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Last active October 28, 2021 00:26
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int unicodeå()
{ return 0; }
int foo(int[] a)
a ~= 1;
return a[0];
void bar()
(() @system {})();
enum ABC {
struct Foo {}
struct Bar {
int a;
float b;
void[] c;
ABC abc = ABC.B;
string s = "artur";
int foobar(int* p, int[] a, int[int] b, real c, Foo f, Bar bar)
string sa = "atum";
wstring sb = "wide atum"w;
dstring sc = "double atum"d;
char[] sd = "atum".dup;
dchar[] se = "double atum"d.dup;
wchar[] sf = "wide atum"w.dup;
const(char)[] sg = "atum".dup;
immutable(dchar)[] sh = "double atum"d.dup;
const(wchar)[] si = "wide atum"w.dup;
return *p;
class CFoo {
int a;
interface IFoo {}
class CIFoo : IFoo {
float c;
struct A_A {}
void main()
auto a = foo([10]);
int* p = cast(int*)0xDEADBEEF;
ABC aaa = ABC.C;
size_t s;
real b = 1.0L;
A_A[] arr;
Bar* bar = new Bar();
string str = "turtle";
dstring dstr = "double turtle";
wstring wstr = "wide turtle";
CFoo cfoo = new CFoo();
IFoo ifoo = new CIFoo();
int[string] aarr = ["foo": 1, "bar": 2, "foobar": 0];
int[A_A] aarr2;
int[char[]] aarr3;
char[][int] aarr4;
foobar(p, [1,2,3], [1:1, 2:2, 3:3], 123.123L, Foo(), Bar());
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