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Last active February 6, 2019 19:28
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twentynineteen width and margin code
//Why vw instead of percentage?
$columns: (
1: calc(1 * (100vw / 12)),
2: calc(2 * (100vw / 12)),
3: calc(3 * (100vw / 12)),
4: calc(4 * (100vw / 12)),
5: calc(5 * (100vw / 12)),
6: calc(6 * (100vw / 12)),
7: calc(7 * (100vw / 12)),
8: calc(8 * (100vw / 12)),
9: calc(9 * (100vw / 12)),
10: calc(10 * (100vw / 12)),
11: calc(11 * (100vw / 12)),
12: calc(12 * (100vw / 12))
$columns__margin: $size__spacing-unit;
// Responsive widths.
$size__spacing-unit: 1rem;
$size__site-main: 100%;
$size__site-sidebar: 25%;
//Unclear why this math equation, why a percentage plus pixels especially when columns are just vw calculations
$size__site-margins: calc(10% + 60px);
//What is the purpose of the -28px what does that number represent?
$size__site-tablet-content: calc(8 * (100vw / 12) - 28px);
$size__site-desktop-content: calc(6 * (100vw / 12) - 28px);
/* Calculates maximum width for post content */
@mixin postContentMaxWidth() {
@include media(tablet) {
max-width: $size__site-tablet-content;
@include media(desktop) {
max-width: $size__site-desktop-content;
/** === Content Width on backend === */
.wp-block {
width: calc(100vw - (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}));
max-width: 100%;
//Not the same width as frontend
@include media(tablet) {
width: calc(8 * (100vw / 12));
//Not the same width as frontend
@include media(desktop) {
width: calc(6 * (100vw / 12 ));
// Only the top level blocks need specific widths, therefore override for every nested block.
.wp-block {
width: 100%;
/** === Editor Frame === */
body {
.wp-block[data-align="full"] {
width: 100%;
@include media(mobile) {
.wp-block[data-align="full"] {
width: calc( 100% + 90px );
max-width: calc( 100% + 90px );
@include media(tablet) {
.editor-writing-flow {
max-width: 80%;
margin: 0 10%;
.editor-block-list__block {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
// Doesn't show wide in backend like it does frontend
.wp-block[data-align="wide"] {
width: 100%;
.wp-block[data-align="full"] {
position: relative;
left: calc( -12.5% - 14px );
width: calc( 125% + 116px );
max-width: calc( 125% + 115px ); // Subtract 1px here to avoid the rounding errors that happen due to the usage of percentages.
.wp-block[data-align="right"] {
max-width: 125%;
.entry-header {
//This appears to be a more consistent pattern
margin: calc(3 * #{ $size__spacing-unit}) $size__spacing-unit $size__spacing-unit;
//margin: calc( 3 * 1rem) calc(10% + 60px) 1rem);
//margin-top: 3rem;
//margin-left: 1rem;
//margin-right: 1rem;
//margin-bottom: 1rem;
position: relative;
@include media(tablet) {
margin: calc(3 * #{ $size__spacing-unit}) $size__site-margins $size__spacing-unit;
//margin: calc( 3 * 1rem) calc(10% + 60px) 1rem);
//margin-top: 3rem;
//margin-left: calc(10% + 60px);
//margin-right: calc(10% + 60px);
//margin-bottom: 1rem;
//This seems a one off to the rest of the patterns of .entry-header and .entry-footer
.entry-summary {
margin: 0 $size__spacing-unit;
@include media(tablet) {
max-width: 80%;
margin: 0 10%;
padding: 0 60px;
/* This basically accomplishes the same thing as above and seems more in line with theme pattern
.entry-summary {
margin: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}) $size__spacing-unit $size__spacing-unit;
@include media(tablet) {
margin: $size__spacing-unit $size__site-margins calc(3 * #{$size__spacing-unit});
max-width: $size__site-tablet-content;
.entry-footer {
// Compare with entry-content/entry-summary.
// Also, why does this have max-widths but header does not?
margin: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}) $size__spacing-unit $size__spacing-unit;
@include media(tablet) {
margin: $size__spacing-unit $size__site-margins calc(3 * #{$size__spacing-unit});
max-width: $size__site-tablet-content;
@include media(tablet) {
max-width: $size__site-desktop-content;
.entry .entry-content > *,
.entry .entry-summary > * {
margin: 32px 0;
max-width: 100%;
@include postContentMaxWidth();
@include media(tablet) {
max-width: calc(6 * (100vw / 12) - 28px);
@include media(desktop) {
max-width: calc(8 * (100vw / 12) - 28px);
@include media(tablet) {
margin: 32px 0;
> *:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
> *:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
&.alignwide {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
clear: both;
@include media(tablet) {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
&.alignfull {
position: relative;
left: -#{$size__spacing-unit };
//left: -1rem; ** This compensates for [margin: 0 $size__spacing-unit] in entry-content/entry-summary
width: calc( 100% + (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}));
max-width: calc( 100% + (2 * #{$size__spacing-unit}));
clear: both;
@include media(tablet) {
margin-top: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit});
margin-bottom: calc(2 * #{$size__spacing-unit});
//Why these random pixels and percentages? I get that -12.5% * 2 = 25% to account for the 125% wdith, but why the -75px and extra 150px
left: calc( -12.5% - 75px );
width: calc( 125% + 150px );
max-width: calc( 125% + 150px );
//Helpful commits
// Merge pull request #447 from anevins12/fix/dot-separator-not-centred
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