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Last active May 22, 2024 21:38
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//google login process variables
let signInButton, logoutButton, commentInput, saveCommentButton;
let userName = "";
// Variables to manage button positions and sizes dynamically -- adapted from AJ's original buttons
let buttonX1, buttonX2, buttonX3, buttonY, buttonW, buttonH;
// Variables for dynamic layout in the favorite teams display -- adapted from Andy's original buttons
let favButtonStartY = 175; // Initial vertical position of the first favorite button
let favButtonSpacing = 40; // Vertical spacing between buttons
let favButtonHeight = 30; // Height of each button
let favButtonWidth; // Will be set based on window width
//Andy's code
let teams = ["Basketball", "Lacrosse", "Soccer", "Tennis", "Track"];
let favorites = new Array(teams.length).fill(false);
//popular games
let popularGames = []
//Charlotte's code
let eventData;
let games;
let starredGames = []
//new thing to help manage screens or app states
let displayState = 'welcome'; // Possible states: 'welcome', 'gameSchedule', 'popularGames', 'favoriteTeams'
let dataLoaded = false;
function preload() {
loadJSON('athletics.json', function (data) {
console.log('Data loaded successfully:', data);
eventData = data; // Assuming eventData is supposed to hold the entire loaded data = processGameData(;
// Initialize starredGames with false for each game
starredGames = => false);
console.log('Games length:',,, 'Starred length:', starredGames.length, starredGames);
dataLoaded = true;
}, function (error) {
console.error('Failed to load data:', error);
function processGameData(games) {
return => ({
id: `${\s+/g, '')}-${game.opponent.replace(/\s+/g, '')}-${}`
.replace(/[.$\[\]#\/]/g, '') // Remove Firebase-illegal characters
.replace(/:/g, '-'), // Replace colon in time with hyphen
opponent: game.opponent,
time: game.time,
location: game.location,
advantage: game.advantage,
detailsLink: game.detailsLink
function setup() {
//____________layout elements section ______________________
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// Initialize the "Sign in with Google" button
signInButton = createButton('Sign In with Google');
signInButton.position(20, 20);
// Initialize the logout button but hide it initially
logoutButton = createButton('Logout');
logoutButton.position(windowWidth - 120, 20); // Upper right corner
// Adjust UI elements if the window is resized
updateButtonLayout(); // Call this function to initialize button positions and sizes
//_______________end layout elements section_________
//______________begin data scrape by charlotte_________________
games =;
// Ensure eventData is loaded and has the 'games' array
if (eventData && { => {
const summary = game.SUMMARY;
const dstart = game.DTSTART;
const location = game.LOCATION;
//____________________end data scrape by Charlotte_____________________________
//__________________begin google login section by Zainab & Ms. Brooks_________________
// Authentication state observer
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
userName = user.displayName || "User";
fetchFavoriteTeams(); // Fetch the favorite teams right after login
} else {;
userName = "";
//_______________end google login section_______________________________
function draw() {
// Show welcome message near logout button if user is signed in
if (userName) {
textSize(16); // Smaller text size
textAlign(RIGHT, TOP);
text(`Welcome ${userName}`, windowWidth - 130, 15);
// Check the display state and update the canvas accordingly
switch (displayState) {
case 'gameSchedule':
displayUpcomingGames(); // Assumes this function displays the games
case 'popularGames':
// functionality to display popular games
for (let index = 0; index < popularGames.length; index++) {
let info = popularGames[index];
text(info, 100, 150 + index * 30);
case 'favoriteTeams':
displayFavoriteTeams(); // This now handles displaying favorite teams
function displayHeader() {
// Display buttons on the header
drawButton('Game Schedule', buttonX1, buttonY);
drawButton('Popular Games', buttonX2, buttonY);
drawButton('Favorite Teams', buttonX3, buttonY);
// Modern settings button with three lines (hamburger menu icon)
drawSettingsButton(width - 40, 15); // Draw the settings icon at the top right
function displayWelcomeMessage() {
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("Welcome to the Sports App!", width / 2, height / 2);
function displayFavoriteTeams() {
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
for (let i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
let yPosition = favButtonStartY + i * favButtonSpacing;
// Display favorite button
rect(10, yPosition - 15, favButtonWidth, favButtonHeight);
// Display team name and favorite status
text(teams[i], width / 2, yPosition);
fill(favorites[i] ? 255 : 0, 0, 0);
text(favorites[i] ? "★" : "☆", 20, yPosition);
function saveFavoriteTeams() {
// Ensure username is not empty and is a valid Firebase key
if (!userName || userName.includes('.') || userName.includes('#') || userName.includes('$') || userName.includes('[') || userName.includes(']')) {
console.error("Invalid username for Firebase key");
const favoriteTeamsData = {};
teams.forEach((team, index) => {
favoriteTeamsData[team] = favorites[index]; // Store boolean of favorite status
// Save the favorite teams to Firebase using username
firebase.database().ref('favoriteTeams/' + userName).set(favoriteTeamsData)
.then(() => {
console.log("Favorite teams saved successfully under username.");
}).catch((error) => {
console.error("Error saving favorite teams with username:", error.message);
function fetchFavoriteTeams() {
if (!userName) {
console.error("Username not set. Cannot fetch favorite teams.");
const userFavoritesRef = firebase.database().ref('favoriteTeams/' + userName);
userFavoritesRef.once('value', snapshot => {
const data = snapshot.val();
if (data) {
teams.forEach((team, index) => {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(team)) {
favorites[index] = data[team];
} else {
favorites[index] = false; // Default to false if not specified
console.log("Favorite teams loaded:", favorites);
}).catch((error) => {
console.error("Error fetching favorite teams:", error.message);
function signInWithGoogle() {
let provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).catch((error) => {
console.error("Error during sign-in:", error.message);
function signOut() {
firebase.auth().signOut().catch((error) => {
console.error("Sign out error:", error.message);
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
logoutButton.position(windowWidth - 120, 20);
//AJ Code
function drawButton(label, x, y) {
fill(255, 235, 59); // Yellow background for buttons
rect(x - buttonW / 2, y - buttonH / 2, buttonW, buttonH, 5); // Centered button with dynamic width
fill(0); // Black text for contrast
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(label, x, y);
function updateButtonLayout() {
buttonW = windowWidth / 4;
buttonH = 40;
buttonX1 = windowWidth / 6;
buttonX2 = windowWidth / 2;
buttonX3 = 5 * windowWidth / 6;
buttonY = 75;
favButtonWidth = windowWidth - 20; // Set favorite buttons' width based on window width
function drawSettingsButton(x, y) {
const barHeight = 3;
const barSpacing = 5;
fill(0); // Black color for the icon
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
rect(x, y + i * barSpacing, 20, barHeight);
function displayUpcomingGames() {
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
text('Upcoming Games:', 50, 170);
let yPos = 200;
if (eventData && {
for (let index = 0; index <; index++) {
let game =[index];
let summary = + ' vs ' + game.opponent;
let dstart = formatDate(;
let location = game.location;
text(`${summary} on ${dstart} at ${location}`, 50, yPos);
// Display star button
fill(starredGames[index] ? 255 : 0, 0, 0); // Assuming starredGames is an array of booleans
text(starredGames[index] ? "★" : "☆", 30, yPos);
yPos += 20;
} else {
text("Loading data...", 10, yPos);
function formatDate(dateStr) {
const date = new Date(dateStr);
return date.toLocaleDateString('en-US', {
weekday: 'long',
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric'
function updateStarredStatusInFirebase(gameId, isStarred) {
if (!userName) {
console.error("Invalid username for Firebase key");
let gameRef = firebase.database().ref(`starredGames/${userName}/${gameId}`);
.then(() => console.log(`Star status updated for game ${gameId}: ${isStarred}`))
.catch(error => console.error("Error updating star status in Firebase:", error));
function fetchStarredGames() {
// Reference to the user's starred games in Firebase
let userGamesRef = firebase.database().ref(`starredGames/${userName}`);
userGamesRef.once('value', snapshot => {
const starredStatus = snapshot.val(); // This will be an object with game IDs as keys and starred status as values
if (starredStatus) {
console.log("Starred games by user:", starredStatus); // Log all starred games by the user
} else {
console.log("No games starred by user.");
// Update the starredGames array based on fetched data, index) => {
if (starredStatus && starredStatus[]) {
starredGames[index] = true; // Set to true if the game is starred
} else {
starredGames[index] = false; // Set to false otherwise
displayUpcomingGames(); // Refresh the game display
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Error fetching starred games from Firebase:", error);
function fetchPopularGames() {
const gamesRef = firebase.database().ref('starredGames');
const gameTrueCounts = {};
gamesRef.once('value', snapshot => {
const users = snapshot.val(); // Get all user data
popularGames = []; // Reset the array
for (const userName in users) {
const userGames = users[userName];
for (const gameId in userGames) {
const isStarred = userGames[gameId];
if (isStarred) {
if (gameTrueCounts[gameId]) {
gameTrueCounts[gameId] += 1;
} else {
gameTrueCounts[gameId] = 1;
// Prepare data for drawing
Object.keys(gameTrueCounts).forEach(gameId => {
popularGames.push(`${gameId}: ${gameTrueCounts[gameId]} times`);
console.log("Games with 'true' starred status:", popularGames);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Error retrieving starred games from Firebase:", error);
function logStarredGames() {
// text("hello",width/2,height/2)
const gamesRef = firebase.database().ref('starredGames');
const gameTrueCounts = {}; // Object to store the count of true statuses per game
gamesRef.once('value', snapshot => {
const users = snapshot.val(); // Get all user data
// Iterate over each user
for (const userName in users) {
const userGames = users[userName]; // Get this user's games
// Iterate over this user's games
for (const gameId in userGames) {
const isStarred = userGames[gameId]; // Get the starred status
// If the game is starred, increment its count in the gameTrueCounts object
if (isStarred) {
if (gameTrueCounts[gameId]) {
gameTrueCounts[gameId] += 1;
} else {
gameTrueCounts[gameId] = 1;
// Log the games that have at least one true status and their counts
console.log("Games with 'true' starred status:");
Object.keys(gameTrueCounts).forEach(gameId => {
console.log(`${gameId}: ${gameTrueCounts[gameId]} times`);
text(`${gameId}: ${gameTrueCounts[gameId]} times`,width/2,height/2)
text("hello", width / 2, height / 2)
// If you need to do something with this data, like displaying it in the UI, you can do so here
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Error retrieving starred games from Firebase:", error);
function mousePressed() {
console.log("Mouse X: " + mouseX + ", Mouse Y: " + mouseY);
// Check for navigation button presses
if (mouseY >= buttonY && mouseY <= buttonY + buttonH) {
if (mouseX > buttonX1 - buttonW / 2 && mouseX < buttonX1 + buttonW / 2) {
displayState = 'gameSchedule';
} else if (mouseX > buttonX2 - buttonW / 2 && mouseX < buttonX2 + buttonW / 2) {
displayState = 'popularGames';
} else if (mouseX > buttonX3 - buttonW / 2 && mouseX < buttonX3 + buttonW / 2) {
displayState = 'favoriteTeams';
} else if (displayState === 'gameSchedule') {
let yPos = 200; // Starting Y position for games
let starX = 30; // X position of the star
let starWidth = 20; // Width of the clickable area for the star
let starHeight = 20; // Height of the clickable area for the star
for (let index = 0; index <; index++) {
let game =[index];
let yPosCalc = yPos + index * 20; // Calculate the Y position of the current game
// Check if click is within the star's area for each game
if (mouseX >= starX && mouseX <= starX + starWidth && mouseY >= yPosCalc && mouseY <= yPosCalc + starHeight) {
starredGames[index] = !starredGames[index]; // Toggle starred status
console.log("Game: ",, "Starred: ", starredGames[index]);
// Update Firebase immediately with the new star status
updateStarredStatusInFirebase(, starredGames[index]);
return; // Exit loop after handling the click
} else if (displayState === 'favoriteTeams') {
// Existing code for favorite teams
for (let i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
let favbuttonX = 10; // X position of the star
let favbuttonY = favButtonStartY + i * favButtonSpacing - 15; // Y position of the star
let buttonHeight = 30; // Height of the clickable area for the star
// Check if click is within the star's area
if (mouseX >= favbuttonX && mouseX <= favbuttonX + favButtonWidth && mouseY >= favbuttonY && mouseY <= favbuttonY + buttonHeight) {
favorites[i] = !favorites[i]; // Toggle favorite status
saveFavoriteTeams(); // Call the function to save updated favorites to Firebase
console.log("Toggled favorite for " + teams[i] + ": " + favorites[i]);
break; // Exit the loop once the click is handled
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