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Created October 26, 2013 08:38
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from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from skimage import io, color
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import vlfeat as vlf
import os
import math
# Reduced matches
l1,d1 = vlf.read_features_from_file('bust_matches.txt')
i = 0
reduced_matches = np.zeros((l1.shape[0], 4))
for k in xrange(l1.shape[0]):
if (l1[k, 0] - l1[k, 2])**2 + (l1[k, 1] - l1[k, 3])**2 < 200**2:
reduced_matches[i, :] = l1[k, :]
i += 1
reduced_matches = reduced_matches[0:i, :]
# Normalization
mean_x1 = np.mean(reduced_matches[:, 0])
mean_y1 = np.mean(reduced_matches[:, 1])
d1 = np.std(reduced_matches[:, 0:2])
T1 = np.array([[math.sqrt(2)/d1, 0, -mean_x1*math.sqrt(2)/d1], [0, math.sqrt(2)/d1, -mean_y1*math.sqrt(2)/d1], [0, 0, 1]])
mean_x2 = np.mean(reduced_matches[:, 2])
mean_y2 = np.mean(reduced_matches[:, 3])
d2 = np.std(reduced_matches[:, 2:4])
T2 = np.array([[math.sqrt(2)/d2, 0, -mean_x2*math.sqrt(2)/d2], [0, math.sqrt(2)/d2, -mean_y2*math.sqrt(2)/d2], [0, 0, 1]])
temp1 = np.zeros((3, len(reduced_matches)))
temp2 = np.zeros((3, len(reduced_matches)))
temp1[0, :] = reduced_matches[:, 0]
temp1[1, :] = reduced_matches[:, 1]
temp1[2, :] = np.ones((1, len(reduced_matches)))
temp2[0, :] = reduced_matches[:, 2]
temp2[1, :] = reduced_matches[:, 3]
temp2[2, :] = np.ones((1, len(reduced_matches)))
new_x = np.zeros((3, len(reduced_matches)))
for s in xrange(len(reduced_matches)):
new_x[:, s] =, temp1[:, s])
new_xx = np.zeros((3, len(reduced_matches)))
for r in xrange(len(reduced_matches)):
new_xx[:, r] =, temp2[:, r])
final = np.zeros((new_x.shape[1], 4))
final[:, 0] = new_x[0, :].T
final[:, 1] = new_x[1, :].T
final[:, 2] = new_xx[0, :].T
final[:, 3] = new_xx[1, :].T
# Find a fundamental matrix (RANSAC)
def ransac_homography(l1, max_iter, inlier_threshold):
best_noi = 0
for i in range(0, max_iter):
rand = l1.shape[0]*np.random.random_sample((4,))
for p in range(0,4):
rand[p] = int(rand[p])
A1 = np.array([[l1[rand[0], 0], l1[rand[0], 1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -l1[rand[0], 2]*l1[rand[0],0],
-l1[rand[0], 2]*l1[rand[0], 1], -l1[rand[0], 2]],
[0, 0, 0, l1[rand[0], 0], l1[rand[0], 1], 1, -l1[rand[0], 3]*l1[rand[0], 0],
-l1[rand[0], 3]*l1[rand[0], 1], -l1[rand[0], 1]],
[l1[rand[1], 0], l1[rand[1], 1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -l1[rand[1], 2]*l1[rand[1], 0],
-l1[rand[1], 2]*l1[rand[1], 1], -l1[rand[1], 2]],
[0, 0, 0, l1[rand[1], 0], l1[rand[1], 1], 1, -l1[rand[1], 3]*l1[rand[1], 0],
-l1[rand[1], 3]*l1[rand[1], 1], -l1[rand[1], 3]],
[l1[rand[2], 0], l1[rand[2], 1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -l1[rand[2], 2]*l1[rand[2], 0],
-l1[rand[2], 2]*l1[rand[2], 1], -l1[rand[2], 2]],
[0, 0, 0, l1[rand[2], 0], l1[rand[2], 1], 1, -l1[rand[2], 3]*l1[rand[2], 0],
-l1[rand[2], 3]*l1[rand[2], 1], -l1[rand[2], 3]],
[l1[rand[3], 0], l1[rand[3], 1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -l1[rand[3], 2]*l1[rand[3], 0],
-l1[rand[3], 2]*l1[rand[3], 1], -l1[rand[3], 2]],
[0, 0, 0, l1[rand[3], 0], l1[rand[3], 1], 1, -l1[rand[3], 3]*l1[rand[3], 0],
-l1[rand[3], 3]*l1[rand[3], 1], -l1[rand[3], 3]]])
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(A1)
h = V.T[:, -1]
H1 = np.reshape(h, (3,3))
tmp = np.zeros((l1.shape[0], 2))
for j in range(l1.shape[0]):
template_map =, np.array([[l1[j, 0]], [l1[j, 1]], [1]]))
template_map = template_map/template_map[2]
tmp[j, :] = template_map[0:2,:].T
inliers_count = []
indices = []
for k in range(l1.shape[0]):
if (tmp[k, 0] - l1[k, 2])**2 + (tmp[k, 1] - l1[k, 3])**2 < inlier_threshold**2:
inliers = np.zeros((sum(inliers_count), 4))
v = 0
for w in indices:
inliers[v, :] = l1[w, :]
v += 1
current_noi = sum(inliers_count)
if current_noi > best_noi:
best_noi = current_noi
best_inliers = inliers
inliers = best_inliers
A2 = np.zeros((inliers.shape[0]*2, 9))
for s in range(0, len(inliers), 2):
A2[s, :] = np.array([inliers[s, 0], inliers[s, 1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -inliers[s,2]*inliers[s,0], -inliers[s,2]*inliers[s,1], -inliers[s,2]])
A2[s+1, :] = np.array([0, 0, 0, inliers[s,0], inliers[s,1], 1, -inliers[s, 3]*inliers[s,0], -inliers[s, 3]*inliers[s,1], -inliers[s,3]])
print A2
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(A2)
h = V.T[:, -1]
h = np.reshape(h, (3,3))
return inliers, h
l1 = final
max_iter = 1000
inlier_threshold = 10e-05
h, inliers = ransac_homography(l1, max_iter, inlier_threshold)
print h
U1, S1, V1 = np.linalg.svd(F1)
F2 = V1.T[:, :-1]
# Force rank 2
U2, S2, V2 = np.linalg.svd(F2)
Snew = np.zeros((3, 3))
Snew[0, 0] = S2[0]
Snew[1, 1] = S2[1]
F2 =,, V2))
# Denormalization
F =,, T1))
print F
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