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Last active December 10, 2020 17:17
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Advent of code, 2020
% The first task is to find numbers in a list that sum up to 2020. We
% will solve this problem using constraint logic programming over
% finite domains in prolog.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
% In the first part we are given a list of numbers and we want to find
% 2 numbers that sum up to the value 2020 and then calculate the
% product of those two numbers. We therefore want a predicate that
% takes the length of the list of numbers to find (Length), and will
% find the numbers (Numbers) that sum to 2020 and the product of those
% numbers (Product). Finding the numbers is strictly not necessary,
% but it makes it verify that we have the correct numbers.
step_1(Numbers, Product) :-
once(solve(2, Numbers, Product)).
% Part 2 is exactly the same as part one, but we want to ask for 3
% numbers instead of 2:
step_2(Numbers, Product) :-
once(solve(3, Numbers, Product)).
solve(Length, Numbers, Product) :-
% Firstly, Numbers is an ungrounded and unconstrained
% variable. That means that it can have any value. The first thing
% we do is to restrict Numbers to be a list of Length values. Each of
% those values can, for now, be any value.
length(Numbers, Length),
% day_1 then calculate the constraints given to us by the task that we were given.
% We find the an example of Numbers that satisfy the
% constraint.
% Lastly, we also want to calculate the product of the numbers as
% that is the proof that we found the correct numbers.
[N| Ns] = Numbers,
foldl(product_, Ns, N, Product).
day_1(Numbers) :-
phrase_from_stream(numbers([E|Expenses], 'advent_1_inp.txt'),
% We need to restrict the numbers that we can choose from to the
% numbers in the list of expenses. We do that by creating a domain
% that contains all of the expenses. Here we can see the small
% optimization: We use the first expense as the accumulator in the
% foldl so that we don't have to consider how to handle the empty
% domain. Here we say that the Domain is the union of all of the
% expenses.
foldl(union_, Expenses, E, Domain),
% We then say that each of the numbers in the list is part of the
% domain over expenses.
Numbers ins Domain,
% Another small optimization is that we assume that non of the
% numbers repeat and that we can only use a number once. We can
% therefore say that the numbers in the list are ordered from
% smallest to largest.
chain(Numbers, #<),
% Finally, we can say that the sum of the numbers should be 2020;
% the task that we were asked to solve.
sum(Numbers, #=, 2020).
% This is a helper predicate that is used with foldl and just
% creates the union of the domains E and D.
union_(E, D, '\\/'(E, D)).
% this is a helper predicate that is used with foldl and just gives us
% the product of N and M.
product_(N, M, P) :- P #= N * M.
numbers([N]) --> integer(N), blanks.
numbers([N|Ns]) --> integer(N), blanks, numbers(Ns).
% Solving advent of code day 2 using constraint logic programming over
% finite domains in prolog.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
% We want a predicate that will give us the number (L) of passwords
% that fit the password constraints given in the task.
step_1(L) :-
% We parse the input file using definite clause grammar (DCG).
phrase_from_file(passwords(Passwords), 'advent_2_inp.txt'),
% We then count which passwords meet the constraint for the
% passwords.
aggregate_all(count, (member(P, Passwords), check_step_1(P)), L).
% Each password (p) exists of a Lower and Upper bound for the number
% of times the character (Char) can appear in the Password.
check_step_1(p(Lower, Upper, Char, Password)) :-
% We count the number of times the Char appears in the
% Password. 'aggregate_all' count all the number of ways that the
% 'arg' goal can complete. In our instance, the password is a
% functor and we count where the arguments are the character. This
% could be a list instead, but indexed lookup is much faster for a
% functor.
aggregate_all(count, arg(_, Password, Char), Length),
% and check if it is between the Lower and Upper bound.
chain([Lower, Length, Upper], #=<).
% In step two the constraints on the password changes, but the process
% is the same as in the first step.
step_2(L) :-
phrase_from_file(passwords(Passwords), 'advent_2_inp.txt'),
% And count the passwords that meet the constraint.
aggregate_all(count, (member(P, Passwords), check_step_2(P)), L).
check_step_2(p(Idx1, Idx2, Char, Password)) :-
% We get the Char at index 1...
arg(Idx1, Password, Char1),
% The character at index 2...
arg(Idx2, Password, Char2),
% and we check that either Char1 is the Char or Char2 is the Char,
% but not both.
Char1 #= Char #\ Char2 #= Char.
% To parse the input file, we define a system of definite clause
% grammars. We want to be able to say that the file consists of many
% passwords; one after the other.
% We say that by saying that a list of passwords either has a single
% password, or it has one password followed by more passwords.
passwords([P]) -->
% For a list of 1 passwords, the list should
password(P), % contain a password, and
blanks. % potentially some blanks.
passwords([P|Passwords]) -->
% For a list of many passwords, the list should contain
password(P), % first one password and
blanks, % potentially some blanks,
passwords(Passwords). % lastly there should be more passwords.
% We then have to be able to acutally parse a single password. A
% single password consinsts of a Lower and Upper bound, a Char and
% then the acutal Password string.
password(p(Lower, Upper, Char, Password)) -->
% We should first find an integer,
% Then a -
% then another integer,
% a blank space
% a nonblank character
% a colon
% a blank space
% and the rest of the line, is the password string.
string_without("\n", String),
% We could use just the String, but that is a list and we are
% going to access the characters in the string by index. It is
% much faster to acess the arguments of a functor than the
% indices of a list.
Password =.. [array | String]
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
line(Line) -->
string_without("\n", L),
{ Line =.. [line | L] }.
lines([Line]) --> line(Line), blanks.
lines([L|Lines]) -->
traverse(_, _, [], []).
traverse(R-D, Rd-Dd, Lines, Tiles) :-
R #> 31,
R1 #= R - 31,
traverse(R1-D, Rd-Dd, Lines, Tiles).
traverse(_, _-Dd, Lines, []) :-
length(Lines, L),
Dd #> L.
traverse(R-D, Rd-Dd, [Line | Lines], [T|Tiles]) :-
arg(R, Line, T),
R1 #= R + Rd,
D1 #= D + Dd,
length(Head, Dd),
append(Head, Lines1, [Line | Lines]),
traverse(R1-D1, Rd-Dd, Lines1, Tiles).
path(Lines, D, Count) :-
traverse(1-1, D, Lines, Path),
aggregate_all(count, member(35, Path), Count).
step_1(Trees) :-
phrase_from_file(lines(Lines), 'advent_3_inp.txt'),
path(3-1, Lines, Path),
aggregate_all(count, member(35, Path), Trees), !.
product_(N, M, P) :- P #= N * M.
step_2([C|Counts], Product) :-
phrase_from_file(lines(Lines), 'advent_3_inp.txt'),
maplist(path(Lines), [1-1, 3-1, 5-1, 7-1, 1-2], [C|Counts]),
foldl(product_, Counts, C, Product), !.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes).
info(Prop) -->
[A, B, C], ":", !, nonblanks(Value),
{ atom_codes(Name, [A, B, C]), Prop =.. [Name, Value] }.
passport([I]) --> info(I).
passport([I|Info]) --> info(I), blank, passport(Info).
passports([P]) --> passport(P), blanks.
passports([P|Passports]) --> passport(P), "\n\n" , passports(Passports).
valid(Info) :-
maplist(functor, Info, Names, _),
subtract([byr, iyr, eyr, hgt, hcl, ecl, pid], Names, []).
check(byr(Byr)) :- integer(Y, Byr, []), Y #>= 1920, Y #=< 2002.
check(iyr(Iyr)) :- integer(Y, Iyr, []), Y #>= 2010, Y #=< 2020.
check(eyr(Eyr)) :- integer(Y, Eyr, []), Y #>= 2020, Y #=< 2030.
check(hgt(Hgt)) :- integer(H, Hgt, "cm"), H #>= 150, H #=< 193.
check(hgt(Hgt)) :- integer(H, Hgt, "in"), H #>= 59, H #=< 76.
check(hcl(Hcl)) :- phrase(("#", xinteger(_)), Hcl).
check(ecl(Ecl)) :- atom_codes(E, Ecl), memberchk(E, [amb, blu, brn, gry, grn, hzl, oth]).
check(pid(Pid)) :- length(Pid, 9), integer(_, Pid, []).
main(Step1, Step2) :-
phrase_from_file(passports(Passports), 'advent_4_inp.txt'),
include(valid, Passports, Valid),
length(Valid, Step1),
include(maplist(check), Valid, Checked),
length(Checked, Step2).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
row([1]) --> "B".
row([1|Ls]) --> "B", row(Ls).
row([0]) --> "F".
row([0|Ls]) --> "F", row(Ls).
col([1]) --> "R".
col([1|Ls]) --> "R", col(Ls).
col([0]) --> "L".
col([0|Ls]) --> "L", col(Ls).
position([Row,Col]) --> row(Row), col(Col).
seating([S]) --> position(S), blanks.
seating([S|Seats]) --> position(S), blanks, seating(Seats).
restrict(0, L-U0, L-U) :- U #= U0 - ((U0 - L) // 2) - 1.
restrict(1, L0-U, L-U) :- L #= L0 + ((U - L0) // 2) + 1.
seat([X, Y], Id) :-
foldl(restrict, X, 0-127, Row-Row),
foldl(restrict, Y, 0-7, Col-Col),
Id #= Row * 8 + Col.
hole([A, B | _], Missing) :-
2 #= B - A,
Missing #= A + 1.
hole([_|Seats], Missing) :-
hole(Seats, Missing).
main(Part1, Part2) :-
phrase_from_file(seating(Seating), 'advent_5_inp.txt'),
maplist(seat, Seating, Ids), !,
max_list(Ids, Part1),
sort(Ids, Sorted),
hole(Sorted, Part2).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
answers([], []).
answers(Group, [Answer|Answers]) :-
append(Answer, [10 | Rest], Group),
answers(Rest, Answers).
answers(Group, [Answer]) :-
append(Answer, [10], Group).
answers(Group, [Group]).
groups(Str, [Answers | Groups]) :-
append(Group, [10, 10 | Rest], Str),
answers(Group, Answers),
groups(Rest, Groups).
groups(Str, [Answer]) :-
answers(Str, Answer).
unique_1(Answers, Count) :-
[A| As] = Answers,
foldl(union, As, A, Unique),
length(Unique, Count).
unique_2(Answers, Count) :-
[A| As] = Answers,
foldl(intersection, As, A, Unique),
length(Unique, Count).
main(Part1, Part2) :-
read_file_to_codes('advent_6_inp.txt', Codes, []),
groups(Codes, Groups),
maplist(unique_1, Groups, Count1),
sum(Count1, #=, Part1),
maplist(unique_2, Groups, Count2),
sum(Count2, #=, Part2), !.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/high_order)).
bag(Bag) -->
nonblanks(A), " ", nonblanks(C), " bag", optional("s", []),
{ append(A, [0'_|C], S), atom_codes(Bag, S) }.
bags([N-Bag|Bags]) --> integer(N), " ", bag(Bag), ", ", bags(Bags).
bags([N-Bag]) --> integer(N), " ", bag(Bag).
rule(contains(B, Bags)) --> bag(B), " contain ", bags(Bags), ".".
rule(contains(B, [])) --> bag(B), " contain no other bags.".
rules([R|Rules]) --> rule(R), "\n", rules(Rules).
rules([R]) --> rule(R), blanks.
assert_contains(S, N-O) :- assertz(contains(S, N, O)).
assert_rule(contains(S, Os)) :- maplist(assert_contains(S), Os).
assert_rules(Rules) :- maplist(assert_rule, Rules).
can_contain(Bag, Container) :-
contains(Container, _, Bag).
can_contain(Bag, Container) :-
contains(C, _, Bag),
can_contain(C, Container).
product_(A, B, N) :- N #= A * B.
count(A-_, Bs, Ns) :- maplist(product_(A), Bs, Ns).
inventory(N-Bag, Value) :-
findall(C-B, contains(Bag, C, B), Cs),
maplist(inventory, Cs, Bags),
sum(Bags, #=, V),
Value #= N + V * N.
read_rules :-
retractall(contains(_, _, _)),
phrase_from_file(rules(Rules), 'advent_7_inp.txt'),
assert_rules(Rules), !.
main(Part1, Part2) :-
aggregate_all(set(C), can_contain(shiny_gold, C), S),
length(S, Part1),
inventory(1-shiny_gold, Value),
Part2 #= Value - 1.
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/high_order)).
instruction(Inst-Val) -->
[A, B, C], " ", integer(Val), "\n",
{ atom_codes(Inst, [A,B,C]) }.
instructions(Insts) --> sequence(instruction, Insts).
assert_insts(Insts) :- retractall(inst(_, _, _)), assert_insts(1, Insts).
assert_insts(_, []).
assert_insts(N, [Inst-Val|Insts]) :-
assertz(inst(N, Inst, Val)),
N1 #= N + 1,
assert_insts(N1, Insts).
eval(acc, Val, [I0, Acc0], [I, Acc]) :- I #= I0 + 1, Acc #= Acc0 + Val.
eval(jmp, Val, [I0, Acc], [I, Acc]) :- I #= I0 + Val.
eval(nop, _, [I0, Acc], [I, Acc]) :- I #= I0 + 1.
interpret_1(Vs, I, Acc, Acc) :-
member(I, Vs), !.
interpret_1(Vs, I0, Acc0, Out) :-
inst(I0, Inst, Val),
eval(Inst, Val, [I0, Acc0], [I, Acc]),
interpret_1([I0| Vs], I, Acc, Out).
interpret_1(Out) :- interpret_1([], 1, 0, Out).
interpret_2(_, _, I, Acc, Acc) :-
\+ inst(I, _, _).
interpret_2(Mod, Vs, I0, Acc0, Out) :-
\+ member(I0, Vs),
inst(I0, jmp, Val),
Mod = I0,
eval(nop, Val, [I0, Acc0], [I, Acc]),
interpret_2(Mod, [I0|Vs], I, Acc, Out).
interpret_2( Mod, Vs, I0, Acc0, Out) :-
\+ member(I0, Vs),
inst(I0, Inst, Val),
eval(Inst, Val, [I0, Acc0], [I, Acc]),
interpret_2(Mod, [I0|Vs], I, Acc, Out).
interpret_2(Out) :- interpret_2(_, [], 1, 0, Out).
main(Part1, Part2) :-
phrase_from_file(instructions(Insts), 'advent_8_inp.txt'),
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/high_order)).
n(N) --> integer(N), "\n".
union_(E, D, '\\/'(E, D)).
dom([P|Preamble], V) :-
foldl(union_, Preamble, P, Domain),
[A, B] ins Domain,
A #\= B,
V #= A + B,
check(Preamble, N) :-
\+ dom(Preamble, N).
validate(Numbers, Invalid) :-
length(Preamble, 25),
append(Preamble, [Invalid | _], Numbers),
check(Preamble, Invalid).
validate([_|Numbers], Invalid) :-
validate(Numbers, Invalid).
find_([H|T], Sum0, Target, [H|Seq]) :-
Sum #= Sum0 + H,
Sum #< Target,
find_(T, Sum, Target, Seq).
find_([H|_], Sum0, Target, [H]) :-
Target #= Sum0 + H.
find([], _, []).
find([H|T], Target, Seq) :-
find_([H|T], 0, Target, Seq).
find([_|T], Target, Seq) :-
find(T, Target, Seq).
main(Part1, Part2) :-
phrase_from_file(sequence(n, List), 'advent_9_inp.txt'),
validate(List, Part1),
find(List, Part1, Example),
length(Example, Length),
Length #> 1,
min_member(Min, Example),
max_member(Max, Example),
Part2 #= Min + Max.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/high_order)).
n(N) --> integer(N), "\n".
arrange(_, Jmax, Jmax, [0, 1]).
arrange([H|T], Jmax, J, [A, C]) :-
1 #= H - J,
A0 #= A - 1,
arrange(T, Jmax, H, [A0, C]).
arrange([H|T], Jmax, J, [A, C]) :-
3 #= H - J,
C0 #= C - 1,
arrange(T, Jmax, H, [A, C0]).
arrange([_|T], Jmax, J, Cs) :-
arrange(T, Jmax, J, Cs).
assert_edge(N, C) :- assertz(edge(N, C)).
children(N, [C|T], [C|Children]) :-
C - N #>= 1 #/\ C - N #=< 3,
!, children(N, T, Children).
children(_, _, []).
assert_dag([H|T]) :-
children(H, T, C),
maplist(assert_edge(H), C),
:- table n_paths/2.
n_paths(N, 1) :- \+ edge(N, _).
n_paths(N, Sum) :-
aggregate(set(C), edge(N, C), Children),
maplist(n_paths, Children, Vals),
sum(Vals, #=, Sum).
main(Part1, Part2) :-
phrase_from_file(sequence(n, List), 'advent_10_inp.txt'),
sort(List, Adapters),
max_list(Adapters, Max),
arrange(Adapters, Max, 0, [A, C]), !,
Part1 #= A * C,
retractall(edge(_, _)),
n_paths(0, Part2).
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