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Last active April 22, 2023 06:49
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Buddy-boss Navigation
* BuddyBoss JavaScript functionality
* @since Boss 1.0.0
* @package Boss
* ====================================================================
* 1. jQuery Global
* 2. Main BuddyBoss Class
* 3. Inline Plugins
* 1. jQuery Global
* ====================================================================
var jq = $ = jQuery;
* 2. Main BuddyBoss Class
* This class takes care of BuddyPress additional functionality and
* provides a global name space for BuddyBoss plugins to communicate
* through.
* Event name spacing:
* $(document).on( "buddyboss:*module*:*event*", myCallBackFunction );
* $(document).trigger( "buddyboss:*module*:*event*", [a,b,c]/{k:v} );
* ====================================================================
* @return {class}
var BuddyBossMain = ( function ( $, window, undefined ) {
* Globals/Options
var _l = {
$document: $( document ),
$window: $( window )
// Controller
var App = { };
// Custom Events
var Vent = $( { } );
// Responsive
var Responsive = { };
// BuddyPress Defaults
var BuddyPress = { };
// BuddyPress Legacy
var BP_Legacy = { };
/** --------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Application
// Initialize, runs when script is processed/loaded
App.init = function () {
_l.$document.ready( App.domReady );
// When the DOM is ready (page laoded)
App.domReady = function () {
_l.body = $( 'body' );
_l.$buddypress = $( '#buddypress' );
/** --------------------------------------------------------------- */
* BuddyPress Responsive Help
Responsive.domReady = function () {
// ---------
window.BuddyBoss = window.BuddyBoss || { };
window.BuddyBoss.is_mobile = null;
$document = $( document ),
$window = $( window ),
$body = $( 'body' ),
$mobile_check = $( '#mobile-check' ).css( { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: 1, zIndex: 1 } ),
mobile_width = 720,
is_mobile = false,
has_item_nav = false,
mobile_modified = false,
swiper = false,
$main = $( '#main-wrap' ),
$inner = $( '#inner-wrap' ),
$buddypress = $( '#buddypress' ),
$item_nav = $buddypress.find( '#item-nav' ),
Panels = { },
inputsEnabled = $( 'body' ).data( 'inputs' ),
rtl = Boolean( $( 'body' ).data( 'rtl' ) ),
panel_open_class = 'left-menu-open';
// Detect android stock browser
var isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'Android' ) >= 0;
var webkitVer = parseInt( ( /WebKit\/([0-9]+)/.exec( navigator.appVersion ) || 0 )[1], 10 ) || void 0; // also match AppleWebKit
var isNativeAndroid = isAndroid && webkitVer <= 534 && navigator.vendor.indexOf( 'Google' ) == 0;
1.0 - Core Functions
* Checks for supported mobile resolutions via media query and
* maximum window width.
* @return {boolean} True when screen size is mobile focused
function check_is_mobile() {
// The $mobile_check element refers to an empty div#mobile-check we
// hide or show with media queries. We use this to determine if we're
// on mobile resolution
$mobile_check.remove().appendTo( $body );
// mobile_css = window.document.getElementById('boss-main-mobile-css'),
// $mobile_css = $(mobile_css);
if ( $.cookie( 'switch_mode' ) != 'mobile' ) {
// if(($mobile_css.attr('media') != 'all')) {
if ( ( !translation.only_mobile ) ) {
if ( viewport().width < 480 ) {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'is-desktop' ).addClass( 'is-mobile' );
} else {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'is-mobile' ).addClass( 'is-desktop' );
is_mobile = BuddyBoss.is_mobile = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'is-mobile' );
return is_mobile;
* Checks for a BuddyPress sub-page menu. On smaller screens we turn
* this into a left/right swiper
* @return {boolean} True when BuddyPress item navigation exists
function check_has_item_nav() {
if ( $item_nav && $item_nav.length ) {
has_item_nav = true;
return has_item_nav;
function render_layout() {
window_height = $window.height(), // window height - 60px (Header height) - carousel_nav_height (Carousel Navigation space)
carousel_width = ( $item_nav.find( 'li' ).length * 94 );
// If on small screens make sure the main page elements are
// full width vertically
if ( is_mobile && ( $inner.height() < $window.height() ) ) {
$( '#page' ).css( 'min-height', $window.height() - ( $( '#mobile-header' ).height() + $( '#colophon' ).height() ) );
//if ( is_mobile ) {
//$( '#messages-layout' ).css( 'margin-top', $( '#leftcolumn' ).height() );
// Swipe/panel shut area
if ( is_mobile && $( '#buddyboss-swipe-area' ).length && Panels.state ) {
$( '#buddyboss-swipe-area' ).css( {
left: Panels.state === 'left' ? 240 : 'auto',
right: Panels.state === 'right' ? 240 : 'auto',
width: $( window ).width() - 240,
height: $( window ).outerHeight( true ) + 200
} );
// Log out link in left panel
var $left_logout_link = $( '#wp-admin-bar-logout' ),
$left_account_panel = $( '#wp-admin-bar-user-actions' ),
$left_settings_menu = $( '#wp-admin-bar-my-account-settings .ab-submenu' ).first();
if ( $left_logout_link.length && $left_account_panel.length && $left_settings_menu.length ) {
// On mobile user's accidentally click the link when it's up
// top so we move it into the setting menu
if ( is_mobile ) {
$left_logout_link.appendTo( $left_settings_menu );
// On desktop we move it back to it's original place
else {
$left_logout_link.appendTo( $left_account_panel );
// Runs once, first time we experience a mobile resolution
if ( is_mobile && has_item_nav && !mobile_modified ) {
mobile_modified = true;
$mobile_nav_wrap = $( '<div id="mobile-item-nav-wrap" class="mobile-item-nav-container mobile-item-nav-scroll-container">' );
$mobile_item_wrap = $( '<div class="mobile-item-nav-wrapper">' ).appendTo( $mobile_nav_wrap );
$mobile_item_nav = $( '<div id="mobile-item-nav" class="mobile-item-nav">' ).appendTo( $mobile_item_wrap );
$mobile_item_nav.append( $item_nav.html() );
$mobile_item_nav.css( 'width', ( $item_nav.find( 'li' ).length * 94 ) );
$mobile_nav_wrap.insertBefore( $item_nav ).show();
$( '#mobile-item-nav-wrap, .mobile-item-nav-scroll-container, .mobile-item-nav-container' ).addClass( 'fixed' );
$item_nav.css( { display: 'none' } );
// Resized to non-mobile resolution
else if ( !is_mobile && has_item_nav && mobile_modified ) {
$mobile_nav_wrap.css( { display: 'none' } );
$item_nav.css( { display: 'block' } );
$document.trigger( 'menu-close.buddyboss' );
// Resized back to mobile resolution
else if ( is_mobile && has_item_nav && mobile_modified ) {
$mobile_nav_wrap.css( {
display: 'block',
width: carousel_width
} );
$mobile_item_nav.css( {
width: carousel_width
} );
$item_nav.css( { display: 'none' } );
// Update select drop-downs
if ( typeof Selects !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( $.isFunction( Selects.populate_select_label ) ) {
Selects.populate_select_label( is_mobile );
* Renders the layout, called when the page is loaded and on resize
* @return {void}
function do_render()
$( window ).resize( check_is_mobile );
1.1 - Startup (Binds Events + Conditionals)
// Render layout
// Re-render layout after everything's loaded
$window.bind( 'load', function () {
} );
// Re-render layout on resize
var throttle;
$window.resize( function () {
clearTimeout( throttle );
throttle = setTimeout( do_render, 150 );
} );
2.1 - Mobile/Tablet Carousels
function mobile_carousel() {
if ( is_mobile && has_item_nav ) {
/* Remove submenu if there is any */
if ( $( '#mobile-item-nav #nav-bar-filter .hideshow ul' ).length > 0 ) {
$( '#mobile-item-nav #nav-bar-filter' ).append( $( '#mobile-item-nav #nav-bar-filter .hideshow ul' ).html() );
$( '#mobile-item-nav #nav-bar-filter .hideshow' ).remove();
if ( !swiper ) {
// console.log( 'Setting up mobile nav swiper' );
swiper = $( '.mobile-item-nav-scroll-container' ).swiper( {
scrollContainer: true,
slideElement: 'div',
slideClass: 'mobile-item-nav',
wrapperClass: 'mobile-item-nav-wrapper'
} );
2.2 - Responsive Dropdowns
if ( typeof Selects !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( $.isFunction( Selects.init_select ) ) {
Selects.init_select( is_mobile, inputsEnabled );
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'messages' ) ) {
$document.ajaxComplete( function () {
setTimeout( function () {
if ( $.isFunction( Selects.init_select ) ) {
Selects.init_select( is_mobile, inputsEnabled );
if ( typeof Selects !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( $.isFunction( Selects.populate_select_label ) ) {
Selects.populate_select_label( is_mobile );
// $('.message-check, #select-all-messages').addClass('styled').after('<strong></strong>');
}, 500 );
} );
if ( $( 'body' ).find( '#siteRegisterBox-step-2' ).length !== 0 ) {
$document.ajaxComplete( function () {
setTimeout( function () {
if ( $.isFunction( Selects.init_select ) ) {
Selects.init_select( is_mobile, inputsEnabled );
if ( typeof Selects !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( $.isFunction( Selects.populate_select_label ) ) {
Selects.populate_select_label( is_mobile );
}, 500 );
} );
/* Reset selects on Event booking options changed */
$( document ).on( 'em_bookings_filtered', function () {
if ( $.isFunction( Selects.init_select ) ) {
Selects.init_select( is_mobile, inputsEnabled );
if ( typeof Selects !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( $.isFunction( Selects.populate_select_label ) ) {
Selects.populate_select_label( is_mobile );
} );
3.0 - Content
3.1 - Members (Group Admin)
// Hide/Reveal action buttons
$( '' ).click( function ( event ) {
parent_li = $( this ).parent( 'li' );
if ( $( parent_li ).children( 'ul#members-list span.small' ).hasClass( 'inactive' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'inactive' ).addClass( 'active' );
$( parent_li ).children( 'ul#members-list span.small' ).removeClass( 'inactive' ).addClass( 'active' );
else {
$( this ).removeClass( 'active' ).addClass( 'inactive' );
$( parent_li ).children( 'ul#members-list span.small' ).removeClass( 'active' ).addClass( 'inactive' );
} );
3.2 - Search Input Field
$( '#buddypress div.dir-search form, #buddypress div.message-search form, div.bbp-search-form form, form#bbp-search-form' ).append( '<a href="#" id="clear-input"> </a>' );
$( 'a#clear-input' ).click( function () {
jQuery( "#buddypress div.dir-search form input[type=text], #buddypress div.message-search form input[type=text], div.bbp-search-form form input[type=text], form#bbp-search-form input[type=text]" ).val( "" );
} );
3.3 - Hide Profile and Group Buttons Area, when there are no buttons (ex: Add Friend, Join Group etc...)
if ( !$( '#buddypress #item-header #item-buttons .generic-button' ).length ) {
$( '#buddypress #item-header #item-buttons' ).hide();
3.4 - Move the Messages Checkbox, below the Avatar
$( '#message-threads.messages-notices .thread-options .checkbox' ).each( function () {
move_to_spot = $( this ).parent().siblings( '.thread-avatar' );
$( this ).appendTo( move_to_spot );
} );
3.5 - Select unread and read messages in inbox
// Overwrite/Re-do some of the functionality in buddypress.js,
// to accommodate for UL instead of tables in buddyboss theme
jq( "#message-type-select" ).change(
function () {
var selection = jq( "#message-type-select" ).val();
var checkboxes = jq( "ul input[type='checkbox']" );
checkboxes.each( function ( i ) {
checkboxes[i].checked = "";
} );
switch ( selection ) {
case 'unread':
var checkboxes = jq( "ul.unread input[type='checkbox']" );
case 'read':
var checkboxes = jq( " input[type='checkbox']" );
if ( selection != '' ) {
checkboxes.each( function ( i ) {
checkboxes[i].checked = "checked";
} );
} else {
checkboxes.each( function ( i ) {
checkboxes[i].checked = "";
} );
/* star ajax according to boss theme as boss not using old tables */
if ( typeof starAction !== 'undefined' ) {
jq( '#message-threads' ).on( 'click', '.thread-star a', starAction );
/* Bulk delete messages */
jq( "#delete_inbox_messages, #delete_sentbox_messages" ).on( 'click', function () {
checkboxes_tosend = '';
checkboxes = jq( "#message-threads ul input[type='checkbox']" );
jq( '#message' ).remove();
jq( this ).addClass( 'loading' );
jq( checkboxes ).each( function ( i ) {
if ( jq( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
checkboxes_tosend += jq( this ).attr( 'value' ) + ',';
} );
if ( '' == checkboxes_tosend ) {
jq( this ).removeClass( 'loading' );
return false;
} ajaxurl, {
action: 'messages_delete',
'thread_ids': checkboxes_tosend
}, function ( response ) {
if ( response[0] + response[1] == "-1" ) {
jq( '#message-threads' ).prepend( response.substr( 2, response.length ) );
} else {
jq( '#message-threads' ).before( '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>' + response + '</p></div>' );
jq( checkboxes ).each( function ( i ) {
if ( jq( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
jq( this ).parent().parent().fadeOut( 150 );
} );
jq( '#message' ).hide().slideDown( 150 );
jq( "#delete_inbox_messages, #delete_sentbox_messages" ).removeClass( 'loading' );
} );
return false;
} );
3.6 - Make Video Embeds Responsive - Fitvids.js
if ( typeof $.fn.fitVids !== 'undefined' && $.isFunction( $.fn.fitVids ) ) {
function videosWidth() {
$( '#content' ).fitVids();
if ( $( '.activity-inner' ).length > 0 ) {
$( '.activity-inner' ).find( '.fluid-width-video-wrapper' ).each( function () {
$( this ).parent().css( {
'max-width': '530px'
} );
} );
// This ensures that after and Ajax call we check again for
// videos to resize.
$( document ).ajaxSuccess( videosWidth );
Fix BuddyPanel
var $primary = $( '#primary' );
function fixBuddyPanel() {
if ( !is_mobile && $primary.length > 0 ) {
height = viewport().height;
$( '#scroll-area' ).css( {
'position': 'relative'
} );
if ( $( '#scroll-area' ).outerHeight() + $( '#masthead' ).outerHeight() < height ) {
$( '#scroll-area' ).css( {
'position': 'fixed'
} );
} else {
$( '#scroll-area' ).css( {
'position': 'relative'
} );
imagesLoaded( 'body', function ( instance ) {
} );
$window.resize( function () {
} );
// Ajax complete Sidebars Fix
$( document ).ajaxComplete( function () {
setTimeout( function () {
}, 500 );
} );
setTimeout( function () {
$( ".right-col" ).toggleClass( "open" );
}, 500 );
3.7 - Comment placeholder
$( '#comment' ).attr( 'placeholder', translation.comment_placeholder );
3.8 - Initialise UI scripts
// Accordion
if ( $( ".accordion" ).length ) {
$( ".accordion" ).each( function () {
var open = $( this ).data( 'open' );
if ( open == 'false' ) {
open = false;
$( this ).accordion( {
active: open,
heightStyle: "content",
collapsible: true
} );
} );
// Tabs
if ( $( ".tabs" ).length ) {
$( ".tabs" ).tabs();
// Progress Bar
if ( $( ".progressbar" ).length ) {
$( ".progressbar" ).each( function () {
$( this ).progressbar( {
value: $( this ).data( 'progress' )
} );
} );
// Tooltip
if ( $( ".tooltip" ).length ) {
$( ".tooltip" ).tooltip( {
position: {
my: "center bottom-10",
at: "center top",
using: function ( position, feedback ) {
$( this ).css( position );
$( "<div>" )
.addClass( "arrow" )
.addClass( feedback.vertical )
.addClass( feedback.horizontal )
.appendTo( this );
} );
// Menu
if ( $( ".menu-dropdown > ul" ).length ) {
$( '.menu-dropdown > ul' ).superfish();
3.9 - Some global functions
//click events
var ua = navigator.userAgent,
clickevent = ( ua.match( /iPad/i ) || ua.match( /iPhone/i ) || ua.match( /Android/i ) ) ? "touch" : "click";
// get viewport size
function viewport() {
var e = window, a = 'inner';
if ( !( 'innerWidth' in window ) ) {
a = 'client';
e = document.documentElement || document.body;
return { width: e[ a + 'Width' ], height: e[ a + 'Height' ] };
var disable = 0;
// Remove inline styling
$.fn.removeStyle = function ( style )
var search = new RegExp( style + '[^;]+;?', 'g' );
return this.each( function ()
$( this ).attr( 'style', function ( i, style )
if ( style ) {
return style.replace( search, '' );
} );
} );
3.10 - Fit Site Title
// Fit Text
$.fn.fitText = function ( kompressor, options ) {
// Setup options
var compressor = kompressor || 1,
settings = $.extend( {
'minFontSize': Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
'maxFontSize': Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
}, options );
return this.each( function () {
// Store the object
var $this = $( this );
// Resizer() resizes items based on the object width divided by the compressor * 10
var resizer = function () {
$this.css( 'font-size', Math.max( Math.min( $this.width() / ( compressor * 10 ), parseFloat( settings.maxFontSize ) ), parseFloat( settings.minFontSize ) ) );
// Call once to set.
// Call on resize. Opera debounces their resize by default.
$( window ).on( 'resize.fittext orientationchange.fittext', resizer );
} );
$( ".mobile-site-title" ).fitText( 1, { minFontSize: '18px', maxFontSize: '25px' } );
if ( is_mobile ) {
$( ".bb-slider-container .title" ).fitText( 1, { minFontSize: '18px', maxFontSize: '70px' } );
* Core for buddyboss left menu
* @return (void)
/* add submenu title */
if ( !$( "body" ).hasClass( panel_open_class ) ) {
$( '#left-panel #nav-menu > ul > li' ).each( function () {
var $element = $( this ).children( 'a:not(.fa)' ).clone();
if ( $( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).length ) {
$( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).prepend( $element );
} else {
var $submenu = $( '<div/>', {
'class': 'sub-menu-wrap'
} );
$element.appendTo( $submenu );
$( this ).append( $submenu );
} );
function func_left_menu() {
$( "#left-menu-toggle" ).bind( 'click', function ( event ) {
$( "body" ).toggleClass( panel_open_class );
if ( $( "body" ).hasClass( panel_open_class ) ) {
/* remove submenu title */
$( '#left-panel #nav-menu > ul > li' ).each( function () {
if ( $( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).find( 'ul' ).length ) {
$( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).children( 'a' ).remove();
} else {
$( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).remove();
} );
$.cookie( 'left-panel-status', 'open', { path: '/' } );
} else {
/* add submenu title */
$( '#left-panel #nav-menu > ul > li' ).each( function () {
var $element = $( this ).children( 'a:not(.fa)' ).clone();
if ( $( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).length ) {
$( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).prepend( $element );
} else {
var $submenu = $( '<div/>', {
'class': 'sub-menu-wrap'
} );
$element.appendTo( $submenu );
$( this ).append( $submenu );
} );
$.cookie( 'left-panel-status', 'close', { path: '/' } );
setTimeout( function () {
if ( rtl ) {
$( ".left-col" ).toggleClass( "open" );
} else {
$( ".right-col" ).toggleClass( "open" );
$window.trigger( 'resize' );
}, 500 );
// arrows for tablet
} );
// Ajax complete Sidebars Fix
$( document ).ajaxComplete( function () {
setTimeout( function () {
}, 500 );
setTimeout( function () {
}, 1500 );
} );
//BuddyBoss Inbox Additional Label Functionality Code
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.bb-add-label-button', function ( e ) {
_this = jQuery( this );
_this.find( ".fa-spin" ).fadeOut();
var label_name = jQuery( '.bb-label-name' ).val();
var data = {
action: 'bbm_label_ajax',
task: 'add_new_label',
thread_id: 0,
label_name: label_name
}; ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) {
_this.find( ".fa-spin" ).fadeIn();
var response = jQuery.parseJSON( response );
if ( response.label_id != '' ) {
jQuery( ".bb-label-container" ).load( window.location.href + " .bb-label-container", function () {
jQuery( ".bb-label-container > .bb-label-container" ).attr( "class", "" );
} );
if ( typeof response.message == 'undefined' ) {
return false;
if ( response.message != '' ) {
alert( response.message );
} );
} );
jQuery( document ).on( "keydown", ".bb-label-name", function ( e ) {
if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) {
jQuery( ".bb-add-label-button" ).click();
} );
3.12 - Mobile & Tablet menu
function attachArrows() {
if ( $( '.menu-panel .open-submenu' ).length == 0 ) {
$( '.menu-panel .bp_components ul li ul li.menupop' ).prepend( '<a class="open-submenu fa fa-angle-left" href="#"></a>' );
$( '.menu-panel #nav-menu > ul > li' ).each( function () {
if ( $( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).length ) {
$( this ).prepend( '<a class="open-submenu fa fa-angle-left" href="#"></a>' );
} );
$( window ).on( 'load', function () {
$( '.menu-panel #header-menu .sub-menu-wrap' ).hide();
$( '.menu-panel #header-menu > ul > li' ).each( function () {
if ( $( this ).children( '.sub-menu-wrap' ).length ) {
$( this ).prepend( '<a class="open-submenu fa fa-angle-left" href="#"></a>' );
} );
} );
$( '.menu-panel .open-submenu' ).unbind();
// $( 'body' ).unbind();
$( 'body' ).off( 'click', '.menu-panel .open-submenu' );
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.menu-panel .open-submenu', function ( event ) {
$( this ).next().next().slideToggle( "fast", function () {
} );
$( this ).toggleClass( 'fa-angle-down' );
$( this ).closest( 'li' ).toggleClass( 'dropdown' );
} );
function removeArrows() {
$( '.menu-panel .open-submenu' ).remove();
$( '.menu-panel .ab-sub-wrapper, .sub-menu-wrap' ).removeAttr( "style" );
function menuToggle() {
if ( is_mobile || ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'tablet' ) && $( 'body' ).hasClass( panel_open_class ) && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'tablet' ) ) ) {
} else {
$( window ).resize( menuToggle );
// Account Menu PopUp On Touch For Tablets
$( '.tablet .header-account-login' ).on( "click touch", function ( e ) {
$( this ).find( '.pop' ).toggleClass( 'hover' );
} );
if ( $( '#wp-admin-bar-shortcode-secondary' ).length ) {
$( '.tablet #wp-admin-bar-shortcode-secondary .menupop' ).on( "click touch", function ( e ) {
$( this ).find( '.ab-sub-wrapper' ).toggleClass( 'hover' );
} );
} else {
$( '.tablet .header-notifications' ).on( "click touch", function ( e ) {
$( this ).find( '.pop' ).toggleClass( 'hover' );
} );
3.13 - Add spinner
function initSpinner() {
$( '#main-button, .generic-button:not(.pending):not(.group-subscription-options)' ).on( 'click', function () {
$link = $( this ).find( 'a' );
if ( !$link.find( 'i' ).length && !$link.hasClass( 'pending' ) ) {
$link.append( '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>' );
} );
// to activity submit
$( '#whats-new-submit' ).append( '<span class="spinner"></span>' );
3.14 - To Top Button
//Scroll Effect
$( '.scroll' ).bind( 'click', function ( event ) {
var $anchor = $( this );
$( 'html, body' ).stop().animate( {
scrollTop: $( $anchor.attr( 'href' ) ).offset().top + "px"
}, 1000, 'easeInOutExpo' );
} );
3.14 - Custom File Input
$( '#group-create-body input[type=file], #avatar-upload input[type=file], #group-settings-form input[type=file]' ).change( function ( e ) {
var str = $( this ).val(),
parts = str.split( '\\' ),
result = parts[parts.length - 1];
$( "#file-path" ).text( result );
} );
3.15 - 404 Page Go Back Button
$( '.back-btn' ).click( function ( event ) {
} );
3.16 - Better Radios and Checkboxes Styling
function initCheckboxes() {
if ( !inputsEnabled ) {
//only few buddypress and bbpress related fields
$( '.events input[type="checkbox"], #buddypress table.notifications input, #send_message_form input[type="checkbox"], #profile-edit-form input[type="checkbox"], #profile-edit-form input[type="radio"], #message-threads input, #settings-form input[type="radio"], #create-group-form input[type="radio"], #create-group-form input[type="checkbox"], #invite-list input[type="checkbox"], #group-settings-form input[type="radio"], #group-settings-form input[type="checkbox"], #new-post input[type="checkbox"], .bbp-form input[type="checkbox"], .bbp-form .input[type="radio"], .register-section .input[type="radio"], .register-section input[type="checkbox"], .message-check, #select-all-messages' ).each( function () {
var $this = $( this );
$this.addClass( 'styled' );
if ( $ "label" ).length == 0 && $ "strong" ).length == 0 ) {
$this.after( '<strong></strong>' );
} );
} else {
//all fields
$( 'input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]' ).each( function () {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.val() == 'gf_other_choice' ) {
$this.addClass( 'styled' );
$ '<strong class="other-option"></strong>' );
} else {
if ( !$this.parents( '#bp-group-documents-form' ).length ) {
$this.addClass( 'styled' );
if ( $ "label" ).length == 0 && $ "strong" ).length == 0 ) {
$this.after( '<strong></strong>' );
} );
3.17 - Mobile Panels
$( document ).on( 'click', function ( event ) {
if ( event.originalEvent && $( )[0].id != 'profile-nav' && $( ).closest( '#left-panel' ).length == 0 && is_mobile ) {
if ( event.originalEvent && $( )[0].id != 'custom-nav' && $( ).closest( '#mobile-menu' ).length == 0 && is_mobile ) {
} );
//menu button trigger
$( document ).on( 'click', '#profile-nav', function ( event ) {
if ( is_mobile ) {
if ( $( '#right-panel' ).hasClass( 'side-menu-right' ) ) {
} else {
} );
$( document ).on( 'click', '#custom-nav', function ( event ) {
if ( is_mobile ) {
if ( $( '#right-panel' ).hasClass( 'side-menu-left' ) ) {
} else {
} );
// open
function openRightMenu() {
$( '#left-panel' ).css( 'opacity', '1' );
$( '#left-panel' ).css( 'display', 'block' );
$( '#profile-nav' ).addClass( 'close' );
$( '#right-panel' ).addClass( 'side-menu-right' );
$( '#mobile-header' ).addClass( 'side-menu-right' );
$( '#left-panel-inner' ).addClass( 'animated BeanSidebarIn' ).removeClass( 'BeanSidebarOut' );
$( '#masthead' ).css( 'margin-top', '0' );
setTimeout( function () {
$( '#left-panel' ).css( 'z-index', '0' );
}, 300 );
function openLeftMenu() {
$( '#mobile-menu' ).css( 'opacity', '1' );
$( '#mobile-menu' ).css( 'display', 'block' );
$( '#custom-nav' ).addClass( 'close' );
$( '#right-panel' ).addClass( 'side-menu-left' );
$( '#mobile-header' ).addClass( 'side-menu-left' );
$( '#mobile-menu-inner' ).addClass( 'animated BeanSidebarIn' ).removeClass( 'BeanSidebarOut' );
$( '#masthead' ).css( 'margin-top', '0' );
setTimeout( function () {
$( '#mobile-menu' ).css( 'z-index', '0' );
}, 300 );
// close
function closeRightMenu() {
$( '#left-panel' ).css( 'z-index', '-1' );
$( '#profile-nav' ).removeClass( 'close' );
$( '#right-panel' ).removeClass( 'side-menu-right' );
$( '#mobile-header' ).removeClass( 'side-menu-right' );
$( '#left-panel-inner' ).removeClass( 'BeanSidebarIn' ).addClass( 'BeanSidebarOut' );
$( '#left-panel-inner' ).addClass( 'animated ' );
setTimeout( function () {
$( '#left-panel' ).css( 'z-index', '-1' );
$( '#left-panel' ).css( 'opacity', '0' );
}, 300 );
function closeLeftMenu() {
$( '#mobile-menu' ).css( 'z-index', '-1' );
$( '#custom-nav' ).removeClass( 'close' );
$( '#right-panel' ).removeClass( 'side-menu-left' );
$( '#mobile-header' ).removeClass( 'side-menu-left' );
$( '#mobile-menu-inner' ).removeClass( 'BeanSidebarIn' ).addClass( 'BeanSidebarOut' );
$( '#mobile-menu-inner' ).addClass( 'animated ' );
setTimeout( function () {
$( '#mobile-menu' ).css( 'z-index', '-1' );
$( '#mobile-menu' ).css( 'opacity', '0' );
}, 300 );
3.19 - Advanced Search Scripts
function searchWidthMobile() {
if ( is_mobile ) {
var $mobile_search = $( ".mobile-header-inner .searchform" );
if ( $mobile_search.length ) {
$mobile_search.focusin( function () {
$( this ).css( {
'z-index': '2'
} ).stop().animate( {
'padding-left': '5px',
'padding-right': '5px'
}, 400 );
} );
$mobile_search.focusout( function () {
$( this ).stop().animate( {
'padding-left': '77px',
'padding-right': '77px'
}, 400 );
setTimeout( function () {
$mobile_search.css( {
'z-index': '0'
} );
}, 400 );
} );
// $(window).resize(searchWidthMobile);
if ( $( '.search-wrap input[type="text"]' ).hasClass( 'ui-autocomplete-input' ) ) {
function searchWidth() {
if ( !is_mobile ) {
$( "#header-search .search-wrap" ).focusin( function () {
$( this ).closest( '.search-wrap' ).stop().animate( {
width: '360px'
}, 400 );
} );
$( "#header-search .search-wrap" ).focusout( function () {
$( this ).closest( '.search-wrap' ).stop().animate( {
width: '100px'
}, 400 );
} );
} else {
$( "#header-search .search-wrap" ).unbind( 'focus' );
$( "#header-search .search-wrap" ).unbind( 'focusout' );
// $(window).resize(searchWidth);
function dropdownPosition() {
var offset = $( '.ui-autocomplete-input' ).offset().top + 48;
$( '.bb-global-search-ac' ).css( {
'top': offset
} );
$window.scroll( function () {
} );
if ( !( '2' == $ 'header' ) ) ) {
$( '.search-toggle a' ).click( function ( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$search_wrap = $( '#searchform' );
if ( $this.hasClass( 'closed' ) ) {
$this.removeClass( 'closed' );
$this.addClass( 'open' );
setTimeout( function () {
$search_wrap.find( '#s' ).focus();
}, 301 );
} else {
$this.removeClass( 'open' );
$this.addClass( 'closed' );
$search_wrap.fadeToggle( 300, 'linear' );
} );
$( document ).click( function ( e )
var container = $( "#searchform" ),
toggle = $( '.search-toggle' );
if ( ! ) && ! ) && toggle.has( ).length === 0
&& container.has( ).length === 0 && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'boxed' ) )
toggle.find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'open' ).addClass( 'closed' );
} );
3.20 - Buttons Menu
function attachClick() {
$( '.more-items-btn' ).click( function () {
$( this ).parent( '.single-member-more-actions' ).find( '.pop' ).slideToggle( 100 );
} );
if ( is_mobile ) {
3.21 - Responsive Menus (...)
if ( !is_mobile ) {
$( "#item-nav" ).find( "#nav-bar-filter" ).jRMenuMore( 60 );
//Initialize jRMenuMore menu when it actually start falling outside of screen width
var members_menu_items_width = 0;
$( '#members-directory-form div.item-list-tabs ul:first-child li' ).each( function () {
members_menu_items_width += $( this ).outerWidth();
} );
var members_ul_menu_width = $( '#members-directory-form div.item-list-tabs ul:first-child' ).width();
if ( members_menu_items_width > members_ul_menu_width ) {
$( '#members-directory-form div.item-list-tabs ul:first-child' ).jRMenuMore( 60 );
if ( '2' == $ 'header' ) ) {
$( "#header-menu > ul" ).jRMenuMore( 120 );
} else {
$( "#header-menu > ul" ).jRMenuMore( 70 );
3.22 - BuddyPanel bubbles
function setCounters() {
$( '#wp-admin-bar-my-account-buddypress' ).find( 'li' ).each( function () {
var $this = $( this ),
$count = $this.children( 'a' ).children( '.count' ),
if ( $count.length != 0 ) {
id = $this.attr( 'id' );
$target = $( '.bp-menu.bp-' + id.replace( /wp-admin-bar-my-account-/, '' ) + '-nav' );
if ( $target.find( '.count' ).length == 0 ) {
$target.find( 'a' ).append( '<span class="count">' + $count.html() + '</span>' );
} );
3.23 - Titlebar position on mobile
function attachMobileMenu() {
if ( is_mobile ) {
var $container = $( '#mobile-menu-inner' );
if ( !$container.find( '#header-menu' ).length ) {
var $element = $( '#header-menu' ).clone(),
position = $ 'titlebar' ),
$existing = $container.find( '#nav-menu' );
$element.find( '.hideshow ul li' ).each( function () {
$element.children( 'ul' ).append( $( this ) );
} );
$element.find( '.hideshow' ).remove();
if ( $existing.length ) {
if ( position == 'top' ) {
$existing.before( $element );
} else if ( position == 'bottom' ) {
$existing.after( $element );
} else {
$container.append( $element );
$window.resize( attachMobileMenu );
if ( is_mobile ) {
$( '#switch_mode' ).val( 'desktop' );
$( '#switch_submit' ).val( translation.view_desktop );
} else {
$( '#switch_mode' ).val( 'mobile' );
$( '#switch_submit' ).val( translation.view_mobile );
$( '#switch_submit' ).click( function () {
$.cookie( 'switch_mode', $( '#switch_mode' ).val(), { path: '/' } );
} );
3.24 - Infinite Scroll
if ( $( '#masthead' ).data( 'infinite' ) == 'on' ) {
var is_activity_loading = false;//We'll use this variable to make sure we don't send the request again and again.
jq( document ).on( 'scroll', function () {
//Find the visible "load more" button.
//since BP does not remove the "load more" button, we need to find the last one that is visible.
var load_more_btn = jq( ".load-more:visible" );
//If there is no visible "load more" button, we've reached the last page of the activity stream.
if ( !load_more_btn.get( 0 ) )
//Find the offset of the button.
var pos = load_more_btn.offset();
//If the window height+scrollTop is greater than the top offset of the "load more" button, we have scrolled to the button's position. Let us load more activity.
// console.log(jq(window).scrollTop() + ' '+ jq(window).height() + ' '+;
if ( jq( window ).scrollTop() + jq( window ).height() > ) {
} );
* This routine loads more activity.
* We call it whenever we reach the bottom of the activity listing.
function load_more_activity() {
//Check if activity is loading, which means another request is already doing this.
//If yes, just return and let the other request handle it.
if ( is_activity_loading )
return false;
//So, it is a new request, let us set the var to true.
is_activity_loading = true;
//Add loading class to "load more" button.
//Theme authors may need to change the selector if their theme uses a different id for the content container.
//This is designed to work with the structure of bp-default/derivative themes.
//Change #content to whatever you have named the content container in your theme.
jq( "#content li.load-more" ).addClass( 'loading' );
if ( null == jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage' ) )
jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage', 1, {
path: '/'
} );
var oldest_page = ( jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage' ) * 1 ) + 1;
//Send the ajax request. ajaxurl, {
action: 'activity_get_older_updates',
'cookie': encodeURIComponent( document.cookie ),
'page': oldest_page
function ( response )
jq( ".load-more" ).hide();//Hide any "load more" button.
jq( "#content li.load-more" ).removeClass( 'loading' );//Theme authors, you may need to change #content to the id of your container here, too.
//Update cookie...
jq.cookie( 'bp-activity-oldestpage', oldest_page, {
path: '/'
} );
//and append the response.
jq( "#content ul.activity-list" ).append( response.contents );
//Since the request is complete, let us reset is_activity_loading to false, so we'll be ready to run the routine again.
is_activity_loading = false;
}, 'json' );
return false;
3.25 BP Profile Search
$( '.page' ).find( '.standard-form' ).each( function () {
var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' );
if ( id && id.indexOf( 'bps_shortcode' ) >= 0 ) {
$( '#' + id ).addClass( 'bps_form' );
} );
3.26 Add Photo Button
function movePhotoButton() {
if ( is_mobile ) {
if ( $( '#aw-whats-new-submit' ).prev( '#buddyboss-media-add-photo' ).length == 0 ) {
$( '#buddyboss-media-add-photo' ).insertBefore( '#aw-whats-new-submit' );
} else {
if ( $( '#whats-new-additional' ).find( '#buddyboss-media-add-photo' ).length == 0 ) {
$( '#whats-new-additional' ).append( $( '#buddyboss-media-add-photo' ) );
$window.resize( movePhotoButton );
$( '#buddyboss-media-add-photo-button' ).text( '' );
3.27 Activity dropdown
var $span = $( '.item-list-tabs.activity-type-tabs .selected-tab' ),
$ul = $( '.item-list-tabs.activity-type-tabs > ul' ),
$li = $( '.item-list-tabs.activity-type-tabs > ul > li' );
$ function ( e ) {
} );
function cloneText() {
$li.each( function () {
if ( $ul.find( '.selected' ).length == 1 ) {
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'selected' ) ) {
$span.text( $( this ).text() );
} else {
$span.text( $( '#activity-all' ).text() );
} );
$( document ).ajaxComplete( function () {
} );
$ function () {
$span.text( $( this ).text() );
} );
3.28 - Remove 'Cancel Friendship'
$( '.dir-list div.is_friend' ).remove();
3.29 - Mobile header
var mobileHeader = $( '#mobile-header' );
if ( mobileHeader.hasClass( 'with-adminbar' ) ) {
$( window ).scroll( function () {
$fromTop = $( 'body' ).scrollTop();
if ( $fromTop > 46 ) {
// bc < 600 gives absolute on adminbar
if ( viewport().width < 600 ) {
mobileHeader.css( {
position: 'fixed',
top: 0
} );
} else {
mobileHeader.css( {
position: 'fixed',
top: 46
} );
} else {
mobileHeader.css( {
position: 'static',
top: 0
} );
} );
Equal Pricing tables - Membership plugin
* Simple jQuery Equal Heights
* Copyright (c) 2013 Matt Banks
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* Uses the same license as jQuery, see:
* @version 1.5.1
!function ( a ) {
a.fn.equalHeights = function () {
var b = 0, c = a( this );
return c.each( function () {
var c = a( this ).outerHeight();
c > b && ( b = c )
} ), c.css( "height", b - 34 )
}, a( "[data-equal]" ).each( function () {
var b = a( this ), c = "equal" );
b.find( c ).equalHeights()
} )
}( jQuery );
if ( $( '#pmpro_levels_pricing_tables' ) ) {
function equalProjects() {
$( '.pricing-content' ).css( 'height', 'auto' );
$( '.pricing-content' ).equalHeights();
/* throttle */
$( window ).resize( function () {
clearTimeout( $.data( this, 'resizeTimer' ) );
$.data( this, 'resizeTimer', setTimeout( function () {
}, 50 ) );
} );
$( '#left-menu-toggle' ).click( function () {
setTimeout( function () {
}, 550 );
} );
$( window ).trigger( 'resize' );
Header height
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'boxed' ) && !is_mobile ) {
function headerHeight() {
var height = $( '#masthead' ).outerHeight();
$( '#right-panel' ).css( {
'margin-top': height
} );
$window.resize( function () {
} );
Double Tap for tablets navigation (boxed layout)
$.fn.doubleTapToGo = function ( params )
if ( !( 'ontouchstart' in window ) &&
!navigator.msMaxTouchPoints &&
!navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match( /windows phone os 7/i ) )
return false;
this.each( function ()
var curItem = false;
$( this ).on( 'click', function ( e )
var item = $( this );
if ( item[ 0 ] != curItem[ 0 ] )
curItem = item;
} );
$( document ).on( 'click touchstart MSPointerDown', function ( e )
var resetItem = true,
parents = $( ).parents();
for ( var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++ )
if ( parents[ i ] == curItem[ 0 ] )
resetItem = false;
if ( resetItem )
curItem = false;
} );
} );
return this;
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'boxed' ) && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'tablet' ) ) {
$( '#nav-menu > ul > li:has(ul)' ).doubleTapToGo();
Heartbeat functions
//Notifications related updates
$( document ).on( 'heartbeat-tick.bb_notification_count', function ( event, data ) {
if ( data.hasOwnProperty( 'bb_notification_count' ) ) {
data = data['bb_notification_count'];
/********notification type**********/
if ( data.notification > 0 ) { //has count
jQuery( "#ab-pending-notifications" ).text( data.notification ).removeClass( "no-alert" );
jQuery( "#ab-pending-notifications-mobile" ).text( data.notification ).removeClass( "no-alert" );
jQuery( "#wp-admin-bar-my-account-notifications .ab-item[href*='/notifications/']" ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).append( "<span class='count'>" + data.notification + "</span>" );
if ( jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).length > 1 ) {
jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).first().remove(); //remove the old one.
} );
} else {
jQuery( "#ab-pending-notifications" ).text( data.notification ).addClass( "no-alert" );
jQuery( "#ab-pending-notifications-mobile" ).text( data.notification ).addClass( "no-alert" );
jQuery( "#wp-admin-bar-my-account-notifications .ab-item[href*='/notifications/']" ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).remove();
} );
//remove from read ..
jQuery( ".mobile #wp-admin-bar-my-account-notifications-read, #adminbar-links #wp-admin-bar-my-account-notifications-read" ).each( function () {
$( this ).find( "a" ).find( ".count" ).remove();
} );
/**********messages type************/
if ( data.unread_message > 0 ) { //has count
jQuery( "#user-messages" ).find( "span" ).text( data.unread_message );
jQuery( ".ab-item[href*='/messages/']" ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).append( "<span class='count'>" + data.unread_message + "</span>" );
if ( jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).length > 1 ) {
jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).first().remove(); //remove the old one.
} );
} else {
jQuery( "#user-messages" ).find( "span" ).text( data.unread_message );
jQuery( ".ab-item[href*='/messages/']" ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).remove();
} );
//remove from unwanted place ..
jQuery( ".mobile #wp-admin-bar-my-account-messages-default, #adminbar-links #wp-admin-bar-my-account-messages-default" ).find( "li:not('#wp-admin-bar-my-account-messages-inbox')" ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).find( "span" ).remove();
} );
/**********messages type************/
if ( data.friend_request > 0 ) { //has count
jQuery( ".ab-item[href*='/friends/']" ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).append( "<span class='count'>" + data.friend_request + "</span>" );
if ( jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).length > 1 ) {
jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).first().remove(); //remove the old one.
} );
} else {
jQuery( ".ab-item[href*='/friends/']" ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).find( ".count" ).remove();
} );
//remove from unwanted place ..
jQuery( ".mobile #wp-admin-bar-my-account-friends-default, #adminbar-links #wp-admin-bar-my-account-friends-default" ).find( "li:not('#wp-admin-bar-my-account-friends-requests')" ).each( function () {
jQuery( this ).find( "span" ).remove();
} );
//notification content
jQuery( ".header-notifications.all-notifications .pop" ).html( data.notification_content );
} );
* BuddyPress Legacy Support
// Initialize
BP_Legacy.init = function () {
BP_Legacy.injected = false;
_l.$document.ready( BP_Legacy.domReady );
// On dom ready we'll check if we need legacy BP support
BP_Legacy.domReady = function () {
// Check for legacy support
BP_Legacy.check = function () {
if ( !BP_Legacy.injected && _l.body.hasClass( 'buddypress' ) && _l.$buddypress.length == 0 ) {
** Cover Photo Functions **
buddyboss_cover_photo = function ( option ) {
$bb_cover_photo = $( "#page .bb-cover-photo:last" );
object = $ "obj" ); // user or group
object_id = $ "objid" ); // id of user or group
nonce = $ "nonce" );
$refresh_button = $( "#refresh-cover-photo-btn" );
rebind_refresh_cover_events = function () {
$ function () {
$( '.bb-cover-photo #growls' ).remove();
$( "#update-cover-photo-btn" ).prop( "disabled", true ).removeClass( 'uploaded' ).addClass( 'disabled' ).find( "i" ).fadeIn();
$refresh_button.prop( "disabled", true ).removeClass( 'uploaded' ).addClass( 'disabled' ).find( "i" ).fadeIn();
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: ajaxurl,
data: {
'action': 'buddyboss_cover_photo_refresh',
'object': object,
'object_id': object_id,
'nonce': option.nonce,
'routine': $ 'routine' )
success: function ( response ) {
var responseJSON = $.parseJSON( response );
$( "#update-cover-photo-btn" ).prop( "disabled", false ).removeClass( 'disabled' ).addClass( 'uploaded' ).find( "i.fa-spin" ).fadeOut();
$refresh_button.prop( "disabled", false ).removeClass( 'disabled' ).addClass( 'uploaded' ).find( "i.fa-spin" ).fadeOut();
if ( !responseJSON ) {
$.growl.error( { title: "", message: BuddyBossOptions.bb_cover_photo_failed_refresh } );
if ( responseJSON.error ) {
$.growl.error( { title: "", message: responseJSON.error } );
} else {
$bb_cover_photo.find( ".holder" ).remove();
image = responseJSON.image;
$bb_cover_photo.append( '<div class="holder"></div>' );
$bb_cover_photo.find( ".holder" ).css( "background-image", 'url(' + image + ')' );
if ( 'refresh' == $ 'routine' ) ) {
$refresh_button.parent().toggleClass( 'no-photo' );
$refresh_button.find( '.fa-refresh' ).removeClass( 'fa-refresh' ).addClass( 'fa-times' );
$refresh_button.find( '>div' ).html( BuddyBossOptions.bb_cover_photo_remove_title + '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" style="display: none;"></i>' );
$refresh_button.attr( 'title', BuddyBossOptions.bb_cover_photo_remove_title );
$ 'routine', 'remove' );
} else {
$refresh_button.parent().toggleClass( 'no-photo' );
$refresh_button.find( '.fa-times' ).removeClass( 'fa-times' ).addClass( 'fa-refresh' );
$refresh_button.find( '>div' ).html( BuddyBossOptions.bb_cover_photo_refresh_title + '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" style="display: none;"></i>' );
$refresh_button.attr( 'title', BuddyBossOptions.bb_cover_photo_refresh_title );
$ 'routine', 'refresh' );
$.growl.notice( { title: "", message: responseJSON.success } );
error: function ( ) {
$bb_cover_photo.find( ".progress" ).hide().find( "span" ).css( "width", '0%' );
$.growl.error( { message: 'Error' } );
} );
} );
if ( $refresh_button.length > 0 ) {
/** --------------------------------------------------------------- */
* BuddyPress Legacy Support
// Initialize
BP_Legacy.init = function () {
BP_Legacy.injected = false;
_l.$document.ready( BP_Legacy.domReady );
// On dom ready we'll check if we need legacy BP support
BP_Legacy.domReady = function () {
// Check for legacy support
BP_Legacy.check = function () {
if ( !BP_Legacy.injected && _l.body.hasClass( 'buddypress' ) && _l.$buddypress.length == 0 ) {
// Inject the right code depending on what kind of legacy support
// we deduce we need
BP_Legacy.inject = function () {
BP_Legacy.injected = true;
var $secondary = $( '#secondary' ),
do_legacy = false;
var $content = $( '#content' ),
$padder = $content.find( '.padder' ).first(),
do_legacy = false;
var $article = $content.children( 'article' ).first();
var $legacy_page_title,
// Check if we're using the #secondary widget area and add .bp-legacy inside that
if ( $secondary.length ) {
$secondary.prop( 'id', 'secondary' ).addClass( 'bp-legacy' );
do_legacy = true;
// Check if the plugin is using the #content wrapper and add #buddypress inside that
if ( $padder.length ) {
$padder.prop( 'id', 'buddypress' ).addClass( 'bp-legacy entry-content' );
do_legacy = true;
// console.log( 'Buddypress.js #buddypress fix: Adding #buddypress to .padder' );
else if ( $content.length ) {
$content.wrapInner( '<div class="bp-legacy entry-content" id="buddypress"/>' );
do_legacy = true;
// console.log( 'Buddypress.js #buddypress fix: Dynamically wrapping with #buddypresss' );
// Apply legacy styles if needed
if ( do_legacy ) {
_l.$buddypress = $( '#buddypress' );
$legacy_page_title = $( '' );
$legacy_item_header = $( '.buddyboss-bp-legacy.item-header' );
// Article Element
if ( $article.length === 0 ) {
$content.wrapInner( '<article/>' );
$article = $( $content.find( 'article' ).first() );
// Page Title
if ( $content.find( '.entry-header' ).length === 0 || $content.find( '.entry-title' ).length === 0 ) {
$legacy_page_title.prependTo( $article ).show();
// Item Header
if ( $content.find( '#item-header-avatar' ).length === 0 && _l.$buddypress.find( '#item-header' ).length ) {
$legacy_item_header.prependTo( _l.$buddypress.find( '#item-header' ) ).show();
// Inject the right code depending on what kind of legacy support
// we deduce we need
BP_Legacy.inject = function () {
BP_Legacy.injected = true;
var $secondary = $( '#secondary' ),
do_legacy = false;
var $content = $( '#content' ),
$padder = $content.find( '.padder' ).first(),
do_legacy = false;
var $article = $content.children( 'article' ).first();
var $legacy_page_title,
// Check if we're using the #secondary widget area and add .bp-legacy inside that
if ( $secondary.length ) {
$secondary.prop( 'id', 'secondary' ).addClass( 'bp-legacy' );
do_legacy = true;
// Check if the plugin is using the #content wrapper and add #buddypress inside that
if ( $padder.length ) {
$padder.prop( 'id', 'buddypress' ).addClass( 'bp-legacy entry-content' );
do_legacy = true;
// console.log( 'Buddypress.js #buddypress fix: Adding #buddypress to .padder' );
else if ( $content.length ) {
$content.wrapInner( '<div class="bp-legacy entry-content" id="buddypress"/>' );
do_legacy = true;
// console.log( 'Buddypress.js #buddypress fix: Dynamically wrapping with #buddypresss' );
// Apply legacy styles if needed
if ( do_legacy ) {
_l.$buddypress = $( '#buddypress' );
$legacy_page_title = $( '' );
$legacy_item_header = $( '.buddyboss-bp-legacy.item-header' );
// Article Element
if ( $article.length === 0 ) {
$content.wrapInner( '<article/>' );
$article = $( $content.find( 'article' ).first() );
// Page Title
if ( $content.find( '.entry-header' ).length === 0 || $content.find( '.entry-title' ).length === 0 ) {
$legacy_page_title.prependTo( $article ).show();
// Item Header
if ( $content.find( '#item-header-avatar' ).length === 0 && _l.$buddypress.find( '#item-header' ).length ) {
$legacy_item_header.prependTo( _l.$buddypress.find( '#item-header' ) ).show();
// Boot er' up
jQuery( document ).ready( function () {
} );
}( jQuery, window ) );
* 3. Inline Plugins
* ====================================================================
* Inline Plugins
* jRMenuMore to allow menu to have a More option for responsiveness
* Credit to
* uses resize.js for better resizing
( function ( $ ) {
$.fn.jRMenuMore = function ( widthfix ) {
$( this ).each( function () {
$( this ).addClass( "horizontal-responsive-menu" );
alignMenu( this );
var robj = this;
$( '#right-panel-inner' ).resize( function () {
$( robj ).append( $( $( $( robj ).children( "li.hideshow" ) ).children( "ul" ) ).html() );
$( robj ).children( "li.hideshow" ).remove();
alignMenu( robj );
} );
function alignMenu( obj ) {
var w = 0;
var mw = $( obj ).width() - widthfix;
var i = -1;
var menuhtml = '';
jQuery.each( $( obj ).children(), function () {
w += $( this ).outerWidth( true );
if ( mw < w ) {
menuhtml += $( '<div>' ).append( $( this ).clone() ).html();
$( this ).remove();
} );
$( obj ).append(
'<li class="hideshow">' +
'<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i></a><ul>' +
menuhtml + '</ul></li>' );
$( obj ).children( "li.hideshow ul" ).css( "top",
$( obj ).children( "li.hideshow" ).outerHeight( true ) + "px" );
$( obj ).find( "li.hideshow > a" ).click( function ( e ) {
var $horizontal_menu_ul = $( this ).parent( 'li.hideshow' ).children( "ul" );
$( this ).parent( 'li.hideshow' ).parent( "ul" ).toggleClass( 'open' );
//Members Index > Too many member types
var $members_type_menu = $( '#members-directory-form div.item-list-tabs ul:first-child' );
if ( 0 < $members_type_menu.length ) {
//Change horizontal menu display from flex to block for member types tab
if ( $ ':visible' ) ) {
$horizontal_menu_ul.css( 'display', 'block' );
} else {
$horizontal_menu_ul.css( 'display', 'none' );
//Horizontal responsive menu right offset fix
var $horizontal_menu = $( 'div.item-list-tabs .horizontal-responsive-menu' );
var right_offset = ( $( window ).width() - ( $horizontal_menu.offset().left + $horizontal_menu.outerWidth() ) );
$( 'div.item-list-tabs li.hideshow > ul' ).css( { right: right_offset } );
} );
$( document ).mouseup( function ( e ) {
var container = $( 'li.hideshow' );
if ( ! ) && container.has( ).length === 0 ) {
container.children( "ul" ).hide();
container.parent( "ul" ).removeClass( 'open' );
} );
if ( $( obj ).find( "li.hideshow" ).find( "li" ).length > 0 ) {
$( obj ).find( "li.hideshow" ).show();
} else {
$( obj ).find( "li.hideshow" ).hide();
} );
}( jQuery ) );
/* Support some plugins */
( function ( $ ) {
"use strict";
window.Plugins = {
init: function () {
groupHierarchy: function () {
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.item-subitem-indicator a', function () {
$( this ).parent().toggleClass( 'bb-subitem-open' );
} );
onAjaxComplete: function () {
$( document ).ajaxComplete( function () {
$( '.directory.groups #primary #buddypress .item-list li .action .action-wrap' ).each( function () {
var elem = $( this );
if ( $.trim( elem.html() ) === '' ) {
if ( !elem.parent().hasClass( "bb-hide-elem" ) ) {
elem.parent().addClass( 'bb-hide-elem' );
} );
} );
hideActionWrap: function () {
$( '.directory.groups #primary #buddypress .item-list li .action .action-wrap' ).each( function () {
var elem = $( this );
if ( $.trim( elem.html() ) === '' ) {
if ( !elem.parent().hasClass( "bb-hide-elem" ) ) {
elem.parent().addClass( 'bb-hide-elem' );
} );
$( document ).on( 'ready', function () {
} );
} )( jQuery );
function my_login_btn() { ?>
<style type="text/css">
.submit #wp-submit {
text-shadow: none;
input#wp-submit {
color: #ffffff;
color: #363635;
.login form .forgetmenot input[type="checkbox"]:checked + strong:before {
border: #e9a8a9 2px solid !important;
.login form .forgetmenot input[type="checkbox"] + strong:before {
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 2px rgba(153,153,153, 0.8) !important;
.login form input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #363535 !important;
.login form input:-moz-placeholder {
/* Firefox 18- */
color: rgba(53,53,53,.4) !important;
.login form input::-moz-placeholder {
/* Firefox 19+ */
color: rgba(53,53,53,.4) !important;
.login form input:-ms-input-placeholder {
color: rgba(53,53,53,.4) !important;
<?php }
add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', 'my_login_btn' );
.menu-toggle i {
color: #363635 !important;
.menu-toggle i:before {
font-size: 28px;
.bb-slider-container .slidePrev,
.bb-slider-container .slideNext {
background: none;
/* Mobile nav bar*/
.sidebar-btn.fa {
font-size: 35px;
color: #363635;
#profile-nav.sidebar-btn.fa {
color: #53a8a7;
.menu-panel ul li a:hover,
.is-mobile .menu-panel #header-menu > ul > li.current-menu-item > a {
background-color: #53a8a7;
.menu-panel #nav-menu .sub-menu-wrap {
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
/* footer widgets*/
.footer-widget h4.widgettitle{
color: #ffffff;
global $rtl;
$header_style = boss_get_option('boss_header');
$boxed = boss_get_option( 'boss_layout_style' );
if ( 'fluid' == $boxed || '2' == $header_style ) {
<div class="<?php echo ($rtl) ? 'right-col' : 'left-col'; ?>">
<div class="table">
<div class="header-links">
<?php if ( !is_page_template( 'page-no-buddypanel.php' ) && !(!boss_get_option( 'boss_panel_hide' ) && !is_user_logged_in()) ) { ?>
<!-- Menu Button -->
<a href="#" class="menu-toggle icon" id="left-menu-toggle" title="<?php _e( 'Menu', 'boss' ); ?>">
<i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
<?php } ?>
<?php if( '2' == $header_style ): ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/header-middle-column' ); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<!-- search form -->
<div id="header-search" class="search-form">
echo get_search_form();
<?php endif; ?>
* Logo Option
$show = boss_get_option( 'logo_switch' );
$show_mini = boss_get_option( 'mini_logo_switch' );
$logo_id = boss_get_option( 'boss_logo', 'id' );
$logo_small_id = boss_get_option( 'boss_small_logo', 'id' );
$site_title = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
$logo_large = ( $show && $logo_id ) ? wp_get_attachment_image( $logo_id, 'full', '', array( 'class' => 'boss-logo large' ) ) : '<span class="bb-title-large">' . $site_title . '</span>';
$logo_small = ( $show_mini && $logo_small_id ) ? wp_get_attachment_image( $logo_small_id, 'full', '', array( 'class' => 'boss-logo small' ) ) : '<span class="bb-title-small">' . $site_title . '</span>';
// This is for better seo
$elem = ( is_front_page() && is_home() ) ? 'h1' : 'h2';
<div id="logo" class="logo-container">
<<?php echo $elem; ?> class="site-title">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" rel="home">
<?php echo $logo_large; ?>
<?php echo $logo_small; ?>
</<?php echo $elem; ?>>
global $rtl;
$header_style = boss_get_option('boss_header');
$boxed = boss_get_option( 'boss_layout_style' );
<?php if( '1' == $header_style ) { ?>
<div class="middle-col">
<?php } ?>
$buddypanel_menu = '';
if ( $boxed == 'boxed' ) {
// <!-- Custom menu -->
$buddypanel_menu = wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' => 'left-panel-menu',
'items_wrap' => '%3$s',
'fallback_cb' => '',
'container' => false,
'echo' => false,
'walker' => new BuddybossWalker
) );
$titlebar_menu = wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' => 'header-menu',
'items_wrap' => '%3$s',
'fallback_cb' => '',
'echo' => false,
'container' => false,
'walker' => new BuddybossWalker
) );
if ( !empty( $buddypanel_menu ) || !empty( $titlebar_menu ) ): ?>
<!-- Navigation -->
<div class="header-navigation">
<div id="header-menu">
<?php echo $buddypanel_menu . $titlebar_menu; ?>
<a href="#" class="responsive_btn"><i class="fa fa-align-justify"></i></a>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="header-navigation">
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if( '2' == $header_style ): ?>
<div id="titlebar-search">
get_template_part( 'searchform', 'header' );
<a href="#" id="search-open" class="header-button" title="<?php _e( 'Search', 'boss' ); ?>"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a>
</div><!-- #titlebar-search-->
<?php else: ?>
<?php if ( $boxed == 'boxed' ) { ?>
<!-- search form -->
<form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" class="searchform" action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">
<input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Type to search...', 'boss' ); ?>">
<button type="submit" id="searchsubmit"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if( '1' == $header_style ) { ?>
<?php } ?>
<div id="mobile-header" class="table <?php echo ( boss_get_option( 'boss_adminbar' ) ) ? 'with-adminbar' : ''; ?>">
<!-- Toolbar for Mobile -->
<div class="mobile-header-outer table-cell">
<div class="mobile-header-inner table">
<!-- Custom menu trigger button -->
<div id="custom-nav-wrap" class="btn-wrap">
<a href="#" id="custom-nav" class="sidebar-btn fa fa-bars"></a>
if ( boss_get_option( 'boss_search_instead' ) && is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo get_search_form();
} else {
if ( boss_get_option( 'logo_switch' ) && boss_get_option( 'boss_logo', 'id' ) ) {
<div id="mobile-logo" class="table-cell">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>" rel="home">
<img class="large" src="<?php echo esc_url( boss_get_option( 'boss_logo', 'url' ) ); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>">
<?php } else { ?>
<h1 class="table-cell"><a class="mobile-site-title" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>" rel="home"><?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?></a></h1>
<!-- Profile menu trigger button -->
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() || (!is_user_logged_in() && buddyboss_is_bp_active() && !bp_hide_loggedout_adminbar( false ) ) ) { ?>
<div id="profile-nav-wrap" class="btn-wrap">
<a href="#" id="profile-nav" class="sidebar-btn fa fa-user table-cell"><span id="ab-pending-notifications-mobile" class="pending-count no-alert"></span></a>
<?php } ?>
</div><!-- #mobile-header -->
global $rtl, $woocommerce;
$header_style = boss_get_option('boss_header');
$boxed = boss_get_option( 'boss_layout_style' );
<div class="<?php echo ($rtl) ? 'left-col' : 'right-col'; ?><?php if($woocommerce) { echo ' woocommerce'; } ?>">
<?php if ( '2' == $header_style ): ?>
<div class="table">
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( '1' == $header_style ): ?>
<?php if ( $boxed == 'boxed' ): ?>
<div class="header-notifications search-toggle">
<a href="#" class="fa fa-search closed"></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="<?php echo ($rtl) ? 'left-col-inner' : 'right-col-inner'; ?>">
<?php endif; ?>
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$name_class = '';
$update_data = wp_get_update_data();
if ($update_data['counts']['total'] && current_user_can( 'update_core' ) && current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) && current_user_can( 'update_themes' )) {
$name_class = 'has_updates';
<!-- Notification -->
<div class="header-notifications updates">
<a class="notification-link fa fa-refresh" href="<?php echo network_admin_url( 'update-core.php' ); ?>">
<span class="ab-label"><?php echo number_format_i18n( $update_data['counts']['total'] ); ?></span>
if ( buddyboss_is_bp_active() && bp_is_active( 'notifications' ) ):
if ( function_exists( 'buddyboss_notification_bp_members_shortcode_bar_notifications_menu' ) ) {
echo do_shortcode( '[buddyboss_notification_bar]' );
} else {
$notifications = buddyboss_adminbar_notification();
$link = $notifications[ 0 ];
unset( $notifications[ 0 ] );
<!-- Notification -->
<div class="header-notifications all-notifications">
<a class="notification-link fa fa-bell" href="<?php
if ( $link ) {
echo $link->href;
if ( $link ) {
echo $link->title;
<div class="pop">
if ( $link ) {
foreach ( $notifications as $notification ) {
echo '<a href="' . $notification->href . '">' . $notification->title . '</a>';
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- Woocommerce Notification -->
<?php echo boss_cart_icon_html(); ?>
<?php if ( buddyboss_is_bp_active() ) { ?>
<!--Account details -->
<div class="header-account-login">
<?php do_action( "buddyboss_before_header_account_login_block" ); ?>
<a class="user-link" href="<?php echo bp_core_get_user_domain( get_current_user_id() ); ?>">
<span class="name <?php echo $name_class; ?>"><?php echo bp_core_get_user_displayname( get_current_user_id() ); ?></span>
<?php echo bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'type' => 'full', 'width' => '100', 'height' => '100' ) ); ?> </span>
<div class="pop">
<!-- Dashboard links -->
if ( boss_get_option( 'boss_dashboard' ) && current_user_can( 'read' ) ) :
get_template_part( 'template-parts/header-dashboard-links' );
<!-- Adminbar -->
<div id="adminbar-links" class="bp_components">
<?php buddyboss_adminbar_myaccount(); ?>
if ( boss_get_option( 'boss_profile_adminbar' ) ) {
wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'header-my-account', 'fallback_cb' => '', 'menu_class' => 'links' ) );
<span class="logout">
<a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(); ?>"><?php _e( 'Logout', 'boss' ); ?></a>
<?php do_action( "buddyboss_after_header_account_login_block" ); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<!-- Woocommerce Notification for guest users-->
<?php echo boss_cart_icon_html(); ?>
<!-- Register/Login links for logged out users -->
<?php if ( !is_user_logged_in() && buddyboss_is_bp_active() && !bp_hide_loggedout_adminbar( false ) ) : ?>
<?php if( '2' == boss_get_option('boss_header') ){ ?>
<div class="table-cell">
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( buddyboss_is_bp_active() && bp_get_signup_allowed() ) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo bp_get_signup_page(); ?>" class="register screen-reader-shortcut"><?php _e( 'Register', 'boss' ); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="<?php echo wp_login_url(); ?>" class="login"><?php _e( 'Login', 'boss' ); ?></a>
<?php if( '2' == boss_get_option('boss_header') ){ ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php } ?> <!-- if ( is_user_logged_in() ) -->
* The Header for your theme.
* Displays all of the <head> section and everything up until <div id="main">
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Boss
* @since Boss 1.0.0
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
<meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no"/>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<link rel="profile" href="" />
<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>" />
<!-- BuddyPress and bbPress Stylesheets are called in wp_head, if plugins are activated -->
<?php wp_head(); ?>
global $rtl;
$logo = ( boss_get_option( 'logo_switch' ) && boss_get_option( 'boss_logo', 'id' ) ) ? '1' : '0';
$inputs = ( boss_get_option( 'boss_inputs' ) ) ? '1' : '0';
$boxed = boss_get_option( 'boss_layout_style' );
$header_style = boss_get_option('boss_header');
// $boxed = 'fluid';
<body <?php body_class(); ?> data-logo="<?php echo $logo; ?>" data-inputs="<?php echo $inputs; ?>" data-rtl="<?php echo ($rtl) ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>" data-header="<?php echo $header_style; ?>">
<?php do_action( 'buddyboss_before_header' ); ?>
<div id="scroll-to"></div>
<header id="masthead" class="site-header" data-infinite="<?php echo ( boss_get_option( 'boss_activity_infinite' ) ) ? 'on' : 'off'; ?>">
<div class="header-wrap">
<div class="header-outher">
<div class="header-inner">
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/header-fluid-layout-column' ); ?>
<?php if( '1' == $header_style ){ ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/header-middle-column' ); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/header-profile' ); ?>
</div><!-- .header-inner -->
</div><!-- .header-wrap -->
</div><!-- .header-outher -->
<div id="mastlogo">
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/header-logo' ); ?>
<p class="site-description"><?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?></p>
</div><!-- .mastlogo -->
</header><!-- #masthead -->
<?php do_action( 'buddyboss_after_header' ); ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/header-mobile' ); ?>
<!-- #panels closed in footer-->
<div id="panels" class="<?php echo (boss_get_option( 'boss_adminbar' )) ? 'with-adminbar' : ''; ?>">
<!-- Left Panel -->
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/left-panel' ); ?>
<!-- Left Mobile Menu -->
<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/left-mobile-menu' ); ?>
<div id="right-panel">
<div id="right-panel-inner">
<div id="main-wrap"> <!-- Wrap for Mobile content -->
<div id="inner-wrap"> <!-- Inner Wrap for Mobile content -->
<?php do_action( 'buddyboss_inside_wrapper' ); ?>
<div id="page" class="hfeed site">
<div id="main" class="wrapper">
<div id="left-panel" class="menu-panel">
<div id="left-panel-inner">
<div id="scroll-area">
if ( !is_page_template( 'page-no-buddypanel.php' ) && boss_get_option( 'boss_layout_style' ) == 'fluid' ) {
echo wp_nav_menu(
array( 'theme_location' => 'left-panel-menu',
'container_id' => 'nav-menu',
'fallback_cb' => '',
'depth' => 2,
'echo' => false,
'walker' => new BuddybossWalker
<!-- Adminbar -->
<div class="bp_components mobile">
<?php buddyboss_adminbar_myaccount(); ?>
if ( !is_page_template( 'page-no-buddypanel.php' ) && !(!boss_get_option( 'boss_panel_hide' ) && !is_user_logged_in()) ) {
wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'header-my-account', 'container_class' => 'boss-mobile-porfile-menu', 'fallback_cb' => '', 'menu_class' => 'links', 'depth' => 2, 'walker' => new BuddybossWalker ) );
<!-- Register/Login links for logged out users -->
<?php if ( !is_user_logged_in() && buddyboss_is_bp_active() && !bp_hide_loggedout_adminbar( false ) ) : ?>
<?php if ( buddyboss_is_bp_active() && bp_get_signup_allowed() ) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo bp_get_signup_page(); ?>" class="register-link screen-reader-shortcut"><?php _e( 'Register', 'boss' ); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="<?php echo wp_login_url(); ?>" class="login-link screen-reader-shortcut"><?php _e( 'Login', 'boss' ); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(is_user_logged_in()): ?>
<a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(); ?>" class="logout-link screen-reader-shortcut"><?php _e( 'Logout', 'boss' ); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
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