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Created July 26, 2014 14:04
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import Html as H
import Html ((:=))
intercalate : String -> [String] -> String
intercalate s ss = concat (intersperse s ss)
shadow : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> String
shadow x y b h s l = intercalate " " [H.px x , H.px y, H.px b] ++ " " ++ H.color (hsl h s l)
greeting : Float -> Element
greeting t = let theta = t * (2 * pi) / 3.0
in container 500 500 middle
<| H.toElement 200 200
<| H.node "div" []
[ "color" := H.color (hsl theta 0.75 0.80)
, "font-size" := H.px 60
, "text-shadow" := intercalate ", " [ shadow 2 2 8 theta 0.85 0.2
, shadow 0 0 35 theta 0.95 0.1
[H.text "Hello Rainbow"]
frameCount : Signal Float
frameCount = let sceneFps = 25 in (sampleOn (fps sceneFps) (constant (1.0/sceneFps)))
main : Signal Element
main = greeting <~ foldp (+) 0 frameCount
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