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orb.v2.js examples

Please note: There is no compatibility v1 and v2.


all-in-one package

Truncated version of orb.js. Core functions for orb-satellite.v2.js or orb-planetary.v2.js.

Truncated version of orb.js. If you only need calculations for artificial satellites or space debris, you use this .js file with orb-core.v2.js.

Truncated version of orb.js. If you only need calculations for planetary objects such as planets or asteroids, you use this .js file with orb-core.v2.js.


var date = new Date();

// Position of planets
var mars = new Orb.VSOP("Mars");
var rectangular =; // ecliptic rectangular coordinates(x, y, z)
var spherical = mars.radec(date); // equatorial spherical coordinates(ra, dec, distance)

// Position of the moon
var luna = new Orb.Luna();
var rectangular =; // Earth centered equatorial rectangular coordinates (x, y, z)
var spherical = luna.radec(date); // equatorial spherical coordinates(ra, dec, distance)

// Apparent position of the Sun
var sun = new Orb.Sun();
var rectangular =; // Earth centered equatorial rectangular coordinates (x, y, z)
var spherical = sun.radec(date); // equatorial spherical coordinates(ra, dec, distance)

//Kepler orbital elements
var asteroid = new Orb.Kepler({
  "gm": 2.9591220828559093*Math.pow(10,-4); //(au^3/d^2) default value is the sun, so you can omit this line.
var rectangular =; // ecliptic rectangular coordinates(x, y, z)
var spherical = asteroid.radec(date); // equatorial spherical coordinates(ra, dec, distance)

//Position of artificial satellites from Two Line Elements(TLE)
var tle = {
  first_line:"1 25544U 98067A   15012.59173611  .00014829  00000-0  23845-3 0  7179",
  second_line:"2 25544 051.6466 140.7335 0006107 243.2909 291.5211 15.53213268923827"
var satellite = new Orb.SGP4(tle);
var rectangular =; // Earth centered equatorial rectangular coordinates (x, y, z)
var spherical = satellite.latlng(date); // geographic spherical coordinates(latitude, longitude, altitude)

//Azimuth and Elevation
var your_location = {

var observe_mars = new Orb.Observation({"observer":your_location,"target":mars});
var horizontal = observe_mars.azel(date); // horizontal coordinates(azimuth, elevation)

var observe_satellite = new Orb.Observation({"observer":your_location,"target":satellite});
var horizontal = observe_satellite.azel(date); // horizontal coordinates(azimuth, elevation)

var sirius = {

var observe_star = new Orb.Observation({
  "observer":your_location ,
var horizontal = observe_star.azel(date); // horizontal coordinates(azimuth, elevation)

//Time conversion
var time = new Orb.Time(date);
var gmst = time.gmst();
var julian_date = time.jd();
var time_in_day = time.time_in_day();
var day_of_year = time.doy();

//Coordinates conversion
var equatorial_rectangular = Orb.RadecToXYZ(sirius)
var ecliptic_rectangular = Orb.EquatorialToEcliptic({"date":date,"equatorial":equatorial_rectangular})
var equatorial_rectangular = Orb.EclipticToEquatorial({"date":date,"ecliptic":ecliptic_rectangular})
var equatorial_spherical = Orb.XYZtoRadec(equatorial_rectangular)



Returns information of version, author, license



Various numerical constants for astronomical calculations

  "PI","RAD","AU","RE","LD","LY","PC","PARSEC","G": <number>,
  "Planets":<array>, //list of planets,
  "radius":<number>, //radius at equator,
  "obliquity":<number>, //obliquity of the planet,
  "mass":<number>, //mass of the planet,
  "gm":<number> //gravitational constant for the planet


Convert Date to the astronomical time units

var date = new Date();
var time = new Orb.Time(date);
//if you omit date object, you get value of now.

var gmst = time.gmst();
var julian_date = time.jd();
var time_in_day = time.time_in_day();
var day_of_year = time.doy();


Calc horizontal coordinates of target from observer.

var date = new Date()
var your_location = {

// for planets (see Orb.VSOP)
var mars = new Orb.VSOP("Mars");
var obs = new Orb.Observation({"observer":your_location,"target":mars});
var azel = obs.azel(date); // azimuth, elevation -> horizontal coordinates

//for artificial satellites (see Orb.SGP4)
var tle = {
  first_line:"1 25544U 98067A   15012.59173611  .00014829  00000-0  23845-3 0  7179",
  second_line:"2 25544 051.6466 140.7335 0006107 243.2909 291.5211 15.53213268923827"
var satellite = new Orb.SGP4(tle);
var obs = new Orb.Observation({"observer":your_location,"target":satellite});
var azel = obs.azel(date); // azimuth, elevation -> horizontal coordinates

//for equatorial sphirical coordinates (RA,Dec)
var obs = new Orb.Observation({
  "observer":your_location ,
var azel = obs.azel(date); // azimuth, elevation

//for equatorial rectangular coordinates (x,y,z)
var obs = new Orb.Observation({
  "observer":your_location ,

var azel = obs.azel(date); // azimuth, elevation

//if target includes "coorinate_keywords" with "ecliptic", orb.js automatically convert coordinates.
// "coorinate_keywords":"ecliptic rectangular"

    var obs = new Orb.Observation({
      "observer":your_location ,
        "date":new Date(),
        "coorinate_keywords":"ecliptic rectangular"
    //if you omit date object, you get value of the time of observation.

    var azel = obs.azel(date); // azimuth, elevation


Convert equatorial spherical coordinates(RA, Dec) to equatorial rectangular coordinates(x,y,z) Please note: "ra"(right ascension) must be hours.

var sirius = {
var xyz = Orb.RadecToXYZ(sirius)


Convert equatorial rectangular coordinates(x,y,z) to equatorial spherical coordinates(RA, Dec) Please note: "ra"(right ascension) must be hours.

var sirius = {
  "x": -101858.45670898016,
  "y": 510282.46985869075,
  "z": -156241.94619812947

var radec = Orb.XYZtoRadec(sirius)

if "coorinate_keywords" includes "ecliptic" (and optional "date"), this method automatically convert ecliptic coordinate to equatorial coordinate.

var sirius = {
  "x": -101858.45670898016,
  "y": 510282.46985869075,
  "z": -156241.94619812947,
  "date":new Date(),
  "coorinate_keywords":"ecliptic rectangular"
//if you omit date object, you get value of now.

var radec = Orb.XYZtoRadec(sirius)


Convert equatorial rectangular coordinates(x,y,z) to ecliptic rectangular coordinates(x,y,z)

var sirius = {
  "x": -101858.45670898016,
  "y": 510282.46985869075,
  "z": -156241.94619812947
var ecliptic = Orb.EquatorialToEcliptic({
  "equatorial": sirius,


Convert ecliptic rectangular coordinates(x,y,z) to equatorial rectangular coordinates(x,y,z)

 var sirius = {
var equatorial = Orb.EclipticToEquatorial({
  "ecliptic": sirius,


Calc nutation and obliquity of Earth

var date = new Date()
var nao = Orb.NutationAndObliquity(date)
var obliquity = nao.obliquity()
var nutation = nao.nutation()


Calc obliquity of Earth. This is wrapper function of Orb.NutationAndObliquity()

var date = new Date()
var obliquity = Orb.Obliquity(date)


var degree = 400;
var round = Orb.RoundAngle(degree) // returns 40

var degree = -10;
var round = Orb.RoundAngle(degree) // returns 350

orb-satellite.v2.js (require orb-core.v2.js)


var tle = {
  first_line:"1 25544U 98067A   15012.59173611  .00014829  00000-0  23845-3 0  7179",
  second_line:"2 25544 051.6466 140.7335 0006107 243.2909 291.5211 15.53213268923827"
var satellite = new Orb.SGP4(tle);

var xyz =; // equatorial rectangular coordinates (Earth centered): x, y, z
var latlng = satellite.latlng(date); // geographic spherical coordinates :  latitude, longitude, altitude

orb-planetary.v2.js (require orb-core.v2.js)

This is truncated version of orb.js. If you only need calculations for planetary objects such as planets, asteroids and so on, you use this .js file with orb-core.v2.js.


var asteroid = new Orb.Kepler({
  "gm": 2.9591220828559093E-4; //in au^3/d^2
  "inclination":"6.812676631845272", //in degree
  "longitude_of_ascending_node":"250.5660658100269", //in degree
  "argument_of_periapsis":"95.63473165761138", //in degree
  "time_of_periapsis":"2456918.756066796", //in jd
  "semi_major_axis":"1.001911878091084" //in au

var xyz =; // x, y, z -> ecliptic rectangular coordinates in au
var radec = asteroid.radec(date); // ra, dec, distance -> equatorial spherical coordinates, distance in au

"gm" has default value "2.9591220828559093E-4" so you can omit "gm" for the Sun.



var mars = new Orb.VSOP("Mars");
// var mars = new Orb.Mars();
// this is same as above

var xyz =; // x, y, z -> ecliptic rectangular coordinates
var radec = mars.radec(date); // ra, dec, distance -> equatorial spherical coordinates


Position and Phase of the moon seen from the Earth. Please note: xyz() returns Earth centered "equatorial" rectangular coordinates not "ecliptic"

var luna = new Orb.Luna();
// var luna = new Orb.Moon();
// this is same as above

var xyz =; // x, y, z -> equatorial rectangular coordinates (Earth centered)
var radec = luna.radec(date); // ra, dec, distance -> equatorial spherical coordinates


position of the sun seen from the Earth. Please note: xyz() returns Earth centered "equatorial" rectangular coordinates not "ecliptic"

var sun = new Orb.Sun();

var xyz =; // x, y, z -> equatorial rectangular coordinates (Earth centered)
var radec = sun.radec(date); // ra, dec, distance -> equatorial spherical coordinates




var data = Orb.DataLoader({
  format:"text", // or "json" or "xml"
  path: <path_to_data>,
  ajax:true, // or "false"
  // do something



var date = Orb.DigitsToDate("20170101120000"); // return date object 2017.01.01 12:00:00 UTC


var date = new Date();
var digits = Orb.DateToDigits(date); //return "20170101120000"


//var str = "2017-01-01T12:00:00"    
//date separator should be "." or "-", time and date separator should be " " or "T" and time separator should be ":"

var date = Orb.StringToDate(str)


var date = new Date();
var str = Orb.FormatUTCDate(date) // return "2017.01.01 12:00:00"


var date = new Date();
var str = Orb.FormatUTCDate(date) // return "2017.01.01 21:00:00" in timezone GMT+9:00
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