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Four Steps to writing an Arduino Program Step 3
#include <Servo.h>
*Title: My Awesome Arduino Program
*Author: Liz Miller
*Date: 02/15/2018
*Version: v1.0
*Purpose: This code shows you how to write an Arduino Program!
//STEP 2 - define all of your IO
const int led = 6;
const int ping = 5;
Servo myServo;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
myServo.attach(3); //servo on pin 3
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ping, INPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); //to initialize the serial monitor
myServo.write(0); //initialize servo to position 0
//turns the given LED on
void ledOn(const int led){
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
//moves the servo 180 degrees
void moveServo(){
myServo.write(180); //move servo to opposite side (180-deg)
delay(50); //delay to give servo enough time to reach the position
* detect distance from ping sensor
* Set PING to OUTPUT and pulse for 2 microseconds
* Send LOW, HIGH, LOW signal
* Set PING as INPUT and read the signal
int detectDistance(){
int dur, inches;
// send out a signal
pinMode(ping, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ping, LOW);
digitalWrite(ping, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ping, LOW);
//read the signal as a pulse
pinMode(ping, INPUT);
dur = pulseIn(ping, HIGH);
//translate duration as a distance in inches
inches = dur/74/2; //74 microseconds per inch (account only for the return, divide by 2);
return inches; //return the distance as an integer
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
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