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Last active July 6, 2024 13:29
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Looks for db entities that are not in the `dbt` project and produces (and optionally runs) SQL to drop them
{%- macro drop_vestigial_relations(
) %}
{%- if exclude_schemas is string %}
{%- set exclude_schemas = [exclude_schemas] %}
{%- elif exclude_schemas is not iterable %}
{%- do exceptions.raise_compiler_error('`exclude_schemas` must be a string or a list') %}
{%- endif %}
{#- Always exclude the test audit schema #}
{%- set exclude_schemas = exclude_schemas + [target.schema ~ '_dbt_test__audit'] %}
{#- Exclude the shared <snapshot_schema_name> schema when running in dev #}
{%- if 'dev' in %}
{%- set exclude_schemas = exclude_schemas + ['<snapshot_schema_name>'] %}
{%- do log('Schema <snapshot_schema_name>` will be ignored in dev environment', info=true) %}
{%- endif %}
{#- Identify non-dbt tables in dbt-referenced schemas, if any, as '<schemaname>.<tablename>' #}
{%- set non_dbt_tables = [] %}
{%- if execute %}
{%- set nodes_to_check =
graph.nodes.values() | selectattr('resource_type', 'in', ['model', 'seed', 'snapshot']) | list %}
{%- set graph_schemas = [] %}
{%- for node in graph.nodes.values() %}
{%- if node.schema not in graph_schemas and node.schema not in exclude_schemas %}
{%- do graph_schemas.append(node.schema) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- do log('Finding vestigial tables in these schemas:\n\t\t' ~ graph_schemas|join('\n\t\t'), info=True) %}
{%- call statement('get_vestigial_tables', fetch_result=True) %}
with current_graph as (
{%- for node in nodes_to_check %}
select '{{ node.schema }}' as schema_name, '{{ }}' as ref_name
{%- if not loop.last %}
union all{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
current_tables as (
schemaname as schema_name,
tablename as ref_name,
'table' as ref_type
from pg_catalog.pg_tables
where schemaname in (
{% for s in graph_schemas %}'{{ s }}'{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor -%})
current_views as (
schemaname as schema_name,
viewname as ref_name,
'view' as ref_type
from pg_catalog.pg_views
where schemaname in (
{% for s in graph_schemas %}'{{ s }}'{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor -%})
current_db as (
select * from current_tables
union all select * from current_views
select current_db.*
left join current_graph
on current_graph.schema_name = current_db.schema_name
and current_graph.ref_name = current_db.ref_name
where current_graph.ref_name is null
order by current_db.schema_name, current_db.ref_name
{%- endcall %}
{%- set full_results = load_result('get_vestigial_tables')['data'] %}
{%- set to_delete = [] %}
{% for item in full_results %}
{%- set item_name = item[0] ~ '.' ~ item[1]%}
{%- if item_name not in non_dbt_tables %}
{%- do to_delete.append(item)%}
{%- else %}
{%- do log('Ignoring non-dbt relation "' ~ item_name ~ '"', info=true)%}
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- if to_delete %}
{% set drop_query_list = ['begin;'] %}
{%- for item in to_delete %}
{%- set drop_statement %} drop {{ item[2] }} if exists "{{ item[0] }}"."{{ item[1] }}" cascade;{%- endset %}
{%- do drop_query_list.append(drop_statement) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- do drop_query_list.append('commit;') %}
{%- set drop_query = drop_query_list|join('\n') %}
{%- if not dry_run %}
{%- do log('Executing the following statements:', info=true) %}
{%- do log(drop_query, info=true) %}
{%- do run_query(drop_query) %}
{%- else %}
{%- do log("", info=true) %}
{%- do log('DRY RUN produced the following statements:\n\t\t' ~ drop_query_list|join('\n\t\t'), info=true) %}
{% if raise_on_dry_run %}
{%- set err_msg -%}
{{ to_delete|length }} vestigial tables found during dry run. See logs for details.
{%- endset %}
{%- do exceptions.raise_compiler_error(err_msg) %}
{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- else %}
{%- do log('No vestigial tables found', info=true) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
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whrocha commented Mar 22, 2024

thanks just works GREAT!

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