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Last active March 1, 2023 17:46
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Provides the ability to create / delete multiple Kubernetes clusters
configuration=$(cat ./resources.json)
length=$(echo $configuration | jq -r ".clusters | length")
for ((i=0; i<length; i++)); do
read name location country <<< $(echo $configuration | jq -r ".clusters[$i] | [.name, .location, .country] | @tsv")
echo "=> Creating Kubernetes cluster ($country)..."
az aks create \
--resource-group "Management" \
--name $name \
--location $location \
--min-count "3"\
--max-count "175" \
--enable-cluster-autoscaler \
--node-vm-size "standard_d8s_v5" \
--zones "3" \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--auto-upgrade-channel patch \
configuration=$(cat ./resources.json)
length=$(echo $configuration | jq -r ".clusters | length")
for ((i=0; i<length; i++)); do
read name country <<< $(echo $configuration | jq -r ".clusters[$i] | [.name, .country] | @tsv")
echo "=> Deleting Kubernetes cluster ($country)..."
az aks delete \
--resource-group "Management" \
--name $name \
--yes \
"clusters": [
"name": "",
"location": "swedencentral",
"country": "Sweden"
"name": "",
"location": "francecentral",
"country": "France"
"name": "",
"location": "germanywestcentral",
"country": "Germany"
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