding to a given phase
split_keys = phase_splits[task_type][phase_codename]
# Final accuracies as a dict with the following structure
"result": [
"split_codename_1": {
"key1": 30,
"key2": 50,
"split_codename_2": {
"key1": 90,
"key2": 10,
"split_codename_3": {
"key1": 100,
"key2": 45,
"submission_metdata": "data in any format here (only visible to challenge host)",
"submission_result": "data in any format here (visible to both challenge host and challenge participant)"
result = {}
result['result'] = []
result['submission_metadata'] = {x : {} for x in split_keys}
print('Evaluating phase..')
for i in split_keys:
# Add support for ques-Type accuracies
qtype_qids = {x : list(set(split_qids[i]) & set(questype_qids[x])) for x in quesTypes}
type_qids = {}
res_dict = {}
type_qids['yes/no'] = list(set(split_qids[i]) & set(binary_qids))
type_qids['number'] = list(set(split_qids[i]) & set(number_qids))
type_qids['other'] = list(set(split_qids[i]) & set(other_qids))
acc_dict, per_ques, ques_type_acc = eval_split(type_qids, qtype_qids)
res_dict[i] = acc_dict
# Adding submission_metdata in the format below
"submission_metadata": {
"split_codename_1": {
perQ: {
qid1: acc...qidn: acc
}perQtype: {
qtype1: accqtype2: acc...qtypen: acc
}"split_codename_2": {
perQ: {
qid1: acc...qidn: acc
}perQtype: {
qtype1: accqtype2: acc...qtypen: acc
result['submission_metadata'][i]['perQ'] = per_ques
result['submission_metadata'][i]['perQtype'] = ques_type_acc
result['submission_metadata'][i]['perAtype'] = res_dict
result['submission_metadata'][i]['quesIdperansType'] = type_qids
elapsed = time.time() - t
print("Elapsed Time: " + str(elapsed))
submission_result = []
for val in result['result']:
key = list(val.keys())[0]
if phase_split_privacy[task_type][phase_codename][key]:
result['submission_metadata'] = json.dumps(result['submission_metadata'])
result['submission_result'] = json.dumps(submission_result)
return result
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