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Created October 30, 2012 17:01
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PFont font;
PImage centralPark;
int counter = 0;
CPWeather wg;
Clouds[] littleClouds;
int count;
void setup() {
size(800, 600);
//make object
wg = new CPWeather();
//request weather
count = wg.humidity;
littleClouds = new Clouds[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
littleClouds[i] = new Clouds(random(width), random(height), random(50, 200));
font = loadFont("Didot-22.vlw");
centralPark = loadImage("");
void draw() {
image (centralPark, 0, 0, width, height);
float brightness = map(wg.temperature, 20, 100, 200, 0);
fill(0, brightness);
rect(0, 0, width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
//Get values to display
String weather = wg.getWeather();
int temp = wg.getTemp();
int humid = wg.getHumid();
String wind = wg.getWind();
//Display data
text(weather, 10, 50);
text("Temp = " + temp + "F", 10, 100);
text("Humidity = " + humid, 10, 150);
text(wind, 10, 200);
class CPWeather {
String weather = " ";
int temperature = 0;
int humidity = 0;
String wind = " ";
String windDir = " ";
float speed = 0;
//Get weather
String getWeather(){
return weather;
//Get temperature
int getTemp(){
return temperature;
//Get humidity
int getHumid(){
return humidity;
//get wind
String getWind(){
return wind;
//Get wind direction
String getWindDir(){
return windDir;
//Get wind speed
float getSpeed(){
return speed;
//Reqeust XML
void requestWeather(){
String url = "";
String[] lines = loadStrings(url);
//Turn array into one string
String xml = join(lines, "");
//Search weather string
String lookfor = "<weather>";
String end = "</weather>";
weather = giveMeTextBetween(xml, lookfor, end);
//Search temperature Farenheit
lookfor = "<temp_f>";
end = "</temp_f>";
temperature = int(giveMeTextBetween(xml, lookfor, end));
//Search humidity rating
lookfor = "<relative_humidity>";
end = "</relative_humidity>";
humidity = int(giveMeTextBetween(xml, lookfor, end));
//Search wind string
lookfor = "<wind_string>";
end = "</wind_string>";
wind = giveMeTextBetween(xml, lookfor, end);
//Search wind direction string
lookfor = "<wind_dir>";
end = "</wind_dir>";
windDir = giveMeTextBetween(xml, lookfor, end);
//Search wind speed
lookfor = "<wind_mph>";
end = "</wind_mph>";
speed = float(giveMeTextBetween(xml, lookfor, end));
// A function that returns a substring between two substrings
String giveMeTextBetween(String s, String before, String after) {
String found = "";
int start = s.indexOf(before); // Find the index of the beginning tag
if (start == - 1) return""; // If we don't find anything, send back a blank String
start += before.length(); // Move to the end of the beginning tag
int end = s.indexOf(after,start); // Find the index of the end tag
if (end == -1) return""; // If we don't find the end tag, send back a blank String
return s.substring(start,end); // Return the text in between
class Clouds {
float xpos, ypos, diameter;
Clouds (float x, float y, float d) {
xpos = x;
ypos = y;
diameter = d;
void draw() {
fill(155, 50);
ellipse(xpos, ypos, diameter, diameter);
void move() {
int speedDirX = 0 ;
int speedDirY = 0 ;
if (wg.windDir.equals("East")) {
speedDirX = -1;
else if (wg.windDir.equals("North")) {
speedDirY = -1;
else if (wg.windDir.equals("West")||wg.windDir.equals("Variable")) {
speedDirX = 1;
else if (wg.windDir.equals("South")) {
speedDirY = 1;
xpos += wg.speed*speedDirX;
ypos += wg.speed*speedDirY;
void loopCloud() {
if (xpos <= 0) {
xpos = width;
} else if (xpos >= width){
xpos = 0;
if (ypos <= 0) {
ypos = height;
} else if (ypos >= height){
ypos = 0;
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