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Last active October 25, 2018 14:21
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module Main where
import System.Environment
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (lowercase)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.List (intersperse, elem)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
answer2Bool :: String -> Maybe Bool
answer2Bool "y" = Just True
answer2Bool "yes" = Just True
answer2Bool "no" = Just False
answer2Bool "n" = Just False
answer2Bool _ = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Start a game of tic-tac-toe? [y/n]"
play <- (answer2Bool . lowercase) <$> getLine
case play of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Invalid response." >> main
Just False -> putStrLn "Exiting..."
Just True -> do
putStrLn "Starting new game..."
putStrLn "The game has ended."
data PlayerId = One | Two
data BoardPos = BoardPos (Int, Int)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data BoardState = BoardState {
boardMap :: Map.Map BoardPos PlayerId
data GameState = GameState {
boardState :: BoardState,
whoseMove :: PlayerId
data Draw = Draw ()
data Winner = Winner (Maybe (Either PlayerId Draw))
otherPlayer :: PlayerId -> PlayerId
otherPlayer One = Two
otherPlayer Two = One
initBoard :: BoardState
initBoard = BoardState Map.empty
initGame :: GameState
initGame = GameState initBoard One
posChar :: Maybe PlayerId -> Char
posChar (Just One) = 'o'
posChar (Just Two) = 'x'
posChar Nothing = ' '
int2pos :: Int -> BoardPos
int2pos 1 = BoardPos (1, 1)
int2pos 2 = BoardPos (1, 2)
int2pos 3 = BoardPos (1, 3)
int2pos 4 = BoardPos (2, 1)
int2pos 5 = BoardPos (2, 2)
int2pos 6 = BoardPos (2, 3)
int2pos 7 = BoardPos (3, 1)
int2pos 8 = BoardPos (3, 2)
int2pos 9 = BoardPos (3, 3)
show :: BoardState -> String
show state = let boardLines = map (\i -> (map (posChar . (peek state)) [ BoardPos (i, 1), BoardPos (i, 2), BoardPos (i, 3)])) [1, 2, 3] in
"|" ++ intersperse '|' (boardLines !! 0) ++ "|" ++ "\n"
++ "|" ++ intersperse '|' (boardLines !! 1) ++ "|" ++ "\n"
++ "|" ++ intersperse '|' (boardLines !! 2) ++ "|" ++ "\n"
peek :: BoardState -> BoardPos -> Maybe PlayerId
peek bs pos = let board = boardMap bs in
case Map.lookup pos board of
Just x -> Just x
Nothing -> Nothing
move :: GameState -> BoardPos -> Maybe GameState
move gs pos = let player = whoseMove gs in
let bs = boardState gs in
let board = boardMap bs in
case peek bs pos of
Just x -> Nothing
Nothing -> Just (GameState (BoardState (Map.insert pos player board)) (otherPlayer player))
genSlices :: [[BoardPos]]
genSlices = (fmap . fmap) BoardPos [[(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)],
[(2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)],
[(3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)],
[(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)],
[(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)],
[(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3)],
[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)],
[(1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1)]]
getSlice :: BoardState -> [BoardPos] -> [Char]
getSlice bs [] = ""
getSlice bs (pos : ps) = posChar (peek bs pos) : getSlice bs ps
sliceShowBoard :: BoardState -> [[Char]]
sliceShowBoard bs = (getSlice bs) <$> genSlices
checkFull :: BoardState -> Bool
-- checkFull bs = case sequence (map (\i -> peek bs (int2pos i)) [1..9]) of
checkFull bs = case sequence (map ((peek bs) . int2pos) [1..9]) of
Just x -> True
Nothing -> False
checkWinner :: BoardState -> Winner
checkWinner bs = let full = checkFull bs in
let slices = sliceShowBoard bs in
if elem "ooo" slices
then Winner (Just (Left One))
else if elem "xxx" slices
then Winner (Just (Left Two))
else if full then
Winner (Just (Right (Draw ())))
Winner Nothing
playGame :: IO ()
playGame = do
putStrLn "This is the game."
let gs = initGame
gameLoop gs
return ()
gameLoop :: GameState -> IO GameState
gameLoop gs = do
let bs = boardState gs
let winner = checkWinner bs
case winner of
Winner (Just what) -> case what of
Left who -> do
putStrLn ("Player " ++ [posChar (Just who)] ++ " won.")
return gs
Right (Draw ()) -> do
putStrLn ("Game was a draw.")
return gs
Winner Nothing -> do
let player = whoseMove gs
putStrLn ( bs)
putStrLn ("Player " ++ [posChar (Just player)] ++ ", your move: [1-9]")
playerMove <- getLine
let m_pos = readMaybe playerMove :: Maybe Int
case m_pos of
Nothing -> (putStrLn "Couldnt parse move.") >> gameLoop gs
Just p -> do
let pos = (int2pos p)
let m_gs' = move gs pos
case m_gs' of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Bad move." >> gameLoop gs
Just gs' -> gameLoop gs'
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