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Created February 11, 2021 11:11
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class Solution:
So, may i know what will hapeen when a new asteroid is added on the right?
Ask interview to provide more examples to discuss such as [-2,-1,1,2]
Does return order matter?
Thought Process:
Brute Force/ Naive way:
we iterate
We use a stack to maintain all survived asteroids to the left of asteroids[i].
And top of stack should be closest survived asteroid to the left of arr[i]
We travser all asteroids forward.
def asteroidCollision(self, asteroids: List[int]) -> List[int]:
Naive way
for i in range(len(asteroids)):
if asteroids[i] < 0:
# we iterate all asteroids on the left side of arr[i]
for j in range(i - 1 , - 1 , -1):
if asteroids[j] > 0:
if abs(asteroids[j]) > abs(asteroids[i]):
# we set 0 mean we will remove them because asteroids[i] != 0(constraint)
asteroids[i] = 0
elif abs(asteroids[j]) < abs(asteroids[i]):
asteroids[j] = 0
asteroids[i] = asteroids[j] = 0
return [i for i in asteroids if i != 0]
def asteroidCollision(self, asteroids: List[int]) -> List[int]:
T:O(n) because our stack pushes and pops each asteroid at most once.
# we use a stack to maintain all survived asteroids to the left of asteroids[i].
stack = collections.deque([])
for asteroid in asteroids:
if asteroid > 0:
#asteroid 小於0才需要考慮會有相撞的可能
while len(stack) != 0 and stack[-1] > 0 and abs(asteroid) > abs(stack[-1]):
# peek of stack/ top of stack will be destroyed
if len(stack) != 0 and -asteroid == stack[-1]:
# top of stack and current asteroid both will be destroyed
elif len(stack) == 0 or stack[-1] < 0:
# 這種情況不會有碰撞發生的可能性
# stack:最後stack裡面剩下的就是還存活的asteroid
n = len(stack)
res = [0] * n
# traverse backwards
for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
res[i] = stack.pop()
return res
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